Rub Me Raw [Suncoast Society] (Siren Publishing Sensations ManLove)

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Rub Me Raw [Suncoast Society] (Siren Publishing Sensations ManLove) Page 6

by Tymber Dalton

  Not a dye job in sight.

  Thank you, Gay Jesus!

  “So what do you do for a living?” Simon asked.

  “Real estate agent. That’s why I’m running a few minutes late, sorry. Had showings all day today, and a full roster tomorrow, too. You?”

  Oh, holy cow, he had a Southern drawl! Not a lot, not aw, shucks, darlin’, peaches and cream. More like sweet tea, how y’all doin’? “Hospital billing administrator.” He didn’t want to fall hard and fast and onto his damn face. “So, cards all on the table?”

  Victor’s smile could melt the paint off the underbelly of the space shuttle. “Sure.”

  “I’m not poly. I’m looking for a guy who only wants me, who doesn’t want to play around, and who isn’t interested in cheating. Not sure where I am in the kink spectrum, but I’d like to find out. Pretty sure I’m not a Dom. I enjoy getting my ass smacked and some light bondage. Beyond that, I’m open to investigation.”

  Victor’s upper lip disappeared for a second as he sucked on it, like he was considering his answer. For a moment, Simon was sure he’d fucked up by being that forward.

  “Then I think we’re going to get along just fine, sugar.”

  * * * *

  Victor had needed a moment to hold on to his composure.

  This cutie, so far, was lighting every buzzer in Victor’s brain. He was handsome, their basic needs couldn’t have aligned any better if they’d been cut from the same cloth, and he sensed a recent pain in the guy’s green eyes. Almost…defensive.

  Not that it was personal, and Victor got that. Whatever had happened was fresh and raw and painful, for certain. The way Simon tipped his head, the way he almost seemed ready for rejection.

  Victor wanted to go beat someone up for him. Didn’t matter who. If Simon pointed out a random guy, Victor would have headed that way.

  “Sorry,” Simon said. “I don’t mean to sound like an asshole.”

  “You don’t,” Victor assured him. “Far from it. For my part, it’s refreshing to have a guy state what he wants up front. I prefer that.”

  “No second chances for cheating.”

  “That goes both ways.” And Victor thought he’d just figured out the source of the pain that radiated off Simon in nearly visible waves.

  They had a good dinner. As Simon relaxed he proved to be funny, charming, and shared a lot of the same interests as Victor.

  When they took their dinner group over to Venture, Victor and Simon sat in the office together to read through and fill out their forms while waiting for a volunteer to give them the orientation.

  Victor had been to BDSM clubs before, but Simon hadn’t, even though he wasn’t unfamiliar to a private dungeon or two.

  Victor spent as much time watching Simon and his reactions as he did listening to the guy, Tony, run through the rules, basic protocols, and then give them a tour around the dungeon. When Tony finished with them, he handed them back off to their group in the social area.

  “This is nice,” Victor said. “Wish I’d found my way here sooner.”

  Lara glanced at the time. “If you don’t mind, Brad and I are going to head home.” She smiled. “We’ve got two teenaged boys who probably need to be peeled apart with a firehose and a cold, pointy stick.”

  Simon looked as confused as Victor felt. “Sorry?” Victor asked.

  “My stepson and his boyfriend,” Lara clarified. “They’re fifteen. We left them home alone tonight. You met them at the cookout.”

  Ah, context. “Gotcha,” Victor said. He’d forgotten about them. Must be the sleep deprivation.

  Tonight wouldn’t be about playing, but as Everett and Wylie headed off to a bench, as did Glen, Wade, and Justin, that left Victor alone with Simon in the social area.

  Time to get down to business.

  * * * *

  Simon really liked Victor. Victor had paid attention to what he said all evening, hadn’t spent it looking at his phone every thirty seconds.

  In fact, other than to take it out and shut the ringer off when they walked into Venture’s office, he couldn’t remember seeing Victor’s phone out.

  “Let’s talk some about expectations,” Victor started.

  Simon wasn’t sure if he should feel nervous or not. “Okay.”

  “I’m going to be honest that I’m attracted to you. But I’m also not a douchebag who wants to get you into bed the first date. I’d rather take a little time to get to know each other. I got burned on my last relationship, and I get the feeling you did, too.”

  “You can say that again.”

  “Is there anything off the table, right now?”

  “Just what we’ve talked about.”

  “Are you interested in exploring bondage? Impact play? Discipline?”

  “Yes, yes, and please define that better.”

  “Not saying it’d be right off the bat, but developing protocols, inside a scene and outside of it. Working toward certain goals. I can’t be more specific now, because we’d have to iron all that out.”

  “Then put me as a maybe.”

  “I don’t need to be twenty-four/seven, but I do tend to be in charge in a relationship. I seem to be most comfortable there. But the last thing I’m looking for is a doormat, or someone I have to micromanage. I need someone independent, who understands that I usually have to work weekends, because it’s what I do. And someone who isn’t so codependent that they can’t have a life outside of me.”

  “I’m still with you. Keep going.”

  Victor smiled, and it hardened Simon’s cock. “I do tend to be a bit of a sexual sadist. I like to mix some pain in with my pleasure. Nothing sexier than fucking a freshly spanked ass.”

  Simon hoped he wasn’t going to have a huge wet spot on the front of his jeans when he stood. “Yeah.”

  “So how about we talk about going out a couple of times, just dates. Together with someone else, or alone. Whatever makes you comfortable.”

  Simon felt himself slipping toward reeeeally crushing on the guy.


  Harder than his cock.

  “That sounds perfect.

  * * * *

  By the time they left that night around midnight, Victor and Simon had been introduced to June, her husband Scrye, Cali, and Eliza. The three women were part of the “Frightful Five” Everett and Lara had told Victor about.

  And it seemed, after some none-too-subtle questioning, that the women were happy with the answers they were hearing.

  Lord help any asshat male Dom who tries to fuck over a female submissive around these women.

  It made him wish all the more than he could meet the belovedly infamous Tilly.

  They were also invited over to Wylie and Everett’s house, to join them and Lara and Brad for dinner on Tuesday night.

  Victor knew a setup when he saw one, but he didn’t mind. It seemed they hadn’t been kidding about taking care of their own.

  Frankly, it felt damn good.

  As they stood at their cars and talked a little longer, Victor realized he really didn’t want to say goodnight to Simon yet, but he had to get up in the morning for a full day of showings.

  They exchanged numbers and e-mails and when they ended up hugging goodnight, Victor couldn’t help but notice how natural Simon felt pressed against him.

  * * * *

  The last thing on Simon’s mind had been Greg.

  Until he logged into his phone to text his number to Victor and saw another twenty-one missed texts from the asshole.

  Victor was the polar opposite of Greg in nearly every way, it would appear. Where Greg had attracted Simon because of his spontaneity and bouncy attitude, Victor was sensually cautious, careful, interested in building a solid foundation from the start without rushing things.

  A slow burn instead of a bright flame-out.

  Simon had just returned home and locked the door behind him when he heard a car pull into his drive.

  Turning, he looked through the viewfinder and saw
Greg hurrying up to his door.


  When Greg rang the bell, Simon didn’t even open the door. “Go the fuck away, Greg.”

  “But I want to talk to you. Please?”

  “What, about the pictures of you fucking and sucking other guys just a few months ago when you were supposed to be at work?”

  “Those are old pictures, I swear! From before you!”

  Simon hesitated for all of three seconds. “Dude, you got that tattoo five months ago, you stupid fuck. Go away or I’m calling the cops.” He turned and headed for the stairs.

  Even Greg’s unexpected appearance couldn’t diminish the feelings Victor stirred in Simon. The whole club had disappeared while they were talking, Victor definitely in no rush to hurry things along.

  Where hurrying things along had felt exciting with Greg, Simon now recognized it as foolish, his hormones and emotions running away with him and getting him into trouble.

  Upstairs, he stripped and headed into the shower to rub one out with his mind firmly focused on Victor. He could already envision himself on his knees before the man, in leather cuffs and collar, ready to have his ass reddened and fucked.

  And Victor had outright said he loved giving blowjobs, so that was going to happen, eventually.

  With that image firmly fixed in his mind, it was easy for Simon to get over the edge, ropes of cum squirting from his cock all over his hand as he leaned against the shower wall and caught his breath.


  * * * *

  Between dinner Tuesday night at Everett’s, dinner alone with Simon at a restaurant on Thursday night, and another group dinner and Venture date on Saturday, Victor felt pretty sure he was falling hard for Simon.

  In between, they were texting during the day and talking on the phone in the evening.

  This felt…right.

  Simon had opened up some about his ex, about the most recent discovery, along with the mind games the man had played. The sex parties.

  The lying.

  Victor was determined to show Simon he was nothing like that. And while he wished he was already moved into a place of his own, the small apartment would have to do for now.

  He invited Simon over for dinner the next Tuesday night, because Victor would have Wednesday and Thursday off. That meant he could stay up as late as Simon wanted to stay and talk.

  Maybe more than talk, but Victor had already told Simon it was a no-pressure evening.

  Still, he made sure he had lube and condoms. Just in case.

  Wasn’t going to put them out on the coffee table or anything, but it didn’t hurt to be prepared.

  Victor really liked Simon. He didn’t even care about the eight-year age difference, because the guy had his shit together in an enviable way. He didn’t seem to be a raging Dumpster fire in terms of his finances, and he’d been green-lighted by the Frightful Five.

  Didn’t get much better than that, in terms of a relationship starting point. If things kept going this well, Victor was hoping in a few weeks they’d be on their way to figuring out forever.

  Chapter Eight

  Tonight, Victor wanted things to be laid-back, casual. Hence the menu he’d chosen, a homemade creamy tomato sauce, grilled chicken, veggies, and pasta. With some fresh fruit on the side to round it out.

  Easy clean-up, too, so he wouldn’t be up until the early morning after Simon left.

  He’d already grabbed his shower and was putting the finishing touches on dinner when Simon texted him he was on his way.

  That gave Victor twenty minutes to look around and make sure he hadn’t forgotten anything. The bathrooms were clean, his bed was made, the spare bedroom was still a mess but since it was storage, he didn’t figure anyone who wasn’t an asshole would ding him for that.

  He closed the door.

  Besides, he’d always felt an odd…vibe in that room, ever since he’d moved in. Yes, the master bedroom was a no-brainer since it had the attached bathroom, but it was just one more reason he knew he’d need to find a place of his own sooner rather than later. He actually had a lot of stuff in storage, larger furniture and boxes of books and things that he just didn’t have room for in this tiny place.

  Not to mention, a retiree neighborhood was fine in terms of peace and quiet and low crime rates, but it wasn’t exactly a hotbed of activity that was his speed.

  He was ready when he heard Simon’s car pull into the driveway next to his. After one last glance around the living room, he walked over and opened the door just as Simon was walking up.

  In his hands he carried…

  Hot damn—cheesecake.

  The man’s smile made Victor’s cock want to harden, but he shoved his libido back into the box and nailed it shut.

  That wasn’t what tonight was about.

  Still, Simon’s friendly green eyes and casually styled sandy blond hair looked perfect on a man who apparently didn’t know how damn haawwt he really was.

  “Come on in.” Victor stepped aside for him, watching his expression.

  “This is a neat neighborhood. Oooh, something smells delicious.” An adorable smile quirked his lips and Victor struggled not to lean in and kiss the shorter man.

  Victor closed the door behind him. “If by ‘neat’ you mean metaphorically sleep-inducing, yes, it is that. And thank you. I hope you like it.”

  “I know you said not to bring anything, but I hope this is okay.”

  Victor took it from him. “I love cheesecake. Thank you.”

  And bonus points for being considerate and accidentally lucking onto my second favorite dessert next to a sweet cock.

  He led Simon into the kitchen and tucked the cheesecake into the fridge. He’d actually set his small table, one nod to being slightly formal. Once they knew each other a little better, they could eat on the couch in front of the TV.

  Which, if Victor was lucky, would mean nights that led to having each other for dessert on the couch.

  * * * *

  Even though the apartment was small, Victor had struck a perfect note between lived in and stylish. Not prissy, not stuffy, and damn sure not minimalist.

  Thank you, Gay Jesus.

  Not to mention, when they sat down to eat, the creamy tomato sauce was perfect, not too tart, not too sweet, a balance that Simon rarely found others could manage to his taste.

  And Victor had provided real parmesan cheese, a block of it and a grater, not a plastic canister of cheese-flavored sawdust.

  Maybe I am picky.

  Not only was the dinner delicious, but the conversation was delightful as well. They bounced around from topic to topic, laughing and chatting, and it wasn’t until they were almost through eating that Simon recognized it for what it was.

  He’d been lonely with Greg.

  Sooo fucking lonely.

  Emotionally starved.

  Greg didn’t like to talk much when he got home. If they were out with friends, that was different, people thought he was the life of the party.

  But alone together, once they walked through the front door, that was it. Greg would barely respond in monosyllabic grunts and gestures like a fucking Abercrombie & Fitch-clad caveman.

  Which was another point.

  Simon haaaated A&F and suspected the reason Greg loved their overpriced crap was because he felt like he was still one of the cool kids.

  Cool and kid competing for first place, natch.

  An hour later, they were still talking, but had moved to the comfortable sofa in front of the TV, where Victor had been playing a light rock music channel. As they dug into the cheesecake, Simon paused, thinking.

  “What is it?” Victor asked.

  “Thank you for tonight. This has been fantastic. I never realized how much I was missing by trying to keep that dead horse on life support for so long.”

  “Been there, done that. Sorry I couldn’t stay later on Saturday, but I had to work Sunday.”

  “No, that’s fine. Work needs to come first. So did you sell i

  “I did. Five offers, and they accepted one. We close next Tuesday.”

  “Congratulations.” Simon held up his glass of iced tea in a toast. “Here’s to responsible adulting.”

  He loved Victor’s smile, his playful blue eyes.

  The fact that he had a few stray grey hairs here and there in his brown hair and didn’t seem to give a shit about it.

  Victor clinked glasses with him. “To responsible adulting. May it keep paying my bills.”

  “So how long do you think you’ll be renting here?”

  “Haven’t decided. With my options wide open, I’m kind of enjoying the freedom of waiting. The owner did mention to George he’d be willing to sell this place, but I’m not sure I want to invest in rental property right now. And I don’t want buy this place for me to live in. I also don’t have time to handle a rental. I’d rather find me a permanent home first.”

  “I’ve been thinking about buying, but haven’t decided if I want to do that yet. I’ve still got four months on my lease.”

  “Well, now you know a real estate agent.”

  Simon laughed. “I’m sure you handle properties well outside my budget.”

  “True, but it doesn’t mean I can’t help find you something that’s in it.” His smile widened. “Maybe take part of my fees in trade.”

  Simon felt his stomach flip in a good way. He knew from Victor’s tone that he was joking, but suddenly…he didn’t want to be a responsible adult anymore.

  He wanted to be irresponsible and well-fucked.

  Preferably by this man.

  * * * *

  For a second, Victor worried that Simon thought he was serious and hadn’t picked up on the fact that he was just kidding, and he prepared to offer a hasty and sincere retraction.

  Then Simon spoke. “I know we said this would be a laid-back and casual night with no expectations, but can I ask you a favor?”

  Victor’s balls shriveled up and tried to crawl into his body to strangle him from the inside out for the sheer stupidity of his comment.


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