Jake's Angel [Cowboy Mates, Psychic Connections 4] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Jake's Angel [Cowboy Mates, Psychic Connections 4] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 3

by Lynnette Bernard

  “You’re a good daddy,” she whispered in her mind, shocked to see the effect it had on Jake. He had heard her. “Can you hear me, Jake?”

  “I always hear you,” he said quietly. “I always want you. You’re mine.”

  Clare gasped as she pulled away and severed the connection she had with Jake’s mind. She didn’t know how this was happening, but she didn’t really care. It was a gift from the Great Spirit. He had shown her something that might possibly be her future.

  Straightening, she released Jake’s hand, hating the feeling of loss that filled her at the broken connection. She looked down at the injured man and knew that she couldn’t keep herself from him. She had to help him. Whether their relationship was destined or not, it didn’t matter. All that mattered was that she would be there to aid in his healing. If that also meant that they would find a beautiful future filled with desire, happiness, and a sweet little baby, she was open to that possibility, as well.

  Taking a calming breath, she turned and left the room, putting her mental shields in place to protect herself as she made her way to Doctor Brody Walter’s office. Brody had been instrumental in helping her to obtain a job at the hospital. She just hoped he was still willing to allow her to help Jake McKade.

  Knocking softly on the office door, she waited for the deep voice to bid her entrance. Opening the door, she walked in and smiled as she saw Brody working at his desk.

  “Hi, Claire,” he greeted her warmly. “Are you starting today?”

  “Yes,” Claire said, smiling at him. “Thank you for helping me get the job, Brody.”

  “You got the job, Claire,” Brody corrected her. “Your volunteer work here at the hospital paved your way. Everyone already knows how caring and dedicated you are.”


  Brody nodded. “Is there a problem?” he asked suddenly when he saw the way she hesitated.

  “No. Not really,” Claire told him carefully. “I just wondered if you’re sure I would be the best person to help out with Jake McKade.”

  “I really believe that you would do a wonderful job with him, Claire. I think he needs someone like you watching over him. Would you prefer not to work with Jake?”

  Brody’s concern was obvious. Claire sighed softly. She was making a mess of this. Being able to connect with Jake McKade had certainly muddled her brain.

  “No. Not at all,” Claire said quickly. “Brody, I…” Her voice trailed off. She wrung her hands together and looked at him in fear. Her nerves were starting to make her question everything.

  Brody stood up and walked around his desk. He stood directly in front of Claire, careful not to touch her since he knew that she was uncomfortable with anyone making physical contact with her. He knew that he was intimidating with his height of six feet four and his broad frame, and he was careful not to crowd or frighten her. He wished sometimes that he wasn’t such a big guy. Most women were overwhelmed by his size. It had helped to contribute to his loneliness.

  He saw the strain on her face and worried for her. He had known Claire for the past three years. In that time he had seen her struggle with something that he didn’t really understand, but he knew that whatever demons Claire fought had a negative effect on her.

  “What’s wrong, Claire?” he asked her gently.

  “Nothing is wrong,” Claire told him honestly. “I just came from Jake McKade’s hospital room.”

  Brody nodded. “Okay. Did something concern you when you saw him?”

  “No. It was actually the opposite.”

  “I’m not sure what you mean, Claire.”

  “Something is drawing me to him. I think he needs me,” she said softly.

  “Really? Well, that’s great! Jake is going to need help to get through the therapy that he’s got ahead of him. It’s not going to be easy. His injuries are pretty serious.” He hesitated a moment. He knew that he had to be completely honest with her about the situation. “I actually thought you would be the best one to take care of him. I’ve already spoken to his brother Deuce about you. Deuce is fine with you being assigned to Jake. I really believe that you’re the best person to be with him.”


  “Jake is a good guy.”

  “I know.”

  “He’s also pretty stubborn.”

  “I’ve heard,” Claire said, laughing softly.

  “I believe that you would be a calming influence on him,” Brody said quietly. “You have a way with people, Claire. I think he needs you. When I saw the extent of his injuries and knew that he needed someone with him to keep him calm and provide constant care for him, I thought of you. I knew you would be the one who was best suited for the job. I think you’re best suited for him.”

  Claire’s heart raced at the thought. Brody didn’t realize how important his words were to her. She truly believed that she needed Jake, too. It would be perfect if she could give him even a little bit of the peace that he had already given her.

  It was more than a physical need, though. She truly felt her soul reaching out to Jake. What they had just shared as her mind connected with his was something that was a true miracle. She had never experienced anything like it with anyone else. She didn’t think that she would have experienced it if their souls were not meant to merge.

  Her secret desire to know him when she had been a child had grown into something so much more. The loneliness of her childhood self had concocted a hopeful future of herself being a part of the McKade family. Now that she was an adult, her desire to find somewhere that she felt safe and protected had increased. Touching Jake’s mind and soul had given her something she hadn’t ever felt before. Hope.

  There was a deep longing within her to have what she saw today be her future with the man she believed was the kindest person she would ever know. She hoped that she really would find the caring, and maybe even the love, that she ached for. The beautiful sights that she had experienced as her gift eased into Jake’s mind and sought out his pain to help soothe him made her ache to have Jake look at her with that exact happiness and love that she had glimpsed inside the gentle merging of their minds. She wanted to have him desire her and promise her nights of lovemaking. She wanted that precious child that Jake held to be their child. She wanted Jake McKade to father her children and protect her heart.

  She knew that she wasn’t much of a catch, something her mother and her older sister Elise reminded her of continuously. If she could believe the connection she had made, she was hopeful that maybe Jake would find her to have worth. No one except Brody had ever found her of any value.

  “Don’t let him bully you, Claire. He’s going to try, you know,” Brody said, finally breaking the silence. “Will you be able to be strong and watch over him even when he fights you and tries to push you away?”

  “Yes,” Claire said, her voice strong. “I think we’ll be a good fit, Brody.”

  Brody smiled at her and nodded. “I think so, too,” he said after a moment. “If you agree, you’ll be Jake’s companion and aide. I’ve already suggested you to Deuce, and I’ve asked your shift supervisor if I could put you on Jake’s case. She’s okay with it if you are. Think about this very carefully, Claire. Jake is going to give you a hard time. It’s in his nature. You have to stand tough.”

  “I can be tough.” Claire’s voice was sure. She knew she could be strong. It was how she had survived over the years. It was her determination and toughness that had kept her sane and had made her fight for her education and her freedom.

  “You’ll be the one to take care of his personal hygiene. I’ll also need you to sit with him and soothe him when we take him off of the meds that are keeping him in a healing coma,” Brody continued, pulling her from her thoughts.

  “Do you know when that will be?”

  “It will depend on his healing progress,” Brody said calmly. “My cousin has been through a lot because of the accident. I’m most concerned about his head trauma. You may have to help him learn how to do everyday
things that we all take for granted as easy. They may not be easy for Jake. I’ll also want you to go with him to his physical therapy sessions when he’s been cleared to begin them. I need you to make sure that he doesn’t give up. He’s going to need your comfort. But most of all, he’s going to need your strength.”

  “My strength?”

  “Yes, Claire. You can’t let him get away with a thing,” Brody warned her. “Jake McKade is a strong man with a fierce temper and a need to take control of every situation. You can’t let him. He needs to do what has to be done to get better. He needs someone who won’t buckle under his anger. You have to be that person.”

  Claire nodded slowly. She knew that Jake was a man who was always in control, but she had also sensed his tenderness. She had seen his kindness, his deep desires, and the love that he was capable of and desperate to share when she had touched his mind and his soul.

  She had no doubt in her mind that she would be exactly what Jake McKade needed.

  Chapter 3

  Jake felt a soothing touch on his face. He struggled to make sense of it. No one ever touched him in that way. He was confused. It was the gentle touch of a woman that he was feeling. A woman? What woman?

  He could smell her. She had a scent that was clean and soothing. It reminded him of the field of wildflowers that grew where he wanted to build his future home. He had always wanted a home to share with his destined mate. He used to believe that it was something he would have in his future. He knew better now.

  “Jake,” a soft voice called to him. “Can you hear me? Do you want to open your eyes and look at me?”

  Jake struggled against the pull to become aware. Everything hurt too much. He didn’t want to open his eyes. He didn’t want to feel the aching throb in his left leg. He hated the way his head felt like it was filled with cotton that had been soaked in hard liquor. It was worse than a hangover. It was torture.

  “You don’t have to open your eyes, Jake,” the feminine voice told him gently. “Just listen to me and try to relax. You’ve been in an accident, but you’re doing well. You’ve been unconscious for a while, but I’ve been here with you the whole time.”

  “Who?” Jake managed to croak out. “So dry.”

  He found a straw at his lips within a heartbeat. He drew on it slowly, thankful for the cool water. Too soon the straw was pulled away. He was helpless to move and draw it back toward his mouth.

  “More,” he demanded.

  The soft laughter that met his words made him angry. Did this woman not know that he demanded respect? Did she not know that she must listen to whatever he said and do whatever he told her to do?

  Before he could voice his demands, he felt the soothing touch of her hand along the side of his face. When he felt the wet tip of her finger trace ice chips across his dry lips, he opened his mouth and sucked the chips and her fingers into his mouth. When she tried to move them away, he bit down lightly and captured her so she couldn’t get away. He growled softly as he exerted his dominance.

  The soft gasp and then the sweet laughter that he heard confused him. Opening his eyes slowly, he saw the most incredibly beautiful woman that he had ever seen in his life looking down at him. There was a soft glow of white surrounding her, making her appear ethereal. Her brown eyes sparkled with joy, and her sweet face made him think of gentleness and love. Her hair was almost a midnight black, it was so dark. It was pulled back from her face in a high ponytail but he could see the curls of its thickness. He wanted to grab on to that ponytail and hold her in place. The intensity of that thought surprised him. He had never had such an immediate, gut reaction to any woman before.

  “You’re fresh,” she whispered, tugging at her fingers and smiling widely when he refused to release her. “Jake McKade, you need to let go of my fingers.”

  He shook his head slowly, surprised when he saw the way her expression softened as she listened to his refusal. When she reached up and threaded the fingers of her free hand through his hair and tightened her hold, he couldn’t help the way his body tightened with need.

  Opening his mouth, he expected her to snatch her hand away but she surprised him. She gathered another ice chip, wet her fingers again, and drew them back to his lips to trace them once again. He licked at her fingers and smiled when she took a shaky breath.

  “You know, you’re entirely too cute for your own good,” she told him, dragging her fingers across his cheek and rubbing his temple with the pad of her thumb. “How’re you feeling? Do you have a headache?”

  “I’m fine,” he insisted, the barrier to his heart slamming closed once again.

  “Liar,” she said softly.

  Straightening, Claire pressed the call button that was wrapped around the side bar of the bed. The deluge of emotions and pain from the people within the hospital hit her the moment she wasn’t touching Jake. She couldn’t help but moan softly as she raised her hands and touched her temples. She had forgotten to put up her mental shields. She had become so comfortable not needing them whenever she was with Jake that she had become lax in her vigilance.

  Jake saw her pain and reached out for her immediately, grunting when his sudden movement caused pain to shoot up his left leg and into his hip, radiating up into his stomach and groin. He clenched his teeth against the pain, but he never let go of her arm.

  Claire sagged against him, her body draping across his chest as the relief from her own pain was immediate. She rested her face within the crook of his neck and breathed in the masculine scent of him.

  “I’m sorry, Jake,” she whispered, doing her best to push herself off of his chest so that she wouldn’t cause him any further pain.

  “Don’t move,” he told her firmly, glad when she immediately stilled.

  “I don’t want to put pressure on your ribs,” she explained softly, reaching up to run her fingers through his hair and massage his scalp lightly.

  He sighed at the gentleness of her fingers on his head. He eased his hold on her but never let go of her forearm. “I think you need to be right where you are,” he whispered, fighting to control his pain.

  “You think so, huh?” she asked, soft laughter escaping her.


  The word was hard and clipped. The way he tightened his hold on her made her smile as she angled her head to look at him. She felt him tense and sensed his confusion. That was good. Keep him guessing. He didn’t need to know that she had a direct link to his feelings and thoughts. Only when he committed himself to her would she tell him about their link.

  “What’s your name, darlin’?” he asked her quietly.

  “Claire Hamilton.”

  “I remember a family named Hamilton that lived near my family’s ranch. Is that your family?”

  “Yes,” Claire answered, her voice cold.

  “Don’t like them much, do you?”


  “Why not?”

  “Not your business.”

  Jake looked at her silently. He didn’t like that she wouldn’t answer him. “You’re my business,” he said firmly.

  “No, I’m not,” she answered without hesitation as she turned away from him.

  “I don’t understand you,” Jake said softly.

  Claire turned her head toward him once again to look into the blueness of Jake McKade’s eyes. She saw the confusion. She saw the sadness. And she saw the desire.

  “What don’t you understand?” she asked him, smiling softly as she ran her fingers through his hair soothingly.

  “Are you my nurse?”

  “No,” she said, laughing softly.

  “Then why are you here?”

  “I’m your aide and companion,” she said gently. “But I think I’m also your friend. At least, I hope I am.”

  “I don’t know you.”

  “No, you don’t. But I’ve been with you for the last four weeks,” Claire told him, seeing the way his eyes betrayed his surprise.

  “Four weeks?”

  “Yes.”r />
  “I need to speak to whoever’s in charge,” Jake said firmly. “I’m getting the hell out of here.”

  Claire eased herself off his chest, looking down at him sadly as she sat at his hip. She smoothed his hair back and pulled away from him with reluctance. The minute she wasn’t touching him, she felt the rush of pain that encompassed her as her empathic ability drew the emotions and the pain of others to fill her. She gasped and touched her temples, lightly pressing against them and doing her best to take deep, even breaths.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Claire shook her head, denying his question. She turned to get off the hospital bed when he touched her hand and gripped it tightly to pull her back to sit beside him. The touch gave her immediate relief. She couldn’t help the sigh that escaped her.

  “Claire,” he called to her gently.

  She looked at him and waited. She would take the blessed relief he gave her for as long as he would offer it.

  “You’re in pain.”

  “No, actually. I’m not.”

  Jake’s eyes narrowed as he looked at her in disbelief. “Yes. You are.”


  “I think you’re in pain unless I touch you,” he amended.

  “That’s ridiculous.”

  She hoped that her voice held more strength than she was feeling. It was amazing to her that Jake could pick up on the truth of her situation so quickly.

  Jake watched her silently. He knew he wasn’t wrong. Withdrawing his hand from her arm, he watched as her face tightened in pain immediately. Returning his hand to the softness of her skin, he saw the way she relaxed in relief.

  “I don’t want to conduct that experiment again,” Jake told her firmly. “You will tell me the truth, Claire Hamilton. No matter what I ask you, you will be honest with me. Understand?”

  Claire shook her head and tried to pull away. Jake’s grip on her arm tightened, and he pulled her toward him until she was resting against his chest once again.

  “Claire, are you aware that some of the people who live on and around McKade land have abilities?” he asked her gently.


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