Romance: Teen Romance: Follow Your Dreams (A Nerd and a Bad Boy Romance) (New Adult High School Sports Romance)

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Romance: Teen Romance: Follow Your Dreams (A Nerd and a Bad Boy Romance) (New Adult High School Sports Romance) Page 49

by White, Stella

  It seemed that the bullet had gone straight through the top of the shoulder and although there were two wounds it was not as bad as the blood would let you think. Warm water and gentle washing revealed a clean wound. Wrapped in clean bandages and a soft jacket pulled into place, Bertie felt human again and held out his hand for Caroline to come and sit beside him.

  “Thank you for riding to my rescue,” she said. “You were truly a knight in shining armour.”

  “And I claim the hand of the maiden in distress.” He grinned at her. “We will do that waltz at the wedding, and nobody will be brave enough to complain.”

  “My cousin will be delighted. He will be able to teach Arabella how to waltz as well.” His bride to be added and he drew her towards him for the kiss that took them both into another realm entirely where time stood still.

  “Happy ever after, Caroline, Lady Haverbrook. Happy ever after.” He murmured into her hair. She nestled against him and smiled.


  The Storm of the Season – A Regency Romance

  Chapter 1

  “Ernest, thank heavens. You're back. I can't find Charlotte anywhere, and I can't find Mary either,'' Lady Melbourne shouted, as her husband climbed the steps to their mansion, Eaton Hall. ''I've been waiting an age for you to return. Why do those regimental dinners go on for so long? You're just a bunch of old soldiers, what on earth do you have to talk about until deep into the night?''

  ''Deep in the night? It's only ten-fifteen. We talk about old times and have the odd glass.''

  ''And the way you climbed those steps, it looks as though you've had a few too many. Really, Ernest, you are a shambles. Now go and find Charlotte. I really do not want to have to tell the Duke, that his beloved Charlotte has disappeared.''

  ''When did you last see her?'' Lord Melbourne asked, slightly unsteady on his feet. He'd spent the evening at the monthly dinner of his old regiment, the Hussars. In his day, Lord Melbourne had been a dashing officer, who'd led his men into battle. Now he was a henpecked, fifty-three year old, with little to do all day, but remember past campaigns.

  ''Before you left. I think around four o'clock. She had tea in the drawing room. I haven't seen her since.''

  ''And where do you suggest I look at this time in the evening? It's pitch black outside. And by the feel of it, it's about to pour down.''

  ''Ernest, please don't talk to me like that. We have a household of fifty servants, half of them male. Take them, and find the blessed girl.''

  Lord Melbourne took four footmen, three stable hands, two gardeners and Lewis, the butler. He knew their search would prove fruitless, but if he didn't appease his wife, he wouldn't hear the last of it. After twenty-five years of marriage, he knew that incurring the wrath of his wife was not a good idea. ''Listen, men, it's started to pour down. My daughter won't be out on the estate in this weather. I suggest we go down to the village and have a brandy.''

  The men nodded in agreement. They were grateful they would be able to sit in front of the warm fire at the Ship Inn, and drink.


  ''And, did you find her?'' Lady Melbourne shouted as the men walked back up the drive, some hours later.

  ''No dear, we've searched every inch of this three hundred hectare estate. She's nowhere to be seen,'' her husband slurred.

  ''Ernest get inside now. And as for you men, you should be ashamed of yourselves. Do you think I was born yesterday? By the look of you, you haven't been searching for my daughter at all, you've been getting drunk in the Ship. None of you have mud on your boots. There will be consequences for all of you. Now be off to with you.” Lady Melbourne sighed. “And sit down Ernest, before you fall down. You're a disgrace to the family name. I have no idea why I married you. You've always been a drunk and a scoundrel. How many wenches were there in the Ship this evening? You're a Lord. You should behave like one.''

  ''My dear, calm yourself, and please don't start mentioning the fact that this estate belongs to you. I am perfectly aware of it. You remind me almost daily. However, I am Lord Melbourne, not you.''

  ''You're drunk. You only had the name Lord, when I married you, nothing else. You were penniless. Without me, you would be living in a tiny house, on your paltry army pension. Now get to bed. When I wake up in the morning, I'll inform the Duke.''


  ''Miss, it's raining so hard, we'll have to put into the next Inn. It looks like it may thunder and I don't want the horses frightened.''

  ''Of course. That would be very dangerous indeed,'' Charlotte said to the coachman. ''Oh Mary, did you hear that? We're going to have to stop. We've only been traveling for five hours. It's much too close to home. Somebody will surely discover us.''

  ''Calm yourself, Miss Charlotte. I think, we have come a long way. It won't be easy for anyone from Eaton Hall to find us.''

  ''I'm not worried about anybody from Eaton Hall. But I am worried the Duke will send some of his henchmen to find me.''

  ''Miss Charlotte, I hate to see you so upset. Please try to calm yourself. If you continue to worry, you'll make yourself ill.''

  ''Oh Mary, you're so kind. I really don't know what I would do without you. I am so thankful to you for accompanying me.''

  ''Not at all. I am your faithful servant. I will always do as you ask. It has pained me greatly to see you so unhappy since your betrothal to the Duke.''

  ''Forced betrothal, I may add. I hate that man, and my mother, for doing this to me. My mother just wanted me to marry him because he is a Duke. He's old, unpleasant and cruel. I'm afraid to say, my mother is so engulfed in status, that she knows nothing of love. She only married my father because he had a title. I don't believe she loved him. She just wanted to be Lady Melbourne. She bought my father with her vast wealth.''

  Mary was concerned about Charlotte's welfare. Mary had come to Eaton Hall some five years earlier, when Charlotte had just celebrated her sixteenth birthday. She was Charlotte's first lady's maid. The two young women got on famously, from the very first day. On some occasions, they'd filled Eaton Hall with so much laughter and gaiety, even the servants began to smile again. That hadn't happened for many a year. Charlotte's mother had tried to dampen their spirits by telling her daughter, that Mary was just a servant and should be treated as one. Charlotte hadn't listened, and their relationship was more that of two friends, than mistress and servant.

  ''It looks like we're here,'' Mary said, as the coach lunged into a deep rut in the road. ''I'll wait, and get our bags, you go inside and warm yourself. It's a foul night, and I don't want you catching a cold.''

  Charlotte nodded, and when the coach pulled into the Inn's courtyard, she accepted the coachman's arm, dismounted, and went inside.

  The Innkeeper looked at Charlotte and raised his eyebrows at her beauty. When he studied her, he noticed her piercing green eyes and the fine features of her face. She was tall and delicately built, but he did notice her ample bust.

  ''Miss, please, take a seat by the fire. It's a dreadful night. I heard this storm is likely to last for two days. No point in frightening the horses. You might as well stay here until the weather improves.''

  Charlotte was upset to hear they may be held up for longer than one evening. She wanted to put as much distance between her and the Duke as possible, in the least amount of time.

  When Mary arrived at the bar with their bags, the Innkeeper took both ladies upstairs and showed them to their chambers. Charlotte was surprised that an ordinary coaching station had such beautiful rooms. Inside, there was a small four-poster bed, a fireplace, and a wash stand. Some kind person had lit the fire, and it was beautifully warm.

  ''I'll hang your dresses up, and put your things in the drawers. The coachman told me; we might be here for quite a while. I don't want to leave your things in the damp bag,'' Mary said.

  ''Yes, thank you. I'm really disappointed we are here at all. We were supposed to be in Newark by now. I don't think we have made even half that distance.''

  ''Don't wo
rry about that. What's important is that we are safe. What use would it be, if we had to spend the night inside the coach, in the middle of nowhere? Here, it's warm, and the beds looks comfortable.''

  ''But I'm so afraid the Duke will find me. Our wedding is only three weeks away, and if I have to marry him, I will end my life.''

  ''Let's go to sleep now. We'll see what the weather's like in the morning.''

  Chapter 2

  ''Oh Mary, when will this dreadful storm finally cease?'' Charlotte asked as she looked out of the breakfast room window.

  ''I have no idea. Before you came down this morning, I asked the coachman, and he thinks we'll be here for another day. He won't leave while there is so much thunder around. The loud bangs frighten the horses, and if they bolt when they're pulling the coach, there could be dreadful accident.''

  ''Yes, I understand. Then we'll just have to wait. I've finished eating now, come and sit with me in the bar. There is a large table, where we can play cards.'' The two women sat comfortably in front of the fire and played whist.

  Then the gust threw open the front door.

  And he stepped in.

  Everyone in the bar looked at him. The man was tall, muscular and rugged. As he closed the door behind him, he glanced around. He noticed two beautiful young women playing cards by the fire, an old man enjoying his first pint of the day, two coachmen, and the innkeeper.

  ''Good day to you all. Innkeeper, a brandy please,'' he said, his voice booming across the room. ''A fire, excellent. Ladies, do you mind if I sit next to you? I have been out in this storm for hours, and I'm afraid I'm rather cold.''

  Charlotte and Mary shuffled along the settle as the man took off his sodden cape and hat and sat down next to them.''

  The Innkeeper brought him a brandy, and Charlotte studied him, nervously. Had the Duke sent him to find her, she asked herself? He looked as though he had had a hard life. He wasn't old, perhaps just three or four years older than Charlotte, but his rugged features made him look older. Charlotte found him attractive. It was his deep blue eyes and angular jaw. She wondered how he had got the scar on his cheek.

  ''Tell me, Sir, what made you ride through such inclement weather for so long that you are soaked to the skin?'' Charlotte asked.

  “'I have to be in London by tomorrow, at the latest. But I fear the weather will prevent me. I have an important engagement there.''

  ''How interesting. I hope you don't think me too curious to ask you, but what is your line of business?''

  ''I'm an engineer. Tomorrow, I am to meet with the Duke of Westminster. He wants me to plan a new bridge over the Thames.''

  Charlotte was suspicious. She hadn't liked him using the word Duke. It seemed to be a little too coincidental to her predicament. She also found it rather implausible, that the Duke of Westminster would choose a man from the North of England to build a bridge in London. Surely there were enough engineers in London, she thought.

  ''Are you two ladies waiting for the storm to pass before traveling further?''

  ''Yes, Sir. It's too dangerous for the horses to be out. We are going to wait here until it clears up,'' Charlotte said.

  ''Splendid. Then perhaps you will allow me to sit with you. I'll get some sherry.''

  ''It is really quite early for sherry. Perhaps tea?'' Mary said.

  ''No, Sherry will be fine. If we are to sit here all day, we may as well make merriment,'' Charlotte added.

  ''I'm am Ralph Bellington. I'm very pleased to make your acquaintance,'' he said as they each raised a glass.

  ''I am Georgina, and this is my maid Milly,'' Charlotte lied.


  ''Oh, you are so funny Ralph. That's a lovely story,'' Charlotte laughed. They had spent three hours sitting by the fire, drinking sherry and relating stories. Charlotte had been quite brilliant at making up a completely new life for her and Mary. They weren't from Eaton Hall but from Westfield Lodge. They weren't running away from the Duke but on their way to her cousin's wedding in London. Charlotte had lied perfectly throughout the whole afternoon, and she had enjoyed it enormously.

  ''Milly are you feeling alright?'' Charlotte asked as Mary's head sank to the table.

  ''I believe she is drunk, Miss Georgina,'' Ralph said.

  ''Oh dear, please help me. We have had rather a lot to drink. Will you help me to take her to her room?''

  Charlotte and Ralph helped Mary to her feet and supported her, as they climbed the narrow staircase. They took off Mary's shoes and lay her on the bed.

  ''She'll be alright tomorrow. There's plenty of time for her to sleep it off,'' Ralph concluded.

  ''Yes, I hope so. Oops,'' Charlotte said, as she almost lost her footing and fell into Ralph's arms. ''I too have had a bit too much sherry. I think I should lie down. My room is next door.''

  Ralph picked her up and carried her into the corridor. ''This way,'' Charlotte said. ''Please come inside with me.”

  He put her down when they were in the room. As he was about to leave, there was a huge rumble of thunder. Charlotte jumped. ''I really don't like thunder, it scares me so. Would you mind if I asked you to stay with me?'' She wasn't really afraid, she just wanted to feel his strong arms around her. She wanted him to make her feel special. She'd had to spend so much time recently with the hateful Duke that she was now prepared to offer herself, without delay, to the handsome stranger. Albeit under the influence of several glasses of sherry.

  ''Of course. If you don't find it indelicate having a gentleman in your bedchamber in the middle of the afternoon.''

  She took his hand and led him to the bed. She sat down on the edge and held his hands as he stood before her. ''Sir, I want you to make love to me. You are the most handsome man, I have ever met.''

  He bent down and kissed her, and as he did so, Charlotte put her hands to his groin and felt the weight of his manhood.

  He laughed. ''Madam is in high spirits, isn't she?''

  ''Yes, madam is,'' she said as she squeezed gently. ''Kiss me,'' she commanded. As their mouths locked, there was another clash of thunder. She felt its rumble throughout her entire body.

  Charlotte suddenly remembered his reference to the Duke of Wellington. It made her nervous, but she was passed caring, she just wanted the handsome man to take her. She felt his fingers unfastening the buttons at the back of her dress. When they were open, he slipped the dress from her shoulders and kissed her neck. Charlotte put her hands behind his neck and pulled him into her. His lips played hungrily over her sensitive skin, and she loved it. He began to kiss lower and lower until he reached the top of her breasts. When she felt him there, she let out a little moan.

  Now she wanted to feel him on her nipples, and she lowered her undergarments. He looked and saw her turgid buds staring at him, waiting to be licked. When his tongue glanced over them, Charlotte felt a sudden ache seer through her womanhood. That made her impatient. She reached for his belt, and when it was open, his buttons. She pulled his trousers and underpants down, in one fluid movement.

  Lightening illuminated the room, and Ralph’s penis sprang up. Charlotte bent her head and opened her mouth. He stopped sucking her breasts and stood upright. As Charlotte's head bobbed up and down, he sank his head back and closed his eyes. He was enchanted by her, and the feel of her dainty mouth on his hardness drove him perilously close to orgasm.

  Instead of coming in her mouth, he pulled out of her and lifted her to her feet. He spun her around and pulled all her garments down past her calves. As she stepped out of them, he looked at the beauty of her naked body, graced by the light of the storm. Her shoulders were dainty, almost fragile looking. Her back was unimaginably sensual. It was long, and her muscles were well defined, in the most feminine of senses. When his eyes looked at her bottom, he was overcome with desire and passion. She gasped as he lifted her up, walked across the room and bent her, face first, to the window, the rain pounding against the glass.

  ''No Ralph, people will see us.''

  ''That's the f
un. The danger.''

  Charlotte didn't complain anymore, the sherry had numbed her inhibitions. All she wanted was to feel him fill her aching vagina. As he looked down, he saw her pubic hair glistening with desire. He put his hands on her hips and pulled her onto him. Charlotte gasped when she felt him inside her. Thunder shook the bedroom.

  As the intensity of his strokes increased, Charlotte's breathing became shallower and shallower. When she felt him reach around her, and start to rub her clitoris, it was too much. Thunder. Lightening. She moaned, shoved herself back against his hardness, and came.

  Afterwards, her legs were like jelly. She would have collapsed had he not caught her. He carried her away from the window and tossed her onto the bed. He turned her around and took her from behind.

  To Charlotte, it was the act of a man who knew what he wanted. The sight of her bottom as her plunged himself into her, and the scent of her womanly arousal brought him closer and closer to orgasm. When he saw her clench her fists and begin to shake again, he shouted out and emptied himself into her. He collapsed on top of her, and she reached behind herself and pulled his head down to kiss her.

  ''That was beautiful,'' she said.

  ''You are beautiful,'' he replied.

  Charlotte pulled the bedclothes up over them as they held each other. Still naked, they drifted off to sleep in each other’s arms.

  Chapter 3

  When Charlotte woke up, Ralph wasn't lying beside her. He was standing at the end of the bed, pointing a pistol at her.

  ''Charlotte Melbourne, I am charged by the Duke of Eddington to take you and your maid Mary back to his estate. Please get dressed and come with me.''

  Charlotte looked at him through her sleepy eyes, but she soon came fully to her senses. ''Sir, would you do that to the lady you bedded just last evening? To the lady whose arms you lay in? Would you take her back, to the man that makes her more miserable, than misery itself? Are you so cruel and heartless?''


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