The Anatomy of Cheating: A Novel

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The Anatomy of Cheating: A Novel Page 14

by Nesly Clerge

  “We may not see each other for a week or more. I’m already feeling bereft at the idea.”

  “I can’t stand the thought, either. So,” she trailed her fingers up his thigh. “Since we’ve already had the main course, maybe we should have dessert. Interested?”

  “Let me show you how much.” Luke pulled her onto the bed and rolled her onto her back. He began at her lips then trailed his mouth lower and lower. He reached his destination and said, “Who doesn’t love pie?”

  Chelsea cried out and grabbed his head. “Every time you do that to me, I’m certain you’ll have to peel me off the ceiling.”

  He lifted his head. “You’re not going anywhere until I’m done.”

  “You mean until I’m done.”

  “Just for that, I won’t settle for anything less than undone.”

  “You’ve already accomplished that.”


  The women congregated in the kitchen, tending to the tasks of putting up the few leftovers from the Thanksgiving feast, loading dishes into the dishwasher, and scrubbing pots in the sink. Kimberlie, phone in hand, texted someone as she bounced up the stairs to watch TV in her grandparents’ bedroom.

  Garrett, Richard, and their father plopped onto the sofa and chairs in the den. Garrett switched on the big-screen TV he’d given his parents the prior Christmas.

  Thomas Hall unbuckled his belt and opened the top button on his pants. “I ate too much.”

  Garrett said, “As always.”

  Richard draped one of his legs over a cushioned chair arm. “Easy to do. Our women can cook.”

  Theresa Hall came to the door. “Garrett, I need you to help me with something.”

  “The game’s about to start, Mom.”

  “It won’t take long.”

  “Is it that urgent?”

  “You’re not too old for me to drag you up by the ear, son.”

  Thomas kicked a toe toward Garrett. “You’re wasting time arguing with her. Better get it over with.”

  Garrett hoisted himself from the chair. “What’s so important?”

  Theresa pulled him by the sleeve of his sweater. “It’s in the front yard.”

  “I’ll get my jacket.”

  “We won’t be out that long.”

  He shrugged and followed her through the front door, to a hedge near the sidewalk. “I’m a doctor, not a yardman.”

  Theresa put her hands on her hips. “You’re in trouble, is what you are.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I’m talking about your marriage. I’m talking about saving it.”

  “My marriage is fine.” He turned. “This is ridiculous. I’m going back in. It’s freezing.”

  “It’s not fine. Not according to your brother. And I’m not blind. You and Chelsea act like a couple that tolerates each other. Barely.”

  Garrett clinched his hands into fists. “What the hell does Richard know about my business? What did he tell you?”


  “He’s blowing smoke.”

  “Not according to Chelsea.” She tilted her head up. “That’s right. I guess your wife needed to talk to someone who knows you well, and didn’t feel it was appropriate for that someone to be your mother.”

  “She’s a whiner. I’ve spoiled her. I’m telling you, we’re fine. Sure, we’ve had some rough patches. Every couple does. But she gets these bouts of petulance. That’s all.”

  “You can’t fool me, son. I know you too well. You’re back to your antics, aren’t you?”

  Garrett shook his head. “You’re wrong. You’re all wrong. I do my best to provide for my family, and this is the grief I get. Well, Richard’s going to get it from me.” He started for the door.

  Theresa grabbed his arm. “Your brother talked to me in confidence. I told him I wouldn’t say a word. You say anything to him, you’ll get me in trouble. But I have a precious granddaughter to think about.”

  Garrett shook her hand off. “My family is my concern.”

  “Then maybe it’s time you start acting like it.”


  Chelsea cast several glances toward Garrett on the drive home. He’d worn a scowl since shortly after they’d finished dinner. When the men cheered or jeered during certain plays in the game, Garrett’s voice wasn’t among them. For the remainder of the time with her in-laws, the only person he’d talked to, with more than brief sentences, was Kimberlie.

  Garrett parked the car in the garage. Kimberlie bounded out and used her key to dash inside and up the stairs, leaving the door open to the blustery chill.

  Garrett said, “Don’t get out yet.”

  Chelsea removed her hand from the door handle. “What’s wrong? You haven’t been yourself all afternoon.”

  He stayed facing forward. “You have no business confiding in Richard.”

  Chelsea strained to hide her surprise and discomfort. “What are you talking about?”

  Garrett pounded the steering wheel. “Don’t act like you don’t know. I don’t want my family’s noses in our personal life. What’s between us stays there. Richard is the last damn person I want involved in my affairs.”

  “Not the best choice of words.”

  “Damn it, Chelsea. I’m serious. You have something to say, you say it to me.”

  “If you’re ever around long enough, maybe I will.”

  “If you want to know why I’m not, listen to yourself. And look in the damn mirror.”

  “Obviously, I’m not so awful. You wanted me a few nights ago.”

  Garrett barked a laugh. “I figured the occasional mercy fuck is one of my obligations. Believe me. It’s a relief when you refuse me.”

  Chelsea’s eyes filled. “It’s a relief for both of us. You’re such an asshole. A selfish, arrogant—”

  “Get out.”


  “Get out. I’m going for a drive.”

  “It’s Thanksgiving.”

  “I know what damn day it is. I need to ride around and cool off before I have to spend any more time with you.”

  Chelsea left the car door open and went toward the house. She heard the door being slammed and Garrett shout, “Bitch,” before he backed out.

  The tires squealed as he drove away.

  “And I’d take a bet—and win—on how you’re going to cool off.”

  She went inside and closed the door.


  Noise of Christmas shoppers bustling past the landscaped courtyard located at the center of the upscale mall, reverberated in the huge enclosure. Potted palms strategically placed around the perimeter did little to buffer the volume. Chelsea absentmindedly stirred her Bloody Mary with the celery stalk and said, “I have no idea what to get Garrett for Christmas.”

  Penelope leaned forward to hear her better. “You two getting along now?”

  “We’re cordial to each other, but that’s about it. We make an extra effort when Kimmie’s around.”

  “You’ve got two weeks to figure out what to get him. What about Luke? What are you getting him? Not that you’re obligated to give your paramour anything; though, it’s considered a nice gesture.”

  “That presented a greater challenge. I can’t buy something really nice. Garrett might find out about it when he does the accounting. Nor can I give Luke anything that would get him in trouble at home.”

  “You’ll think of something.”

  Chelsea blushed and grinned. “I did.”

  Penelope leaned in closer. “You have to tell me.”

  “I discussed this dilemma with Luke several weeks back. I got creative. In the Ladies room at one of the places we meet.”

  “Where do you go?”

  “That’s between me and Luke.”

  “And that was enough? A one-time little bit of risque sex? He’s easy to please.”

  Chelsea shook her head. “In the backseat of my car—never the front, because one of you inevitably hits the horn. Against a wall i
n an alley. A wooded area in the park. A house under construction—when no one was there, of course. In a field. Behind a barn, the second time in the hayloft. There were several more places, and more to come. I’ve discovered it’s fun to think of the possibilities. Even more fun to test them.”

  “Wow, Chels. I never took you as one who’d be adventurous.”

  “Luke inspires me in a way Garrett never did. It may sound odd, but anything beyond standard with Garrett would have felt sleazy. It’s completely different with Luke.”

  “Any idea what Luke’s going to give you.”

  Chelsea pinked from her neck up. “He started giving at the same time I did. I express my desires and he fulfills them, and acts on some of his own. Until I can’t breathe or think anymore.”

  “I guess he’s stuffing your stocking pretty often.”

  Chelsea’s blush deepened. “Always more than once in the few hours we have. And if I’ve worn him out on one end, he’s still energized at the other.”

  “I’m getting aroused just hearing about it. I admit it: I’m jealous. But you’re getting close to the danger zone, Chels.”

  Chelsea wrapped her hands around her glass. “I’ve already crossed into it.” She raised her eyes to look directly at Penelope. “I love him. And I want to please him. Sure, it feels a little dangerous, carrying on as we have been, but that adds to the excitement. It deepens our connection.” She laughed. “No pun intended.”

  Penelope shook her head. “You don’t really love him. What you’re feeling is the thrill of being a naughty girl after being married for so long. Especially because the bloom is off the rose with you and Garrett.”

  Chelsea shook her head. “That’s not it. I mean, it is thrilling, but we really are in love. There’s nothing shallow about how we feel.”

  “I think you’re both fooling yourselves.”

  “You’re wrong. We’ve broached the subject of getting divorced so we can be together.”

  Penelope choked on the sip of Chablis she’d taken. “Are you out of your mind? Be smart, Chels. Keep the good life with Garrett and boink Luke on the side. No reason to get everyone embroiled in that kind of conflict. And believe me, Garrett wouldn’t go easy on you. He might not go easy on Luke, either. Don’t ruin a good thing. Enjoy it for what it is and let the rest of it go.”

  “I don’t see why Garrett should care, considering what he gets up to.”

  “But you aren’t absolutely sure Garrett’s up to anything.” She paused. “Or are you?”

  Chelsea shrugged. “I’m not saying he doesn’t work a lot of hours, but no one works as much as he supposedly does.”

  “You can’t do this, Chelsea. Don’t even think about it.”

  “It’s almost all I think about lately.”


  Luke threw his hands up in frustration. “I don’t know what you want from me, Brandi. I don’t think you know. Other than to bark at me like a drill sergeant or criticize me every time we’re in the same space. My patience is wearing thin, frankly.”

  Brandi flung the large spoon into the pot of beef soup she’d been stirring. She faced him, hands on her hips. “Your patience is wearing thin? I don’t give a damn about your patience. I work sixty hours a week. You work half of that or less.”

  “I’m working more hours during the holidays, and you know it.”

  Brandi harrumphed. “Then I come home and have to take care of things here. I do the shopping. I cook. I clean. I manage the accounting and pay the bills. Mostly with what I earn. You sit in the damn basement writing for pennies. The only one getting anything out of this marriage is you.”

  “I’d help around here, but nothing I do or the way I do it pleases you, so why bother? You yell at me no matter what. The only time I have anything that resembles peace is when I’m in the basement, not that I don’t hear you slamming cabinets or pans, stomping around or cranking up the volume on the TV, or running the damn vacuum to deliberately disturb me.”

  Brandi clasped her hands and held them to her chest. “I’m so very sorry. The great author must have peace and quiet so he can produce dribble that doesn’t sell. How uncharitable of me.”

  “Since that’s the only kind of peace I can get from you, you might at least let me have it. It is, after all, two days till Christmas.”

  “You can’t possibly expect me to be available for sex.”

  “The only thing I can expect from you is more of this behavior. And since we’re laying it out there, even if you wanted me, I doubt I could get it up, considering all that’s been going on. No sane man wants to hump a cactus.”

  “I’m not missing anything. Not much to miss.”

  “And that’s you in a nutshell, Brandi.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “When a man says ‘for better or worse,’ he’s thinking of circumstances life brings his way that he and his wife work through together. Not the worst in his woman. And not 24/7.” Luke grabbed his laptop from his office and stormed to the front door.

  “Where do you think you’re going?”

  Before closing the door behind him, Luke said, “I’m going to find a quiet place where I can work for a while. Enjoy having your kingdom all to yourself.”


  Luke drove to the corner, turned right and pulled up to the curb. He drew his phone from his shirt pocket.

  I know it’s last minute, but can you get away for a while?

  A minute later Chelsea replied, As it happens, I can. Where?

  Start heading to our place. I’ll text the room number to you.

  See you soon. Every inch of you.

  Luke dropped his phone onto the passenger seat and drove a few miles over the speed limit. Toward his destination. His solace. His refuge.

  Chelsea tapped on the motel room door and flung herself into Luke’s arms as soon as he opened it. They stayed there for several moments, letting their lips speak their longing. She pulled back and studied his face. “What is it?”

  “I’d say it was another fight with Brandi, but it’s really the same one that never stops.”

  “I’m sorry, Luke. I guess I’m fortunate. Garrett and I now speak only if we must. He’s home so seldom when I’m awake, I barely have to contend with him.”

  Luke sat on the end of the bed and patted the spot next to him. “I don’t want to talk about them. I’ve got news. Incredible news.”

  “You’re beaming. Tell me.”

  “It’s just as you said. My books are gaining momentum. More sales, more exceptional reviews. All coming fast.”

  “That’s wonderful, Luke. It was just a matter of time.”

  “It’s better than that.” He grinned. “My royalties are up to four thousand dollars. For this month. I feel like I’m finally on the journey I always intended to take. Was meant to take.”

  “You were on that journey when you typed the first word of the first story. I’m thrilled for you, love. And to celebrate,” she pushed him back and teased the zipper of his jeans down, “let me take you on a different kind of journey.”

  Chelsea draped a leg over Luke and stroked his chest. “I love these times with you, but I want more.”

  “I agree.”

  “What are we going to do, Luke?”

  “I think it’s time we do what’s necessary to make it permanent.”

  “Do you mean it? You’re not just saying that to—”

  “Appease you? I wouldn’t do that to you. Why should we live miserable lives with only intervals of joy? I think it’s time to switch those quantities around.”

  Chelsea caressed his face and kissed him. “I’m ready.”

  Luke pulled her head to his chest. She’d never been through a divorce as he had. At some point he’d have to tell her no one is ever ready for what comes of that action, even if they believe they are. Not during, not after.

  Chelsea’s phone rang. She checked who was calling. “It’s Garrett.”


>   The call came at seven forty-five on the evening of the twenty-third of December. Garrett checked caller ID and told Dr. Jacobs to stay quiet. He slowed his thrusts and answered. “Chloe, I’m deep into something at the moment.” He grinned at the woman beneath him, put his hand over her mouth, sped up his thrusts then slowed again. “I’ll have to call you back later.”

  “Richard’s in the E.R. He collapsed or something.”

  Garrett withdrew from his partner and sat on the edge of the bed. “What happened?”

  “Anna was so upset, I couldn’t really make sense of what she was saying. But I did understand they’re running the usual tests to find out what’s going on.”

  “Which hospital?”


  “I’m on my way. Do you need me to pick you up?”

  “I’m in the car with Mom and Dad. Anna’s at the hospital. She rode in the ambulance.”

  “I’ll be there as soon as I can.” He ended the call and turned to the woman. “My brother’s in the emergency room. Get my clothes organized. I’ve got to speed-shower and get going.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Too soon to know.”

  Garrett found his parents, Chloe, and Anna in the emergency waiting room. “Do you know anything yet?”

  Thomas Hall answered. “He had a stroke. They found the clot and are prepping him for surgery now, to remove it.”

  “I’m going in there. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  Twenty minutes later, Garrett returned with five cups of coffee and sandwiches for each of them. “They said the stroke happened in the right hemisphere. Not that there’s a good side of the brain to have a TIA, but Richard’s recovery will likely be easier because of that. I was able to speak to him just before they administered anesthesia and booted me out. I told him he’s in good hands. That we’re all here and will be when he wakes. He was aware enough to understand. I think. Now we wait.”


  The electronic glass doors slid open. Chelsea rushed to the information desk in the emergency room, heard familiar voices to her left. She joined the family in the waiting area, hugging everyone in turn. Garrett explained the situation. She held up a bag. “I brought sandwiches and sodas.”


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