Garden of Serenity

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Garden of Serenity Page 19

by Nina Pierce

  The pounding on the door came just as her lips melted into his. Like a cat, Brenimyn came fully awake and jumped to his feet. His hands fisted in front of him ready to fight. Jahara heard the loud bang, trying to orient herself in her sleepy haze.

  “Don’t move.” He pulled on breeches as he ran from the bedroom.

  She had no intention of listening to him. The last time someone had come into her apartment, they’d kidnapped him. That would not happen again. Grabbing a flimsy robe, Jahara bolted after him.

  Two women from the security guard stood in her kitchen. The tattoos on their necks looked particularly foreboding as the muscles strained with tension. But it was the weapon they had pointed directly at her chest that had Jahara’s pulse-rate kicking up another notch.

  “Governmental Body of the Garden of Serenity, we’re looking for Jahara Khateri.” One of them spoke in an official tone.

  “I am Jahara …” She tried to step around Brenimyn, but his arm shot out in front of her. He sidestepped, putting his body between her and the guards.

  “What’s this about?” Brenimyn asked.

  “We have no business with you today, breeder.” The same woman smiled maliciously. She’d probably been the one who’d drugged and kidnapped him yesterday. “We need to speak to the female.”

  Pushing down Brenimyn’s arm, Jahara stepped around him and squared her shoulders. If they were going to take her away, they could do so with her dignity intact. It probably had to do with Lukiam. What she’d done was right. There was no punishment that would make her regret her actions.

  “I am the honorable healer, Dr. Khateri.”

  “You have been ordered by the Governmental Body to allow access to your apartment. The security has gone down and we have brought someone who will repair the problem.” The guard’s gaze swept up to the corner of the kitchen and down to the shattered camera on the floor.

  She refused to cower under their scornful gaze. “There was an accident.”

  “And one in the living quarters as well?” The guard pointed to the destroyed camera visible from where they stood.

  “If you’ve got them secured …” A small voice spoke from the threshold. “Let me through.”

  Jahara saw the swollen belly and breasts before the otherwise petite blond woman shouldered her way between the women.

  “I’m Xylice LeMoine, a computer technician sent to fix the cameras.” Her gaze swept the shattered remains on the floor and then to Jahara who could only shrug. “Obviously,” she turned to the guard on her left, “there was some defect in the equipment.” She covered her smile with her hand, but the glint of humor sparking in the icy depths of her blue eyes couldn’t be disguised. “I’m sure this woman and her breeder intend to cooperate. You can stand down. There’s no danger here. Go out to the vehicle and retrieve the gear in the trunk.”

  Though Brenimyn’s feet were spread wide on the floor and his hands boldly fisted at his hips, his muscles no longer bunched with the apprehension of a moment ago. Jahara stole a glance at him. One corner of his mouth lifted and he winked at the woman as they guards left.

  “Seems your attempt at privacy has caught the attention of the Garden,” Xylice said. “They never were one to understand the delicate needs of a breeding couple.”

  Xylice stepped away from the door as the burly women unloaded four huge suitcases onto the kitchen floor.

  “That will do. I don’t require your assistance anymore. I’ve got a lot of work ahead of me fixing these faulty cameras. If you didn’t completely ruin the door with your rude entrance, would you please close it as you leave. I’ll call for a ride when I am finished.”

  “Our orders are to protect you,” said the guard.

  Xylice addressed Jahara and Brenimyn. “Do either of you intend me harm?”

  Brenimyn bowed. “Xylice LeMoine, cherished of humans, gifted breeder of offspring, we will be pleased to cooperate with you as you repair the faulty equipment.”

  The computer tech barely contained a smile as she turned back to the security guards. “You see, I am in no danger here. If you must stay, then stay in the vehicle. What I’m doing is highly technical and confidential. Dr. Bresilee would not like to hear that you didn’t obey my orders.” She stamped her foot as she spoke.

  “As you wish.” Only one spoke but they both bowed. “I would feel more comfortable with the door open.”

  “And let all the neighbors see what I’m doing? Already you’ve brought too much attention to this highly classified situation.” Xylice waved her hand into the bright sunlight, where several women had slowed their morning walks to peer at the events unfolding in the residence.

  “We will be in the vehicle as you requested.” The warped door whined and hissed as it closed behind them.

  The young woman waited only a heartbeat after the soft click of the latch before she rushed into Brenimyn’s embrace.

  “Brenimyn, I’ve missed you. It’s so good to see you.”

  Brenimyn folded her into his arms, his eyes misting with emotion. He greeted the pregnant woman with an affection Jahara had never witnessed from him.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “It has been much too long.” Brenimyn’s hand rubbed lovingly over the mound of Xylice’s stomach. “You’re looking well. Pregnancy agrees with you.” He bent to kiss her cheek again, holding her close to him as he did so. “You radiate happiness.”

  Turning, she modeled for him. “Not so bad for seven months and two babies?”

  Brenimyn laughed. “You’re having twins?”

  Xylice cupped Brenimyn’s cheek. “It’s not right that you didn’t know before now. With everything that’s happening, I didn’t dare contact with you.”

  Jahara’s heart sank. She knew Brenimyn had mated with others, but to actually have someone who carried his offspring in her house was a bit overwhelming. The jealousy burning her throat must have been what Brenimyn experienced last night. It was an ugly emotion, vacillating between anger and betrayal. The tightness it created was a heavy weight sitting on her heart.

  “Forgive me, I’m being rude.” Brenimyn’s dimples flashed at Jahara and she forced her mouth to imitate his.

  “Xylice this is my mate, Jahara. Jahara, Xylice.”

  Not wanting to be rude, Jahara extended her hand, wishing she could run from this encounter. “It’s nice to meet you.” That wasn’t even close to the truth, but good manners brought the words out automatically.

  Xylice looked down at Jahara’s extended arm. Brushing past it, she pulled Jahara into a bone-crushing embrace instead. “A handshake is no way to greet family.” Xylice pushed her away and held Jahara at arm’s length. “Well … almost family.”

  Jahara shook her head in confusion. Sharing breeders did not constitute a familial connection. Her mouth worked like a fish out of water.

  Brenimyn’s hearty laugh filled the kitchen. “Jahara my love, your thoughts betray you.” He threw his arm around her shoulder, kissing her gently on the head. “Xylice isn’t a former mate—she’s my sister.”

  “Ewww.” Xylice stepped back, wrinkling her nose. “Bed that man? I’m sorry you have to suffer through it.” She backhanded Brenimyn’s stomach. “He’s bad enough company at the dining table.”

  “Love you too, sis.” His voice softened. “Have you talked with Mother?”

  “I have. She misses you and told me to send her love when I saw you.” The levity of their conversation was gone. “I hear things have been going well at the lake gatherings.” She laid her palm on his cheek. “With the governmental spies everywhere, I’ve been so worried for your safety.”

  “We’ve done well to keep our relationship a secret.” He ran his hand down her arm. “Obviously, Bresilee doesn’t suspect a connection between us or you wouldn’t be here today.”

  “And I intend to keep it that way, dear brother.”

  “Tell me more of Mother. I need to talk with her soon myself.” Brenimyn moved Jahara in front of him, folding his hands over
her stomach, his heart beating against her back, his gesture as natural as breathing.

  “I called Mother on the secure line from the office just yesterday to tell her of Jahara’s arrival.” Xylice’s tone was ominous. “We’ve all waited a long time for this to begin. She worries every day, but has resigned herself to the inevitable revolution about to begin. She continues her vigilant prayers that we will all be together under one roof again.” Xylice’s hand instinctively covered the babies growing within her. “I wonder if I will bring my babies into a different world.”

  “If we stay strong, we can make them all see that change is not only inevitable, but necessary,” Bren said. “The crowds at the lake would indicate people are ready.”

  “Obviously, you two are being watched closely. The thugs out there didn’t tell me where I was going when they picked me up. All I got from them was that some breeder had taken out a security system and was threatening the government. They wouldn’t even tell the head of the department the exact nature of the breach.” A small laugh escaped. “They had me shaking in fear with all the secrecy surrounding this. If I had known it was my brother who’d disabled his cameras—”

  “Not me. This one,” said Brenimyn.

  “You did a heck of a nice job, Jahara.” Xylice’s smile was fleeting. “When did you destroy them?”

  “About three hours ago.” Jahara snuggled in closer to Brenimyn.

  Concern furrowed Xylice’s brow. “Oh, that’s worse than I thought. Usually no one monitors the breeders’ residences. A cursory glance now and then, but nothing that should’ve triggered the government’s concern this quickly. They had to be watching.”

  “Watching us? But why?” Jahara asked.

  “Something kicked them into high gear,” Xylice responded. “I’ve been instructed to put hidden cameras in the bathrooms and high-powered audio amplifiers throughout the apartment. The feed will not only go to the security room, but also straight to Bresilee’s office and private computer.”

  “I figured we’d rouse Bresilee’s suspicions sooner or later, but I hadn’t planned it would happen this quickly,” Brenimyn said. “I wish we knew who was doing her spying.”

  Jahara said, “I didn’t see Kylie at the lake the other day.”

  “She wouldn’t send anyone that obvious,” said Xylice. “It could be a male breeder.”

  “I don’t think that’s the case.” Brenimyn rubbed his face in Jahara’s hair, the gesture no doubt comforting them both. “But I guess at this point, it doesn’t matter who it is. We’re under Bresilee’s scrutiny and all we can do is hope we can pull things together even with her watching our every move.”

  “I have a plan.” Xylice clapped her hands together. “But there’s a lot of work to be done and I’ll need your help.” She shook her clasped hands in front of her. “But please, first could you feed a starving pregnant woman?”

  * * * *

  “Jahara, relax. This won’t work if it doesn’t look natural.” Brenimyn stood at the foot of the bed, his hand massaging the sweep of her neck. His thumb traced the line of her jaw. “Xylice is working to wire the residence. She can’t hear. Forget the camera.” He leaned in to nuzzle the racing pulse just below his fingers. “Just me. There’s only you and me and our love.”

  “They’re going to watch this over and over.”

  “And wish they had half the love we share.” Knowing how it thrilled, he scraped her lobe through his teeth and was rewarded with a shiver of pleasure. “Love me, Jahara. Let go and love me. No one’s watching now.” His lips found hers, nipping at her pouting mouth.

  Untying the sash of her robe, he slid his hand across her belly and up her back, loving the velvety feel of her skin against his palm. There wasn’t an inch of her body he didn’t know, hadn’t touched or tasted. She was so much more than anything he could have conjured up in his fantasies and he’d had plenty of those of the years. All other women he’d been forced to copulate with had become hazy memories. There was no other for him. Today, he wanted to prove just how much he loved her.

  His lips brushed the soft fullness of her mouth and she opened for him with a breathy moan that heated his blood. She tasted of honeysuckle tea and raspberries and an undercurrent of something uniquely Jahara. He closed his eyes, letting his thoughts wander into the mindless abandon of her. After her conversation with Merenith, he thought he’d lost her. Then just as quickly, she became forever his to love and cherish. Camera or no camera, he intended to do just that—make sure Jahara understood how much he wanted her.

  Running his hands up her shoulders, he pushed the robe off her body, leaving it to slide down her back to the floor.

  “Undressing you is a pleasurable experience. You’re a lovely woman, honorable Jahara.” He knew she disliked the stilted speech, but it was for the benefit of those who would see this later. Her full lips pursed in response. He hoped his hands communicated the sentiments of love flowing straight from his heart even if his words could not.

  Knowing how it melted her defenses, he kissed the tender flesh of her throat and breathed on the damp skin. He lifted her trembling hand and set it on his shoulder. His fingers grazed the length of her arm, trailing bumps on the sensitive skin. All the while, their tongues tangled in a dance so familiar, Jahara’s body molded to his.

  Brenimyn kissed a path down her throat, stopping to graze the pulse beating a rapid tattoo at the base of her neck before continue the journey to her luscious breasts. He worshipped them with his tongue, drawing long, deep moans from her throat. Her back arched, giving him better access. Rubbing the stubble of his unshaven chin against the sensitive skin, he smiled when she sighed his name. He would never tire of it tripping off her lips.

  She tugged on the string at the waist, dropping the breeches and taking his sex into her hands all in one motion. The velvet softness of Jahara’s fingers drove him mad with want and he worked to slow his need.

  Until yesterday, Brenimyn hadn’t missed giving himself over to the total release of his life essence. But sharing that with Jahara had been a life-altering experience. He thought probably it had more to do with the thought of seeing her heavy with his child, rather than the physical release itself. Either way, it had been something special for both of them.

  He swung her into his arms, his mouth kissing a hot path down her jaw. Jahara’s fingers tangled in his hair as she breathed out words of desire into his ear in a whisper no one would hear.

  “You’re my only love, Bren. My body wants you. Desires you. Needs you. Don’t ever stop loving me.” Then more loudly, “It would please me to mate with you, Brenimyn.” Her heated breath feathered across his ear, shooting hungry need along his nerves.

  Gently laying her on the bed, he stood and admired her before stretching out beside her on the downy comforter. This exquisite beauty had been gifted to him by the Creator. The fact that she chose to stay with him—despite all he asked of her—was a miracle he’d never take for granted.

  She lay with her eyes open, watching them in the mirror above the bed.

  Good show? He asked telepathically.

  “Not so bad.” Jahara laughed out the words.

  Brenimyn rolled to cover her body with his, but Jahara used the momentum to roll them both until she lay over him, her body stretched out the length of his.

  “I’m in control. Don’t forget that, breeder. And today I wish to take top.” With her back to the camera, she stared down at Brenimyn. Watch and learn. She mouthed the words.

  “Honorable woman, you are in total control.” He lifted his hands up as if in surrender. “I’m here only to pleasure.”

  She came up on her knees and straddled him, sheathing him in the wet heat of her body. “I love you, Brenimyn,” Jahara’s trembling voice cut through the haze of his own pleasure. She shouldn’t have said it out loud, but he no longer cared about the camera. Though she’d said the words before in the heat of passion, his heart swelled, knowing they meant so much more now.

  My he
art belongs to only you, Jahara. Until the end of time there will be no other love for me.

  She arched her back and canted her hips, the friction bringing them both pleasure. In all his experience, no woman’s body fit so perfectly with his. He watched their bodies in the mirror, enjoying the vision of their lovemaking. Her eyes captured his in the mirror, their mouths curved in trembling smiles as she continued to rock.

  No longer able to stop the tidal surge of ecstasy, not at all sure he would ever be able to withhold himself again, he filled her with his seed. Her climax followed his, leaving them both breathless from the intensity of the release. He called out her name over and over as the euphoria quaked through him.

  Exhausted from their efforts, Jahara slumped onto his chest, her heart hammered in time with his. Never had he felt this complete and sure of his future.

  With this woman by his side, they would accomplish great things.

  * * * *

  “So here’s the thing.” Xylice sat with Brenimyn and Jahara at the dining room table. The sun shafting through the windows made long shadows of the furniture. “When you tell the computer to dim the lights, it will automatically start the loop.”

  This was the third time Xylice had explained the system. Her technical jargon was confusing. Now she looked at Brenimyn and Jahara across the table as if they were school children unable to comprehend even the most simple of lessons.

  “You both need to be in the bedroom and at the foot of the bed the way you were this morning. No one else can be in the house. The other cameras were filming empty rooms.” She lifted her hand. “Got it so far?”

  They both nodded. Jahara felt foolish, but she was beginning to understand what Xylice had done for them. If anyone found out, she would also be considered a traitor to the Governmental Body of the Garden.


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