Jake's Angel [Cowboy Mates, Psychic Connections 4] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Jake's Angel [Cowboy Mates, Psychic Connections 4] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 15

by Lynnette Bernard

  “It’s certainly been an eventful week,” Melanie spoke up as the women stood around her in the kitchen.

  “That’s an understatement,” Zoey Branson muttered.

  Claire held Melanie’s infant daughter Mary Grace tightly against her chest, allowing the purity of the child to soothe her empathic abilities. Only Jake’s touch could make her feel better than a child’s. She needed the grounding presence of the little baby to help her as she visited with the women that Melanie said were meant to be mated to the McKade brothers and their friends. It wasn’t that the women were experiencing negative thoughts and emotions. It was just overwhelming to Claire because there were so many of them. She did sense some worry and sadness, but mostly she sensed their friendship and hope.

  Her own emotions were rolling. Jake had brought her back to the ranch after he had shown her the spot where their home would be built. He had insisted that she stayed by his side every night, holding her fiercely as they slept. It was a good thing that she was comfortable being held so tightly by him because she would have never been able to sleep otherwise. But she was comfortable with it. She craved it. Every night he held her, and every night she was buffered from the world. She hadn’t slept so well—ever. But Jake would do no more than hold her and kiss her gently. Claire was about ready to tear her hair out in frustration.

  There was no touching other than him holding her. She scooted back against his chest every night, feeling his erection nestled against her ass, but he never once acted on his desires. He slept every night wearing his sleep pants and a T-shirt, for goodness’ sake! It was as if he didn’t want his nakedness to touch her. He wouldn’t allow her to make any advances or see his body.

  “Help me bring out the food,” Melanie called out, gaining their attention and laughing softly when every woman immediately moved forward to help her. “Here, Gracie. Put the potato salad on the table, please.”

  Gracie took the large glass bowl filled with potato salad from Melanie’s hands. She turned to leave the kitchen to place it on the dining room table that Melanie had already set with a beautiful rose tablecloth and white china. Becca and Lainey brought out the linen napkins and silverware, setting them around the large table for their friends. Jamie helped Madison Allen with the basket of cut rolls and the platter of cold cuts. Zoey and DelAnne Branson followed them with the dishes of sliced tomatoes, and prepared lettuce. Amber and Sandy Matthews brought up the rear with the glass containers of mayonnaise and mustard as well as chips and dip. It was going to be a great lunch.

  “Boy, I’m starving,” Lainey said as she sat down in one of the chairs at the table and covered her belly with her hands.

  “Your twins are making you hungry,” Becca told her sister, her unique brown eyes with flecks of blue twinkling brightly as she sat down beside her. “I’m so happy for you, honey.”

  Lainey laughed as she accepted her sister’s hug. “I’m pretty happy, too, Becca,” she admitted. “I never thought I would ever be so happy.”

  “I know how you feel,” Jamie spoke up from her place at the end of the table. “John has given me more love and happiness in the past few months than I’ve ever had in my life.”

  Claire smiled at Jamie, enjoying the happiness of the McKade brothers’ cousin. She reached out and touched Jamie’s hand, squeezing it lightly. The amount of love and happiness that rushed through her at the connection was wonderful. She could also feel the new life growing inside of Jamie and felt a sudden rush of emotions as she had a flash of the same miracle happening to her and Jake.

  “You’re right, Claire,” Melanie said as she sat beside her, settling Robbie next to her and scooping a small helping of potato salad onto his plate. She handed him a small fork and scooted him closer to the table.

  “I’m right about what, Melanie?” Claire asked, almost afraid to hear her answer.

  “You’re going to be carrying Jake’s baby soon,” Melanie whispered to her so that only she could hear.

  Claire closed her eyes as happiness rushed through her. At the same time, she was frustrated. She wasn’t going to get pregnant at the rate they were going. Jake hadn’t made love to her since she had gotten out of the hospital the week before despite her insistence that she was perfectly fine. If it weren’t for the golden links on the nape of her neck that proved that they were mated, she would have seriously doubted that he truly accepted her as his. The only thing that gave her hope was the fact that she knew Jake’s concern for her well-being was driving his need to remain physically distant.

  “Remember the movie I showed you?” Melanie asked her, wiggling her eyebrows at Claire.

  Claire’s eyes flew open. The blush of embarrassment that stained her cheeks was immediate. “I remember,” she said finally, looking around the room and glad to see that most of the women were occupied with setting the table and not listening to Melanie.

  “I’ll show you the movie later,” Melanie said, looking at Zoey, DelAnne, Madison, Amber, and Sandy. “You’re going to need to watch it to learn how to drive your men wild.” She turned her attention back to Claire and smiled. “Jake is just concerned about your health. You have to show him that you’re ready to be loved.”

  “I’ve been ready forever,” Claire said, huffing in frustration.

  “Channel your energy,” Melanie told her, laughing softly. “Make it impossible for him to do anything but drag you to your bedroom and ravish you.”

  Claire laughed softly, already hatching a plan in her mind. Jake was toast. She wasn’t going to give him the opportunity to play the doting mate. She wanted him crazy with desire. She wanted him to carry her to their bedroom and have his magnificent way with her.

  Melanie nodded at her and leaned forward to rest her cheek against Claire’s temple. “You’ll be pregnant before you know it,” she whispered against her ear.

  Claire looked down at Mary Grace and smiled softly. She could picture a little baby that belonged to Jake in her arms. She wanted that.

  “I hope so,” she finally whispered, kissing the top of the baby’s head and rubbing her cheek against Mary Grace’s soft hair, loving the dark wisps of hair that was the color of every McKade child.

  When the little girl leaned back and opened her eyes, Claire smiled at the beautiful blue of them, knowing that Jake’s baby would have the same striking color. She was looking forward to seeing Jake’s eyes peering up at her as she held his child.

  Robbie turned to face the little girl who sat next to him and smiled. “Cooper, do you want some potato salad?” he asked her sweetly.

  Cooper smiled shyly and nodded, accepting the small fork that Robbie offered her. “Thank you, Robbie,” she said softly.

  “You’re welcome,” Robbie answered, smiling widely. “Mommy makes really good food. You’re gonna love it.”

  Madison looked down at her daughter and was filled with so much love for her. Her sister would be so proud of the little girl she had given birth to and had entrusted Madison to raise for her. She felt a moment of pain as she thought about her sister. She missed her so much. It wasn’t fair that Jessie had been hurt by a man who didn’t want their baby. It wasn’t fair that Jessie had died with no one to love her little girl or take care of her except Madison.

  She looked up and saw Melanie smiling down at Robbie and Cooper. Robbie had said that Cooper was his mate. Madison hoped that was true. She wanted her little girl to be happy with this wonderful, kind, and caring family. She wished she could find someone who would love her and care for her, too. The sudden flash of a tall man with long black hair, brown eyes with flecks of gold in them, and a soft smile looking down at her made her heart race. She had to control her thoughts. Marc Blackstone was a wonderful man who had no interest in her beyond stolen moments and brief intimacies. Madison tried to keep her distance, she really did, but it was hard to keep away from him. His quiet gentleness and tenderness tugged at her heart. She wanted to hold him in her arms and never let him go.

  Zoey Branson sat between
her sister DelAnne and her childhood friend Amber Matthews. Amber’s sister Sandy sat on the other side of Amber. The four of them had been good friends forever. Amber and Sandy had become successful nurses. DelAnne was still going to college and would soon be a nurse, as well. Zoey felt like a failure compared to the rest of them. She didn’t have a profession. She’d barely made it out of high school and worked at the florist shop in town. Her whole life had been ruled by the prophecy that had haunted her since she had been fifteen years old. Her mother had seen to that.

  “Zoey, your mother is wrong,” Melanie said softly.

  Zoey’s head snapped up in shock. Melanie somehow knew what she had been thinking. Talk about freaky!

  “I’ve been telling her that for years, Melanie,” DelAnne spoke up, reaching out and grabbing for her sister’s hand and squeezing it in support. “Mom is a liar, Zoey. She’s always been a liar. She only said those things because she wanted you to stay home and take care of the house.” She pulled on her sister’s hand and drew her attention back to her. She could see that Zoey’s blue eyes were filled with pain. “You have to forget everything mom has ever said to you. You will not be the reason that your mate dies.”

  There was a collective gasp in the room as the women heard what DelAnne said. Claire nearly crumpled under the pain that was emanating from Zoey. It was a good thing that she was holding Mary Grace or the pain would have crippled her.

  Melanie reached across the table and took Zoey’s hand, closing her eyes and concentrating on the future that was in store for Zoey. The women remained silent, trusting Melanie to see the truth.

  Amber reached out and took Zoey’s other hand. She, more than anyone else there, knew how Zoey had suffered over the years. She had seen how Zoey had hidden herself away from every potential suitor to make sure that no one would ever get hurt because of her. Zoey had dropped out of college because too many young men had paid attention to her. She was too afraid to get close to any of them and be the cause of their death.

  Amber’s heart broke for her friend. Zoey was a beautiful woman with hair the color of light sand. She had the most unique brown eyes made up of several shades of brown and gold. But her internal beauty was what Amber thought was the most stunning of all. Zoey was such a kind and caring woman. Amber wanted her friend to find the man who was meant for her.

  “Zoey, DelAnne is right. You will not be the cause of your mate’s death,” Melanie said gently. “You will be the cause of his happiness.”

  “I want to believe you, Mel,” Zoey said softly. “But I can’t take the chance.”

  “Well, Zoey, you’re going to have to take the chance,” Melanie said, leaning back and crossing her arms over her chest. “Your mate needs you, and your daughter needs the both of you. She’s going to adore her father. And he’s going to adore her. He’ll be perfect for you, honey. He loves you already. You’ve seen that in your own visions, haven’t you?”

  Zoey closed her eyes, determined to ignore the vision that she still recalled every day. She didn’t want to be reminded how happy she was with Bryce Fletcher. She didn’t want to see him holding her and feeling their baby moving within her. It was too beautiful, and it hurt too much.

  “Amber, you need to take better care of yourself,” Melanie said suddenly, drawing everyone’s attention to the woman.

  “I’m fine, Mel,” Amber protested.

  “No, she’s really tired,” Sandy spoke up. “I’m worried about her.”

  “Sandy, honey, I’m fine,” Amber told her sister, releasing her hold on Zoey so she could hug her sister. “You know why I’m tired.” Her words were whispered against Sandy’s ear, but she knew that she had to tell her friends. She needed them to help her.

  “Amber, what’s wrong?” Zoey asked for all of them.

  “Nothing is wrong,” Amber said, smiling sadly. “I’m going to need all of you to help me. Because I’m going to have a baby.”

  There was a moment of stunned silence before everyone spoke at once. By the time the noise died down, Amber was laughing as she was surrounded with the support and promises of each of her friends.

  “Does the guy know?” DelAnne asked, voicing the concern that all of them had.

  “No.” Amber’s voice was firm as she answered. “He doesn’t want me.”

  “You’re wrong, Amber,” Melanie told her gently. “I think he’s been looking for you.”

  Amber snorted with disgust. “How hard is it to find me, Melanie? I work at the hospital.”

  “Does he know that?” Claire asked.

  Amber was about to say yes when she realized that they had never really talked about where she worked. She reached up and slid her fingers through her long black hair, tugging on it at her scalp as she fought to stay in control. She ached to believe that her baby’s father really wanted her. She had loved him since she had been a kid. But Martin Porter was too much of a flirt. She had known when she was dating him that he viewed her as just someone to fill time. Martin never looked for anything of permanence. He just wanted a good time.

  “No, Amber,” Melanie said gently. “You’re wrong, honey. Your baby’s father adores you and misses you. He’s been looking for you.”

  “You don’t know that, Melanie,” Amber said quickly.

  “Amber, listen to what you’re saying,” Gracie said, laughing softly. “Have you ever known my sister to be wrong in her ability to tell us our futures?”

  Amber couldn’t prevent the blush of shame that covered her face. “Sorry, Mel,” she said quietly.

  Melanie reached out and touched Amber’s hand to squeeze it gently. “It’s okay, Amber. I know it’s just because you’re afraid to hope that he cares about you. You love him very much, don’t you?”

  “Yes.” Amber looked at the women who surrounded her and knew that every one of them would be there for her. She was thankful for her friends. “He’s such a good man. He’s gentle and kind. I know he didn’t think of us as a permanent thing, but he never made me feel used. He made me feel special and treasured. I love him so much it hurts.”

  “You have to find him and tell him, honey,” Melanie told her, her voice soothing. “You have to give him the chance to show you how much he cares about you and that little surprise you have for him.”

  “We’ll all be here for you, Amber,” Gracie promised for all of them. “Do you need anything?”

  “Not yet,” Amber answered, taking a calming breath to center herself. “I’ll need help with child care once the baby is born.”

  “Considering that most of us have the same concern with our own kids and the babies we’re carrying, I don’t think you’ll have to worry about that, Amber,” Melanie said with assurance.

  Lainey smiled as she covered her belly with her hands. Her twins were growing inside of her. She knew she was going to be thankful for the support of all of the women when they were born.

  Gracie and Jamie looked at each other, their eyes twinkling as they both laughed softly. Both being expectant moms, they were more than understanding of Amber’s predicament.

  “I need to go and kick Martin Porter’s ass!” Sandy said angrily.

  Sandy was the exact opposite of her sister in both looks and temperament. Where Amber was more nurturing and gentle, Sandy was volatile and emotional. Amber had black hair and brown eyes. Sandy had blonde hair and blue eyes. The one thing that both sisters had in common, though, was that they were fiercely protective of each other and their friends. Melanie was thankful to count them as part of their family even though they weren’t related by blood.

  “Martin Porter?” Gracie asked in surprise, remembering the man she had met at McKade Construction the day she had found out that touching other men no longer gave her or the men she touched pain.

  Martin had been her guinea pig in that experiment. He had touched her and had felt pain after he had flirted with her, but once he knew that she was Deuce’s mate, he had been respectful and had apologized. His next touch caused no pain at all. If this
was the man who was the father of Amber’s baby, Gracie completely understood why Sandy was angry, but she also knew that Martin really was a nice guy. He had been completely understanding of her mating and respectful of her commitment to Deuce.

  “I think you’ll find that your mate is trying to find you. He’s waiting for you, honey,” Melanie assured her.

  “No, I don’t think so,” Amber said sadly. “When I finally find the man who’s meant to be my mate, he’s going to take one look at me, see my pregnant belly, and run the other way. No man wants to raise another man’s baby.”

  Madison closed her eyes at Amber’s words. She felt the exact same way. She had a beautiful little girl who would never know the love of a father, and Madison knew that she would never know the love of a mate. She truly cared about Marc Blackstone, but Marc pushed her away time and time again. Cooper was already growing very attached to him. Marc was always kind and caring, but he was also careful to keep his distance from them. It broke Madison’s heart to accept that Marc would never allow them to be a family.

  Gracie reached out and tugged on Madison’s long dark hair, smiling as she saw how distracted her friend was. “You’re doing some heavy thinking, Madison,” she said, smiling at her when Madison blinked and looked at her.

  “Yeah, I guess I am,” Madison admitted. She pushed at her hair and massaged her temples lightly. “I don’t think I can be around Marc without thinking about how it might be.”

  “He’s a really good guy, Madison,” Jamie offered. “John is really worried about him. I think you and Cooper are helping him.”

  “I don’t know about that, Jamie,” Madison protested softly.

  “Believe me. You are,” Jamie insisted.

  Madison laughed sadly. “I would love to believe you, Jamie, but I know that every time I get close to Marc he finds some reason to leave.”

  “Enough of this!” Melanie snapped, startling all of them. “Every one of you has a mate waiting for you. Some of you already know them. Some of you have yet to meet them, but know and understand this—your men are waiting for your love. Don’t you dare question it, and don’t you dare allow it to slip away!”


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