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Incinerate Page 9

by Tessa Teevan

  She follows me as I unlock the house and we go inside. “Yeah, you made that perfectly clear last week. Let me guess, you usually go for petite, perky, beautiful blondes with huge boobs and an affinity for wearing mini-skirts and belly tops.”

  I chuckle, knowing that once upon a time she’d be right, but over the past year I’ve started getting annoyed by all the college girls and Army clingers. “I’m insulted. I’d never discriminate over such a silly thing as hair color. They don’t all have to be blonde.”

  She shoots me a look of mock disgust and just shakes her head. She’s right behind me as I go into the bathroom and adjust the knob so that the water is just hot enough. Grabbing the robe off the back of the door, I set it on the sink next to me. She’s leaning against the door, watching me with a nervous look in her eye.

  “First, why don’t you help me take the brace off?” I ask her. She walks over to me in silence and goes to town on undoing all the straps. She gingerly slides it off of me, and with my good hand, I take it from her and place it on the sink next to my robe.

  “All right, sweetheart, you were oh so good at putting my shirt on for me. Let’s see how good you are at removing it.”

  Rolling her eyes, she shoves my shoulder, hard enough that I move back a step. “Knock it off with the innuendo.”

  I give her my most innocent look. “What? I’m serious. You didn’t even tug my arm or hurt my ribs when you dressed me. I’m just curious to see if you can do the same when you take it off.”

  She pulls me by the hem of my shirt out of the bathroom and into my room. Stopping at the foot of the bed, she climbs up on it. I know what she’s doing, but I can’t help continuing to push her buttons.

  “Whoa, Charlie. I kind of figured you were a rule breaker, but I didn’t know you’d break your own. What was it you were saying about no funny business?”

  “Shut up and lift your arms, Knox,” she says as she stands in front me on the bed. I do as she asks, and she quickly pulls my shirt up over my head.

  “Ouch! Dammit, woman, are you trying to rip my ears off?!” I growl when my ear gets stuck and she yanks hard, making me flinch, the same way she did when she put it on me.

  “Oh, sorry. Guess I’m not as good as you remember. My bad. Now can we get this over with?” she asks, walking back towards the bathroom without looking back at me. I follow and find her leaning her ass against the sink, waiting for me in the steamy room. She has the plastic bag in her hands to wrap around my arm so I don’t get my cast wet, and she quickly covers my arm with the material. There’s only one thing standing between me and that shower, and part of me is hoping she gets an eyeful.

  “Okay, here’s the thing. I don’t have anything on under my basketball shorts,” I say, pausing when she raises her eyebrows at me. “It’s just easier. Trust me on that. I could put this robe on and you could just reach up under them and pull them off. Or we can be adults, I can turn around, and if you see my ass, you see my ass. It’s a rather nice one, so I don’t mind if you do.”

  She’s staring at me as my words digest. Letting out a long breath, she shrugs her shoulders. “Fine. If you don’t mind, then whatever. It’ll probably be nearly impossible to help you get dressed without seeing anything, so if you’re not shy, then neither am I. It’s not like this will be the first ass I’ve ever seen.”

  Turning me around, she checks my arm one more time to make sure that the bag is secure over my cast. She then runs her fingers down my back, her touch lightly grazing my skin until she reaches the waistband of my shorts. I can’t help the shiver that runs down my spine, and my dick grows a semi just at the thought of her taking them off. Clearing my throat, I’m hoping she’ll be too distracted to realize how her touch is affecting me. It’s not her, I tell myself, instead chocking it up to the fact that I haven’t been with anyone in a while. Yeah, definitely not her.

  HE’S BEEN flirting with me off and on since I picked him up earlier, and I’m not sure where the broody jack-off went. Like Dad advised, I’ve tried to be more patient with him over the last few days, and maybe it’s finally paying off. Today’s the first time we haven’t fought about anything, and I find myself wishing his playful side would come out more often.

  I won’t lie and say it didn’t sting when he said I wasn’t his type, but I wasn’t surprised. It just solidified the fact that I need to keep him at a distance and not respond to his flirting or sexy, cocky smiles. It’s just that I’ve never been one to not give as good as I take, so when I feel his shiver as my fingers run down his back, I can’t help but grin and do a mental fist pump. Damn you, Jersey Shore.

  Not his type my ass. Either he was lying or he just really needs to get laid. Which, now that I think of it, could definitely be the problem. For this and his grumpy mood. Well, too bad for him, because my amusement park is closed for the season. Like I said, I don’t do roller coasters, and while I think this guy could be the best ride of my life, I know I’ll end up feeling sick to my stomach with regret afterwards.

  “Jesus, Knox, how hard did you hit the pavement over there? I can still see the faded bruising on your skin and it’s been weeks,” I ask him, noticing the yellowing of his skin, along with several pink scars from what I’m guessing were burns from the explosion.

  “Pretty damn bad, I’d say. You know, broken back and all that shit. I don’t remember most of it. Just what the guys on the perimeter told me. I don’t really like to talk about it.” A dark shadow clouds his face, and I can tell he really doesn’t want to discuss it, so I back off, leaving the issue alone.

  I nod, and he turns back around, my fingers sliding around his waist with his movements. Closing my eyes, I hook my fingers around the waistband of his shorts and swiftly push them down. I can feel him move away from me, and I just can’t help myself. I slightly open my right eye, because come on, his ass looked killer in his jeans, and my curiosity has gotten the better of me.

  “I’d say no peeking, but for you, I’ll allow it. After all, you’re just being helpful. It’s only fair that you get a reward.”

  The sound of his voice catches me off guard and both my eyes pop open, only to see him grinning at me as my eyes wander down his muscular chest, his washboard abs, and those amazing obliques that are pointing a direct arrow straight to his…towel-covered cock. Seriously? Now he tries to be a gentleman?

  He must see the way I’m looking at him because his voice interrupts my thoughts, drawing my eyes up to his face. “What’s the matter, Charlie? I’m just trying to stick to your ‘no funny business’ rule,” he tells me, shooting me a sexy wink.

  He turns around and drops the towel, and I’m greeted with the sight of the sexiest naked ass I’ve ever seen. It’s so firm, even with his physical inactivity. I have to stop myself from reaching out and touching it. I start to back out of the bathroom, because if I see any more of his naked skin, I’m going to go all Katniss on him and start screaming “I volunteer!” when he decides he needs his back washed.

  Right before I exit the room, Knox sticks his head out of the glass door in his shower. “Not sticking around for the show?” he asks as he rubs shampoo into his hair one-handed.

  I try to look as indifferent as possible, but the sight of his wet skin has me fighting the urge to lick my lips. “There’s nothing special in here that I haven’t seen before. I’ll be in the kitchen heating up dinner for you. Just shout when you need me,” I tell him.

  I start to walk down the hallway when I hear him yell my name. I head back towards the bathroom, wondering what he could possibly want now.

  “You yelled?” I ask. He mumbles something from behind the glass door, and I ask him to repeat himself, but I still can’t hear him. Moving closer, I knock on the glass, expecting him to peek his head out. Instead, the door swings open, and there stands Knox, naked, wet, and mouth-wateringly gorgeous. And when I say there stands Knox, I mean it. All of him. My eyes can’t help but be drawn to the huge erection he’s sporting, and oh my god, I’m happy to learn th
at I was right. He’s definitely more than a mouthful.

  “Uhh, Charlie, eyes up here,” he teases, interrupting the stare down I’m having with his cock. My eyes slowly wander up his drenched skin, taking in every naked inch. It’s only been three months since I last was intimate with Drew, but the way my panties get soaked as I take in the sight of him makes me feel like I haven’t gotten laid in a decade. Although I got pissed at his initial assessment of my wanting to go home with him that night at the bar, if I had known this body was hiding under those clothes, I might have actually been willing. Reaching his eyes, I notice that the playful look in them from earlier has darkened, and he’s watching me intently.

  “Like I said, nothing I’ve never seen before,” I tell him, shrugging with indifference when really I want to strip down and join him.

  “Mmmhmm. I saw you checking me out, sweetheart. You don’t have to deny it.”

  I’m not admitting shit to him, so I cross my arms and lean against the wall, my eyes not leaving his. As much as I’d like another peek, I’m not letting him win this round.

  “What the hell do you want, Knox?” As much fun as it might be to flirt with him, I know better than to go there. For all I know, next time I stop by he’ll be a grump again, and after Drew, I have no desire to be with someone with mood swings.

  “I’m out of soap. Can you grab me a bottle from under the sink, please?” he asks, looking innocent. I look around the shower to see if he’s just pulling a fast one on me, but I only see an empty bottle.

  “Oh, wow. He does have manners,” I say to myself as I go to get him a new bottle. When I hand it to him, our hands touch and his fingers linger on my skin.

  “Thank you, Charlie,” he tells me. “For everything. I know this probably sucks as much for you as it does for me. Well, let’s not go that far. It really sucks more for me, but still, I appreciate you doing this.”

  I wave him off. “Don’t worry about it. It’s what I signed up for.” I pause, looking around the bathroom. “Well, maybe not exactly what I signed up for, but I’m here to help and that’s what I’ll do. In a few weeks, your brother will be back and I’ll be out of your hair.”

  With that, he takes the bottle out of my hand and gives me one last look, a strange shadow crossing over his face. “Yeah, right. Just doing your job. Got it.” And with that, he shuts the glass door in my face, leaving me, once again, baffled at how hot and cold he’s turning out to be.

  “COME ON, Knox. You need to get out of this house,” Jace tells me, Lexi nodding as she sits next to him on my couch.

  Apparently it’s her weekend to visit, and instead of spending it alone with each other, they’ve ambushed me, wanting to go out. It doesn’t help that they’ve recruited Kale Montgomery, another one of the guys who was in the explosion with us. He got away with mostly cuts, bruises, and a few burns since he was far enough away, and his ass has been hovering over me every chance he has. I figure this is Jace’s doing since Kale only lives a few doors down. He’s probably been given the watch dog title, and I’m thankful that he works swing shift and hasn’t been able to bug me too much.

  “I’m still supposed to wear my brace, guys, and I’m not going out to a club with that thing on,” I tell them, hoping they’ll drop the subject.

  Jace scoffs at me. “Dude, you took it off when we went out last week. And Charlie told me the doc said you’d probably be out of it in two weeks. She also said you haven’t left the house this week except to go to your follow-up at the hospital. Man, that’s not healthy. You’re going to get cabin fever and really freak out.”

  What the fuck? “When the hell did you talk to Charlie?” I ask, because I know they haven’t crossed paths at my place.

  Jace and Lexi exchange glances before he answers me. “I’m thinking of putting my G.I. Bill to use and finishing my degree. I was surprised to see her when I showed up at the VA office at Austin Peay, but apparently she’s the liaison there. We got to talking and she may have mentioned you might be bummed about still being in your brace and that I should try to get you out of the house.”

  Knowing that they talked about me, I want to ask more questions about him seeing her, but I don’t want to seem disinterested in his pursuing his goals. Don’t get me wrong, I’m more than happy for Jace if he wants to finish his degree. There’s no reason to let the free education benefits go to waste. But I don’t care about that part right now.

  “What do you mean she may have mentioned that? How in the hell would she know if I need to get out or not? She doesn’t even know me.”

  Jace just shakes his head at me. “Despite what you might think, you’re not that hard to read, Knox. And I think Charlie’s more perceptive than you’re giving her credit for.”

  “What’s the big deal? I think it’s actually kind of sweet that she’s looking out for you. She could’ve not said anything and just let you continue to mope around here all by yourself. Instead, you get to hang out with us. Consider yourself lucky. We’re pretty damn good company,” Lexi chimes in before turning to give Jace a kiss on the cheek.

  “Yeah, well, if you’re going to be doing that all night, you can count me out,” I tell her, and she just grins at me. I can’t help but smile back. She’s grown on me the past few times she’s visited since I woke up in the hospital. Although I give them crap about their PDA, she isn’t an annoying, clingy, over-the-top girlfriend. She’s actually pretty chill and down to earth, and the fact that she loves sports means she’s even cooler in my book.

  “Aren’t the Reds playing on national television tonight? Let’s just go to a sports bar or something.”

  Lexi grins, and I know I have her. Jace once told me that she can never say no to the Cincinnati Reds, and I’m not above using her obsession to my advantage. She looks at Jace and he groans, shaking his head. “Of course my girl would want to go eat wings and drink beer rather than go out dancing. Hey, fine by me. It’s not like I can dance anyway, but I was hoping for a little bump-n-grind action. I may not be able to use my leg, but I can still shake my hips.” He gives a little demonstration in the chair, causing Lexi to giggle.

  Kale looks at me in horror. “He did not just do that, did he? Can I un-see these things?”

  Laughing, I just shake my head. “I’d like to tell you that you get used to them, but that’d be a lie. You just have to learn to tolerate it. Fine. I’m okay with a sports bar, but if I have to watch Jace give a lap dance, I’m putting my tab on his. Give me thirty minutes so I can get cleaned up and then we can go.”

  Jace’s forehead wrinkles. “Thirty minutes? Dude, it barely takes Alexa that long to get ready, and her hair’s a lot longer than yours.”

  I look down at my brace, my broken arm, and then back him. “Yeah, dude, unless your girl there wants to help wash my back in the shower, it’s going to take me a while. If she agrees, I might be able to speed things up a little.” I cock my eyebrow up at her suggestively, and I see her laugh.

  “That’d cost you, Knox, and you already made it clear to me once before how you feel about paying women for their services.” Lexi winks at me, and remembering that night, I know I’ll never live it down.

  Grinning, I look at Jace, and he’s just laughing at her. That’s one thing I love about these two together, not that you’ll get me to admit it to Jace. If the roles were reversed, I’d be ready to kick his ass just for joking about getting my girl naked, but there’s something so secure about their relationship that they can just joke about it. And in this moment, I realize I want that. Maybe not right now, but eventually, in the future. I thought I had it once with Megan, but when I really reflect on it, our relationship was nothing true or easy like theirs seems to be, especially after everything they’ve been through. Ours was high school love, if you can call it that. And somehow, for the first time in ten years, I actually find myself wanting more. And maybe once I’m fully healed, I’ll finally start looking for it.

  “Okay, okay. I’m sure I can’t afford you or the hospital b
ills I’d get after Jace kicks my ass for using your ‘services.’ But if you can do one thing for me, that’d be great.”

  His eyes narrow, and I want to laugh as the look on his face changes, but Lexi responds before I can say a word. “Sure, Knox. As long as it doesn’t involve anything pervy, I’m in.”

  “Nothing pervy for you, I promise. I just need help getting this brace off, and I don’t keep like having either of these guys that close to me.” Kale flips me off and Lexi just laughs and complies, removing my brace and handing it to me.

  Chuckling, I make my way back towards my room to get ready, thinking that maybe a night out with good friends is definitely what I need.

  AFTER ABOUT an hour, we finally pull up to the sports bar. I made sure that I took more than thirty minutes to get ready, but it wasn’t just to spite Jace. I won’t admit this to Charlie, but if I take my time, I can push my shorts down just enough so I can slide them down my legs. It’s getting them back on that’s a bitch. I didn’t want to have to ask anyone here to help me put on jeans, so I pulled a pair of khaki cargo shorts out of my dresser and sat down on the bed. I hooked my feet in the top of the shorts, used a hanger to grab the belt loop, and pulled them up. It was kind of a bitch, but I was more than happy that I’d just gained back a little self-sufficiency. Not to mention I was proud of my MacGyver-like skills. Okay, maybe it wasn’t that impressive, but at least I didn’t have to have Jace dress me. Well, he did have to help me with the dark colored t-shirt I’m wearing, but I couldn’t help that. He’d refused to let Lexi help me, but she did enjoy the show.

  Reaching into the glove box, Jace pulls out a box and throws it back to me. I catch it, looking at him questioningly.

  “Chief asked me to give those to you next time I saw you. He also said to pass along a message.” He pauses, checking the rearview mirror to see if I’m listening.


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