Sinful Cravings: Erotic Paranormal Romance (Lake City Stories Book 2)

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Sinful Cravings: Erotic Paranormal Romance (Lake City Stories Book 2) Page 9

by Annie Nicholas

  “Geez, I wonder why?” I glared at the demon. “I have enough family trouble as is without having to add yours to it. Is there anything John can do to get you to forgive him?”

  “Forgive?” He said it like I’d used a foreign word.

  “Yes, he’s your brother.”

  Amel drew kissing close. “Because of him I’m enslaved.”

  I tried to breathe. If he kept wearing this hot glamor, I was going to end up making mistakes that I’d regret. I would have fun making them though. “I know, but it’s what family does. No matter how much of a dumbass he is, he’s your brother forever.” Technically, I’m the reason Amel was Sin’s slave. I’d given the vampire Amel’s true name.

  “Next time I see him, I’ll make sure to forgive him.” I didn’t think Amel understood the real meaning of the word.

  My phone rang.

  Chapter Twelve

  I stared at Val’s number on my phone. Usually I wouldn’t hesitate to answer, my sweetie had a great phone voice that purred all over my senses, but I’d already proved I couldn’t say ‘no’ when it came to Val’s demands. He possessed the power of an experienced incubus where I had no defenses. One come-hither comment and I was a goner.

  Then again, I glanced at the furious demon pacing next to me, I had Amel as protection.

  “This is Pia Blyton.” I imitated Cecile’s tone as best I could and tried to sound professional.

  “Ms. Blyton.” Val almost growled my name. “Why aren’t you at your parent’s house?”

  I blinked at the phone before answering. “How do you know I’m not there?” Was he tracking my phone?

  “Because Hoel went to pick you up for lunch and you weren’t there. Your mothers didn’t have any idea of where you’d gone.” He took a deep breath before continuing. “If you had changed your mind about lunch, I wish you would at least have the courtesy to call and cancel.”

  Oh shit. “I forgot.” Between arriving at home to a disheveled dad, waking to a demon in my bedroom this afternoon, and having a conversation with Cecile, I’d forgotten about my lunch date. “I’m trying to track down your package.” You big jerk was on the tip of my tongue but I held back. I looked around for someone to hand me an award for the mature act.

  “You’re what? Oh…” He cleared his throat. “Thank you. Did you speak to Cecile?”


  His weak chuckle coated my skin like a warm hug. “Was she nice to you?”

  “She didn’t call me whore this time if that’s what you mean.” I shuffled my cold feet to regain some circulation within them. “The package seems to be in New Harper for some reason. Cecile is sending you more so we have to work with what we’ve got until then.” We didn’t have much. He had me and whatever he could buy off the streets. That supply wasn’t inexhaustible.

  “New Harper?” He made a frustrated noise. “Nothing we can do about it at this point. So you’re in the city? How close are you to Arnaud’s?”

  “A few blocks. I’ll meet you there.” I started in the direction of Val’s favorite restaurant. They served Cajun food just like his mamas made. I glanced at Amel. “I’ve got company though.”


  “It’s a long story and I doubt you’ll like it so I’ll explain in person.” I hung up before he could question me more. He didn’t sound happy to start with.

  “This is a bad idea.” Amel strolled next to me in his t-shirt. A stray snowflake landed on his bare arm and sizzled into a puff of steam.

  “Having lunch with my sweetie?” Who was grumpy with hunger. “Yeah, it is but we’re doing it anyway. I need to assess how desperate he is.” I may have to call my daddy if Val’s demonic nature had control over his body. A starved incubus could cause a lot of physical damage to our charm.

  Any rogue incubi who wandered into our city were discretely watched. It was my father’s duty to protect his people and a starved incubus could kill succubi. He usually met with them and strongly encouraged a more stable lifestyle. My parents knew which succubi wanted to settle into a marriage and those who didn’t. They played matchmaker all the time.

  This was different. Val had wives. They lived too far to help though. Would my father force him to marry more so he could feed? It would sound barbaric to humans but my father didn’t want the selling of succubi energy on the streets. It drew unsavory people. The kind Sin could relate to.

  Oddly enough the vampire didn’t want those types of people in our city either. Too much competition. This was why he and my dad worked so well together, common goals for different reasons.

  I walked to the restaurant instead of driving because the parking in that area sucked. Cold wind whipped under my coat. I would have ended up having to come back here to park anyways. Maybe if I kept repeating that to myself I’d get warmer.

  Amel set his arm around my shoulder.

  I jumped. “What are you doing?” My heart thumped against my ribcage.

  “You’re shivering and I’m hot.” He grinned at the double entendre. Gripping my shoulders, he pulled me against him. “I’m ordered to protect you. Sin didn’t give me details so I’m forced to keep you warm. Bitch at him. I intend to.”

  Heat oozed through my jacket and enveloped my body. Thank god it was day one in my feeding cycle. I pictured Amel as he was yesterday, all demon fury and ready to rip my head off my shoulders. It helped cool my succubus libido.

  “Speaking of orders, you’re not allowed to harm Valerio Hunan.” I said Val’s full name to ensure Amel didn’t use some loophole in my order not to kill my fiancé.

  “Yeah, yeah. Don’t harm or maim or kill. Be a good demon and don’t be yourself. I get it.”

  I patted his fine, firm ass. “Good boy.”

  His body became rigid at my comment then he growled.

  I met his glare and smirked. What did he expect? He’d been threatening to eat me alive since the day we met. I wasn’t going to behave. He should be happy I let him wear clothes. Just because I wouldn’t fuck him didn’t mean I didn’t want to look.

  “Leave me alone, Pia. This is the only warning I’ll give you.”

  “Don’t worry. I’m not as stupid as you think I am.” Or anyone else did for that matter. “You’re off my menu.” I’d feed from Rat, Sin’s creepy assistant, before I succumbed to Amel.

  “Our kind weren’t meant to be together.”

  “Your brother and I do fine.”

  “He’s been an anomaly since he hatched from the egg. My mother should have eaten him like my father wanted her to.” Amel shook his head. “I’ll never understand females.” He glared at me once more. “Of any race.”

  I kept my silence, trying not to picture mother demons eating their young. One day John and I were going to have to talk about his past. It must have been hell.

  The restaurant’s sign became visible in the distance. Warm or not, I pushed Amel away from me. “Don’t.” I held up my hand to stop him from grabbing me against him again. “We’re almost there and I’m telling you, Val is in no mood to see me in another man’s arms.” Most the time, Val seemed happy to watch me feed from my lovers but I wouldn’t rock the boat with the hunger so close to the surface.

  With Amel present, Val might get ideas about feeding that I didn’t want to fulfill. Not with this specific demon.

  Pulling open the door, I entered the full restaurant and spotted Val at his usual table. I checked my coat.

  Val watched me cross the room with a darkening expression.

  I did my best to smile and pretend I didn’t have a hulking Amel looming behind me. The table only had two chairs. I was pretty sure I told him I had company.

  Val rested his arms on the edge of the table and clenched his hands into fists. “Who’s this?”

  “It’s Amel.”

  His mouth gaped and hands relaxed. “Zur-Sin’s demon?” He whispered the question so the neighboring tables wouldn’t hear.

  “Yes. He’s my new bodyguard.” I held out my necklace. “This co
ntrols him.”

  “Bodyguard?” He fisted his hands once more. “Your vampire doesn’t think I can control myself?”

  I sat down and leaned forward. “You haven’t so far.” We spoke quietly in whispered anger. “Sin is just watching my back.”

  “And was probably washing it and rubbing it as well. Is that who’s sending you all those fucking flowers?” He banged on the table hard enough to rattle the silverware.

  The surrounding tables quieted and stared.

  We glared at each other for a moment longer then settled back in our chairs.

  Val straightened his tie and I settled my dress around my lap.

  His gaze traveled to Amel. “He’s under your control?”

  I nodded. “He has to do what I say.”

  “Tell him to go blend in with the wall. He can watch you from there.”

  I glanced at Amel and gestured for him to do as Val asked.

  The demon literally blended into the wall so slowly no one seemed to notice. “Wow, I didn’t know they could do that.”

  “How do you think they feed?” Val offered me a menu.

  “I know what I want.” We’d eaten here often enough.

  He signaled a waiter and ordered the gumbo. No surprise.

  “I’ll have the chocolate mousse.”

  Val frowned. “That’s all you’re eating?”

  “I’ll have two chocolate mousses.” I waved the waiter away. “Don’t judge me. I stress eat and it’s been a hell of a day.”

  Val tapped the tip of his fork with his fingernail. Click. Click. Click. “Speaking of hell, are you going to keep avoiding my question?”

  “What question?” I must have missed it during his hissy fit.

  “The flowers, Pia. The hundreds of white roses plastering my—our home.”

  “It’s not a home. It’s a hotel suite. And I haven’t the faintest idea who’s sending them. Didn’t they come with a card?”

  He pulled a white rectangular card from the front pocket of his tailored business suit and set it on my place mat.

  The card read Meet with me again. N. Oh my word, Nikademos the minotaur. Yeah, this would go over well. “This is from the man I fed from last night.” I pushed it toward Val not wanting to stare at the N anymore.

  He ignored it. “How does he know where you live?” Click. Click. Click.

  My heart started to race. Did I spit out the truth about screwing up his deal with Nik? Should I lie? I couldn’t see any possible way out of this with my hide intact. Sin had said Val would be pretty pissed once he discovers I flubbed things with the minotaurs but Val was already on edge. Did I really want to be the bearer of bad news? I watched him tap the fork, waiting for me to lie to him like his wives probably would. I didn’t want to be that person.

  “I fed from Nikademos.” There I’d said it. Instead of feeling relieved by telling the truth, a sense of strain cramped my shoulders as I waited for the guillotine to release over my head.

  “The minotaur leader? How on Earth did you meet him? He was supposed to be meeting with Zur…” His frown grew deeper. “You ran to your vampire again.”

  “You left me in a bad way last night, Val. Who do you expect me to go to when I need to feed on the spot? Cooper lives outside the city and John’s random.” I picked up my napkin, but instead of setting it on my lap, I wrung it under the table. “It’s a sad state of affairs when Sin becomes more dependable than you.” Unable to look at the hurt in his eyes, I stared at my hands, twisting the napkin tighter and tighter.

  The waiter arrived with our lunch and left in a hurry.

  Irritation fell off Val in tsunami sized waves. He stabbed at his gumbo with a fork, picking out his favorite parts first.

  I stirred my mousse with my fingertip, forgoing a spoon. My appetite had left the building. The chef possessed a natural gift of blending the best chocolates to create this bowl of heavenly smoothness. I licked my finger clean and repeated the process.

  “This why Nik isn’t answering my calls?” Val speared a shrimp and tore it in half with a precise bite.

  I sank my finger deeper in the mousse. “Possibly.” The answer came out so quiet, I wasn’t sure if he’d heard.

  He paused in slaughtering his gumbo. Yeah, he heard.

  “I didn’t mean to do it. You told me last night you weren’t mad.”

  “That was before you mixed your feeding with my business. Tell me everything.”

  My racing heart slowed to almost a stop. “He wants me.”

  “That part is obvious. Tell me why he’s not answering my calls.”

  “Well, duh, you’re my fiancé.”

  He stopped eating with a puzzled look on his face.

  “Val, most males don’t like to share.” Sometimes I didn’t understand how my race functioned in this world. I tossed my napkin on the table. “He wants me to join his herd and got upset when Sin explained us.” I pointed to Val and me.

  The waiter approached our table with fresh water but with one glance at Val’s face, he turned away.

  Val leaned across the table and whispered in a fury, “Of all the males in the city last night, Pia, why him? I’ve been working with Zur-Sin for weeks. And you know how much I love to work with that bastard vampire.”

  I leaned forward as well, gripping the edges of the table. “I planned it all. You sucking me dry and leaving me in a hunger frenzy. I thought how could I possibly make this worse?” I stuck my finger back in my mousse and pulled out a glob.

  Val grabbed my wrist before it could reach my lips. His hold hurt and he pulled it toward him as if I didn’t struggle. Sliding my chocolate covered finger inside his mouth, he swirled his tongue around it.

  I relaxed my arm and sighed.

  He smiled and licked my finger clean. “I’m sorry.” He kissed the back of my hand then rested his cheek against my palm. “I’m so hungry. It makes me cranky.”

  “I’m sorry too. I didn’t mean to fuck things up with Nik.” I caressed his face. “Should I see him again?”

  He groaned. “That’s an awful thing to ask me when this hunger is burning inside of me.”

  “Wasn’t Hoel able to secure you more vials?”

  “No. I bought all that was available but it’s not enough.” He closed his eyes and leaned into my touch. “I might be forced to hunt.”

  “No.” I yanked my hand from his hold. “No.” I said it with more force. “I can’t let you feed from me or any other succubus directly. It’s too dangerous. You could kill someone and—and I could never forgive you.” I took a deep breath and rubbed my temples. Time to pull the big girl pants on and feed my incubus. “I’ll fill more vials for you. I’ll call my suitors and see who can feed me first. My sisters and mothers can’t help but maybe they have friends who can spare some.” At what cost though.

  “No friends and no family. I can’t afford for them to realize I’m weak.” He frowned. “I have enemies, Pia.”

  “Okay, then just me, but it’s not healthy for you to feed from just one succubus.”

  “This is short term. At least until I figure out why my packages are being sent to New Harper.”

  Packages? I’d been thinking of only the one. So none of his recent shipments have been arriving? “I’ll call when the vials are ready.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Val stayed in the restaurant to settle our bill while Amel escorted me out. The setting sun made me smile. Winter’s short days meant more hunting time for the vampires. It also meant Amel would go back to Sin’s nest soon.

  Turning in the direction of my car, I jumped when Amel’s hand wrapped around my upper arm and he dragged me into the closest alley. “Hey.” I struggled against his strong hold.

  Amel’s glamor faded and the shadows took the form of his wings. His claws dug into my coat but not my flesh just before he launched into the air with me still in his grip.

  My feet left the ground and an unarticulated noise tore from my throat. Dangling midair by my arm, I swung back
and forth under Amel.

  “You’re throwing off my strokes.” Amel pumped his wings faster as we gained altitude. “Stay still.”

  “Like I’ve got control, watch out!” I pointed to a church’s steeple heading in my direction at alarming speed.

  He leaned to the left.

  The heels of my shoes scraped over the shingles. “What are you doing? I own a fucking car.” I slapped at his arm with my free hand. “Put me down. Put me down. Put me down.” My voice grew louder with each repeated order, but he wasn’t following them. Was my necklace still working?

  Amel pulled me up against his chest and held me tight with both arms. “Behave or I’ll drop you by accident.”

  I clung to his warm shoulders. When his glamor had faded his wings had torn right through my father’s shirt and Amel was once more bare-chested. “You’re not very good at this.”

  “What, flying?” He sounded genuinely insulted. I took note for future reference.

  “Carrying someone while flying.” Maybe he hadn’t heard my command. “Amel.” I shouted over the wind. “I command you to land and put me back on the ground, preferably by my car.”

  He kept beating his wings until the city seemed small and glittery below us. No way he didn’t hear me that time.

  I slapped my forehead. Sin’s orders superseded mine. “What did Sin order you to do?”

  “To bring you to him in the evening.” Amel flew over the industrial section of the city toward the abandoned building that masked Sin’s nest. What was that old saying? The road to hell was paved with good intentions. It seemed appropriate when a demon flew me, a succubus, to visit a vampire. A trifecta of perdition.

  We landed softly in front of the main door where Amel preceded to pound on the door. “Let me in, vermin.”

  “I didn’t think you’d be in such a rush to return to your cave.” I settled my clothes back in order and surrendered to the mess that was my curls.

  He gave me a shake. “Anything is better than watching your mate lick you in public like that. Shameful.”

  I slow blinked. Lick me? I glanced at my groin. My panties were still on. What was he going on about?


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