Girls From da Hood 9

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Girls From da Hood 9 Page 23

by Amaleka McCall

  “Do you know what you want?” Nathan asked, startling me. I began to wonder just how long he was standing over me, watching me bent over.

  “Yes, I sure do.” I smiled at him.

  “Give me a few minutes and I will be ready. What do you recommend?”

  “You should definitely try a shortbread cookie and a lemon drop.”

  “Okay,” he agreed.

  After ordering our baked goods, we ordered two cups of coffee. We sat on the bakery patio and talked for hours. I was really enjoying his company. Plus, he kept his hands to himself the entire time. Even more impressive, I kept my hands to myself. Not one time did I find myself having an outrageous sexual thought or overwhelming urge to seduce him.

  Luckily for us, there was a park near the bakery. We walked around the park and talked, joked, and laughed to burn those calories off we just put on. Nine o’clock in the morning so easily turned into one o’clock in the afternoon that we called it a day and agreed to meet again soon. I had to admit, I couldn’t wait to see him again.

  “Will you keep me waiting long before the next time that I see you?” he asked while I got into my car.

  “I won’t. I promise,” I assured him. He gently held my hand. It was a nice gesture, I thought, driving away.

  I was on my way to Heather’s apartment. It was time I let her know my plans to quit the business.

  “Come in, the door is open,” Heather announced before I even had a chance to ring the doorbell.

  “Stranger danger,” I commented as I opened the door and walked in.

  “Well, I saw you coming into the parking lot.” She giggled then continued, “Hungry? I can make some sandwiches.”

  “No, thanks. I just came from Sugar Tree Bakery, high off of sweet treats. I bought some of your favorites, including their infamous petit fours,” I said, handing her the box of goodies.

  “Angela, thank you so much,” she said before opening up the box.

  “We need to talk,” I said, walking over to the couch.

  “About?” she asked, nibbling on a petit four and sitting down on the loveseat.

  “I want out of the business.”

  “I saw this coming,” she said.

  “How did you know?” I asked.

  “Your demeanor has changed, especially after Adrianna’s rape and you getting the lab position,” she commented.

  “Yes, you’re right. That did play a major part into my decision,” I admitted.

  “What about me, Angela? I still can’t get a job. I have a master’s degree now and that doesn’t mean shit. Our line of business, excuse me, my line of business now is my only source of income. I’m not going back to Dallas to my mother’s house looking like a failure,” she cried.

  “Dry your tears before I start crying too.”

  “Angela, I can’t do it without you. You’re the brains. I’m not.”

  “Yes, you can do it. I have written down everything for you and something else, too,” I explained, reaching into my purse. I handed Heather $10,000 in cash.

  “Angela, I can’t take this.”

  “Yes, you can and you will. Think of it as a cushion until you figure out what you want to do. In my heart, I don’t feel as though you want to run a whorehouse for the rest of your life, either.”

  “Maybe you’re right. For now, it works for me. These bills come in every month and they go out getting paid. It’s discouraging when the movie theatres are not even hiring.”

  “You will find your way. Besides, we will always be close, just not business partners anymore. I’m handing you the torch.” I gave her a reassuring smile.

  “Yeah, it’s the torch full of problems,” she commented, laughing.

  I felt relieved after talking with Heather. I had finally walked away from our business. That was another chapter closed in my book of life. Things were coming along just as planned.

  I spent the rest of the week putting things in motion for the other life changes I had planned. At the end of the week, Nathan and I decided to go to the Yard House, a new restaurant all the local blogs have been buzzing about.

  We made small talk as we waited to be seated at our table. I made sure to look exquisite. Nathan made me feel so secure. I felt as though I could tell him almost anything. I could tell he felt the same. Little by little, he started revealing things to me.

  “How was your day?” I asked.

  The waitress took our drink order.

  “Great. I sold three insurance policies and I went to visit my Aunt Victoria.”

  Nathan’s parents died in a car accident at a young age. His aunt and uncle raised him and his younger sister. That’s all I knew up to this point.

  “How is she doing?” I asked.

  “Today was a better day. She and my uncle were always chain smokers. Now, it just caught up with her. She has a mild case of emphysema with an oxygen tank tagging along with her. The doctor urges her to stop smoking. When no one is looking I know she still sneaks a cigarette every now and then. After my uncle died, she honestly hasn’t been the same. The sparkle in her eye is gone,” Nathan explained.

  “What happened to your uncle?” I asked.

  “He was found dead stabbed and burned to death.”

  My hands started shaking as if I was in a panic. “What’s your uncle’s name?” I asked reluctantly.

  “His name was Timothy McCall. He was a decent man and raised us as if my sister and I were his very own children.”

  “Your last name is Watts.”

  “Yes, he was my mother’s brother. Her maiden name was McCall as well. Then, she married my father and his last name was Watts. You’re looking at the third generation of Watts men to sell insurance. My bloodline just has a knack for it,” he said lightheartedly.

  “You’re going to do the same thing to me,” I said and ran out. Nathan ran behind me. I managed to get outside. He gently grabbed my arm.

  “Angela, what’s wrong? What did I say or do that upset you so much?”

  “You’re going to hurt me just like the others. Don’t touch me!” I screamed and ran across the street.

  My head was spinning. I was beginning to lose my balance. I needed my pills but I’d left my purse in the restaurant. I refused to go back. All I wanted was to get as far from Nathan as possible so I kept running. My sight became blurry and there were spots in front of my eyes but I couldn’t stop running. My hearing was diminishing, but I could hear several car horns in the distant. Still, I couldn’t stop running. All of the sudden, I felt an enormous force and excruciating blow on the side of my body. Before I could realize what had happened, everything went black. I was hit by a car.

  Moments later, I felt a gentle nudge. I opened my eyes to witness Joyce dressed in a white robe holding a baby, this time in a yellow blanket. I gently rubbed the baby’s cheek. I reached out to hug Joyce and didn’t let go for a long time.

  “Why did you leave us? We needed you,” I sobbed.

  “Baby, it was my time,” she explained.

  “Where am I?” I asked.

  “You’re caught in between life and death,” she said and pointed down. There, I could see doctors and nurses trying to revive me.

  “Joyce, I want to go with you,” I pleaded.

  “No, this isn’t your time,” she replied, shaking her head.

  “She’s right, Angela. This isn’t your time,” another voice said.

  It was my mother. She was covered in flames. I reached to choke her. The flames were hot and burning my hands but I didn’t care. I refused to let go. I wanted to kill her and make her suffer over and over and over again as she had done to me.

  “I hate you!” I screamed so loud that I could barely talk. Joyce tried her best to get me off of her. I kicked her, spit on her. It was though I turned into an enraged animal.

  “Stop it, now!” Joyce commanded.

  Out of breath, I stopped on Joyce’s command.

  “Angela, I’m so sorry,” my mother confessed.

“No, you’re not sorry. I don’t believe you. Why are you even here? The devil let you loose for the evening?” I yelled, still enraged.

  “Please forgive me,” she repeated.

  “No, I will never forgive you. Go back to hell where you belong,” I said. All of a sudden, a force pulled her down and she was gone.

  “Angela, you have to stop killing or you may end up in hell just like your mother,” Joyce advised.

  “This rage of anger comes over me. I can’t control it.”

  “Yes, you can control it. You have to forgive if you truly want to be set free and move to the next chapter of your life. God forgives so you must as well! I am with you always watching over you. Now, this little baby girl of yours will be watching as well. Remember that. Allow peace to come into your heart,” she urged while walking into the white light.

  “No! Joyce, please don’t leave!” I begged.

  I tried running behind her but my legs couldn’t move.

  “When will I see you again?” I asked as I watched her walk away.

  “You are destined for enormous opportunities to help others. Tell George I love him and that Betty don’t have nothing on my cooking. Kiss Fera for me,” she said.

  In a flash, she kissed me on the forehead. I kissed the baby on the forehead.

  “Joyce, please don’t go,” I repeated over and over again.

  I awoke to George and Nathan standing over me. Nathan had this look as if he knew my pitiful story.

  “Angela, I didn’t know my uncle along with the others had done such horrible things to you. I’m so sorry,” he said, holding my hand.

  “Get away. I never want to see you again,” I screamed, crying, yanking my hand back.

  Both George and Nathan walked out of the hospital room. Then, only George returned.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked.

  “I’m in pain,” I said.

  “You should be with the way that car hit you. Nurse, my granddaughter is in pain. Would be so kind as to bring her some medication for relief?” he asked the nurse who happened to be walking by my room.

  “Yes, I will be right there,” the nurse replied.

  “I saw her.”



  “Are you sure you saw her?” he asked.

  “Yes, I did.”

  “What did Joyce say?”

  “She said that she loved you and Betty doesn’t have anything on her cooking.” We both started to giggle.

  A few days later, I left the hospital with a mild concussion, a broken leg, and many bruises. I couldn’t work for two months, which gave me plenty of time to think. While lying up on the couch with Fera on my chest, I decided I wanted to do something meaningful with my life. I wanted to help those who had a troubled childhood like my own. After weeks of pondering, I decided to start a group home for young girls who had been abused, abandoned, and/or mistreated. I was going to use the money that George had given me to turn Joyce and George’s farm home into a safe haven for women.

  My new lease on life was an ongoing process. With continued therapy with a new therapist, I’d faced my past and learned to control the many psychological effects I battled. I stopped cutting myself altogether. Although the sexual urges to just have sex with any man had subsided the urge to kill men who hurt women were still prevalent. I would try not to strike again. My knife and torch were always close just in case.

  As for now, I couldn’t face Nathan. The last thing I wanted was for him to feel pity for me, and to come in between him and his beloved aunt and uncle.

  I heard the door lock turn. I knew it was Larry. I trusted him enough to let him have a key to my apartment for the time being. He was here to take me to my therapy session. He had been an angel taking care of me. Being cooped up in an apartment for an entire month drove me crazy. Tension built up.

  “Where are you?” Larry asked.

  “In the kitchen,” I replied.

  “Wow. What a welcome,” he said.

  I was not dressed for the therapy session. In fact, I wasn’t dressed at all. I was totally naked. I moved closer to Larry to kiss him on the lips. I nibbled on his neck. He unbuckled his pants while I reached for the condom on the kitchen counter. It had probably been awhile for Larry too. Both of us needed to relieve built-up tension. He picked me up and laid me down the kitchen table. He entered into me. I closed my eyes to enjoy his deep strokes of sexual bliss.

  “Now I’m going to take a shower before we leave. Care to join me?” I asked when we finished having sex.

  Larry picked me up, carrying me to the bathroom. He not only washed me down but also massaged my back.

  An hour later, we headed to my appointment.

  “Will you be all right?” he asked before driving off.

  Larry had an important meeting to attend. He was trying to land the contract for renovating all the Buffalo Wild Wings restaurants in the Tidewater area.

  “Yes.” I nodded before closing the car door. Besides, I didn’t want him to miss out on an opportunity like this because of me. I cared a lot about Larry. He was a true friend.

  I slowly managed to get into the office building by myself without any help. It was just the way I wanted it. I had to start doing things on my own to regain my independence. Julie, Becca, and George had all pitched in to care for me.

  The office was on the first floor of the building. I walked in through the door and let the receptionist know that I was present.

  “Angela?” a voice called out. I turned around to see none other than Nathan Watts. I hope Larry and him didn’t cross paths or even see each other, I thought while looking at him, surprised that he was here.


  “Please don’t say anything. I just wanted to let you that I’m here for you. I’ve been waiting for you and I’m going to continue to wait to get another chance with you. It hurts but I understand why you responded the way you did at the restaurant,” he explained.

  “How did you find me?” I asked.

  “Let’s just say George is in my corner.” We both started laughing.

  “Well, first, I apologize for being hateful to you. Nathan, you didn’t do anything to me.”

  “Apology accepted,” he said before hugging me.

  “I will call you tonight, I promise,” I assured him.

  “I look forward to it,” he said before leaving the office.

  “Angela, Dr. Gunter is ready for you,” the receptionist said. I followed her to therapy room.

  “How are we, Angela?” the therapist asked.

  “Great.” I nodded.

  “I have been reviewing your chart and you have made some remarkable progress.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Today I want to try hypnosis, if you’re willing,” she suggested.

  “Okay, if you think it will help,” I said.

  “Yes, I think it will get a breakthrough for you.” She nodded her head.


  “Let’s get started. Now, have a seat and lie back in the chair. Listen to the sound of my voice. Close your eyes and count back from ten,” she gently instructed me.

  “Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one . . .”

  There was a rather long pause.

  “Lie back, lie back, lie back. That’s what those men would say to Angela when they did those vicious things to her.”

  “What’s your name?” Dr. Gunter asked, uncovering a multiple personality.

  “Lucy. I don’t believe we’ve met. I am Angela’s protector by any means necessary,” she announced in a stern tone with a cold look, jumping up from the couch. Then, she shook Dr. Gunter’s hand.

  “Is there anyone else I need to meet?” the therapist inquired.

  “Yes, I’m the only one you haven’t heard from. My name is Pia. I could tell you stories of all the sexual encounters I’ve had. What fun,” she commented in a sultry voice, batting her eyes and twirling around.

a, tell me more about yourself,” the therapist suggested.

  “She is already gone. The only one that you will actually get stories from is me, Lucy!” her voice said after closing her eyes for a few moments only to reopen them again.

  “All right.”

  “Are you ready to begin? The only ground rule I have is that the subject of Larry is off-limits. He’s the only man I have ever loved and I will not discuss our relationship with you,” Lucy informed her. “So with that being said, are you ready?” she asked again.

  “Yes,” Dr. Gunter said.

  “Now, let’s get started,” Lucy said while lying back down on the couch.

  Church Girl

  Ni’chelle Genovese

  Chapter 1

  Bittersweet Introductions

  Small white candles flickered on a table off to the side. Inhaling, my senses were bombarded with the scent of lime and coconut.

  What in the Lord’s name kind of sacrificial mumbo jumbo was this? Tay never lit candles or did any of that romantic foolishness and he especially didn’t do it after the baby. We got it in when we could and suffered when we couldn’t. There were candles everywhere and they made shadows shift and dance on the walls.

  He came to me out of the shadows that were dancing in the corner. It was as if he were a shadow himself. The lone dark figure strode toward me and fear paralyzed my feet—froze my vocal chords. It wasn’t until he was standing over me that I got the nerve to look up. I was afraid I’d see the face of death in those shadows, finally coming to take me away. But, there wasn’t anything cold or deadly about the man who seemed to have appeared out of the darkness.

  He was so tall I had to strain my neck to look up into his face. He smiled and the darkness melted away like fog in the sun. I smiled a shy smile back and instantly fell in love with his cinnamon brown skin, perfect white teeth, and deep dimples. He stretched out his hand and directed me to have a seat in a chair that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. I smoothed the back of my dress and did as I was instructed. I was mesmerized as this tall tree of a man knelt down before me. His head was bald and looked baby smooth to the touch.


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