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Incinerate Page 20

by Tessa Teevan

  Smiling, I lean over and give him a kiss on the cheek. “That sounds perfect, Chris. I had a great time, too, and I would love to hang out more. And still, I want to get you in the ring.”

  “Fine, fine. We’ll set something up, but you’ll have to take it easy on me to begin with. I can’t have this pretty face all bruised up at a show. Come on. I’ll walk you up.”

  When we get to the porch, he pulls me into a hug, surprising me when he gives me a kiss on the forehead.

  “See ya around, Charlie.” And with that, he turns and bounds down the driveway, leaving me on the porch watching after him. Even though Chris and I are just going to be friends, I’m feeling content after having a good night out, happy that I was able to get Knox off my mind, even for a little while.

  WHEN I got the text from Charlie telling me she’d be home late because of a date, I almost lost it. And then when Jace called to ask me if I’d heard that she was out with Chris, my blood began to boil. He’s a fucking kid, for Christ’s sake. A kid in some stupid band, and my jealousy is roaring right now.

  It wasn’t until that moment that I began to realize how much I’ve come to care for her. I don’t know how she did it, but somehow over the past two months, she’s worked herself into my heart, making me rethink every single plan I’ve ever had about my future.

  For the first time in forever, I want more than a quick lay with a woman. I haven’t wanted a relationship with anyone, but with Charlie, I do, and I’m already feeling stupidly possessive. I want to spend time with her. Not as my roommate, but as my girl—mine and no one else’s.

  But instead she’s out with some skinny-jean-wearing rock star wannabe all because I’m a fucking idiot who couldn’t make it clear that it was her, not Megan, I was kissing that day. My mind’s reeling, and this possessiveness almost unnerves me. Realizing I finally want more with a woman while she’s on a date with another guy means I have pretty bad fucking timing.

  To be honest, I never thought I’d get to this point with Charlie, but the thought of her with another man? It tears me to shreds. I’ve taken for granted having her here every night, and I know now I want to be the guy she comes home to. The one she shares her day with. The guy who gets to see her in her pajamas every night. Not some other asshole who probably isn’t even man enough to handle her strong personality.

  I don’t know if Jace was trying to twist the knife when he called or if he was trying to tell me to get off my ass, but I’ve been stewing ever since. When I got home from work, she was already gone. Glancing at the clock, I notice it’s after eleven. Yeah, that’s not late on a Friday night, but if a date’s not going well, they usually end early. A feeling of relief washes over me when I hear a car pulling into the driveway, headlights shining through the window.

  Minutes later, she still hasn’t come inside, and I’m wondering what the fuck they’re doing. I’m fidgeting while watching the TV, and it becomes more than I can stand. Getting up, I head towards the front door but then realize the glass will give me away. Peeking out from the corner, I can see their figures, and just as I look, I see Chris pulling her in for a hug, placing a kiss on her forehead. It’s more than I can bear, and I lean back again the wall, closing my eyes before I freak the fuck out.

  Her skin is meant for my lips. When I kissed her in the ring, I felt so much more than lust, and seeing another man with his mouth on her is almost enough to make me tear the door down. I want Charlie. Physically. Emotionally, too? I don’t know. I just know I want her. And the thought of Chris getting near her drives me wild. I have to show her. I have to let her know that when I kissed her, I knew it was her, I wanted it to be her, and I’m going to prove it.

  I bide my time, waiting for her to come inside. It’s not long before I hear the door open, and she’s in my space, smiling big, and it sets me off.

  Before I can stop myself, I’m on her, pushing her up against the wall. Her purse drops, and she gasps, looking up at me. Gripping her wrists, I pull them up over her head and hold them against the wall, just like I did outside the pub. My face is only inches from hers, and I’m about to ravage her mouth when she speaks.

  “Knox, what are you doing?” she asks, squirming in my hold.

  “Been waitin’ on you all night, sweetheart. And I’ll ask the same thing. What do you think you’re doin’?” I have no idea if she had a good time on her date or not, but I don’t fucking care.

  “Umm, coming inside? You’re the one who attacked me the moment I walked in the door.”

  Looking down into her eyes, I see them burning with desire, and I know I have her. I tell myself that Chris was just a distraction.

  “How was your date, Charlie?” I ask, wanting to hear her confirmation that it was nothing.

  Smiling sweetly, she answers me. “It was great. I had a fantastic time, and Chris is a really nice guy. But I’m exhausted, so I’m going to turn in. Goodnight, Knox,” she says, pulling away from me and walking down the hall.

  Oh hell no. This conversation is nowhere near over, and I’m not letting her get away.

  Catching up to her, I grab her arm, pressing her up against the wall again. Yeah, I’m sensing a theme here, but Charlie all backed up with nowhere to go is hot as hell—and the only way to keep her still.

  “So if it was good, do you plan on another one?”

  “Knox, seriously? Can we talk about this tomorrow?” she asks, yawning for effect.

  “Sweetheart, are you going on another fucking date with him?” I ask, wincing at how harsh I sound, but I can’t help it. I’m getting worked up when I feel her wrap her arms around me as I push my erection in between her legs. Before I allow her to answer, I can’t fucking stop my lips from smashing against hers. Not giving her a chance to part her lips, my tongue pushes them open as it invades her mouth, wanting, needing to taste her. She kisses me back with fervor, wrapping her arms around my waist and lifting up into me before I pull away from her, ready to move this to the bedroom.

  But she has a different idea as she apparently she comes to her senses. Removing her arms, she glares up at me, but the pink, puffy lips from where she’s just been kissed take away my attention.

  “First of all, do not speak to me like that, Knox Wellington. Secondly, it’s none of your goddamn business, but no, I’m not. We’re better suited as friends.” I can’t help the smirk that spreads over my face, first from her scolding me and then her confirmation that Chris has no chance. And then she opens her mouth again. “But who knows? I’m sure we’ll spend more time together.”

  Knowing she’s just trying to push my buttons, I ignore her comment and move back in. Pressing my lips against hers again, I kiss her, but she pushes me away.

  “No. Screw you, Knox. You only want me because I was out with someone else,” she says, trying to break away.

  “You are so fucking wrong, sweetheart. I’ve wanted you this entire time. It wasn’t until I was on top of you at the gym that I thought there was a possibility for this, and then Megan showed up and ruined it all. You’ve acted like it didn’t affect you at all. But when I found out you were with someone else tonight? I knew I couldn’t go another night without laying it all out on the line.”

  She places her hands on her hips and glares at me. “And that’s supposed to make me feel better? I could wake up tomorrow and you could decide it was a one-night thing. A point to prove. I’m not messing up what we have here just for you to work out your jealousy and baggage in the bedroom.”

  Shaking my head, I realize I’m not getting through to her. I lean in, kissing her again, and this time she doesn’t pull away first. “No baggage, Charlie. I don’t know why I want you. I tried to fight it. I’ve been fighting it for weeks. But I can’t anymore. I want you. I want you more than I ever imagined possible, and it has nothing to do with anyone else but us—”

  Something in my words causes her to give in, because she interrupts me when she slams her lips against mine. Our desire has finally been unleashed, and neither of us ca
n get enough. We’re wrapped up in each other, tongues tangling, hands wandering, and I savor every taste, every touch, the very feel of her skin under my fingertips. When I pull back, more than ready to move this to the bedroom, the look of her lips, swollen and flushed, has my dick rock hard.

  “One. Last. Time,” I growl. “Are you going to see him again?”

  She jerks her chin up, looking at me. “No, I’m not and I’ve already said that twice. But what I don’t get is why the hell you care.”

  “I care, Charlie. It just took me a while to realize it. And when it comes to you, I won’t share,” I tell her in the simplest way possible. It’s cute as hell when her eyebrows draw together, her lips tightening as she takes in my words.

  “I wasn’t aware that I was yours to share, Wellington,” she says, jaw tight, setting her chin defiantly. Then she pulls out of my grasp as she heads to her room. I watch her hot little ass for a few seconds before I follow after her.

  She’s about to reach her room when I scoop her up, throwing her over my shoulder and taking her into my room. Tossing her on my bed, I’m quick to climb on top of her.

  “Maybe not right now, but I want you to be,” I tell her, pressing kisses from her jawline down to her neck.

  Her fingers find my chin, and she lifts my face up towards her, stopping my kisses. “You want me to be what?” she asks, her eyes searching mine.

  I take a deep breath, unable to believe I’m doing this. I’ve sworn it off for so long, but this girl’s found her way into my heart, and if she needs to hear me say it, I will. My heart’s pounding, and if I can admit it, I’m scared out of my fucking mind. It’s been so long since I let someone in, and I’m going out on a limb hoping that Charlie wants more with me.

  “Here’s the thing. I’m tired of this roommate bullshit. I want more than that. I want you to be my girl. I want you in my bed, just like this. I want to take you out, show you off, and get the jealous looks from all the other assholes who wish you were theirs. I want, more than anything, for you to be my sweetheart, because that’s what you’ve become to me, even if I started saying it by being an ass. I want to be able to call you mine for real, not pretend.” Sighing, I pause. “Charlie, I want—I need—you to be my fucking girl.”

  I don’t realize that I’m holding my breath as I wait for her to respond. When she smiles up at me with shining eyes, I let it out as relief rolls through me. “Show me,” she whispers, and she doesn’t have to tell me twice.

  Even though I want to tear her jeans off and sink into her more than anything else, I know I need to do what she asks. Lowering my head, my lips hover just over her ear. “With pleasure, sweetheart.” Trailing kisses from her ear across her jawline, I quickly find her mouth and learn that she’s just as eager as I am to finally give in to our attraction. Her left hand wraps around my neck while the other one moves to my ass, and she pulls me into her so that nearly every single inch of our bodies is touching. I’m desperate to get her out of these clothes and I know she feels the same, because the moment my fingers graze her stomach, she’s lifting up onto her knees, our lips still connected as she pushes me off of her. She breaks the kiss and her hands go the hem of her shirt when I stop her.

  “Let me,” I gently order, and she stills, dropping her hands. Slowly, I slide her top up, and at the last minute, she raises her arms so I can pull it over her head. Leaning back on her elbows, she’s on display for me. If I had any fear that I still have residual effects from the pain medication, the sight of Charlie in a lacy, chocolate brown bra that barely covers her breasts pushes them away, because I’m harder than hell.

  “Your turn,” she says, still leaning back as if she wants to enjoy the show.

  Sitting back on my knees, I don’t take my time getting rid of the shirt, and I hear the sharp intake of breath. I can’t help the cocky grin that spreads over my face as her eyes rake over my muscular chest that’s gotten back most of its definition.

  “I’d ask if you like what you see, but I think I already know the answer to that.”

  “Okay, Rugged, you only get one of those tonight, so shut the hell up and get back over here.”

  Responding to her request, I move back towards her, but this time I lay on my side, directly next to her. My hand covers her stomach, and I trace the waistband of her jeans with my index finger. She shivers at my touch, and I lean down to press wet, hot kisses against her skin there. Pulling my head up, she leads me back to her mouth, her tongue more than ready to begin a battle with my own. She’s sucking and licking greedily, as if she’s been deprived and is trying to get her fill.

  Letting her mouth take the lead, I go to work getting to know her body. Trailing my finger from temple to chin and then down her neck, it finally settles between her breasts, where I trace the outline of each cup. Feeling her shudder at my touch, I have to tear away from her mouth so mine can do some exploration. I feel like I’ve been waiting so long for this, so long for her, and a hunger unlike I’ve ever known washes over me as my lips trail down her body.

  When my lips meet my finger, I waste no time pushing the bra cup aside, letting me finally taste her. Licking is nowhere near enough, I realize, and I’m getting eager to give her more when she moans as I bite down on her nipple, a little less gently than I planned. Working both breasts over, I worship them like a man who’s finally found his salvation after a lifetime of deprivation. If I let myself think about it, that’s probably a true statement anyway.

  At the same time, my free hand moves down to her jeans and sets about undoing the button, sliding down the zipper. Slipping my hand into them, I feel the silky fabric of her panties right before my hand slides underneath them. A single finger moves over her clit, and I press down, just to see what pushing that particular button does for her. Immediately, my finger’s caught in between her thighs as she clenches them, squeezing together to get relief.

  “Oh, god, Knox,” is all she says as her hands grip the sheets. I’ve never been so turned on, and if this is how she reacts just from a single touch, I know watching her orgasm is going to be my undoing.

  She whimpers as I pull my hand out of her jeans and replace the bra back over her sweet, succulent breasts. I make a mental note to pay extra attention to them next time, but for now, I’m getting impatient with the need to be inside her. Moving down the bed, I hook my fingers in her jeans and slowly pull them off of her. A matching pair of low-riding panties covers her tan skin, and while I want to take them off, I still have a little more exploring to do. I pause, taking a moment to look up at her. She’s so goddamn gorgeous, and even though I can’t wait to be inside her, seeing her like this makes me want to savor every single moment I have with her as I make sure she reaches her ultimate pleasure.

  “Yours, too,” she says, sitting up on the bed, her hands on the button of my shorts. The way she’s looking at my bare chest before she looks down as her fingers undo the zipper with cloudy eyes full of lust is almost too much. I’d like to last more than three seconds. I’m want to prolong this as much as possible. When her fingers push my shorts down, taking my boxers with them, and her thumb grazes down the length of me, I’m not sure it’s going to be possible. Yeah, we’ll have plenty of time for this in the future, but I want to relish the first time I taste her, the way it feels when I slide into her wet heat for the first time, and the feel of her orgasm rocking through her body as she comes around my cock.

  Stepping out of my shorts, I climb back on the bed and draw her up on her knees and into my arms as I press her chest against mine. Pushing her hair to the side, I kiss down the side of her neck, not stopping until I come to her breasts, where I trace an outline just above the material before I draw back from her, moving up to kiss her lips. My hands have been gripping her hips, and I move them up over her curves, sliding them around to her back and up to her bra strap. Grabbing the hook, I stop and look down into her eyes. I can see the way her breasts rise as she inhales, stopping the moment she realizes what I want to do. Nodding, s
he allows me to unhook it, pulling it off her body before tossing it to the side. Wrapping my arm around her back, I pull her into me. It’s all I can do not to look down when I feel her breasts pressing against my bare skin, her hardened nipples poking me ever so slightly.

  “You feel amazing naked against my chest,” I whisper in her ear, causing a small shiver to pass over her. I pull her knees out from under her with my free hand and slowly lay her down on the bed, careful to keep our chests pressed against each other. As much as I’m looking forward to claiming Charlie tonight, I could stay right here in this position all night long. There’s something undeniably intimate about feeling her skin touching every single inch of mine, save the most intimate of places. It’s an unfamiliar feeling. I’ve never felt this sort of intimacy with anyone. The desire to be inside her, the need for her pleasure to come before mine aren’t things I’m used to. It’s so much more than a fuck, and I have no idea how to process it, but I find myself loving the idea of it. And I surprise myself at the same time that I’m not moving her panties to the side so I can push myself inside of her quickly to get off.

  “Knox,” she whispers as her hands run up my biceps and over my shoulders. The sound of her sexy whisper breaks me out of my trance, but it’s the feel of her hips circling, trying to grind on my boxer-covered cock that’s driving me crazy. “Please…don’t make me wait. I’ve wanted this for too long,” she admits, all breathy and sexy as hell.

  Holy shit. She’s been wanting this? I’m not exactly surprised. I knew this attraction wasn’t one-sided, but hearing her say that she’s wanted to get in my bed is a relief, and I realize all I needed was confirmation. As much as I’d love to make her beg, I don’t think I can prolong this anymore. Lifting up, I’m more than ready to finally move this forward.

  I take a moment to look down at her, wondering what the hell took me so long to realize I wanted her. She’s fucking gorgeous, and I decide brown is my new favorite color. Her dark hair is fanned out on my pillow, and soon I’ll be wrapping my hands up in it. The chocolate brown eyes that watch me as I hover over her are silently begging me to fuck her. And as much as I want her naked, the way she’s barely covered with the brown material that shows off her tan has me wanting to watch her in nothing but a sexy pair of barely there panties for a little while longer before I rip them off.


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