The Assassin

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The Assassin Page 4

by Tricia Andersen

  There was a deep growl just before Abbey was spun around and a mouth smothered hers. The taste of expensive Irish whiskey on his tongue made her drunk with lust. She buried her fingers in his hair as he lifted her in his arms and pressed her against the wall, wrapping her legs around his waist. Abbey broke the kiss at the sound of a zipper. “Here? We’re in an alley. People will see us.”

  Her protest was met with fiery, ice-blue eyes. Sloan snaked his fingers into her panties, tearing them free. Abbey could only moan as he filled her, thrusting gently, and he held her tight. Between the risk of being caught and making love to Sloan, it only took moments for Abbey to peak. Soft mews came from her lips as the pleasure blazed through her. She heard Sloan groan as he crushed her tighter.

  Abbey searched for her lost panties the moment Sloan set her on her feet. She could hear the rustle of his clothes as he straightened himself.

  “That was one hell of a greeting for saying goodbye by a note,” Abbey quipped.

  “Forgive me. I’m not allowed to be angry?”

  “Not without giving me a chance to reconcile what’s going on.”

  “So you’re saying you’re apologizing?”

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “What are you doing here, lass?” he demanded, his brogue rough.

  “You told me to inspect the foreign facilities. I’m inspecting.”

  “The Gauntlet wasn’t on the list.”

  “It still belongs to Sloan Enterprises.”

  “This is a bad area of town. It’s too dangerous.”

  “I can handle myself.”

  Sloan quickly swallowed up the space between them. Abbey felt the hot brick against her back. “Really? You were no match for me.”

  She squirmed to put distance between them again, with no luck. “You aren’t like normal men, Sloan.”

  “Lately, you’ve become an expert on normal men.”

  Abbey glared at him. “We’ve had our quickie. Now, if you’ll just help me find my undies and escort me to a cab, you can get back to your little secret mission.” She cocked an eyebrow at him. “I thought you were supposed to be in Afghanistan.”

  Abbey shuddered as Sloan lowered his face to hers, his breath warming her skin. “First, your panties are in my pocket. You don’t want them back. They’re scraps now. Two, we are here to use the Gauntlet for additional training. It’s Bartholomew, me, Dunham and a bunch of contractors. I was in this neighborhood to make sure we secured it. That’s when I saw you.” He brushed his fingers across her cheek, causing a shiver through her entire body. “And finally, you aren’t going anywhere. I’m not finished with you.”

  Abbey whimpered with need as Sloan parted her lips with a deep, wet kiss. She surrendered in his arms, clinging to him as his hands roamed her body. Whatever he wanted from her, she would give him willingly.

  Sloan pulled away then grasped Abbey’s hand in his. Tucking her close to him, they wove through the crowds of tourists. She glanced around as they quickly rushed past the bright colors and groups of people. It only took minutes for them to reach the luxury hotel. Sloan didn’t stop his hurried pace until he was inside the vacant elevator with Abbey beside him.

  Her body arched against him as his mouth roamed the curve of her neck. She tugged him close, mindlessly pleading for more. They spilled out of the elevator and stumbled down the hall to the penthouse, shedding clothes with each step they took. Sloan fumbled the keycard in the reader then shoved the door open.

  In one quick motion, he scooped Abbey into his arms then plopped her onto the couch. Behind him, Abbey could see the corner of a large, luxurious bed in the bedroom. She moaned as Sloan undid his pants and let them slide down his legs, until they pooled at his ankles. She had a feeling it would be hours before she was in that bed. And it was going to be a long, hot, sleepless night.


  Daylight came too soon, flooding the penthouse. Abbey cracked open a tired eye from beneath the thick, puffy comforter. Her body ached everywhere. Being apart for two weeks, Sloan had made up for lost time and then some. The lovemaking had been incredible. And, as she had predicted, they’d had sex in every room of the penthouse. Several times.

  She sat up and looked around. Sloan was gone. So were his clothes and luggage. She fell back against the plush pillows as sudden tears burned her eyes. He left without saying goodbye again? What’s wrong with him?

  Abbey bolted back up when she heard soft shuffling in the other room. Confused, she slipped from the massive bed, then wrapped the comforter around her naked body and tiptoed to the sitting area.

  Sloan hovered over his bag, carefully rolling his suit and stuffing it inside. His khaki T-shirt was wrapped tight around his chiseled muscles. He wore a pair of camouflage cargo pants. Combat boots encompassed his feet. He was so engrossed in his task that he never noticed her standing there. The sight of him took Abbey’s breath away. She struggled to find her voice. “Taking off so soon?”

  Sloan spun around. He stared at her silently.

  Abbey pushed a brown lock of hair from her face. “You ran out on me at home. You’re running out on me here.”

  “I thought I wore you out,” Sloan muttered. “I figured you’d sleep until noon.”

  “Well, I didn’t.”

  “That’s obvious.”

  Abbey shook her head as she felt her heart twist in her chest. “You can’t talk out your issues with me. You’d rather run. When did you become a coward?”

  Sloan threw his pants on the floor and stormed to her. “I am not a coward.” He growled as he hovered over her. “Watch what you say to me. I’m leaving for your own good.”

  Abbey forced a calm look on her face even though her heart was thundering in her chest. “How is you sneaking off ‘for my own good’?”

  “The less you know the better.”

  “So, you’re all right with sleeping with me then taking off? This is more of an arrangement than a marriage.”

  “Of course I’m not, Abbey. But letting another man have his hands all over you isn’t much of a marriage either.”

  Abbey felt her her face warm as her temper rose. “We were dancing. Seriously? You can’t let go—”

  Their argument was cut off by pounding on the penthouse door. Abbey heard Sloan curse under his breath as he exhaled.

  “O’Riley! Open up!”

  Sloan glared at her as he strode to the door and threw it open. Several men stood in the hallway, dressed in various sorts of camouflage and khaki. They took turns stepping into the room.

  One man with beady dark eyes and cropped blond hair snickered at her. Abbey clenched the comforter closer to her, uncomfortable with his leer. “Now I get why you didn’t show up, O’Riley. Seems you’ve been busy. Little higher class than the typical temple whore.”

  Sloan lunged, snaking a hand around the other man’s throat. “Do not call her a whore, or I’ll kill you. Understand?”


  She turned at a familiar voice calling her name. She found Bartholomew standing at the threshold, dressed the same as Sloan. His eyes were wide in surprise.

  The man in Sloan’s grip pried the Irishman’s large, powerful fingers from his neck. “So, this is the infamous Abbey O’Riley. I expected more than a woman wrapped in a comforter.”

  “Shut your mouth, Torelli.” Sloan growled dangerously.

  Torelli sneered at Sloan as Bartholomew took a protective step to guard Abbey. “I thought you said she couldn’t come with you. Magically, she’s here in your suite, naked.”

  “She’s doing business in Bangkok for Sloan Enterprises.”

  “Business? Is that what you call it?” Torelli laughed.

  Abbey watched Sloan’s body go rigid as his temper rose. He was about to strike, and when he did, this crew-cut big mouth wouldn’t live long.

  “Sloan, since Abbey is here, maybe she should come with us back to camp and show Captain Lathrop what she’s capable of.” Agent Dunham stepped into the penthouse w
ith the others, the only one dressed in a suit and tie. “She could be useful.”

  “She’s going home,” Sloan snapped. “The company jet is waiting for her at the airport.”

  “And the last thing I need is another O’Riley getting under my feet,” Torelli added.

  “Does it matter that I’m standing right here and am perfectly capable of making my own decisions?” Abbey protested.

  Dunham grinned at her. “There’s no decision to be made. Get dressed. You’re coming to Afghanistan with us. I’d like to show Captain Lathrop just how good you are with a sniper rifle.”

  “You have Bartholomew. We don’t need another sniper.” Sloan protested.

  “And the two of you have gotten nowhere. Do you know how many thousands of guns have come out of that camp? You need all the help you can get.” Dunham turned to the others. “Everyone out. Let’s let the O’Rileys finish getting ready to leave.” The agent’s eyes shot from Abbey to Sloan. “You have ten minutes. Go.” He herded the rest of the men from the room, closing the door behind him. Sloan stood stone cold as he stared motionless at the closed door for several moments. He shook his head to free himself from the fog. With a heavy sigh he pulled his phone from his pocket. Abbey gaped as she watched him tap on the screen.

  Sloan ran his hand through his hair. “You heard him. Go get dressed. We have ten minutes.”

  Abbey gaped at him in disbelief. “In what? All I have is my business suit. I need to go to the plane and get my suitcase.”

  Sloan heaved a sigh. “Impossible, lass. I just sent it back to the States.”

  “Tell the pilot to come back then.”

  “Just dress in that. You’ll be given new clothes when we reach the camp.”

  Abbey stared for several moments before she shook her head in defeat. “All right.”

  As she turned toward the bedroom, Sloan spoke again, “Abigail.”

  Abbey looked over her shoulder to find his eyes coldly piercing her. “Yeah?”

  “This isn’t like our missions. There is no cuddling. There will be other soldiers there, not our intimate little group. I am your superior officer. You will treat me as such. You are the soldier. Understand?”

  Abbey’s eyes drew to slits. He wants to play it like this? Fine. “Yes, sir.”


  Abbey exhaled a slow, steady breath as she retreated into the bedroom and tossed off the comforter. Pulling on pieces of clothing as she found them, she let go a huge sigh. I’m traveling to Afghanistan with no underwear. Fantastic. Grabbing her purse, she returned to the sitting area to find Sloan at the door with his bag flung over his shoulder. He pulled the door open for her and stepped aside. Without a word, she breezed past and strode to the elevators.

  The ride to the ground floor was silent—no tender words, no final kisses before they left for a war-torn country. Abbey glanced away as her heart broke. She loved the man beside her with everything she had. When did things fall apart? As the doors opened, she wiped away a stray tear and stepped out with Sloan on her heels.

  The group of men was waiting in the lobby with what little luggage each had brought. The moment Sloan and Abbey appeared, they slipped from the hotel in the direction of a waiting passenger van. They silently loaded in. Abbey found an empty spot next to Bartholomew. As the van pulled from the curb, the dull buzz of conversation started.

  “Have you had a chance to talk to Maggie?” Abbey asked Bartholomew softly.

  He offered her a weak smile. “I got to talk to her for the first time last night. We were on the phone for a couple of hours.”

  “How is she?”

  “She’s doing all right. She went to the doctor yesterday. The baby is doing well. Maggie says she’s waddling everywhere. And she’s complaining about the weirdest cravings. Peanut butter and carrots? Yuck.” He sighed. “I can’t wait to get this over and get back home to her. I want to see my child born.”

  Abbey reached around and gave him a gentle hug. “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s all right, but thanks.”

  Abbey smiled at him. “Anytime.”

  They pulled onto the airstrip, stopping in front of a waiting military aircraft. One by one, the vehicle’s occupants filed out and shuffled to the plane. Bartholomew turned and offered his hand to help Abbey. She frowned as she watched Sloan leading the pack. She smiled at Bartholomew as she stepped from the van.

  Abbey couldn’t help but doze off minutes into the flight. She wasn’t sure whose shoulder she fell asleep on. All she knew was that the trip was over far too soon. Groggily, she followed the men off the airplane. She snapped awake as she glanced around. Afghanistan. A sudden shock of fear ran through her. She glanced over to Sloan. Tall. Sensual. Aviator sunglasses over his ice-blue eyes. And completely ignoring me.

  Two large transports waited for them beside the airstrip, each with four soldiers watching the perimeter, armed with high-powered rifles so that those coming off the truck would be safe. Abbey hustled alongside Bartholomew to the trucks, but stopped short.

  He turned to her, confused. “What is it, Abs?”

  “I can’t climb in here.”

  “I’ve seen you scale four-story buildings. This shouldn’t be a problem.”

  Abbey clenched her teeth to keep her voice low. “Let’s say I can’t climb in there without showing everyone around here that I’m not wearing undies.”

  “Oh. Got it.” Bartholomew reached to her to help her in. He backed away as Sloan stepped in between them. He scooped her into his arms and plopped her discreetly on the floor of the truck. He climbed in after her and found a seat on the bench along the side of the cover. Abbey felt her cheeks grow warm as she noticed every pair of male eyes watching her. Tucking her skirt under her, she anchored herself for the ride.

  The trip on the lone road was dirty and jarring. Abbey glanced at the silent men, each sporting a vacant stare. Even Sloan looked troubled. She swallowed back a sigh. She understood the gravity of where they were. But was it really that bad?

  Finally, the vehicle slammed to a halt. Abbey stood to allow the other men out. Once Bartholomew’s feet hit the ground, he turned and helped Abbey down. She studied the landscape around her. When she had gotten into the transport, she had been on a barren airstrip. As she climbed out, she was in the middle of a wide-spreading camp. Rows and rows of buildings stretched out on either side of her, surrounded by a high mountain range along the perimeter.

  “Sergeant Evans, want to introduce us?”

  A tall, well-built man sauntered toward them. His warm, brown hair was streaked with gray. Abbey guessed him to be about Sloan’s age. His slow, southern drawl was as smooth as his gait.

  Dunham appeared beside her suddenly. “Captain Lathrop, this is Abbey O’Riley.”

  The captain shook her hand. “The sniper you told me about.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Captain Lathrop glanced at Sloan. “Your wife, am I correct?”

  “Aye, sir.” Sloan growled.

  “I thought you were dead set against her being here?”

  “I am.”

  “See what she can do before considering sending her home,” Dunham objected.

  “I don’t need another O’Riley in my way,” Torelli protested.

  “I’m willing to just see what she can do.” Lathrop smiled at Abbey then winked at her. “I’d hate for you to come all this way for nothing, darlin’.” He motioned to a female soldier near him. “Please show Mrs. O’Riley to the women’s barracks. And find her some clothes so she can get out of that uncomfortable suit.”

  The blonde turned to Abbey and motioned. “Follow me.”

  Abbey scuttled behind the soldier across the camp to a long building. Abbey’s eyes searched the rows of bunks.

  The woman stopped in front of a vacant one. “This is yours.”

  “Thanks,” Abbey replied appreciatively.

  “I’ll get you some clothes. Need anything special?”

  Abbey felt her face burn in
embarrassment. “Panties.”

  The blonde laughed. “Sure thing. Be right back.”

  Abbey sat on the cot as she waited. A few minutes later, the soldier reappeared with a pile of garments in her hands. She passed them to Abbey. “Here.”


  The blonde sank down across from her. “So, you’re working with the special mission?”

  Abbey slipped off her jacket. “Yep. I am.”

  “And your last name is O’Riley?”

  “Yes, it is.”

  “Like that incredibly hot Irishman?”

  Abbey glanced over to see a dreamy look in the woman’s green eyes. “Yeah. Like him. He’s my husband.”

  The soldier’s face fell. “Oh. If you’re married to someone like that, why are you sleeping here?”

  Abbey laughed hopelessly. “I really don’t know.”

  “Oh.” The blonde stood, smoothing her uniform. “Well, I’ll let you change. See you later.” She waved as she strode down the hallway and disappeared out the door.

  Abbey stripped off the rest of her clothes, tugging on the new ones. She sighed, satisfied. It was wonderful to have underwear on again. After stowing her stuff away in the locker beneath the bunk, she rushed out the door back to the group she had traveled with.

  She was greeted by a dismantled rifle being pushed into her arms. She shot a questioning look at Agent Dunham. “What’s this?”

  “It’s time to show Captain Lathrop what you can do.” He smirked as he nudged her in the direction of four other men holding the same weapon. Bartholomew stood among them. Agent Dunham nodded toward the hills south of the camp. “Take your positions. We’ll move in the targets.”

  Abbey followed the other snipers into the rocky crags, taking Bartholomew’s hand when offered to help her over some precarious places. She heard a couple of the men snicker. She glared at them as they continued up to their perch.

  As Abbey settled on the plateau and began assembling her gun, she realized just how far they had trekked. The camp was easily half a mile away. She could see distant figures shuffling items around. She peered through the scope of her rifle to see that they were targets. Five of them to be exact, each cut out in human form and painted black.


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