Romp Fantasy Digest

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Romp Fantasy Digest Page 1

by Jamie Hill, Mae Powers, Jennifer Mueller

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  Midnight Showcase

  Copyright ©2007 by Anthology Authors

  First published in 2007, 2007

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  NOTICE: This work is copyrighted. It is licensed only for use by the original purchaser. Making copies of this work or distributing it to any unauthorized person by any means, including without limit email, floppy disk, file transfer, paper print out, or any other method constitutes a violation of International copyright law and subjects the violator to severe fines or imprisonment.

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  ISSN 1555-5496-Vol. 87-R06-01


  Fantasy Digest 1


  Published by

  Midnight Showcase

  PO Box 300491

  Houston, TX 77230 USA

  The Fantasy Star Miniology, Copyright © 2007 Mae Powers

  Monstrous Passions, Copyright © 2007 Marguerite Turnley

  Azure Masquerade, Copyright © 2007 Megan Hussey

  I Dream of Eugene, Copyright © 2007 Jamie Hill

  The Mountain Top, Copyright © 2007 Jennifer Mueller

  Names, characters, and incidents depicted in this book are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author or the publisher. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  ISSN 1555-5496-Vol. 87-R06-01


  Editors: Anna Fallon, Mae Powers, Zena Quick

  Copy Editors: Jewel Adams, Mae Powers, Jane Carver

  Format Editors: Mae Powers, Wendy Mackrell

  Cover Artist/Layout: Mae Powers

  Model: Nico Stallone

  (model/photo used with permission)

  Printed in the United States of America

  Romp Fantasy Digest 1

  The Fantasy Star, Mae Powers

  Can you imagine having all your fantasies come true while traveling through the cosmos, on a futuristic cruise ship? Well then, welcome aboard The Fantasy Star, where all pleasures are possible in space.

  Monstrous Passions, Marguerite Turnley

  An eerily sensual compilation of haunting passions about sexy vampires, humanly passionate robots, and scintillating shapeshifters.

  Azure Masquerade, Megan Hussey

  The Midnight Merman enjoys nocturnal swims in Port Emerald, captivating swimmers with his mysterious beauty. Yet the merman—also known as Taron Andrews—loves only Lillith, his college sweetheart.

  I Dream of Eugene, Jamie Hill

  When Macy Green discovers a dusty old bottle at Madame Zena's Mystical Shoppe, she never imagines it might actually be magical. The handsome genie that appears offers her three wishes, but Macy soon discovers it will only take one-one very special wish-to fulfill her heart's true desire.

  The Mountain Top, Jennifer Mueller

  In ancient Greece men marry for money and land while finding their pleasure elsewhere. When Orestes saves a captured woman from slave traders just what is she supposed to do when she doesn't feel like sharing? Especially when she's literally ready to fight him over the matter.

  The Fantasy Star Miniology,

  Three sci-fi romantic, erotic-ahh tales,

  by Mae Powers

  Can you imagine having all your fantasies come true while traveling through the cosmos, on a futuristic cruise ship? Well then, welcome aboard The Fantasy Star, where all pleasures are possible in space. Imagine you're the ship's captain, or you're the tri-level chief bartender; or even the cruise director of entertainment, or even the ship's engineer. All work and no play? Not for this crew. But hey, you can be one of the many passengers who can achieve some otherwise unobtainable fantasy pleasure you'd like to experience. Then join us on this space-faring leisure liner for entertainment beyond your wildest dreams.

  Find other books by Mae at

  Welcome Aboard, Story One. Captain Mera LaFayte, of The Fantasy Star, learns from visiting alien hunk, Captain Roc Devahl, how some close encounters can be a very tantalizing experience.

  Station Sexx, Story Two. At Space Station Sexx, Supply Officer, Tantra Evans, finds getting needed supplies turns out be an unusual intergalactic exchange of sensual fun.

  Guest Relations, Story Three. Guest Marla Samuels’ soured vacation becomes a scrumptious night of pleasure in one of the elite holo-suites, where Marla cannot find anything to complain about.

  Welcome Aboard


  Mae Powers

  With its sleek, elongated lines of metallic sheen, Mera LaFayte thought The Fantasy Star one of the more beautiful modern cruise ships floating in any solar system of the Milky Way Galaxy. She felt her pride over being the captain of such a unique space liner. When she first walked through The Star two years ago, just before its launching, she admired the excellent and tasteful décor throughout the large vessel. From the bowels of the ship up through the triangular beauty of the bridge, nothing could compare to the ultra modern, classy ship.

  It boasted all the pleasures that any liner or cruse ship could want, combined with the best of traditional luxury and superior amenities. The Fantasy Star soared through space as fast as any galactic battle-zoomer, yet its engines were quieter and excessively maintained. Of course, not many of her crew knew it could boast a few weapons as intent as a Galactic-Battle-Zapper, just in case defense is necessary. But, with all the recent treaties and monies exchanged all over the galaxy, hardly anyone fought. Not much profit in war these days.

  Since becoming its captain, Mera saw some of the most incredible and fascinating places in several solar systems. She saw amethyst fire streaked waters on a paradise planet; iridescent people that glimmered like a rainbow of jewels and planetary market places with incredible and unusual wares. She went to worlds, whose beauty could be indescribable, and to worlds with unusual and erotic names that took one's breath away. Yet, with all the exotic places she went to, The Fantasy Star quickly became her home.

  With all the facilities it boasted, to please any type of guest during his or her vacation, one couldn't want for much of anything. Sure the ship stopped occasionally for some supplies or to take on new passengers wanting to party in the cosmos, but it was hard to leave the comforts and sensations that The Fantasy Star brought to her by being the captain.

  Mera walked its passageways before the first voyage. She saw the depths of the grav-swimming pools, the four different types of entertainment theaters, the dance and clubrooms for partying and socializing, the many tiered athletic and other various recreational rooms. The Star carried the most ultra modern holographic units that brought any type of fantasy a being could ever want through its computerized magic. The Fantasy Star was the epitome luxury passenger ship.

  The liner was over a mile in length. In order to relieve the discomforts of weightlessness for everyone on board, the second of its three metalplaz protective shells rotated slowly between the outer shell and the most inner one. Still, if someone wanted to experience a zero gravity spacewalk, they could use the grav-less tunnel. Besides the ultra standard amenities, other group and singular festivities, events and pastimes could be acquired for the ship's crew and vacationers alike. The Star held many mind-body retreats for those who needed mind relaxation, whe
ther they were telepathic or not. She never received a complaint, well at least none that were recorded anyway.

  The Fantasy Star was like a floating resort in space, complete with an extensive hospitality staff and a wonderfully experienced crew. She personally helped the Vacation Fleet Company pick the crew and had never been disappointed in any of their working or serving abilities. They did what they needed to in order to keep the ship running and the vacationers happy. Of course she never asked any person to act or do anything that was against their ethics or morals, nor would the company or she allow such an act. Still, unusual and interesting things were reported to have happened on The Fantasy Star. Some of which she received very detailed reports on, which she kept stored on her private computer, located in her captain's quarters.

  And all this, she thought, I'll soon be showing to another captain. There was something very exciting about showing another professional one's pride of their ship. Mera knew it wouldn't be long before Captain Roc Devahl announced himself to her. She would be transporting him and his small entourage of officers to Space Station Sexx where he needed to pick up his new ship, Le-Bliss. She prepared for his arrival and left her cabin for the bridge. She checked the daily itinerary of her captain's duties, while awaiting him in the ready room. She didn't have long to wait before a computerized voice announced his arrival. She entered the bridge from her captain's office.

  The first moment she set eyes on the alien hunk, she needed to keep from drooling like a blathering idiot. I'm the Captain of a large cruise liner, in space nonetheless. I can't be showing a weakness in front of my crew. Damn, half the females onboard are salivating already. Can't blame them. I like the way his layered midnight blue hair sways over those big shoulders of his. Hell, I'd like to be caressing those biceps myself, and running my hands over every luscious muscle on that damn sexy body of his. By the seven known solar systems, he is a virile piece of mmmm.

  His shadowy, cobalt blue eyes brightened his mocha skin tone when he glanced upon her with admiration. She wanted to melt in a pool of sexual bliss right then and there, but years of being an officer kept her functioning in a proper manner.

  She stood straight, tall and as circumspect as she could when they were introduced by The Fantasy Star's second in command, Lieutenant Commander Beezlbub Olandrus. She made the perfunctorily welcoming salute to the alien captain as was the norm with visiting dignitaries and officers. All the while, her mind ran rampant with other thoughts. The man just shook her ship and her inner, feminine world with his incredibly sexy and commanding persona.

  I wonder if it's true that his people have forked tongues or twin tongues. I'd love to see what this hot devil could do with that. Er those. Hmmm maybe we could exchange cultural aspects during this trip. Perhaps he won't be offended if I invite him to dinner and then we can see what develops. I'll definitely check up more on their customs, er personal customs to see what they find sexually acceptable and what they don't. Might even learn a few new things and have some fun in the process.

  Mera took a slow deep breath and smiled warmly at him. “Welcome Aboard, Captain Devahl. I shall be pleased to show you around my ship.” And more, she wanted to add. But that could wait until later.

  "I shall be most honored,” he spoke in the intergalactic standard language, “and quite delighted to tour this magnificent vessel with you, Captain LaFayte."

  His sensual, odd-toned voice sent a ringing of pleasure zinging done her spine. He could shiver her timbers any time, but not here in view of her crew. With a mental shake and a movement of her hand, she beckoned him to follow her. Mera hoped that the promise in his voice was not just in her imagination. With an unexpected lilt to her stride, Mera took the alien hottie, er captain, on a long tour of her vessel, The Fantasy Star. Tonight, she hoped, it would more than live up to its name.

  * * * *

  Captain Roc Devahl felt quite pleased to be a guest on one of the most famous and largest space cruise liners ever built. He looked especially forward to meeting the ship's captain, but for now the male second in command, was taking him on a tour of the ship. The Fantasy Star was not just your average vacation liner. It stated that you could find any imaginable pleasure aboard. From what Roc saw so far, it was all true. The glistening, pearly silver ship looked quite attractive and very functional. His world's cruise vessels, both for warfare and resort life, were smaller but oblong. He liked the vessels of Vendra, his home world, and their maneuverability more. He did admit, however, the simple, non-fastidious décor of Captain LaFayte's ship to be exceptionally better than any other type of space vessel. The cabins were large and comfortable. It seemed a guest could find any kind of amenities he or she would ever want for enjoyment.

  He liked the fact too that this ship took you to more places than his world's ships could travel to, and for a week, he'd have a chance to explore it and take a holiday reprieve as part of an exchange route plan amongst several planetary governments.

  The Fantasy Star picked him up here, while the tourists were exploring his world's offerings, and they would be up on-ship by the next day. He and his small crew accompaniment would travel aboard The Fantasy Star until they reached Space Station Sexx, where The Fantasy Star would refuel and get supplies for its next monthly round of galactic travels. He would pick up his new ship there, the Le-Bliss, since it was halfway between the Intergalactic Shipyard and his world. He looked forward to that, but for some reason, he felt just as excited about trying out the pleasures aboard this elegant vessel.

  As he walked up the silver walkway to the main deck, a door from the left side of the huge bridge slid open and a woman nearly as tall as he stepped onto the main deck. Her beauty instantly astounded him. She walked like an intergalactic queen down the sloped path to stand just a few feet away from him. Even before the First Mate introduced them, he knew that this powerful beauty could be none other than Captain Mera LaFayte, the main officer of The Fantasy Star.

  Her thick blonde hair, the color of a dark yellow moon, lay like silken moonlit waves, piled partly on top of her intelligent head. He admired the flow of her hair's cascading beauty, as much as he admired the woman. Her curvy body encased in a mauve and silver uniform complimented her stature and form quite well, though it did not hug those luscious curves of her, much like he would like to have the opportunity to do so. He could not show it publicly, but something stirred within his lower regions and he hoped it wouldn't be against human protocol to see if she felt it. Her eyes, he felt sure, lit up at seeing him, and he was certain those luscious blue orbs of hers raked his physique over as much as his scanned her voluptuous body.

  "Though your First Mate has kindly shown me a lot of your charming ship already,” he answered her after she welcomed him aboard, “I look forward to you showing me more—of it, Captain Lafayte."

  Her professional, but charming demeanor pleased him. He took her hand, bringing it to his lips. That appeared much more fit a greeting than the handshake he knew most humans did when greeting another being. She studied him for a split second, then slowly removed her hand.

  "Follow me then, Captain Devahl, there's more I can indeed show you."

  He contained himself at what he thought were words with a slightly different meaning. He nodded an affirmative, and then followed her. He admired her and her sashaying bottom. Females of his world possessed cute little sways, but nothing like this enticing woman displayed. She showed him more around the ship and then took him to her private captain's ready room.

  A medium sized captain's office that looked quite elegant and simply designed, with its silver and brown hues and sparse furnishings, it suited her personality well. She bade him to sit, and for a half hour he delighted in her company, before duty called her away. However, she asked him to have dinner with her later that evening in her private quarters. Roc looked forward to it very much.

  * * * *

  Mera felt quite please with the gift Captain Devahl sent to her cabin. She glanced in the mirror and twisted s
lightly first to the left and then the right, admiring the mid-calf length yimkuta that he graciously sent her. From his people, the bathing, lounge robe was an honor to receive from one person going to another's home. Its elegance didn't stop with the simplicity of the straight seams and wide flowing material. The unlined garment felt cool against her pale almond skin. She attributed its soft flowing to the type of material used to make it, a sort of cross between sensual silk and soft cotton. What also came with this personal gift, were single strapped sandals and a belt with threads of silver and jade, like the ones embroidered into the yimkuta. The sandals of a soft bamboo hybrid barely fit her large feet, but they were still comfortable. She tied the belting around the lounge robe to keep it from coming open.

  She checked his customs in the ship's data bases and learned that the yimkutas were used for not just lounging, but were kind of a ceremonial honor presented to another person when the visitor came to the receiver's home, to bath in the person's ahsinju or bathing house. Once they bathed at their luxury and were dried off by the house's attendants, the yimkuta was worn to a specialty meal served after the visitor's/guest's bath. The garment was more elegant than a simple bathrobe with the yimkutas long sleeves and its vine and flower motif dancing here and there on the soft, silky material. She would honor him and delight in wearing it tonight, despite protocol. It could not hurt this one night, seeing as how the Verdrans were one of her company's most highly prized vendors and traders, and their planets were popular vacation routes.

  She felt it best to please her guest. Mera hoped to in many ways that he would be delighted she wore the gift. She didn't have long to wait as their appointed hour quickly came. As he entered the main area of her quarters and the door slid behind him, she couldn't help but admit his handsome features still affected all of her senses. He did not come dressed in the dark brown all-in-one uniform he wore upon his arrival, but a longer version of the yimkuta he sent her, with pants and brown slip on shoes. The pale gold and green of his robe looked devastating on him.


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