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Genesis Page 6

by Christie Rich

  I rolled my eyes. “Go ahead then, surprise me.”

  I was up against the wall instantly.

  “Taylor, what are you do—”

  His lips covered mine. At first, I struggled to pull away, but then I just wanted to be sure. I waited, letting his lips claim mine completely.

  Nothing. Not even a twitch of emotion.

  He staggered backward, looking at me like he had just seen me for the first time and wasn’t sure what to think. “That was…unexpected.”

  I pushed past him. “Not to me. Why did you have to do that, anyway? Now I feel all icky, like I just kissed my cousin.” Insanely attractive cousin, but still.

  He laughed. “Well, damn. This has never happened to me before.”

  “You know what they say about first times.”

  His brows went up.

  I cuffed his shoulder. “I didn’t mean that!” Men. It’s always about sex.

  He began laughing. It was such a rich sound, so vibrant. I wished I could bottle it. He slid down the wall, stretching his long legs out in front of him.

  I followed him down the opposite wall. “So what now?”

  “Friendship?” The word sounded foreign on his tongue.

  I smiled. Maybe we were really getting somewhere. “I’m fine with that.”

  He frowned. “I should step down. There is something wrong with me.”

  “Yeah. It’s called a broken heart, Taylor.”

  His expression fell even further. “You are probably right. Yet, it doesn’t change the fact that I am not fit to lead my kingdom.”

  I stiffened. “In who’s opinion?” Before he could respond, I pressed on. “I’ve never seen someone so devoted to their people.” The closest had been Luke. I flinched, thinking about him. Was he okay?

  Taylor pulled his knees toward his chest, clasping his hands casually in front of them. “You do really care about him.”

  Was that a statement or a question? I gave him a look, not wanting to have to ask him out loud to explain.

  “It was a statement. You are thinking about him without aid of a compulsion. None of us are strong enough to influence you from another realm.”

  I sat up straighter. He had a point. “I need your help, Taylor.”

  “I know you want me to tell you who is manipulating you—who you can trust when it is only you that can ultimately decide that.”

  Seriously? I was a mess. Couldn’t he see that? “Then help me understand how to decipher these feelings. Help me make the best choice.” I touched his leg. “Please?”

  His eyes lingered on my hand. “I really shouldn’t.” When I opened my mouth to protest, he cut me off. “But I see wisdom in doing so.” He stood, holding a hand out to me. “Come. I want to show you something.”

  Now what? He led me outside once again. The air no longer held the glow of what I now thought of as morning. It was more like dusk. “What’s with the light?” I asked.

  “We do our best to simulate a normal environment, including sunrise and sunset.”

  Hmm, that would be interesting to see. I still couldn’t identify the light source, but I was almost certain it had to do with the air itself.

  We reached the top of a hill that overlooked the city. Shimmering lights played on the horizon. Now this was more of what I had expected. Sprawling buildings, massive highways, full of life. Taylor lowered to the grass, pulling me with him. “This is my favorite spot to watch a sunset.”

  I raised my brows at him surprised so much time had passed. The term sunset seemed rather odd considering we had an entire ocean between us and the actual sky.

  Taylor laughed. “Just watch then judge.”

  I shut up. Mentally was a bit harder, yet I managed to focus on the trees off in the distance. Who knew evergreens could grow here? They were decidedly shorter than the trees in the mortal realm. He was going to have to explain all of this to me someday…soon.

  As subtle as a slanting mist, the air grew brighter. Unlike a true sunset, this enveloped me, making me part of the process, a cocoon of light wrapping around my body, sending me into a frenzy of emotions. The ambers soothed, the russets seduced, the violets lulled. I had never experienced something so tangible yet indescribable in my life. The only thing that had come close was when I had nearly bonded with Heath.

  Uh-oh, at the mere thought of him, my heart raced. What was it with him anyway? He wasn’t anymore handsome than the other lords. He didn’t exactly have the best personality, either. But something within me responded to him on a level I wasn’t comfortable with.

  Taylor cleared his throat. “Do you want to know what I think, my lady?”

  I nodded, not able to use my vocal cords at the moment.

  His hand found mine. “He has been able to accomplish what the rest of us only wish.”

  I squeezed his fingers. “What’s that?”

  “Somehow he managed to truly compel you.”

  I considered that for a moment before answering him. On one hand, Heath had been blatant about compulsion. At first he used it on me every minute he could, but after our encounter with Ainessa, he stopped. He hadn’t compelled me once since then. That I knew of anyway.

  Taylor ignored my inner musings. “I have heard of how you explained compulsion to the Elementals at the Order compound. You were close in your assumptions. Where love is concerned, compulsion takes you to the end possibility. It eliminates the need for getting to know your companion by speeding up the process. Essentially your body knows how you would feel if you were able to learn everything about the other person. Usually, the mind follows the body, but not in your case.”

  “Lucky me.”

  “Yes, well. There is more. Once a lord establishes a connection with an Elemental, it is nearly impossible to sever. This makes the bonding process easier.”

  My mind sped through so many thoughts they were a blur. “Are you telling me I really do feel this way about Heath?”

  He took my shoulders between his hands, eying me steadily. “You are experiencing what you are capable of feeling for Heath.”

  Oh. Capable. For so many months now I thought I may actually be what Aunt Grace would label a hussy.

  Taylor laughed. “If I am certain of anything, you are not capable of being that. You have been at a disadvantage throughout this process. Normally, Elementals are only subjected to compulsion by one man at a time.” He began pacing, his arms casually tucked behind his back. “My brothers and I acted inappropriately where you are concerned.”

  Geez. I couldn’t believe it. He was actually admitting it. “You’re telling me.”

  His unyielding stare slithered around me. “Unfortunately with so many of us attempting to woo you, the result for each of us was watered down.” He gave me a shrug. “If I had known what was to come, I may have tried harder, but I doubt it would have made a difference.”

  I looked away from him. “I think we’ve already discovered it wouldn’t have helped.”

  “No.” The soft brush of his fingers tickled my cheek. “It would have. I tried to be honorable when my brothers sought other means of luring you. If I had only been paying more attention, I would have seen the signs.”

  I gave him a look. Who was he trying to fool? A soft pfft came out of my mouth before I set him straight. “I think you were a little too focused on the fact that the love of your eternity was nearby.”

  “I see you understand.”

  I glanced at him, not able to meet his gaze. “So what do I do about this?”

  “Just because something is possible doesn’t mean it will happen, Rayla. Now that you know what your feelings truly mean, you are better equipped to deal with them. Even though you have let them overwhelm you at times, you now have a distinct advantage you didn’t before: you should be able to discern intent with the bond in place.”

  I had wanted to comment on something he had said before, but he’d distracted me. “Did I hear you correctly? Are you all incapable of compelling me now?”

bsp; He stared at me, not giving anything away. “I am honestly not sure. This has never been done before. The lesser bond is dangerous to say the least, and being connected to five men at once will certainly have its disadvantages.”

  “Try it,” I blurted.

  Confusion claimed his eyes. “What?”

  I nodded, feeling more confident in this. “Compel me.”

  His eyes went huge. “My lady, I do not think that is wise.”

  I squared my shoulders. “Do it. I have to know.”

  He nodded, but only slightly. Somehow it didn’t quite seem like a yes. “For it to be a true test, we need to wait for a time you are not expecting it.”

  I let out a frustrated breath. “I would rather get it over with.”

  He laughed at me, and I didn’t mind so much until I heard what he had to say. “I’m sure you would, but if I have a chance at compelling you, I want it to count.”

  My groan may have been a little overdone. “Don’t start with that again. I thought we decided we were going to be friends.”

  “We are.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “But I thought you just said—”

  He chuckled, coming closer. “Just because I have agreed to proceed with friendship does not negate my desire to bond with you.”

  “For the love of Pete!”

  He laughed. “No, for the love of Rayla.”

  Oh brother. I pushed his shoulder. “Sappy much?”

  He gave me a hearty grin. “You have no idea just how sappy I can be, my lady. Now, please, we must return. It is getting dark.”

  I hadn’t been paying attention to the dwindling light. Up above us, the water stirred with glowing marine life. Wow. They even simulated the stars.

  He set a hurried pace, as if eager to get indoors. When I glanced at him, he jerked his gaze away from me.

  What was Taylor afraid of down here? He’d said himself this was the safest place I could be right now. It had me wondering, but he didn’t comment. It couldn’t have been that big of a deal because, otherwise, we would have drifted back to his house, yet there had to be a reason for his sudden change in mood.

  If I didn’t move it he would leave me behind. I took one last look at the city and that creepy feeling from earlier today flooded into me. Someone was watching us. I sprinted to catch up to Taylor then made sure I stayed right by his side.

  A shiver refused to stay buried, but I didn’t think he noticed. I touched his arm, making sure he was paying attention. “What’s out here, Taylor? What are you hiding from me?”

  Chapter Four

  Taylor refused to answer my question, brushing it off with a lame joke. Something inside me recognized the danger surrounding me even if he wouldn’t give it a name. I lay in bed, trying to fall asleep. Taylor had promised to begin my training tomorrow, and I knew I needed rest. Despite my inner turmoil, my mind drifted off…

  Black mist surrounded me, yet I harbored no fear. In the back of my thoughts, I was hazily aware I was dreaming. So why did my skin tingle and my heart race as if I was about to face the greatest challenge in my life? The mist congealed into the recognizable shape of a man.

  “Good of you to finally show up,” said Heath, meandering toward me as if he had a year to reach me.

  My pulse picked up as usual. It happened so often, it shouldn’t even affect me anymore. “Why are you in my dream?”

  He shrugged? “Why not?” His dark eyes were hooded, yielding no emotion at the moment.

  I raised a brow. “I’ve got a suggestion for you.”

  He gave me his real smile, and I nearly melted right there. “Hmm?”

  With more effort than it should have taken, I shook off my attraction to him. “Go hijack someone else’s dream.”

  He laughed. He was nearly to me now. My skin vibrated in anticipation of his touch. “Now, why would I ever do such a thing when I’ve already found what I want?”

  I tilted my head. “Dream on, Heath.” That pun was intended. He didn’t want me. He’d already proven that.

  His face went serious. “I see a demonstration is in order.”

  Without another word he pulled me against him, his long legs pressing into mine. The warmth of his body seeped into me, sending a rush of chills along my arms.

  “What do you want really?” I asked, trying not to sound as breathless as I felt. I was still angry at him for walking out of the bonding ceremony like he had. If he wanted me so badly, why hadn’t he insisted on staying there?

  His low chuckle surprised me. “There are other ways to fight, Rayla.”

  I scoffed. “Yeah, like you’d really fight for me.”

  He inched away from me as if seeking a better vantage point. “You think not?”

  “You don’t care about me. If you did, you would have—”

  His lips brushed mine while his fingers slid along my neck, sending my brain on vacation. His lazy kiss wove a spell over me. Fitting me to him in a delicious way, his hand pressed against the small of my back. When he intensified his kiss, my bones melted into goo. It lasted forever, yet I groaned when he pulled away from me.

  I staggered from the loss of him. Frustrated, I reached for his hand, yet he stayed just beyond my grasp. Taunting me. Jerk face.

  He smiled. I imagined something like love lingered in his eyes, but that couldn’t be it. He blew me a kiss. “Until next time…”

  Then he vanished.

  I woke with a start, my pulse still pounding from Heath’s kiss. I brought my trembling fingers to my swollen lips. They tingled as if the dream had been real.

  A new ache for him settled into my limbs. Even though I knew it would be nearly impossible, I had to keep it from taking root in my heart.

  The daylight met me like a fierce warrior. Taylor barged into my room, pulled back the curtains and ordered me out of bed. At least he let me stop for breakfast.

  When the last bite barely made it past my lips, he insisted I follow him to the back of the house. We faced each other and he clasped my hands. “Close your eyes,” he commanded.

  I complied immediately, listening for further instruction. If there was one thing I wanted out of this deal, it was to know how to manipulate air. I put my whole focus into it despite my fatigue. Taylor didn’t comment on my sleepless night, and I was thankful I hadn’t inadvertently kept him up with my worrying. “Why won’t you tell me what’s wrong? Am I in some kind of danger?” That was a stupid question. I had so many people after me I didn’t have the nerve to actually count.

  He didn’t say anything for a really long time. I peeked at him, but he didn’t seem to notice. I wasn’t buying it, though, because he knew everything I did when I did it whether he could see me or not.

  “Deep breath,” he instructed. He still wasn’t going to answer me, which just made me worry worse than if he told me Godzilla was about to crash through the roof. “Hold it,” he continued, “for the count of five, four, three, two, one. Release. Tell me what you feel right now. Describe everything you notice within and without.”

  I shook my head. “The room is cold.” Now that I noticed it, a shiver of goose-bumps worked up my arms.

  His soft words startled me. “Is it the room or the air that is cold?”

  “The air.” It was like a blanket of ice coating my skin. That was when I realized he was changing it.

  “How can you be sure it is me?”

  I folded my arms across my chest, partly out of frustration and partly because I wanted to conserve what warmth remained in my body. “Well, it isn’t me.”

  A sly smirk twisted his lips. “What are you going to do about it?”

  It should be simple. I thought about warming the air around me. Nothing happened. I didn’t understand. Hadn’t I been able to control air before?

  “Manipulation and control are two different things, Rayla.”

  Shivering, I scrubbed my hands over my bare arms. “Okay, I get it. This is unbearable, Taylor. I need heat.”

  He looked at me poin
tedly. “Good thing you have access then.”

  He wasn’t going to bail me out of this. I had a choice. I could scurry back to my room and give up, or I could stay here and figure it out. Rocking to the balls of my feet, I jogged in place.

  Did he mean that I had access to fire? I didn’t think so. We were talking about air. Even with all his wisdom, he couldn’t exactly be an expert on fire. At least, I didn’t think he could.

  This was getting me nowhere. His casual stance had me more than a little irritated. It had to be below freezing now. As I walked closer to him, I stepped into a bubble of warmth. “Hey,” I said. “That’s not fair.”

  “What in life ever is, my lady?” Not so subtly he pushed me away from him.

  The second I was out of his shield, my body convulsed from shivers. Fine. He wanted to be that way. I thought back to science. Heat could be made by several different reactions—the simplest, at least in my mind, was friction.

  I closed my eyes again, imagining the tiny molecules surrounding me. What they needed to heat up was some vibration. In my mind what I saw was countless balls banging into each other.

  Within seconds the air around me heated. Faster, I commanded. I was awarded with more warmth. I smiled at Taylor who watched me intently.

  “Very good.” He circled me, each step calculated. “Now, expand the heat into the rest of the house.”

  “How do I do that?”

  “You’re a smart girl.”

  I chuckled. “Well you’re not very helpful.”

  “It is better this way. You will not always have someone to direct you. Besides, everybody is different, including the way we interact with the elements. What works for me may not for you.”

  That was fantastic. “What’s the use in training if you can’t really help me? I could muddle through on my own.”

  “I’m here to make sure you don’t blow up the planet.”

  “Oh, that’s real funny, Taylor. Haha like I didn’t already have enough pressure on me.”

  He shook his head. “Until you have spent an endless day at court, do not lecture me on pressure.”

  I had a feeling I would be facing that soon enough.


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