Jake's Angel [Cowboy Mates, Psychic Connections 4] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Jake's Angel [Cowboy Mates, Psychic Connections 4] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 22

by Lynnette Bernard

  “Have fun, you two,” he said, smiling at them.

  “We will,” Jake responded, reaching for the picnic basket before taking Claire’s hand and leading them toward the door.

  Claire had to push down the giggles that threatened to escape her as anticipation filled her. She felt the peace that his touch afforded her, but she also felt the excitement and the desire that hummed through him. She knew she was going to be in for a wonderful night.

  He led them to his truck, opening the passenger side door and helping Claire step up onto the footboard and settle herself on the bench seat. Placing the picnic basket on the floor behind the seat, he reached up and touched her cheek gently.

  “I have something for you, angel,” he said quietly. “If it makes you afraid, you’re to tell me immediately.”

  Claire looked at him with open curiosity. He was glad to see that there was no fear in her beautiful brown eyes. She remained silent, and he didn’t sense anything from her except calm and acceptance.

  Reaching into his coat pocket, he withdrew the red silk blindfold that Deuce had given her and let it dangle from his hand. Claire looked at it and waited patiently for him to explain things to her. She was absolutely perfect. She trusted him. She placed her heart and her life in his hands. He felt power surge through him at her complete acceptance and love.

  “I want to put this on you, angel,” he said quietly.

  Claire nodded, waiting patiently for him to do what he wanted to do. If he expected her to be afraid or run screaming from the truck, he was very much mistaken. She remained silent. Jake would have to take the next step. Only then would he realize that she would never fear him, she would always trust him, and she wanted everything that he wanted.

  Jake reached up and carefully brushed her hair back from her face so that it hung behind her back. He placed the blindfold across her eyes and tied it carefully behind her head. Once it was secure, he ran his hand down the length of her hair, loving the softness of it as he slid his fingers through it.

  “I love your hair, angel,” he whispered. Leaning forward, he kissed her cheek lightly. “I love touching you. Did you know that?”

  Claire smiled, turning in to his touch. She rubbed her face against his hand, laughing softly when she heard the soft growl that left her mate.

  “I had no idea. You hide it so well,” Claire teased him.

  She heard Jake’s soft chuckle and smiled, waiting patiently. She felt the softness of his lips on hers and sighed with satisfaction as she opened for him. He didn’t disappoint her. She felt the sweep of his tongue on her lips before he plunged deep and fed her the passion she desired that only he could quench.

  “Jake,” she whispered when he pulled away, kissing her lips one last time before she felt the emptiness as he closed the truck door and left her.

  She listened intently as she tried to separate the sounds that suddenly echoed loudly within her mind. She had a moment of isolation so great that she felt a constriction in her chest. She needed Jake. When she heard the sound of the driver side door opening, she reached out her left hand and searched for him.

  “Jake, I need to touch you,” she told him, a slight desperation in her voice.

  “Claire? What’s wrong, angel?”

  He took her hand immediately and pulled it toward his mouth to kiss her knuckles lightly. Claire felt him move closer and she found herself being gathered within his arms and held tenderly against his chest. She felt herself calming at once. Resting her head on his shoulder, she gripped his jacket and held on tightly.

  “I don’t like being alone in the dark, Jake,” she whispered. “I know you just were walking around the truck to get in, but without being able to see you, I panicked. I felt like I did when I was locked in the cellar. I couldn’t see, I was cold, and I was alone.”

  “I’m sorry, Claire,” Jake said gruffly, emotions filling him as he fought to calm himself and his woman. “I promise you, I will never leave you alone in the dark again.”

  He held her against his chest and stroked her back soothingly. He felt like a complete shit. How could he have done that to her? He knew her history. He should have made the connection that his woman would not be comfortable in this type of situation. He reached up to remove the blindfold, but found his hands taken by his sweet woman.

  “Don’t, Jake,” Claire whispered, kissing his neck lightly.

  “I shouldn’t have left you alone in the dark,” he repeated, more to himself than to her. “I’m going to take off the blindfold, angel.”

  “No.” Claire’s voice was firm. She gripped his hands with surprising strength and tugged at them until he released his hold on the silk material of the blindfold.

  “We tried it, but now we know it’s not something you’re comfortable with, and that’s okay, Claire.”

  “It was only because I was alone in the truck,” Claire explained patiently. “I’m going to be just fine when you blindfold me in our bedroom.”

  “Even if I blindfold you and don’t touch you?”

  “Why wouldn’t you touch me?”

  “To build up the suspense so you’ll ache for me to touch you.”

  Claire laughed softly, nuzzling into Jake’s neck and biting down on it lightly. “You don’t get it,” she whispered, kissing the spot where she had just bitten. “I ache for you to touch me all the time.”

  She reached down between them and covered the growing bulge in his pants. She caressed him gently before squeezing firmly and releasing her hold. Jake’s resulting growl made her determined to get him to understand that she wanted him just as much as he wanted her.

  “Jake. Yes, I’m afraid of some things, but I know you’ll be understanding of those fears. I know that you’re going to help me push aside my bad memories and help make new and beautiful memories with me.”

  “I want to do that with you, Claire,” he told her honestly. “I just don’t want to make you afraid.”

  “Well, I’m not afraid anymore,” Claire told him firmly. “Close your eyes, Mate.”

  Jake closed his eyes and waited. “I’ve got them closed,” he said quietly.

  “Good. Now listen to me,” Claire whispered. “I love you. I need you. I enjoy every moment I’m with you. You give me peace, kindness, and love. You drive me crazy with desire.” She reached down and covered his bulge once again and rubbed his hardened shaft slowly. She smiled at the way his entire body tensed at her touch. “Did you like that you didn’t know when I was going to touch you?”

  “Yes,” Jake said, tightening his hold around her body as she continued to caress him.

  “That’s what I’m going to feel when you blindfold me in our bedroom,” she told him softly. “I’ll know that I’m safe in our room. I’ll know that you’re there. And I’ll know that when you touch me I’ll experience incredible pleasure because you love me.”

  “I do love you, angel,” he told her, his voice soft.

  “I know you do, Jake,” she said, laughing softly. “I can feel you in my heart at all times. I know what you feel for me because I feel it every moment of every day. I wrap myself around it and hold tight to it, because that’s what makes me finally feel the belonging that I’ve always hoped for.” She kissed Jake’s cheek gently, rubbing her nose along his jawline. “You’re the man I was meant to love. You’re the man who shields me from the pain of the world.” She licked at his earlobe and pressed her lips against his ear. “You’re the man who was meant to be my mate and the father of my children. Only you, Jake.”

  Jake pulled Claire toward him and took her mouth in a kiss so passionate and so filled with love, he never wanted to end the connection. He poured his heart into that kiss, telling her with his touch how much she meant to him, how much he loved her, and how much he wanted those children with her.

  When he eased back, he kissed her forehead tenderly just above the silk blindfold that she still wore. He smiled as he realized that Claire’s words were true. He could sense that she didn’t feel fea
r. The blindfold no longer panicked her. He was going to be certain to use it only in their bedroom for the rest of their lives—after today. He still had a very important reason to keep her blindfolded right then.

  “I’m going to start the truck and take us to our picnic spot,” he told her as he helped her settle back in her seat and buckle her seat belt. “Are you ready, angel?”

  Claire nodded, smiling as she reached out and rested her left hand on Jake’s thigh. She really was okay with wearing the blindfold now that Jake was in the truck with her, but she still needed to focus on him being there with her. Old fears were hard to shake, but she knew that with Jake’s help, she would be free of them eventually. His love and caring would heal her.

  Jake covered Claire’s hand and squeezed it gently, reassuring her that he was with her. He drove toward their new home. It was their secret destination. He had spent the afternoon there, getting everything ready for this night, this moment, this beautiful reveal. It would only take a few minutes to get there. He was looking forward to seeing Claire’s reaction when she saw their home all lit up with light and filled with warmth.

  He drove the short distance to their newly constructed haven. Pulling up in front of the home, he shifted the truck into park and shut off the engine. He turned to look at Claire and saw her waiting patiently. He waited for her to say something. She never did. She just remained silent, allowing him to take the lead. To be so trusting of him was something that he had never thought would be a gift he would ever receive. But this woman, his mate, had given him many gifts, and she had given them freely and with love.

  “I’m going to take the blindfold off, Claire,” he told her quietly. “Keep your eyes closed for just a few seconds more.”


  He leaned across her to unbuckle her seat belt then reached up and slowly slid the blindfold up and off her head then tucked it into the pocket of his coat. He caressed her cheeks and hair, loving the softness of his mate.

  “You have such beautiful hair, angel,” he whispered. He leaned in and took a slow breath, breathing in the scent of her and smiling. “You smell so good.”

  Claire laughed softly, reaching up to take hold of his hand and bringing it toward her mouth to kiss the back of his knuckles lightly. “If you don’t stop all this touching and smelling, I’m going to throw you down on the bench seat and have my way with you, Jake,” she warned him.

  Jake laughed as he pulled her closer to kiss her lips lightly. “You’re going to throw me down on the bench seat, huh?” he teased her as he spoke against her lips.

  “Hey, don’t question it, buster,” Claire warned him, gripping the lapels of his black leather bomber jacket and sinking her fingers into the soft sheepskin lining. Claire almost growled at the sexiness of her man wearing such a coat. He had no idea how ruggedly handsome he looked in it.

  “Claire, you’re not strong enough to push me down,” Jake told her, laughing softly.

  “You’d be surprised how strong I can get when I’m horny,” she told him.

  Jake’s intake of breath told her that she had succeeded in not only surprising him with her declaration, she had also aroused him. Good. An aroused Jake McKade made a happy and satisfied Claire Hamilton.

  “You wear that sexy jacket, touch me, and whisper in my ear how much I mean to you, and you expect me to remain calm?” Claire asked, leaning forward and pressing against his body. “You bet your ass I’m horny, sir.”

  A soft squeal of surprise left her as Jake pulled her off the bench seat of the truck and dragged her across his body to sit her sideways on his lap. The steering wheel made it a snug fit, but Jake wanted her as close to him as possible.

  “You always know what to say to me to make me crazy,” Jake whispered before touching her face and tracing her left eyebrow with the tip of his index finger.

  He smiled as he saw that she still had her eyes closed. She was still following his instructions. She didn’t even realize how she naturally submitted to him. It was more than that, though. Her complete trust and comfort level with him made her melt into him and wait for him to tell her what he wanted. He knew that she acted the way she did with him because it was something she wanted—no, it was something she needed. She needed him to help her release the power that the outside world had over her senses. When she was focused on him, and he was focused on her, she was finally free to feel the love that they shared without the barrage of feelings or thoughts from anyone else.

  “I love calling you sir,” Claire admitted. “It makes you all growly and manly.”

  Jake’s laughter filled the cab of the truck. This woman gave him such happiness. He had never laughed as much or had felt such a lifting of his burdens since this woman had come into his life.

  “I don’t get growly or manly, Claire,” he told her, doing his best to remain calm and not release any of the needy noises that his body was determined to release and completely blow his denial to hell.

  “Oh, yes you do, sir,” Claire insisted. “If I want to prove my point, all I have to do is pull the silk scarves out of my coat pocket.”

  “You have the silk scarves in your coat pocket, angel?” Jake whispered, his breathing becoming noticeably more erratic.

  “Yes. I grabbed them when I got my coat from our bedroom. Why? Do you want to use them on me?”

  Her voice was innocent, but Jake now knew that nothing Claire said or did was innocent when it came to her use of the honorific or the way she was always prepared with the tools of seduction. Well, he had his own surprises waiting for her in their new home.

  “Claire Hamilton, you’re a sly one,” he said after a moment. “I enjoy you.”

  Claire smiled. “The feeling is mutual, Jake McKade.” She said the words so quietly, he had to lean in to hear her. “I never thought I would ever be as happy as I am right now, and that’s all because of you, cowboy.”

  When he got close enough, she took hold of his hair at his temples and held him firmly. She pressed kisses along the column of his throat and across his jawline. Tenderly kissing his cheeks and biting down on his left earlobe, she found his mouth and kissed him with gentle determination to show him exactly what he meant to her.

  He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her tenderly, licking at her lips and smiling when she immediately opened to him. He swept her mouth with his tongue, loving the way she sucked on it and teased him. He tightened his hold on her, never wanting to stop. He loved loving his woman.

  Pulling back, he kissed her lips one last time before opening the driver side door and pulling her out with him until they were both beside the truck with her in his arms. He cradled her body by placing his arm behind her back and beneath her knees. He hugged her against his body so that she was safely held exactly where he wanted her to be.

  “Open your eyes, Claire,” he told her, turning her toward their home so that the first thing she would see would be the surprise he had waiting for her.

  Claire opened her eyes and gasped at the sight before her. Their new home was fully illuminated. The log exterior had been finished for a while, but she was surprised to see that the interior had fully functioning lights. She wondered what other surprises were in store for her.

  Before she could ask any questions, Jake started walking toward the main entrance. She watched in amazement as she saw that the front triple window was covered by the curtains that she had chosen, touched by the fact that Jake had already set them in place. There was a single, white, electric candle set on the ledge of the window.

  “I like the candle,” she whispered.

  “I’m glad,” Jake said, clearing his throat as he tried to control the emotions that were racing through him. “I read a story once about a sea captain whose wife lit a candle and left it in the window every night so he would know that she loved him and she was waiting for him to come home. She wanted him to have a guide to come back to her.”

  “I don’t need a guide to come home to you, Jake,” Claire told him gent

  “I know, angel, but I wanted you to have the candle.”

  “You needed to tell me how much you love me.”

  Jake nodded.

  “I already know, Jake.”


  He walked them toward the front door, turning the doorknob with the hand that held her sweet behind, and pushing it open to step inside. He used his shoulder to close the door behind them.

  “I wanted to carry you over the threshold of our home,” he said softly.

  “Oh, Jake,” Claire whispered.

  He reached out with the hand that supported Claire’s knees and locked the door. Walking over to the control panel for the house alarm, he looked at the blinking panel, glad to see that it was working and engaged.

  “Press in the code to keep us safe, angel,” he told her.

  “Okay. What’s the code?”

  “The month and day I woke up in the hospital and found that you were a part of my life, Mate,” he whispered, smiling at the joy that covered her beautiful face at his words. “I will never forget the day I met my angel and she teased me with ice chips.”

  Claire coded in 0-6-0-8. The lights on the panel blinked rapidly before staying on. There was a flutter within her chest when she took in the gentle expression of love on Jake’s face.

  “John told me that Jamie set their code for the month and the day that they met, and I thought that would work well for us, too,” Jake explained.

  “I think it’s sweet,” Claire said, a little choked up by the romantic side of this man.

  Jake smiled as he carried Claire through the unfinished house. The walls still needed to be painted, and the floors still needed rugs, but it was warm, there were lights, and the plumbing had been completed. He walked up the main staircase and brought Claire to the large, master bedroom.

  “Marc helped me finish the construction of our room,” he explained as he stood before the double doors made of rich mahogany. “I told him that I wanted to take you here as a surprise. He asked Madison to help with the curtains in the living room so the front of our house looked like a home. She also helped with the bedroom.”


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