Sinful Cravings: Erotic Paranormal Romance (Lake City Stories Book 2)

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Sinful Cravings: Erotic Paranormal Romance (Lake City Stories Book 2) Page 15

by Annie Nicholas

I held my breath. I hated when these two fought and that’s all they ever did when in each other’s presence. One day they would make me pick a side. Just the thought made me want to vomit.

  “I doubt you had peace in mind when you brought these two in my home.” He pointed at the twins.

  Sin’s gaze settled on me. “Are you safe?”

  I clasped my coat tighter around my torso. “Yes.” But I sure could have used a hug.

  “You don’t sound confident.”

  I leaned against Val’s shoulder. “I’m tired, I’m sticky, and I want a long, hot shower. Go home, Sin. I’ll be fine.”

  Val slid his arm around my waist and pressed a tender kiss to the top of my head.

  With a nod, the vampire led Amel out of our suite.

  I stared at John. “What do you want to do with him?” On any other night, I could have thought of a few fun things to occupy our time with a handsome demon. After the last few days, all I wanted was to be clean and snuggle Val in bed. “Can’t we lock him up in the closet and pull him out for another time?”

  John jerked on the ground but didn’t say a word.

  I grinned at Val.

  “Behave, Pia.” He knelt next to John. “I will pay your debt if only to find out this incubus’ name. You will work for me and me only, until you have paid me in return with interest.”

  John nodded.

  “If you vanish again, I will hire Zur-Sin to hunt you down and I doubt he’d be as merciful. Am I clear?”

  John nodded again.

  “Where did Amel take you?” I asked unable to contain my curiosity anymore. The demon seemed physically intact so Amel hadn’t broken the spell by hurting John, yet I doubt he kidnapped his twin so they could have a quiet talk.

  The wings on John’s back flattened as if in defeat. “We went to see our mother.”

  “Oh.” That couldn’t have gone well.

  “I can’t be your suitor anymore.” The demon reached out a clawed hand and rested it on my foot. “I’m sorry, Pia.”

  I knelt next to him and stroked his back. I hated the defeat in his voice. “What happened?”

  “They bound me to a female.” He sat up and leaned against me. “I don’t even know her.”

  Val rubbed his chin. “Maybe Zur-Sin can break this spell?”

  “No, I’m blood bound like Amel is to him. There’s no breaking it.” John gave a weak chuckle. “She seemed less pleased than I was. As soon as the wedding was over she spat in my face and vanished.”

  “Sounds like true love.” Val slapped John on the shoulder. “Could have been worse, she might have moved in.”

  “Val.” I shooed him away. Really, he had to work on his people skills. “Did you say wedding?”

  “Yeah, the binding is forever.”

  “Wow, is she a demon?”

  John tossed me a confused look. “Of course she is. She’s Mazzikim as well. It’s how our people marry. Our families dragged us into the pentagram and forced the binding on us.”

  While he spoke my hand had drifted over my mouth. “Was there cake?” I did my best to smother my laugh.

  He shot me a hurt glare.

  “I’m sorry. I couldn’t help it. This just seems so weird. If she doesn’t want you, I don’t understand the problem.”

  “The binding keeps us from being with anyone but each other.” He pointed at his groin. “It won’t work for anyone else.”

  Val grimaced as if nauseated. “That’s harsh.”

  “Oh no.” I set my hand on John’s shoulder and squeezed. Some other races wouldn’t understand our reaction but sex was a key part of our lives. John could live without it at least, but how boring. “Maybe you should go find her?”

  “And what? Hit her over the head with my club and chain her in my bedroom?”

  Val seemed to perk up. “You can borrow mine.” He pointed to the broken thick chain lying in the middle of the living room floor.

  John rolled his eyes. “Neither of you are helping.” Climbing to his feet, he shrugged off my sympathetic hands. “It still leaves you down a suitor.” He turned to face, Val. “How do we take care of the incubus in New Harper city?”

  Val shrugged. “Come see me tomorrow. We’ll try to make contact with him. If that doesn’t work, we’ll have to wait until he comes for you.”

  “Great.” John stomped out of our suite mumbling something about probably getting turned into a frog. I had noticed he hadn’t worn his human glamor in front of Sin or Val. Maybe he was beginning to accept his heritage? Or he was just so pissed off he hadn’t realized it?

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  We’d taken separate showers and snuggled in bed before passing out after John had left. The next morning I awoke before Val.

  Quietly, I slipped out from under his possessive arms and legs and went in search for coffee. The empty pot mocked me as I stood bare foot in the kitchen. Most mornings it seemed magically full, but Hoel had crawled into bed and swore bloody vengeance on any who would dare wake him before noon.

  After a whole minute of searching, I couldn’t find the flipping manual anywhere so I called my parents. My birth mom answered on the first ring. She always was an early bird. “How do I make coffee?”

  She sighed and gave me step by step instructions ending with. “Make sure the coffee maker is plugged in.”

  “Duh, I’m not that silly.” I scowled and plugged it in. Who unplugged things we used every day? I’d have to have a talk with Hoel about his OCD. “How are things at home?” Which was code for are you and the other moms still bat shit angry at Dad?


  I paused in pouring water into the coffee machine. “Really?” I was excellent in talking code but terrible at understanding it.

  “He’s taking someone out on a second date tonight. He’ll bring her home only when he’s sure he’d be willing to propose.”

  “Does she have a name?”

  “She won’t have a name until he’s ready to bring her home.” She sighed again. “It’s easier this way honey. I know you must think we’re being unfair but we’re not use to sharing your dad. Not the way he is with us.”

  I finished preparing the coffee. “It’s hard being the new kid on the block too.”

  “I know. I was there once too.” She gave a slightly evil laugh. “Now it’s my turn to play those dirty tricks on her.”

  “Mama.” I laughed anyways. I almost wished Val’s wives would play dirty tricks on me. At least that would mean they acknowledged my existence.

  “Did you hear about that rogue incubus last night?”

  My laugh turned into a strangled noise. I had never called my dad back about stopping the alert. “Yes.”

  “I bet Val had you locked up tight.”

  If she only knew. “I was safe.” And I had been. Even in his deep state of hunger, he had still figured out a way to feed without hurting me. “He loves me.”

  “Oh sweetheart, I can’t tell you how happy that makes me to hear you say that.” She sniffed.

  “Did they catch him?” What if I caused some innocent incubus harm?

  “No, they found evidence of a struggle in the park but no body so we assumed the succubus must have gotten away. Your dad called off the alert since the incubus obviously fed. I hope that succubus is all right. She’s at least due something for feeding him.”

  “Maybe she’s just happy to have helped.”

  My mother snorted. “I highly doubt that. I have to go sweetie. It’s my turn to make breakfast. Try not to burn down Val’s kitchen.”

  “Bye, Mom.” As I waited for the coffee, I checked the front of our door for the mail and found a large package addressed to me. I set it on the kitchen table and opened it. Inside, I found vials of blue energy with a hand written letter from Cecile.

  I trust you will keep these safe. From now on I will ship these vials in your name. Store a third of them away and give the rest to Valerio. It’s best you have some in storage in case something like this happens a
gain. Take care of him for us.


  Crushing the letter to my chest, I tried to breathe around the vise squeezing my ribs. Cecile trusted me to care for Val. I wouldn’t let her or the other wives down. Folding the letter away into my purse, I would do as she asked and place a third of these in storage where Val couldn’t use them without my knowing. Maybe a safety deposit box? Oh! Or a safe? I’d never had to guard anything before. Suddenly I didn’t feel so young and stupid. I’d consult Sin on what my options were to safeguard the vials then I would decide what was best for us.

  I plucked a few vials from the box and set them on a tray with a steaming cup of coffee. Balancing everything, I made my way to the bedroom. “Oh honey, I made breakfast.”

  Val sat up as if startled. “I don’t hear any sirens.”

  “Funny.” I set the tray across his lap. “The package arrived.” Popping off a cork with my thumb, I handed him an opened vial. “Bottoms up.”

  He let me feed him his vials then settled in with his coffee. On the first sip, he hid a sour expression behind his cup. “Mmm, good.”

  “Too strong?”

  “I need some hair on my chest.” He stroked the smooth muscles. “Come here.” He patted the bed next to him. “I don’t want us to go anywhere today. Just stay in bed.”

  I settled within his arms. “Sounds like a great plan but no sex. I have to give my girly bits a few days off or they’ll go on strike like John’s parts.”

  Val choked on his coffee. “Speaking about John. You really need to find more suitors. I’ve tried to be patient and look what happened.”

  I held up my hand. “I found one.”



  “The minotaur who won’t even return my calls?”

  “Get your office to draw up a contract and he said he’d be willing to set up another meeting with you and Sin.”

  He stared into his cup. “I don’t want you selling yourself like this. I can handle Nik on my own.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “I’m not selling myself. Next time you’re around him take a peek at that package.” I kissed his cheek. “Thank you for not making me do it though.”

  Silence filled the room and I chewed my bottom lip. There’d been one little thing bugging me that I hadn’t spent much time really thinking about, but maybe it was about time I asked. “Val?”

  He raised a questioning eyebrow.

  “What do you do for business that you need to work with Sin and Nik?” The vampire’s reputation for illegal activities preceded him and Nik seemed more of Sin’s world than Val’s.

  Val stared at the dark, steaming liquid in his cup. “I deal in pharmaceuticals.”

  “When you say that then add who you’re working with I can’t help but assume those pharmaceuticals are illegal.”

  He chuckled. “Would you be against that?”

  “Yeah.” No hesitation. I’d seen too many human friends subsume to drugs.

  “What I produce is legal but the way I create it would be considered…unethical by some.” He ran his fingertips over my hand. “Have you ever wondered about incubi energy?”

  “Uh, you don’t create any.”

  “Not like you do. I consume succubi energy and with it my body creates incubi energy for me to survive on.” He drank his coffee quickly until the cup emptied then leaned forward over the vessel. A purplish energy flowed from his mouth into the empty cup. Not much, just enough to show me. “See.”

  “You sell that on the streets?” I couldn’t help the incredulity in my question.

  “No, I mix it into a pill and my company sells it to pharmacies.” He drank the energy back up. “Ever see those ads on television for the little purple pill?”

  My eyes went wide. “For men with erectile dysfunction?” I gasped. “Your energy fixes that?”

  He nodded. “It’s a well sought after aphrodisiac.”

  “Holy shit.” I stared at the empty cup. “No wonder you need so many wives.”

  He roared with laughter. “Are you okay with this?”

  “Well, yeah, but I still don’t see why you need Sin or Nik.”

  “Sin has the connections in the city that I need. Nik has the manpower and the minotaurs are well known for being honorable. I need someone I can trust to guard and transport my vials safely to my factories.” He frowned. “This is a dangerous secret I’m trusting you with. Only my wives know. Not even Sin and Nik understand what they are securing except that it’s very valuable.”

  Wow, only his wives knew and now me. “You can trust me, Val.”

  “I know I can.” He kissed the back of my hand. “So you now have three suitors.”

  “I almost had four before John fucked up his life, poor guy.”

  “You don’t think you’ll fall for Nikademos?”

  “Never. Too possessive and has a herd mentality. The definition between liking someone and loving them is becoming clearer recently.” I cupped Val’s cheek. “No one could ever replace you in my heart.”

  “Nor you in mine.” He twisted his face to kiss the palm of my hand.

  “So the Winter Solstice is in a couple weeks. Is that too soon to plan our engagement party?”

  “With your mothers in charge? Never.”


  Succubi and incubi suffered from sinful cravings. It didn’t mean we were soulless, hateful creatures. Some of us were almost moral by human standards. Val truly loved me. Not many humans could make that claim. He could have killed me twice but both times he fought the hunger and found the strength to stop feeding before going too far. The only other incubus I could think capable of doing this was my dad who loved my moms with all his heart.

  In my parent’s greenhouse garden, garlands hung from the ceiling in loops with red ribbons tied in bows, poinsettias decorated every available corner and someone had set off a tinsel bomb before I had arrived. A hint of evergreen filled the crisp clean air and reminded me of all the other Winter Solstices we’d celebrated as a family.

  Val and I stood in the center of the room surrounded by the elite of Lake City’s charm and a few special guests of other races.

  My heart hammered so hard I feared my teeth would fall out. Cecile, Val’s very first wife, bent to clasp an engagement bracelet around my left wrist. “With this gift, I and my sister wives invite you into our family.” She had traveled to Lake City to assess Val’s situation and stayed once she heard I had set a date for the engagement party.

  I met her gaze. It wasn’t filled with the warmth and love like I would have wanted but neither was it filled with cold hatred. I had helped save Val and more importantly, for her, I had kept it from going public that he had lost control of his hunger.

  Baby steps, like my moms said.

  Val knelt before me.

  I could barely breathe as I stared at his thick, black hair. The room spun a little.

  He clasped the engagement bracelet around my right wrist. “With this bracelet, I claim thee Pia Blyton.” He met my gaze and gave me a devilish smile. “I will love and protect you as long as I live.”

  A quiet, collective gasp traveled through our charm. Val had improvised the last part of the engagement vow by adding the word love to it.

  I heard one of my mothers sob, probably Margie, behind me. If she didn’t quit it, I’d be joining her soon.

  The thin dark metal wove around my wrist in a perfect fit and burned with cold fire. They weighed nothing and probably cost more than the combined income of every incubus at this party. Weaved into the metal was the same magic Sin had used on the necklace, which I had returned earlier this evening. Amel would never be able to harm me. So the jewelry didn’t just symbolize Val’s protection, they truly kept me safe. The bracelets were the most thoughtful gift anyone had ever given me.

  I glanced at Sin standing in the back of the room in the shadows. It couldn’t have been easy for the vampire to whip them up with such short notice.

  Val rose to his fe
et, towering over me, and gave me a shy smile. Something Valerio Hunan, incubus extraordinaire, rarely did. Bashful wasn’t an adjective I’d use to describe my sexy, possessive male, yet we’d fought jealousies, suitors, and his wives to achieve this moment where he could claim me as a future wife.

  I cupped his face in my hands and pressed a chaste kiss upon his lips.

  One of my mothers squealed and the other guests joined in with a cheer.

  Val’s kiss transformed into a playful grin as he lifted me in his arms and spun me around to face the small crowd of family and close friends. “I’d like to introduce the future Mrs. Pia Hunan.”

  In a tidal wave of big hair and stilettos my mothers and sisters rushed us.

  Sidestepping the mob, Val deserted me for the quiet company of my father. They shook hands and my father introduced a quiet succubus next to him that hadn’t been here when I had arrived.

  I pulled Rose and Adele extra close and whispered in their ears, “Who’s that?”

  “Dad’s date, silly.” Adele kissed my cheek. “Be nice.”

  Rose glanced at the couple over her shoulder. “Looks like she might pass out.”

  I left my sisters and joined Val, holding out my hand to the female. “I’m Pia.”

  She took my hand in her sweaty palm. “I-I’m Genella.” She clung to my dad’s arm as if she were drowning.

  I could sympathize being the new succubus everyone hated in Val’s family. Not that dad had proposed or anything but that he invited her to this party meant he must really like her. I glanced at him and caught the hint of flush in his cheeks. Maybe more than liked. Taking a deep breath, I did the thing I wished someone would have done to me weeks ago. I grabbed her around the shoulders and gave her a hug. “It’ll be all right. My moms’ barks are worse than their bites,” I whispered.

  She hugged tight enough to make my ribs creak before letting me go.

  Dad leaned toward me and planted a gentle kiss on my cheek. “I’m very proud of you, Pia.”

  My heart swelled. He always said what I needed to hear but what made it sweeter was that I was pretty darn proud of myself. Maybe I could do this wife thing. I might not have the average credentials other succubus wanted but I was pretty sparkly when it came to dealing with problems. “Thanks, Daddy.”


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