Lilith: Eden's Planetary Princess (The Michael Archives Book 1)

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Lilith: Eden's Planetary Princess (The Michael Archives Book 1) Page 1

by Robinson, C. E.


  Eden’s Planetary Princess

  Book 1

  C.E. Robinson

  King Ayasia of Ninveth

  Kindle Edition

  Ninveth Publications

  1450 W. US Hwy 290

  P.O. Box 1400

  Dripping Springs, TX 78620

  This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and events are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright ©2016 by C.E. Robinson

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For more information, please address Ninveth Publications, P.O. Box 1400, Dripping Springs, TX 78620.

  First Ninveth Publications ebook and paperback edition January 2016

  Cover Design by Ninveth Publications

  Cover Angel original artwork by Luis Royo; Barcelona, Spain

  Cover background by Igor Zh/

  Maps by Ninveth Publications

  Nymphont Font by Lauren Thompson, The Font Nymph

  Manufactured in the United States of America

  Library of Congress Control Number: 2015913880

  ISBN 978-0-9967069-0-2 (Softcover)

  ISBN 978-0-9967069-1-9 (Ebook Kindle Edition)

  ISBN 978-0-9967069-2-6 (Ebook ePub Edition)

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  This book uses some of the terminology and concepts from The Urantia Book published by Urantia Foundation, ©1955 Urantia Foundation, 533 Diversey Parkway, Chicago, IL 60614, USA; +1(773)525-3319;; all rights reserved. The views in this work are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the Urantia Foundation or its affiliates.


  For my wife, Goddess Ariea incarnate — my soul mate, my best friend, my one true love. When all others in El Elyon’s vast Creation had abandoned all hope, destining me to annihilation, Ariea willingly dived into Hell and pulled me out. Without Her, these Archives, detailing the events surrounding the raising of Lord Smigyl’s Tower of Light, would have not been possible.

  Special Thanks

  So many have given me so much. This is but a partial list I owe my deepest gratitude for reading early drafts and providing invaluable feedback: Robert Brewer, Stacey Brewer, Rosanne Catalano, Pastor Rick Nylund, David Hughes, Victoria Clark, Steve Braunstein, Ron Huffman, Suzanne O’Hara, Elizabeth Pasco, John Robinson, Lance Sutton, Doug Thomas, Andy Walton, and Marvin Williams.

  Universe Map

  For complete list of locations.

  Universe Command Structure

  For complete list of characters.

  Eden Theater

  The Material Planet of Eden is a large green planet. The Celestial Mansion Worlds surround Pollux, Eden’s Solar Orb. Oceania is a small, blue Celestial Mansion World orbiting Eden’s Solar Orb. The Eden Theater is the primary location for the first books of The Michael Archives.

  For complete list of locations.

  Planet Eden Map

  Oceania Map

  Understanding Time

  The way in which El Elyon, the Universal God experiences time is different than how someone on a Material realm like Eden or Urantia (Earth) experiences it. This is because the high mass of Celestial Mansion Worlds creates greater curvature in the local gravitational fields, thereby slowing the perception of time. While Eden inhabitants experience the passage of one year, Oceania residents experience a month and El Elyon experiences the passage of only four minutes.

  Mansion World III spheres in the Celestial realms such as Oceania are designed for administration and recreation. The moons that orbit a Mansion World III sphere are tuned to correspond to useful time intervals on a Material planet.

  On Oceania, residents choose which moon to use when synchronizing their internal biological clocks. Most residents and visitors choose to tune themselves to the Green Moon or L2 time.

  Eden Theater Commander Colonel Josephine Doulmahel can easily align herself with multiple time cycles. Tracking the Blue Moon, L3 time, helps her track with planet Eden. The Green Moon, L2 time, helps her keep track of relationships on Oceania. The Red Moon, L1 time which is equivalent to Mansion World V, helps her align with Kahmael Shiva, her boss and King Joshua.

  Key Characters Connected with King Joshua

  For complete list of characters.

  Key Characters Reporting to Josephine on Oceania

  For complete list of characters.

  Key Characters Connected with Elysium

  For complete list of characters.

  In the Beginning…

  In the beginning, there was Nothing. Then, somehow—and the highest Beings have pondered this ‘somehow’ for eons without comprehending it—Nothing became pregnant, bursting forth, creating The Lake of Fire. The Lake of Fire created three realms, separated by barriers — Nothing, All Possibilities, and Discrete Realities.

  Within the Discrete Reality realm, two fundamental realities flowed — an intrinsic desire to Take and an intrinsic desire to Give. The desire to Take soon came to power, overwhelming the desire to Give and quickly organized this new cosmos. At the top of the hierarchy emerged a Prince — the Prince of Take — Prince Satan.

  Prince Satan’s First Kingdom consisted of more than just the Takers subjugating the Givers. It also included the contrasting notions of Male and Female, resulting in four key groups — Male Give, Male Take, Female Give, and Female Take.

  Of the four, the one who must win is Female Give. A Female Giver must feel safe in order to form the heart of the family, the heart of the tribe, the heart of the planet, the heart of the Creation. For everything else leads to cruelty and chaos, as was evident by the cruelties and chaos within Satan’s First Kingdom, with Satan the preeminent form of Male Take.

  The Lake of Fire, while not a sentient Being as we would think of sentient, abhors imbalance. Therefore, The Lake of Fire eventually brought forth El Elyon, the Universal Father, destined to be the opposite of Satan. True to his nature, El Elyon formed a plan that would eventually allow the Givers to dominate all of existence.

  El Elyon and His mate, Rose, the Infinite Mother, created 700,000 Michael Sons along with their perfect soul mates, called Mother Spirits. Together they were known as the Divine Twins or The Thrones. The 700,000 Divine Twins detonated 700,000 sequential Big Bangs scattered across Satan’s First Kingdom, creating 700,000 Creations. The formation of each Creation was designed to bring Satan’s rampage one-step closer to its end.

  And so, war came to the Celestial Realms. And war in the Celestial Realms will always be fought most fiercely in the physical, Material Realms, on planets like Eden and its sister planet, Urantia, or as you know it, Earth.

  What’s at stake is our very existence, our Personality, our Ratna. Ratna are beautiful lenses that when put together in a particular arrangement, give rise to an individual creature capable of having a personal experience — a Personality. In Satan’s First Kingdom, Ratna was the basic coinage.

  With Ratna, Satan and his Overlords could manufacturer Nephilim, specialized Personalities designed for the purpose of performing a particular, limited range of jobs, and completely and blindly loyal to the Overlords.

  Nephilim were manufactured, sold, bought, traded, and even destroyed at the whim of the Overlords. When a Nephilim was no longer useful, it was d
isassembled. The Nephilim’s individual Ratna lenses would enter into the market place just like any commodity. When this happened, the Nephilim’s Personality no longer existed. That particular individual and all its accumulated experiences ceased to be. This was the penultimate form of death, a death that should never happen to an immortal Personality.

  So, we fight on El Elyon’s behalf for our very existence. We also fight for a place to live. The Evolutionary Material Worlds and the Celestial Mansion Worlds created by a Divine Twin pair are extraordinary, rich paradises of oceans, plains, and hills, filled with an amazing variety of plants and animals. By comparison, the ecospheres created by the Overlords were mediocre at best and perverted at worst. The physical bodies they created were trivial and weak, even torturous to the Personalities that inhabited them.

  These factors brought on a deep envy, a lust within the ten Overlord families to leave Satan’s First Kingdom and invade a Creation manifested by a Divine Twin pair. There they had access to wonderful planets rich in life, and could incarnate into a Material or Celestial body of excellent design, and thereby have a much higher quality of life.

  As a result, we fight for living space. We fight over who controls worlds, systems of worlds, constellations of worlds, indeed, we fight over who controls the Celestial and Material realms of galaxies, even clusters of galaxies. For whoever wins control at any level, defines their own rules, and implements those rules, usually by force.

  Finally, we fight for our right of self-determination. Triteen bodies (what you would call Human bodies) were designed to hold a Personality so advanced, it could reason, rationalize, and decide for itself what course of action to take. The Overlords found the very notion of self-determination perverse. Why go through all the time, effort, and wealth to manufacture Nephilim if the thing is not going to be completely obedient?

  You and I, King Ayasia, are in a Local Universe called Nebadon, which is located in this final Creation, number 700,000, ruled by the youngest Divine Twins, King Joshua and Queen Magdalene. You might have heard about my youngest brother, King Joshua, and his famous, final bestowal some 2,000 years ago on Earth.

  I originally started to tell the story of The Michael Archives beginning with Planet Urantia, your Planet Earth. But I realized I needed to go back further in time, back to Urantia’s sister planet, Eden. It was Eden that set the stage for the wars and terrible conditions your planet now faces. And it is Planet Eden that foreshadows Urantia’s fate if things don’t change.

  Eden’s fate was sealed when the rightful heir to the Planetary throne, Lord Rahu, an ineffective bureaucrat, was passed over and a deadly, horrifying creature known as Lilith was put in his place.

  Lilith began ruling planet Eden about 35,000 years ago. All of us, in the here and now of modern Urantia were there on Eden when Lilith ruled. During those times, planet Eden was no longer a lush world like its sister planet, Urantia is today. Rather, it was a waste dump of toxic aftermaths from the struggle for ever more powerful weapons, on an industrial planet at the near peak of scientific technology.

  The circumstances surrounding Lilith’s rule over Eden are odd at best. To really understand Lilith and Eden’s ultimate demise, I have to take you back to just before her inauguration on a group of Celestial spheres within Planet Eden’s solar system. It is from the Celestial realm the characters on both sides of this ancient battle take turns incarnating into Eden’s Material realm and fighting in those wars. Then, when their mortal body dies, they re-enter the Celestial where they continue to fight.

  All of us now on Urantia fought in Eden’s wars. Some of us were on Satan’s side as Nephilim slaves, Demigods, and Overlords, of which Lord Smigyl was the most instrumental in Lilith’s rise to power. Others of us fought for El Elyon’s last Michael Son, King Joshua, as military in The Valkyrie, The Sisters of Mercy, and the powerful Council of Thrones.

  And all of us continue to fight this same war here on Urantia.

  King Ayasia

  El Elyon’s first Michael Son

  Currently incarnated as C.E. Robinson

  Part 1

  I Light the Fuse and Walk Away.

  — King Ayasia

  Chapter 1

  A Whisper

  What’s at risk in this long war? Our Ratna is at risk. Our eternal existence. Certain castes of Nephilim called Harvesters trap their enemies, disassemble their Personalities, and use the pieces to create their own armies. That’s who I hunt. I hunt the Harvesters and the Demigods who send them. And when I find them, I kill them. That’s what I call ‘fun’.

  —Valkyrie Silver Storm Lieutenant Colonel Frank Haiguns

  Eden Year of 9,054,512

  35,180 Years Ago from Today

  The Celestial Realm of Planet Eden

  Mansion World I Space Country of Northern Venom, City of Lehous

  "What a bloody fucking mess this is,” Lieutenant Colonel Frank Haiguns muttered as he stared at what the Harvesters had left behind. Three Angels, recently sacrificed, were still strapped tightly to racks. Dozens of other racks that had once held more Angels lined the room.

  “Shit. They’re still alive,” Janene said, and then muttered, “If alive is what you can call an Angel who’s been plucked.”

  Ratna Harvest would have been the more sensitive term, but the Overlords called these Angelic sacrifices ‘Plucking a Pigeon’. By extracting the filaments constituting the bulk of an Angel’s Personality, their Essence, the Harvesters could construct Nephilim, loyal servants to the Overlords.

  After the extraction, the Harvesters left the Angels in this state — neither dead nor alive. All that was left behind were tiny harmonic filaments — Celestial bodies filled with billions of tiny vibrating threads, threads whose last experience was one of pure horror as Individuality was torn apart. But those vibrating threads were enough to send a signal to the leader of all Angels, Lady Sipheria that her Angel was still alive.

  “Nephilim scat,” Frank called to Janene, pointing to the floor. “The kind we’ve been looking for. So now we know who’s behind this mess.” Janene knelt down, holding a probe at the scat.

  “Yep, these are the ones,” Janene said quietly, verifying Frank’s readings. By following the trails of scat, Frank and Janene had been tracking packs of Nephilim across hundreds of planetary war zones for millions of years.

  Janene did not try to hold back her tears as she held the tormented Angel’s hand. The Angel’s eyes were wide open, jerking around the room, attempting to comprehend what was happening, his lips moving as if trying to whisper a secret. Janene glanced at Frank as he slid a needle into the Angel’s vein. The no-pain-toxin, npt, would work quickly.

  Usually, death was little more than an inconvenience. After all, Angels incarnated and died in the Material realm all the time. After death, they arrived on a Resurrection Hall in Celestial Mansion World II space where they evaluated their past life and then prepared for their next incarnation, or left for a vacation spot for a much needed rest.

  But this kind of death in the Celestial realm — death by Ratna Harvest — it was permanent, for all time, forever. And it was irreversible. As if that was not bad enough, the Angel’s Essence was now scattered, divided, and living in servants loyal to the Overlords, the enemy.

  Not a tear dropped from Frank’s icy blue eyes as he put the Angel out of his misery. It always amazed Janene how Frank could so tightly control his emotions. Perfectly cold eyes. A perfectly cold heart. A perfectly unyielding assassin when it came to the Harvesters and the Overlords who sent them.

  Lieutenant Colonel Frank Haiguns and Technical Sergeant Janene Windsor had been working together off and on for just over 50 million years. Frank was in a special unit of the Valkyrie, the Silver Storms, assassins loyal to King Joshua and the Ultimate Creator, El Elyon. Frank was an expert in tracking and killing Harvesters. Janene, his assistant, was an expert in Harvester detection and identification.

  “I love you,” Janene whispered to the Angel, delicately stroking
his cheek as all life faded. The scans Frank took would reveal their last sights, tastes, and smells. What they heard was always the same — screams of fellow Angels, mixed with their own. But no one really knew what an Angel in this plucked state could hear or understand.

  Now that Frank’s npt had taken effect, the two remaining Angels quickly followed their tormented brother. The tiny harmonic filaments no longer vibrated. The Angel no longer existed except for the pieces of their Morontial Personalities scattered throughout the newly created Nephilim.

  All personalities were manufactured using Morontial Stuff and could inhabit either Material bodies or Celestial bodies. The Morontial existed between the Celestial and Material realms. These three realms, or dimensions gave rise to all Morontial, Celestial, and Material substances. Substances from all three realms could inhabit the same space, but they existed at orthogonal angles and were difficult to see when in one realm looking at another.

  When Angels incarnated into the Material realm, they lived in a Material body. In the Celestial realm, where Frank, Janene, and the Angels were, they lived in a Celestial body.

  The Overlords had been instructing their loyal minions to conduct Ratna Harvests in the Celestial realm. Much like a surgeon could harvest livers, kidneys, and hearts, Harvesters could extract the Essence of an Angel’s Personality, its Morontial filaments, and then reassemble them, creating a new creature called a Nephilim, a Personality completely loyal to the Overlords.


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