Sinful Cravings: Erotic Paranormal Romance (Lake City Stories Book 2)

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Sinful Cravings: Erotic Paranormal Romance (Lake City Stories Book 2) Page 11

by Annie Nicholas

  Chapter Fifteen

  Day Three Again

  My morning started much like yesterday. Nightmares of Val while Amel fed from my suffering. At least, I woke to the demon in his human glamor. Eye candy like that shouldn’t go to waste.

  “I wish you’d stop looking at me like that.” He tugged at his muscle shirt’s collar. “Makes me feel like you need a salt shaker and a napkin.”

  “Honey, if this was all there was to you then I would have fed from you already. But I know it’s all fake.” I sighed. “Too bad.” At this rate, I’d need a few more suitors soon. Sin yesterday, John today, probably Cooper tomorrow, then what?

  Cecile said she’d overnight the package. Val should have it sometime today and we could get back to normal life. Maybe argue some more about the engagement party. That seemed so mundane and petty now. I don’t remember why I’d been so stubborn about a date.

  Amel stared at his chest. “My brother isn’t any different.”

  “Yes, he’s very different.” When was the last time he’d seen John? My little mouse-haired geek didn’t compare physically to Amel but I’d take him over Mr. Evil any day.

  “It’s glamor, Pia. You can’t be that silly.” He followed me to the bathroom after I gathered my clothes for the day. “He’s still mazzikim under it.”

  I closed the door in his face. “He hurts those who hurt others, he’s kind to me, and he’s fun to be around.” Finishing with the essentials, I dressed and exited. “You on the other hand enjoy hurting anyone, are mean to me, and I don’t think you know the meaning of fun.”

  “Why would I care?”

  I poked him in the chest. “Because you started this argument.” How was I supposed to visit John with his brother as my shadow? There was no love lost between them. The amulet John wore only prevented him from being summoned. It didn’t stop his brother from killing him, but I could. “I’m visiting John today. You will not physically harm him.”

  Amel grew still. “Define harm.”

  Opening my mouth, I couldn’t seem to speak. I snapped it shut. “How would you define it?” Harm seemed too big of a definition to cover before coffee.

  “Anything that would constitute seeking a healer.” Amel crossed his arms over his chest and gave a decisive nod.

  “Yeah, sure.” I glanced at the clock. “Dear Lord, it’s almost lunch. Why did you let me sleep for so long?”

  “I’m not your alarm clock. Besides it’s easier to guard you when you’re unconscious.” He smirked. “And quieter.”

  “Come on. We’ll grab breakfast on the go.” I stopped in my bedroom doorway. “And we’re driving.”

  “Your car is still in the city.”

  “Fuck.” I stormed to the kitchen and found only my sister Rose sitting at the counter sipping coffee still dressed in what I would guess was last night’s outfit. “You look like shit.”

  “Thanks for bringing the hotty to witness it as well.” She pouted at Amel. “Rough night.” She emptied her purse and ten vials filled with succubus energy tumbled out. “For dad.”

  Ten. I’d made five for Val yesterday and felt like a dishrag. Glaring at my sister, I started gathering food for her. Whatever I could grab: Cookies, muffins, half a sandwich in the fridge. “Eat.” I pointed at the pile and grabbed a muffin for myself. “That’s a dangerous thing to do, Rose. You could burn out doing shit like that.”

  “I know,” she whispered and glared at Amel. “Can he go somewhere else?”

  “Amel, wait in the hall.”

  He turned and left without comment.

  Rose grinned. “Keep it up baby sister and you’ll be carrying a whip like Adele soon.”

  I gave a weak laugh. If she only knew the truth about the necklace. “So?” I placed the sandwich in her hand. The demon part of us needed the energy to live but the physical part of our bodies still needed food. Filling ten vials was a lot of burned calories and hard work. And from Rose’s smell plenty of sex.

  “I met Lothar at a club and you know how much I like the alpha.” She gave me a crooked smile.

  I pretended to gag. It wasn’t difficult. He really did squick me out.

  “Anyways one thing led to another and we ended up back at the pack’s den. The opportunity presented itself and I took advantage of the situation.”

  “And you just happened to be carrying ten empty vials in your purse?” I picked at my muffin and stared at my big hearted beautiful sister. Sometimes I forgot I wasn’t the only one who worried about our parents.

  “Yeah, I was.”

  I hurried around the counter and hugged her so tight I felt her bones creak. “Don’t do it again. Promise me,” I whispered.

  She sighed and rested her head on my shoulder. “I didn’t think it would be that hard, but the more I tried the less I made. I guess we’re really not factories.”

  Stroking her long red hair, I did my best to support her 5’10’ frame under my much shorter one. “We’re not.” I shook my head. “Dad is going to blow a gasket when he sees those.”

  Rose pulled away. “That’s why you have to give him part of it. Please, Pia, I don’t want the moms or him to know. They’re angry enough at each other. Don’t make it worse.”

  “Does Adele know?”

  Rose made a face.

  Fury boiled under my flesh. “She’s doing the same thing, isn’t she?”

  “Maybe.” Rose bit into the sandwich, watching me while she chewed.

  “Why didn’t either of you tell me before?”

  “Because you would have squealed to the moms.” She set her hand over my open mouth. “You always tattle. This was too important.”

  “I suck at lying to dad. He always knows when I am.”

  “Look, you don’t even have to hand it to him. Adele should be home soon. So we’ll put it all in a box and tell him it’s from all of us. You just have to say yes if he asks you about it.”

  “Fine.” I scowled. “It won’t solve anything though.” But god, all those full vials would solve Val’s problems. Stealing from my family wasn’t a line I’d cross and Val had ordered me not to tell my family. I was so frustrated I could spit.

  Rose finished the sandwich. “I know, but it gives them time to find someone they at least like. I mean, what if he brings home someone like—like.”

  My stomach dropped. “Cecile.” When I thought of my moms, power-hunger was not a word that popped up. Dad could judge people well when he had a clear head but I knew how hunger could cloud your judgment.

  “Exactly. I want him to understand there’s no rush. With the six of us, we can keep him fed until the right succubus comes along.”

  I shook my head. “Not six, Rose. We’re having our own feeding troubles.” I stared at my shoes. “Don’t tell anyone, okay? But I can’t help.”

  “You’d choose Val over dad?”

  I jerked my head up and met her glare. “He’s going to be my husband. What kind of wife do you think I’ll be?” Had I been making the wrong decisions about family? It felt right to feed Val before my father. Dad had three wives and two other daughters locally. Val only had me.

  She rubbed her forehead. “That wasn’t fair of me. You’re right.” She stuffed a cookie, whole, in her mouth yet still managed to speak. “It’s the low blood sugar and lack of sleep.” Grabbing me around the shoulders, she hugged me. “Is the snack in the hall your new suitor?”

  “God, no.” I pulled away. “I have to go. Are you going to be all right?”

  She nodded. “Long bath and a longer nap are the only things on my agenda today. I’m just waiting to make sure Adele gets home.”

  “Can I borrow one of your cars?”

  “Sure, pick whichever one you want.” She pulled out a full key ring from her purse.

  I left Rose munching in the kitchen and tossed Amel a muffin. “Is an SUV a better fit for you?” I led him outside to a truck I knew Rose didn’t care much about. She let our dad use it for hauling stuff when he played in his apple orchard.
  The drive to John’s remained uncomfortably quiet. I couldn’t stop seeing all those vials on the counter in my mind. Until recently I never gave them a thought. Not until they became a hot commodity.

  Filling those vials last night had left me in a state of day three today. Hunger grew steadier as we drew closer to John. I’d left myself enough energy so I wouldn’t be tearing his clothes off when I passed his threshold but I’d be damn close. If he wasn’t home, Amel would be fair game. I glanced at him. I’d never been with someone who had to do everything I commanded. That could be fun, for me, but it bordered too closely to rape. I’d jump a stranger first.

  John lived in a low income neighborhood in a bad part of town. I rarely came here. We usually met in a hotel room I’d rented or someplace fun to fool around like the comic convention that came to the city last year. He’d really been my superhero that day.

  I parked in the street in front of a five story apartment building. John lived on the third floor. “Maybe you should stay with the car and keep it from being stolen.”

  “Sin’s orders supersede yours. I can’t protect you from here.”

  I exited and slammed the door shut. “Are you planning on watching me feed from your brother? He only has a one room apartment. I mean, you could hang out in the bathroom.”

  Amel’s face paled. “Can’t you do this tonight when I don’t have to guard you?”

  “With Sin watching me? I think not.” Not to mention I wouldn’t make it that long but Amel didn’t need to know that.

  “Fine, I’ll wait in the hall outside his door.”

  “And you won’t harm him?”

  He seemed to struggle with something. “I won’t harm him.”

  We climbed the three flights of stairs. I was huffing by the time we reached John’s floor and Amel breathed as if we’d only climbed three steps.

  I pointed at the end of the hall. “Stay there. I don’t trust you.”

  “Who said you had to?” Amel followed my orders anyway. He didn’t have a choice. “I do as you command, mistress.” He bowed but his expression lacked any humor.

  Chapter Sixteen

  John answered the door on my first knock. “Hey.” He sounded breathless as if he’d raced across his small apartment to answer the door. “How are you?”

  “I’m fine.” I rocked back and forth on my heels. “You?”

  “Great.” He grinned.

  I raised my eyebrow. “Are you going to invite me in?”

  “Oh, yeah, come in.” He retreated into his apartment to give me passage inside. If I hadn’t already forgiven him, I would have now. He was so darn cute and clueless.

  Before I entered I glanced at Amel who brooded in the corner. I could almost visualize the storm clouds of his frustration swirling around his head. How were these two brothers? My sisters and I all differed but not polar opposites like the demon brothers.

  Closing the door behind me, I turned and locked it. My hunger roared at the slight scent of brimstone in the air. Amel smelled like that when he wasn’t wearing his glamor. I tossed John a glance over my shoulder. “Were you just in demon form?”

  He flinched. “I usually am when I’m by myself.” He shrugged. “I can’t hold this form twenty-four seven. It’s tiring.”

  I advanced on him. Kitchen, living room and bedroom made up this large one room so he didn’t have much space to run from me. “I’m hungry, John.” Without invitation, I undid the top buttons of his shirt. My fingers rested on his amulet. Only then did I notice how similar my necklace was to it.

  The same dark metal that felt cool to the touch, except Sin hadn’t made John’s. “What does this do again?”

  “It prevents anyone from summoning and binding me like you did to Amel.” He wrung his hands. “About him, I don’t think it’s a good idea we let Zur-Sin keep my brother. That’s a lot of evil under one rooftop, you know.”

  “Well, you should of thought of that before giving me his name.”

  He met my stare. “I never thought for a minute you would have given it to Zur-Sin since you believed it was my name.” He shook his head. “I shouldn’t expect so much from you.”

  I gasped. That actually stung even through my curtain of hunger. “I was trying to save your scrawny ass.”

  “By enslaving me to the evilest bastard on the East coast? How reassuring.”

  “I thought someone had already enslaved you. Better the devil you know and all that stuff. You could have told me more before you left. I would have helped.”

  “I know you would have.” He pulled one of my curls. “You’ve the gentlest heart, but I couldn’t risk meeting your dad. He would have prevented me from running.” True, he would have wanted me to feed from John first.

  “Enough talk. Get naked and drop the glamor.” I pulled my shirt off and tossed it on the coffee table by his sofa-bed.

  “Wh—what? I didn’t know I was back on the roster.” He undid the buttons on his shirt. “I’m keeping the glamor on though.”

  “Uh-uh, I want to see you as mazzikim.” I stripped out of all my clothes.

  He hesitated in undressing and stared at my body, swallowing visibly. “You don’t like me like this?”

  The vulnerable tone his question took made me hesitate and reconsider my request. I chewed my bottom lip. “It’s not the real you.”

  He blinked. “Everyone hates mazzikim.” Proceeding in undressing, he dropped his clothes on top of mine. “I don’t want you to be afraid of me.”

  I laughed. “John, after meeting your brother I doubt that’s possible.”

  “I’m definitely not dropping it now.” He slid his hands around my waist and pulled me against his bare finely muscled chest. “I’ve missed this.” Slowly, his hands traveled over my ass.

  “Come on, John.” I rubbed my hardening nipples against him. “I’ll do that thing you like if you drop your glamor for me.” It was a good thing I’d left myself some energy to get me this far otherwise I wouldn’t have much to bargain with. My hunger flared but it didn’t control me. A succubus should be in charge of her demon nature, not the other way around, and I’d seen way too much of my demon side the last couple of days to last me a lifetime.

  “I really need to talk to you though.” He shifted his weight from one foot to the other.

  “Sex first. I can’t concentrate when I have to feed.” I stroked his hardening cock. “And I plan on making it really hard for you to think as well.”

  He closed his eyes and let me run my hands all over him. John didn’t have GQ handsome qualities like Val but attraction wasn’t all about beach muscles and great hair. He went out of his way to make me feel special and beautiful. A succubus could get used to being worshipped and grow a little addicted to it as well.

  “You know you want me too, Johnny.”

  A shiver ran through his arms as he held me tighter. “Fine, I’ll do it but we play a different game. One we haven’t done before.” He let me go and removed my hand from his cock.

  “I like all kinds of games.” Would John find something I’d never done before in Sin’s company? I doubted it. “Drop your glamor.”

  “Not before we go over the rules.” John opened a drawer in the kitchen and pulled out a sky blue apron with big yellow sunflowers. “Wear this with your heels.”

  I snapped my jaw closed. Maybe I’d been wrong. None of the games I’d played involved cooking gear. “You do realize I’m a fire hazard.” We’d met in Sin’s nest when John rescued me from a toaster oven gone bad. My pizza hadn’t survived the ordeal though.

  “Yes, and I’m fire proof.” He grinned. “But my neighbors aren’t so we’ll do this the easy way.” He pulled out a box of chocolate chip cookies. He had my full attention now. “You can pretend to have baked these. I’ve never had homemade cookies so I wouldn’t know the difference.” He tried to laugh but it came out hollow.

  I tied the apron on. It was one of those that only covered the bottom half so my breasts were still exposed. Th
is could be fun after all. “I’m all ears. What do I do?”

  “I’ll sit on the sofa where you sit on my lap and feed me cookies with milk.” He set a tall glass and filled it.

  Watching him cross the room to the sofa, I hesitated by the food on the small counter. “In my culture feeding someone has significance.”

  John sat on the sofa facing me. “I know.”

  “It’s not a game.”

  “This is.” He patted his lap. “You want something important from me, Pia. Shedding my glamor isn’t a game for me either. Are you willing to pay the price to see me as a demon?”

  Staring at the cookies and milk, I tried to ignore the knot of anxiety tightening in my gut. “You really are mazzikim.” In all my life I’d only fed two males from my hand. Val and Pierre, my human heartbreak.

  “I am. Please, try to remember that when you try to fuck with me.” He chuckled. “Or just plain fuck me.”

  I chose specific suitors that I wouldn’t fall in love. Sin was too much of a bastard most of the time and Cooper was a wolf-shifter looking for his soul-mate. John had always been a risk. My father hadn’t approved of him until he found out John came from the mazzikim clan. He trusted John’s nature would drive me off eventually. I never believed it until now.

  My eyes burned as we stared at each other from across the room, neither willing to bend first. Unfortunately, my hunger didn’t give a shit about traditions. If I didn’t feed from John, I’d jump his brother’s boner.

  John blinked. “Cripe, I’m not asking you to marry me.” He rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Just take care of me for a few minutes. Is that really so unimaginable? To take five minutes and pretend you actually give a crap about me?”

  “I don’t need to pretend, John.” I grabbed the plate of cookies and milk. Sitting on his lap, I set the plate on the pile of our discarded clothes on top of the coffee table. “You took me off guard with the request.” I dipped the cookie in milk and offered it to him. “I understand where you’re coming from.”


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