LUST - A Bad Boy Romance

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LUST - A Bad Boy Romance Page 1

by Lacey Legend

  Table of Contents


  chapter 8

  chapter 12

  chapter 13




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  Having grown up in a wealthy household, Kelsey had always had a secret longing for a naughty adventure.

  And when bad boy Mason Craig began working at her family's estate she found herself embarking on the type of secret affair you would only ever read about in erotic romance novels.

  However, after one passion fueled sex session after the other, Kelsey had to wonder...

  Was this relationship just based on LUST or did it have potential for something more?

  But this was a question that Kelsey was going to have answered sooner than she ever expected....

  “LUST” is a bad boy romance full of twists and turns that are guaranteed to keep you reading all the way to the end. Download and start reading now!

  Copyright Notice

  Lust – A Bad Boy Romance © 2017, Lacey Legend


  This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.









  chapter 8

  chapter 9

  chapter 10

  chapter 11

  chapter 12

  chapter 13

  chapter 14


  The peach sangria that Kelsey was sipping by the pool was sweet and cool in the hot summer sun. She’d been a college graduate from her liberal arts program for a month and had no desire to further herself in any direction. It was at her parents’ request that she get her degree in the first place.

  If she’d had it her way, she would have simply graduated from high school and left it at that, but her parents had insisted that she get a degree in something just so she could be well-versed when she was around the high society people that she associated with. There was no reason for her to choose a career path—she already had plenty of her savings and she would continue to follow in her father’s footsteps as needed, as an investor.

  Basically that meant that when she felt she needed it, she would call her father’s people and they would invest her money into something big, make her even richer, and then she’d continue to float along.

  Another sip went down easily and she eyed her in-ground pool, she was hot and starting to “glisten” as her mother liked to call it, but she wanted to wait as long as possible. She had a charity event to get ready for in the evening and she wanted to be as cooled off as possible from the sticky heat when she was getting ready. Kelsey adjusted her designer sunglasses and shifted in her chaise. A yawn escaped her lips and she felt a little boredom wiggle through her.

  While she loved to relax and spend her days living on easy street, sometimes she did get an itch for excitement. There seemed to be something almost dull about her life. Sunning, lunching, napping, and shopping by day, charity events, and dinner parties by night seemed to be a life worth living. A life that most people were envious that she had.

  Kelsey could admit that often times it was fantastic and she certainly didn’t want to trade her life for a life of working forty hours a week and living for the weekends, but she did wish sometimes that something exciting would happen to her. Something that made her days filled with anything at all. Just something.

  A sudden splash caught her by surprise and her eyes flew open at the sound. Her legs were wet with drops from the pool and it took her a moment to realize where they’d come from. Looking across her patio she saw a man on the other side of the pool. He held the long pole and was vacuuming the clear blue water.

  How had she not noticed that he’d sneaked up on her like that? He looked across the way from her and she realized she vaguely recognized him. He’d done work around the other houses in her upper-class neighborhood and all of her girlfriends were constantly gossiping about him. Of course none would ever be caught actually dating him, but they often shared how much they fantasized about him.

  Kelsey had to admit she could see why they talked about him so frequently. She’d seen him around but she’d never really gotten the chance to look at him for more than just a glance. But there he was, standing right across the way from her, his eyes burning into hers and she was able to really appreciate how dead sexy he was.

  It was obvious how toned and muscular his body was, even if it was covered by gym shorts and a cutoff shirt that had seen better days. He had dark hair that he left shaggy and long which, at the moment, had fallen into his eyes that were such a brilliant green she could see them shine from across the pool. But what really got to her, more than his muscles, more that the dark stubble that lined his razor-sharp jaw line, was the way his stare was penetrating deep into her. It was a feeling of being completely naked in front of someone while they took in every inch of your body.

  Kelsey could feel her entire body heating up from the intimacy with which he was watching her. The longer he stared, the more she had to hold back the urge to get up and strut to the side of the pool to taste the salty sweat on his lips. She shook her head away from the image and instead decided to put an end to it.

  “Do you mind?” Her tone came out completely annoyed, which was exactly what she was looking for. A lazy grin came across his face and she could feel her heart nearly stop. If that was what half of a smile looked like, she didn‘t know what her heart would do if he ever gave her a full one.

  “Not at all,” he answered. His smile widened into something cocky and suddenly she became infuriated.

  Why was she letting him get to her? Why did his gaze make her feel completely exposed? In a huff, she stood up from her lounge chair and took her glass of sangria from the side table.

  “Could you be ruder?” Kelsey slid her feet into her heeled sandals and stormed away with the dignity of a queen.

  “Actually I could, but I‘m not interested,” he answered.

  His voice came out mockingly and its deep rumble shook her inside. Whipping back around, she turned to glare at him, letting him know that his comments were completely immature and unnecessary.

  But she turned too quickly and her heel slipped off of the edge of the pool and she lost her balance. Kelsey, her sangria, and her very expensive shoes went tumbling into the pool. Shock overtook her and she came popping up out of the water gasping for air. Assorted fruits floated around her and she could feel her face flame from embarrassment as his laugh rang out loudly. As gracefully as she could, she took long strokes toward t
he edge of the pool and climbed out.

  “Are you okay there, Princess?”

  Rolling her eyes, she whipped her wet hair around to stare at him again.

  “Thank you for your concern, Pool Boy, but I‘m fine. Clean up the mess.”

  With that she walked away again, leaving him still laughing at her humiliation.


  Kelsey had no idea why his mocking had bothered her so much, and she really couldn‘t fathom why his stare had crept into her so heavily, but it bothered her all night long. He was going to be their outdoor maintenance person for the entire summer and she would have to see him daily as he manned their lawn, pool, and gardens. It was day one and he had already irritated her to the point of humiliating herself and now she would have to relive that embarrassment for the rest of the summer.

  Kelsey decided that she would try to find out more about him at her event that evening. If he was going to call her “princess” and clearly look down on her as he simultaneously stared at her as if she was meat, she would need something to have over his head.

  “Does anyone know anything about that pool boy that always wears those disgusting cutoff shirts?”

  “Oh, you mean Mason,” her friend Rose replied.

  The girls she was standing with all made yummy noises in unison. Kelsey could never decide if the girls she spent time with were actually friends because they enjoyed each other’s company or if it was because they all happened to live in The Vines and run in the same social circle.

  Either way, she was one of them and she always trusted their opinions. She may never have trusted them with anything important, like secrets and humiliation, but their thoughts on clothes and the people they associated with were always trusted.

  “So what’s the deal with him?” she asked.

  “Oh he is a fine piece to be watching while he’s working outside,” one of the girls answered.

  The rest nodded along and exchanged knowing looks with each other.

  “Why are you asking?” Alison wanted to know.

  Kelsey wanted to play it off, it didn’t seem like they had any other thoughts on him other than his looks, and she could understand why that would be a distraction, but she didn’t want them to have any clue about the way he‘d made her feel. If there was anything anyone knew about Kelsey it was that she could never lie, her thoughts and emotions were always written on her face. So she kept her answer as brief as possible.

  “Oh, no reason. He started working for my parents this summer and he seems rather obnoxious. He was watching me while I was lying out by the pool today.”

  The comments then turned from her questions about him, to their jealousy of his attention. They all chatted animatedly about how they wished he’d ever stared at them and that if he had, who knew what may have happened. They exchanged winks and dirty glances pretending that if they’d had their chance that they’d have gotten together with Mason.

  But their little cluster of girls simply laughed off the thoughts and moved easily into the next bit of gossip for the evening. It was well known that any lady living in The Vines didn’t associate with anyone from the other side of town. It was improper to mingle with anyone that wasn’t a part of their social stature and the other part of town was certainly not close.

  But Kelsey refused to admit to herself that somewhere inside of her, something had sparked. As she stood in her strapless black dress, sipping her champagne, she couldn’t help but look around and wonder if Mason was thinking about her as much as his stare was still on her mind.

  She knew it shouldn’t be, and that he was probably so used to women throwing themselves at him that he wasn’t even thinking twice about Kelsey in her string bikini, but she still couldn’t help the fact that a tiny part of her was hoping that he was. That somewhere in the back of his mind he couldn’t get her body out of his thoughts just as she couldn‘t get his arms off of hers.

  “Hello! Earth to Kelsey!” Rose was waving her hand in front of her face.

  Kelsey startled back to the present. “Sorry, what were you saying?”

  “We were saying we should hit some shops tomorrow and do some lunch in the afternoon. Can you make it?”

  Kelsey thought for a moment. On the one hand, it was quite boring to sit around the house all day with nothing to do. On the other hand, the prospect of seeing Mason again the following day gave her the first perk of excitement she’d felt in months. It was tempting to not give that up. She shook her mind away from the thoughts. Sticking around the house for someone as obnoxious as Mason was ridiculous.

  “Sure, I’d love to go,” she answered. It didn’t sound like much fun but it beat staying at the house all day. “What time were you thinking?”

  “Say lunch at noon and the stores to follow?”

  “Sure, but I’ll have to be home by four; I have some things to take care of.”

  “Not a problem,” her friends agreed and their conversation moved onto other topics.

  Kelsey stood there, momentarily shocked. It was the first time she’d been able to lie and not have anyone notice. She had absolutely nothing to do at four the following day, but she did know that was about the time Mason would be there. And for some reason, she wanted to make sure she was too.


  Mason probably shouldn’t have laughed as much as he did when the Princess hit the water, but he couldn’t help how funny it actually was. Every summer he worked for the rich snobs in The Vines and he worked hard. And every summer his clients would look at him as nothing more than a nobody from the “other part” of town.

  To him it wasn‘t “the other part,” it was just town. But that’s not how they saw it. They respected only those that were like them—rich, snobby, and lazy. Yes, he did consider them lazy. It seemed from his observations that many of them were born into money or struck it lucky at some point. Very few of them actually seemed to work for their money, and those that did were obvious because they would actually look at Mason as if he was a person instead of a shadow with a rake.

  The worst of all of them were the women. All summer long they would stare at him as he worked, practically drooling while they watched, but that’s all they would do, sit and watch. Of course, they wouldn’t lower themselves to actually speak to him, but they’d watch.

  And then they’d talk about him when they thought he couldn’t hear. Lust ran heavily through the elite gated community, but none of the socialites would ever dare to touch him. Maybe they thought poverty was contagious.

  For the most part, it never bothered him and he didn’t think twice about the women. He had plenty of women in the bars he frequented near his home. But that was before he started working for the Romans and before his eyes saw Kelsey.

  He had been working in the garden, completely undisturbed and peaceful when he caught a glimpse of her in the summer sun. In her white bikini she looked like an ebony goddess. So, on a snap decision, he decided to finish the garden later and decided that the pool was in emergency need of being taken care of.

  He had no problem simply stealing small glances her way, but then she looked up at him. He couldn‘t see her eyes behind her sunglasses, but he finally got to see her face and he could see it was molded perfectly. It wasn’t as if he meant to stare at her, it was just that he couldn‘t believe how delicate she looked, like a doll. But the moment she opened her mouth, he remembered exactly where he was and exactly the type of girl she was.

  He couldn’t help notice though, that his stare was driving her wild. So he continued to watch her, his eyes boring into hers even beneath her sunglasses. It satisfied him to see that he had some sort of power over her, however limited it may be.

  When she was flustered enough to actually trip and fall in the pool, he probably shouldn’t have laughed. It was slightly his fault and if he’d felt like being a gentleman, he’d have helped her out, but watching her coming out of the water gasping and startled was just too much. The evil part of him even wished he’d had a camera to capture
the moment that the high and mighty fall.

  That night, when he went to the bar for a beer, he told his friends about her splash from grace. There was a clear divide between one part of town and the other, and while Mason didn’t really care to think about it, any time the mighty came apart, his side of town rejoiced. It was hard to feel like the riffraff to the royalty which was exactly how he and his neighbors always felt.

  So after he told them about her spitting pool water amongst her spilled wine, they all toasted their cheap beer, clinking glasses and laughing.

  “Mason!” He heard his little brother shriek as he walked into his mother’s home after the bar.

  Mason scooped up his little brother and adjusted him onto his hip. “What are you doing up, little guy? It’s late and you should be in bed.”

  Adam scrunched his little nose and made a face. “You stink,” he told him with the candid facts of a five-year-old.

  “Sorry,” Mason said sheepishly. He never liked his little brother to see him after he‘d been drinking; there was enough of that where his mother was concerned.

  Mason carried the tiny body up the stairs, noticing how quickly he’d outgrown his little pajamas. He should really stop at the store to get him some new clothes. He was growing so fast, it was hard to keep up. Mason laid the now-sleepy Adam in his bed and pulled up the covers. He switched off the light and clicked on his little dinosaur nightlight that used to be his when he was that small.

  “Tell me about my dad,” Adam requested. It was his favorite version of a bedtime story and Mason always did his best to make the story something that Adam could dream over instead of his grim reality.

  “One time dad came home with a gift for me. It wasn’t my birthday and it wasn‘t Christmas. But he came home with a red bag with my name on it. When I opened it up it was a fishing pole. He taught me how to put it together and then took me down to the river and taught me how to fish. We caught ten fish that day and had a great big fish feast for dinner that night.”


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