Anonymous Desires_Isai and Ryker_Part Two

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Anonymous Desires_Isai and Ryker_Part Two Page 2

by A. D. Herrick

  Perspiration gathers in a thin sheen across my back and between my breasts. Thinly veiled fear trickles down my spine as his eyes bore into mine. I don’t miss the subtle rise of his lips as it quirks up on the edges.

  It’s not a smile he flashes my way, not a perk or happy tipping of the lips. His eyes narrow as a fear-inducing smirk tugs his lip up fully. He knows the effect he has on my body. He relishes in the power and control he has over me. The thought alone should frighten me. It should have me running scared. Only I stay.

  Looking down his nose at me I’m equal parts terrified and aroused. It’s a dreadful combination, one that confuses me even more. With every ounce of fear, he invokes my arousal shoots up ten folds.

  His meaty paw tightens on my waist; with a smooth jerk, he launches me toward him. The action so swift I can do nothing but follow.

  He tugs me until we are chest to chest, the motion leaving me breathless. My balled up fists rest against his chest. The feel of his rock hard pecs has my breathing labored.

  My fingers ache to peel away the buttons of his perfectly pressed shirt and run along the firm lines of his body. I want to map out the sharp ridges of his chest with my tongue, memorizing every dip and rim of his muscular torso.

  With one hand securely around my waist, the other shoots up, fingers lace around my neck. The smooth meat of his palm applies pressure to my throat. Not enough pressure to block the air from entering my lungs but just enough to remind me who exactly is in charge. His fingers curl into my flesh, holding me captive, the pads of his digits burn into my flesh, claiming me, marking me as his. My breath comes out on a sign as I allow him to mold me to his will.

  My heart feels like it’s going to pound out of my chest. The painful thump, thump, thump rattles my ribcage, with near painful strums. My heart is hammering so loudly I fear he can hear it as well. All I can hear the whooshing of the blood pounding through my skull. Each beat of my heart sending a new wave blood rushing to my head leaving me feeling faint and dizzy with lust.

  Anticipation skates across my flesh sending a wave of gooseflesh in its wake. I’m merciless against him.

  Ryker’s thumb gently traces the line of my lower lip as he draws my face upwards toward the sky, his touch carefully calculated to bring me the most pleasure imaginable with the slightest of ease.

  I feel myself rising onto my tiptoes, the pressure on my lower back increases as my body contorts to feed his need. His grip on me tightens as his fingers dig into my supple flesh, drawing me tight like a bow set to launch.

  I can feel the slickness of my arousal between my legs spreading down my thighs. My body hums under his grip. The thin lace of my bra is no match for the pebble hard peaks of my nipples that stand firm against the thin cotton of my top brushing against his chest, the once comfortable material now a nuisance, feeling itchy against the hypersensitive points.

  I inhale sharply; the scent of his cologne is enough to send me over the edge as it overpowers my olfactory. A soft moan leaves my lips with a sigh as his deep woodsy scent invades my nostrils mingling with a musk that is his own. Just the scent of him has me panting with need, longing for a night of delicious torture.

  Like a flash of lightning, he’s gone. His body retracts from mine so suddenly I almost believe I imagined it all. My body sways, teetering on my heels I struggle to remain upright. A cold hollowness washes over me, making me feel foolish and uncertain.

  “Get in the car.” The bark of his voice is like ice water in my veins, snapping me from my lust filled delirium.

  It’s the same voice he uses in the boardroom, the one that commands the attention of all those around him, reminding them of their place. It’s laced with condescension and snobbery - his one true flaw.

  “No.” The word comes out less forceful than I intended, catching on the sign of an exhale, my body still reeling from the sudden loss of contact.

  I refused to be his play toy. I refuse to allow him the power to control me. I refuse to allow myself to be used for his own personal pleasure even if it means sacrificing my own.

  The memory of me standing cold and alone in the darkness of the night washes over me; reminding me of exactly who he is and what he’s capable of.

  He’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing. The devil in disguise. I know his game, I’ve been there before and I’m not eager to go back. The emotional wounds are still fresh, still raw, from the last time I allowed myself to give in. I’m nowhere near healed, and perhaps I never will be.

  A sharp breath leaves my lungs as I’m drawn back against him. His arms band around me like a boa constrictor, holding me locked in his embrace, pressing our chest together. He looms over me, eclipsing me from the dying sun, his head drops down until we're face to face, his lips just millimeters from mine, just close enough to kiss yet the space between us feels as wide as the gulf. Our breaths mingle.

  To any passersby, we would look like two lovers sharing an intimate moment. No one would see the power struggle taking place. No one would see a master exerting his will over his disobedient servant.

  “Get. In. The. Car. I won’t tell you again.” His voice is low, the deep timber washes over me making the ache between my legs grow to a full throb. The sharp bite of his tongues sends an undeniable thrill of excitement through me. I don’t miss the predatory look in his eyes or the sharp line of his jaw as he grounds out his command.

  Before I can utter a protest my slackened body is being guided into the sleek black sedan waiting in the parking lot.


  Ryker doesn’t say a word as he backs the car out of the parking lot. The silence between us stretches as we pass through the crowded city streets. The only sounds that can be heard are the soft hum of the road and the gentle whirl of the cars air vents.

  The headlights from passing cars highlight the sharp edges of his jaw. My teeth sink into my lower lip every time the light washes gently across his face.

  Each teasing glimpse brings me back to that night. Mini flashbacks dance behind my lids, his hands on my body, his teeth sinking into the globes of my ass. Each flash brings a rush of need pulsing through me along with the painful reminder of the aftermath. The chaos of my mind is nearly unbearable.

  The man beside me is not the same man as from before. He’s someone I’ve never met. This isn’t the talkative man I met of the dating app. This isn’t the cool, level-headed CEO I know from work, and this isn’t the wicked man who had me strapped to the Saint Andrew's cross last week.

  The man beside me is a stranger.

  With curious eyes, I take stock of my surroundings. Ryker’s car is immaculate, much like the man himself; the car screams luxury, expense, elitism.

  The light crème interior is a stark contrast to its sleek black exterior. The dash is smooth soft leather with light wood paneling. Eye-catching blue lights highlight the different gages and buttons on the futuristic panels. The opulence is breathtaking and at the same time exactly what I would expect the CEO of Kane Enterprise to drive.

  The soft buttery leather seats are heavenly as they cocoon around my body like a lover’s embrace. I can practically taste the luxury of the automobile on the tip of my tongue, smooth, lavish, and exotic.

  The rich smell of leather mingles with Ryker’s cologne. The scent permeates the small space, blanketing me with heat. My body and mind battle, warring over who will win. My body pleads to stay, to submit to his every desire, while my mind begs me to run away, knowing my heart can’t take another beating.

  The medley of scents muddles the thoughts rummaging around in my mind perplexing my thoughts leaving me confounded.

  I should be angry, incensed at the injustice of his actions. But all I can feel is the deep longing need to wrap my body around his. I want him to take me, bend me to his will. I need him to dominate me, fill the hollowness that resonated deep within my soul as he extracts my submission from me one punishment at a time until I am stripped bare before him.

  In the battle between my bo
dy and mind, it’s my body wins out, the deep desires within me long to take what stolen moment Ryker is willing to offer.

  My heart cowers in my chest, terrified to peek out, knowing the man beside me has the power to shatter it with just one look, a single touch, the bat of an eye.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I watch him. His hands rest firmly on the steering wheel. His jaw set in a firm grim line. His shoulders squared as he sits regally behind the wheel. He is the picture of perfection, from his square chiseled jaw covered in day-old growth to his perfectly styled hair. His suit hangs on his body as though it were made for him. Every inch of him screams control, power, and dominance.

  My fingers itch to tussle his hair, yank on his tie, anything to shatter the perfect image sitting beside me. Anything to rattle his cage. Anything to make him feel even a fraction of what I’m feeling inside.

  Yet I don’t.

  I ignore the burning need to run my fingers through his hair. I ignore the ache to tug his tie free from his neck. I ignore the urge to run my hands up his powerful thigh, teasing him with just a touch. I ignore it all; despite the pain it causes me to do so.

  The pain.

  I focus on the pain. The pain of seeing him sitting so perfectly beside me while my emotions are a tumultuous mess. The pain of his sharp words from our last night together play on repeat in my mind. The pain of the unknown as we drive through the night to an unknown destination. I focus on it all, drawing strength from that one sensation to give power to my voice. To force sound from between my lips.

  “Where are we going?” My voice sounds weak even to my own ears making me cringe internally. Now is not the time to be weak. Now is not the time to surrender to his hold. But I can’t help myself. The hold he has on me is stronger than anything I’d ever felt before.

  Ryker’s gaze never leaves the road. His lack of response sparks the fire within me, igniting the flame of fury that lay dormant since his touch, since his eyes washed over me, rendering me speechless.

  “Where are you taking me, Ryker?” I demand putting as much emphasis on his name as I can muster, my anger making my voice project loudly in the car.

  The firm grim line across his face grows tighter as he shoots me a threatening look from the side, his eyes cut to me, the intent behind them understood. He is not to be challenged.

  I don’t miss the way his grip tightens on the wheel or the whitening of his knuckles as his forearms flex against the taut starched white linen of his shirt.

  Wordlessly he silences me.

  Power exudes from him in crashing waves. He owns me with a simple look. The tightening of his frown. The cut of his eyes in my direction. He holds all the control.

  I’m powerless against him.

  I’m a slave to his touch after just one night. I’m addicted to the sensation of his lips upon my body, his breath across my skin, and his thick hard cock filling me fully.

  How could one night, a blink of time under the power of this man, turn me inside out?

  With a huff of exasperation, I turn my focus away from him. His silence speaks volumes. Without words, he reprimands me, for what, I don’t know.

  Shifting in my seat I attempted to alleviate the throbbing between my legs to no avail. What is it about this man that frustrates me so? What is it about his cold stoic personality that leaves me wet and panting? Why am I drawn to his harsh brand of torture? Why do I crave his touch, his anger, his ire? Why do I crave his specific brand of punishment? Bask in the fear and uncertainty he shrouds me in? Is it me? Am I broken? The questions race through my mind, none of which have answers.

  A curiosity drew me here. The curiosity of my deep-seated need to be desired, worshiped, mastered, and claimed. It’s that same curiosity that keeps me from pushing the issue for him to speak. It’s that same curiosity that has my clit throbbing with need and my thighs wet from my arousal.

  It’s the secret desires that keep me up all night that hold me in place. The desires I know that only he can fill. The memories of our night together replay in my mind along with the memory of the aftermath.

  With my arms folded defiantly across my chest, I fix my gaze on the passing scenery. The busy streets of the city had given way to the stretch of abandoned buildings. As I watch the lights of Midlands pass us by a new wave of fear creeps up my spine.

  We had been driving for a while. Somewhere between the bar and my internal inflections I had lost track of time and all sense of direction.

  The frightened voice in the back of my mind tells me something is wrong. As the last abandoned building passes I taste the cold metallic bite of fear coating the back of my throat making my tongue heavy, my mouth dry.

  This brand of fear lacks the hint of arousal. It doesn’t wash down my spine with a hint of warmth. It doesn’t promise a happy, sated ending. This brand of fear is ice cold, much like the air from the car's vents, sending chills down my spine, causing the tiny hairs on my body to stand at attention.

  “Ryker?” I don’t try to hide the wavering of my voice. I don’t mask the fear and indecision that’s wrapped around my chest in an iron grip.

  “Look, I’m sorry for yelling.” My quivering apology falls on deaf ears.

  “Please, just take me home. We can talk about this some other time when we're both more level-headed.” He ignores my plea. His eyes focused on the dark expanse of the road in front of him.

  Fear settles in my stomach like an iron weight. My ragged breaths can be heard over the gentle blowing of the cars air conditioning. If Ryker hears it he doesn’t say. His eyes remain on the road, his hands locked in place on the steering wheel. Even locked in the car together were in two different worlds. Where mine is absolute chaos his appears in perfect contentment. I envy his easy nature. I envy his sense of control.

  My fingers dig into my seat as Ryker turns the car off the darkened highway onto an even darker side road. The car slows as the smooth glide of asphalt gives way to the soft crunch of gravel.

  “Ryker?” Turning in my seat to face him I search for a sign, anything to ease the fear and apprehension I feel at being lead into the woods at night.

  The darkness is my greatest fear.

  A fear I never shared with anyone.

  Anyone but him.

  A confession I made while discussion my fantasies and hard limits.

  Blindfolded and tied up in his basement, I could handle that. I knew what I was getting into. I knew it was all a game. But to be lead into the darkness in the middle of nowhere, I couldn’t handle that. I couldn’t handle the unknown. So many terrifying scenarios played through my mind.

  What did I truly know about this man? Why did he bring me here? How would I escape?

  Right now we are on the edge.

  The word Yellow is on the tip of my tongue, it rest so lightly I can taste it. But instead of speaking I swallow it down. Closing my eyes I try to block out the scene around me. I try to let the gentle rocking of the car lull me into a sense of ease. I try to imagine were in his basement, that the cool breeze blowing from the cars vents is that of the air conditioning unit in the basement.

  I try to imagine a million scenarios, any that aren’t of the situation I’m in now. Anything that will keep me from screaming out Red. Because that’s what I’m feeling.

  My fear has piqued beyond yellow. The word that would slow us down from the trajectory we are on.

  Yet I stay silent.

  I don’t speak because of the fear of what if goes both ways. What if I like it? What if I never make it home?


  “Run.” His voice, deep and menacing, sends ice cold shivers of fear through my body. That’s the only warning I get as the car comes to a sudden stop in the middle of a small darkened clearing. Not even the faint light of the stars permeates through the thick patches of trees that surround us.

  I don’t think, I just move. Forcing the car door open I take off like a shot. I don’t know where I’m going. I’ve lost all sense of direction. I don’
t think, I just move.

  I fumble in my heels as I run. The cool damp grass wraps around my ankles reminding me of tentacles. The irrational notion only increases the fear hammering through my heart.

  Yellow/ Yellow. Yellow. Echoes in my mind.

  The sound of a car door shutting rings out through the night, echoing off the trees like a shot fired. My breathing becomes erratic, tightening the vice that wraps around my chest.

  I run faster, pumping my legs with all my might. I have no sense of direction. Through my fear, I can only see beyond a few feet in front of me.



  A few scattered trees.

  The fear chokes me. It’s all-consuming as it tugs at my soul, pulling me down into a dark deep abyss of terror.

  Breaking off to the right I run to the safety of the trees. Branches reach out. Their long claws tugging at my skin and clothes, snatching at tendrils of hair. I fight against the tide, my breaths short and labored. Tears pelt my cheeks like raindrops. I have to get away.

  A patch of damp soil sends me colliding to the hardened earth as the spikes of my heels sink into the earth, uprooting me. Scrambling onto my hands and knees I ignore the stinging pain of the impact, leaving my shoes behind as I scurry back into an upright position. My palms burn against the embedded pebbled earth matching the smarting of my skinned up knees.

  “Isai.” My name rolls off his tongue in a sing-song voice as he calls for me. My heart pounds harder in my chest. White hot tears stream from my face in a river of mascara and dampened soil. But I don’t care. I don’t stop to wipe my face. I don’t stop to catch my breath. I just keep moving.

  His voice bounces off the trees, seeming to come from every direction. My ears strain to pinpoint his location with no success. It’s like he is everywhere all at once, surrounding me. His voice rings out around me, crowding me in.


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