LUST - A Bad Boy Romance

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LUST - A Bad Boy Romance Page 23

by Lacey Legend

  With a spring in his step, he made his way into what appeared, to him to be a ghetto. The elevator of the high-rise apartment block was broken. Fortunately, Jenna was only on the fourth floor.

  “It must be a real pain at night carting a baby and a pram up here after school and work,” thought Spencer.

  He knocked on the door. There was movement behind the door and Spencer sensed someone was checking the peephole. He waited as chains were unfastened and bolts unlocked. Jenna opened the door with her niece cradled in her arms.

  “What on Earth are you doing in this neck of the woods?”

  “Can I answer that question when I’ve come inside?” responded Spencer.

  Jenna stood back and let Spencer walk through. He noted she was quick to lock up once he was in. The place was cute – homely and clean – but he still had an urge to grab Jenna by the hand and whisk her and baby Zada back to his home where he knew they’d be safe and sound. Jenna, however, didn’t look as though she was fazed. He had a feeling if he acted on impulse he’d end up offending her greatly.

  “Guess I owe you a thank you?”

  Spencer shook his head, “Ms. Princely was always going to calm down. I hope I sped up the process.”

  “Can I fix you a drink? Hot or cold? Soft or hard?”

  There was something in her manner that beguiled Spencer, warm, welcoming, and completely composed in an environment that could never be controlled. That was what Spencer admired. Jenna was able to deal with what cropped up as it happened. Spencer liked to cover all bases so there were no disruptions in his life; it was a luxury he could afford.

  “What are the chances of me getting a decent cup of tea here?”

  “About the same as you getting a glass of Dom Perignon.”

  He laughed. “Touché.”

  “I promise I’ll get some in for you for next time,” said Jenna. “Tea that is, not champagne.” Jenna placed a glass of red wine in front of him. “Let me get this munchkin to bed so we can talk properly.”

  Spencer nodded and sipped the wine while Jenna disappeared.

  Oh, my days, thought Jenna, the second she entered the bedroom she shared with her sister and baby Zada. What’s he doing here and why do I have to be dressed in my flannelette pajamas that are about seven years old?

  She popped Zada in her crib and kissed her forehead. Zada was as good as gold. There were rarely tantrums at bedtime. She had a routine the family stuck rigidly to, which resulted in a well-mannered, easygoing child. Breathing in and out a few times, Jenna shrugged her shoulders to release the nervous tension.

  Spencer looked heavenly in his sharp business suit. He hadn’t shaved since their date and his stubble was turning into a beard, which seemed all the rage. It covered his pronounced jaw line and gave him an animalistic appeal with his broad shoulders and muscular arms. He was different to any other man she’d ever met. Turning round, she half expected him to be in the doorway looking her up and down like a piece of meat. Instead, he’d given her some privacy.

  She strolled out to the kitchen and sat opposite him at the small square wooden dining table.

  “I’m not sure whether I should change into something more appropriate for visitors or stay as I am.”

  “You look....” Spencer paused, “comfortable. Stay as you are. Unless, of course, you’d prefer to change,” he said quickly, not wanting to sound dictatorial.

  Jenna poured herself a wine. “Did you wind Ms. Princely round your finger so you could get that second date with me or was it out of a sense of duty?”

  “Are your evenings free now?” quizzed Spencer.

  “They are, my weekends as well. I have an earlier start, but I’m doing a bit of housekeeping and cleaning for an elderly lady who lives close to the campus. Same hours but it fits in better with my studies and makes life easier all around. It’s ideal, if I’m honest.”

  “Good, I’m glad.”

  Jenna was disappointed. Her hazel eyes met Spencer’s but she couldn’t read what was going on in his mind.

  “Would you still like that second date?” asked Spencer evenly.

  It was such a formal invite. Jenna was now concerned he was asking her because he felt obligated, not because he wanted to.

  “I guess.”

  “You guess? That doesn’t sound too promising,” teased Spencer. “I go crawling to Ms. Princely begging her to free your schedule up in order so that I have the opportunity to get to know you better and you aren’t even certain you want a second date?”

  “Maybe I don’t want to seem too eager.”

  “Throwing yourself at me would be a bit college girl and quite the turn off,” agreed Spencer.

  Standing up, he walked to Jenna and offered her a hand. She took it and stood up. His fingers went to the buttons of her pajama top. Slowly, he began to unbutton it and let the thick pink material part.

  “And I have very little interest in girls.”

  Jenna’s chest was heaving as her flawless brown skin was revealed. She could feel Spencer’s eyes devouring her breasts against the cream-colored bra. Having unbuttoned her as low as her navel he was able to push the dowdy pajama top over her shoulders and watch it fall to the ground. The college girl in her comfort clothes had disappeared. In front of Spencer stood a coffee colored goddess in a matching cream lacy underwear set.

  His hands cupped her face and tilted her head towards his. His warm lips landed on her plush ruby ones. Without hesitation, Jenna let her lips part and felt Spencer’s tongue press into her mouth. Standing nearly naked next to his fully clothed six-foot-two frame was weird. Jenna felt exposed and vulnerable, yet hugely sexy. With eyes shut, the kiss seemed to last forever. When Spencer did break the lip lock, he remained holding her face.

  “Are you more than just a clever college girl able to hold her own with the adults, Jenna King?” The question was patronizing. She went to pull her head back, but Spencer’s grip was firm. He kissed her affectionately. “I don’t want to waste my time here.”

  “Neither do I and my mum and sister are due home in less than two hours.” Her hazel eyes were blazing.

  Honestly, he makes one phone call to my boss and suddenly he thinks he’s earned the top spot in my list of priorities, she thought.

  “I can see you’re angry.”

  “Good,” she snapped.

  “Jenna, I want you to listen to me.” Something in his voice resonated with her.

  “We’ve wasted days. That’s days I could’ve spent getting to know you. I don’t want to waste any more time.”

  Her eyes softened as she remembered his niece.

  “I’m not used to college girls. I’m not used to having to speak to employers to bail out my

  girl—“ He stopped before using the word girlfriend. “I’m not used to having to speak to employers to bail out potential lovers because of some clause or contract in what’s nothing more than a part- time job. I’m certainly not used to high-rise buildings without working elevators and ex-boyfriends in jail.”

  “Any other part of my life you’d like to tear apart?”

  “I’m not tearing apart your life. I’m trying to highlight the differences so you’re aware of the obstacles in blending our lifestyles.”

  “That’s a fair point,” reasoned Jenna, “but you can’t hold me accountable because I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth.”

  “I’m not,” he said. “And you shouldn’t hold it against me because I was.”

  “It’s difficult,” sighed Jenna.

  The weariness in her voice concerned Spencer. He’d gone to great lengths to express what trials they’d faced and he’d now possibly put her off even contemplating dating him. It was the last thing he wanted. “But not impossible,” he asserted.

  Releasing her face, he put a hand on her waist to turn her gently from him. Rotating Jenna slowly, he was able to pull her petite but curvaceous figure back into him. He lifted the straightened weave from her neck to enable his lips to brush the s
ensitive skin of her throat. His warm breath and feathery kisses brought up gooseflesh. There was something strong but sensitive in his touch and Jenna was unable to resist. His teeth went to her earlobe and the grazing of them had her damp between the legs. He sucked on her ear lobe.

  His free hand, resting on her shoulder, traced the outside of her arm. Spencer could feel Jenna shivering. Running his fingers back up the inside of her arm, he let his palm slide down the length of her body. As his hand ran over the cup of her bra, Jenna’s nipples hardened. He relished her soft skin, tiny waist and rounded hips. Pushing his pelvis forward slightly, Jenna was able to feel his hard-on.

  Spencer stopped by the elastic of Jenna’s panties. His thumb hooked over them and he moved his hand round. That one digit, frighteningly close to her pubic mound, made Jenna grind her behind against Spencer’s erection. His breathing became more audible and ragged. Turning her neck slightly, Jenna’s eyes were able to meet Spencer’s, which were clouded with lust. His mouth went to hers to reassure her this wasn’t merely about leaving her home sexually satisfied.

  As the kiss deepened, Spencer’s hand moved inside her panties. His middle finger located her clit and he pressed firmly on it. Jenna’s body physically weakened at the sensation. He slid the finger down the crevice of her pussy to feel how wet she was. Pleased by the dripping, he let his finger slide up and down and around her clit. Jenna began grinding against him to increase the pressure; feeling electric tingles build inside her.

  The second Jenna reacted dominantly to his touch, Spencer removed his hand. Her back to him, Jenna could hear him taste her as he sucked his finger. Without a word of direction, Spencer’s hand went to Jenna’s back to lower her face down to the dining room table. Jenna allowed herself to bend over and outstretched her arms to grip the table.

  She could hear Spencer unbuckling his belt. The sound of his fly unzipping encouraged Jenna to part her legs slightly to permit him access to her needy pussy. Spencer’s hand on the bare skin of her back, massaged her firmly as he released his cock. He shuffled closer, preparing to embed himself in her. In a quick movement, Jenna’s panties were bunched aside. The material rubbing to one side of her thigh and Spencer’s hand gripping her buttock was the ultimate foreplay. In seconds, she could feel his throbbing shaft slide between the lips of her pussy. Teasing her, he let his helmet rub over her clit as his rod taunted the entrance to her slit.

  In an unexpectedly gracious movement, he thrust himself into Jenna’s tight entrance. She gasped aloud at the width of him as he glided up inside her. She tightened her grip on the corners of the table. Spencer bucked his hips, letting his eight inches delve deeper and deeper inside the stunning woman in front of him. Finally finding his rhythm, rather than pound her for his own pleasure, Spencer’s motion became smoother and longer.

  He lowered slightly to bring his body closer to Jenna’s. As he plunged in further he gyrated his hips, brushing the sensitive nerve endings inside Jenna. She spread her legs and rounded her ass to ensure she was able to accommodate the full length of him. Part of her felt strange being naked while Spencer was fully clothed, but another part of her enjoyed the element of danger that her mother or sister may arrive home earlier than anticipated. Spencer clearly had the same notion as he began to increase his pace.

  A hand on her shoulder held her firmly in place as he jerked inside her, while he let his other hand creep around her thigh to find her bud again. It took him seconds to locate the slippery nub. He pinched it between his thumb and forefinger causing Jenna to whimper. Spencer continued to manipulate her clit, gauging Jenna’s pleasure from the shaking of her legs.

  She was soon begging him in a whisper to stop or take her to the brink. He let us forefinger and middle finger caress her clit in a constant movement until she was bucking on his cock and gritting her teeth to stop from screaming out. The sensation of her jerking and releasing on him had Spencer driving his shaft harder and faster into her.

  Removing his hand from between her legs, his hands stretched out to cover hers. Holding her securely to the table, he was in a position to pound her relentlessly. Deliberately holding back from his own peak, Spencer was drilling Jenna to the point where her body was exhausted from his passion. As she reached a point where she was no longer able to keep up with his raw and rough taking of her, Spencer finally released his load inside her. His body collapsed on hers for a few seconds. Jenna could feel his heart pounding in his chest through his shirt.

  “Sorry, sorry,” he apologized, realizing his weight may be crushing her.

  Jenna wasn’t certain what the apology was for. The sex was rough, but not in a horrid way. She felt longed after and secure in his presence. She was disappointed to feel him peeling himself away and adjusting his attire.

  With what remaining strength she had left, Jenna managed to force herself up from the table. Turning to face him, she stumbled slightly over her own feet. Spencer steadied her and lifted her to sit on the table. He spread her legs at the knees and moved between them.

  “I could happily take you again,” he smiled wolfishly, pulling at the strap of her bra.

  “People have to eat off this table,” she laughed.

  “But they don’t have to know what’s happened on it.”

  She slapped his hands away from her bra straps. “Stop it!”

  He kissed her shoulder and then her mouth. His heart felt light, but as his eyes adjusted to the room, he remembered where he was, and how the night would unfold.

  “I suppose you should-“

  “I need to make myself decent,” countered Jenna, fully aware he was looking to make a quick getaway to avoid meeting her family.

  “I don’t mean it to sound like that. There’s nothing I’d like more than to spend the night with you.”

  She could tell he wasn’t paying her lip service.

  “You have to admit, your living situation doesn’t lend itself to that,” he explained.

  “No, but yours does.”

  He nodded.

  “Will you at least wait for me to have a shower and change, or do you plan on dashing out in the night.”

  “I have no plans on leaving you stranded. I’m not that callous. I came to see you, to see if you wanted to see me. The idea wasn’t to pop round, get my end away and walk out.” Spencer’s tongue tripped on the words.

  “I won’t be long.”

  Spencer watched as her toned, pert figure strode toward the bathroom. He resisted the urge to follow her in and watch.

  Chapter Seven

  Spencer yawned and stretched his arms over his head. The second he heard keys being rattled and inserted in various locks, he straightened up immediately and tried to look alert. A younger, plumper version of Jenna entered the house.

  “Hello,” she said cautiously. “If you’re who I think you are, then I don’t have to worry about you burgling the apartment and clearing out the family silver.”

  Spencer rolled his eyes. Jenna clearly had been confiding in her sister.

  “You must be Zada’s mother. Liana, is it?”

  “That’s right. You must be the British billionaire.”

  “Spencer Lawson,” he offered by ways of introduction.

  Liana studied the hand he’d extended. She could see his hair was damp and parts of his shirt were sweaty from exertion.

  “No thanks, I don’t know where that’s been,” said Liana smartly.

  “Liana!” Jenna was standing in the kitchen dressed in jogging pants and a sleeveless top.

  “Sorry,” she apologized to Spencer.

  Spencer had already withdrawn his hand, embarrassed by Jenna’s sister’s accurate observations.

  “Guess you’re heading out now,” said Liana.

  Spencer’s eyes flickered over to Jenna. She threw him a sympathetic smile to let him know she bore no malice with him wanting to flee the scene of the crime with her outspoken sister now present.

  “It’s early. I’m in no hurry.”

iana’s mouth dropped open in surprise in response.

  Spencer flopped on the worn checkered couch. His massive frame took up most of it. Jenna could feel herself wanting to catch flies like her sister, but was impressed with Spencer’s effort. Grabbing two cans of soda from the fridge, Jenna settled in next to him. He draped an arm around her shoulder and opened his soft drink.

  Jenna switched on the TV and began channel hopping. She had no real clue what Spencer liked watching. He seemed more like a bookworm or art gallery lover than a guy who was happy to veg out on the couch watching TV. Finding a black and white film, Jenna hoped it was tasteful and cultured enough to entertain Spencer.

  Spencer gave her a queer look. Jenna shrugged. He took the remote from her and continued flicking through the channels, until eventually settling on a repeat of a popular American comedy show.

  “Are you two for real?” blurted out Liana.

  They both looked over at her with quizzical expressions.

  “Jenna, seriously, since when do you have a boyfriend stop over to watch repeats of ‘Friends’ while babysitting? And what’s with a billionaire casually sitting in a cheap rented apartment drinking a home brand soda?”

  “I wouldn’t have thought as a single mom living at home, you could afford to be so judgmental,” said Jenna cattily.

  “Girls,” growled Spencer in a low voice.

  The sisters looked at one another. Were they being reprimanded in their own house?

  “Baby Zada’s asleep,” reminded Spencer. “Liana, how was college tonight?”

  “Fine,” she answered without thinking. “Stressful, actually. I have some big assignments coming up and I’m pushed for time.”

  “Have you eaten?”

  “Not yet.”

  “Neither have I,” said Spencer. “I’ve worked up quite the appetite. Should I order in for us?”

  This really is too bizarre, thought Jenna. He’s gone from Mr. Cool to big brother in minutes.

  “I’m not sure they do take out sushi,” said Liana slyly, sitting on a single sofa chair.

  “Actually they do, but it’s not very filling,” Spencer informed her amiably. “I was thinking more along the lines of pizza.”


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