The Billionaire From Portland

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The Billionaire From Portland Page 8

by Simply BWWM

  It made it seem more like a proper date, less like a dinner between friends, and Jessica wasn’t sure how she felt about that--apart from the fact that the Tattinger was deliciously cold and sharp, the fine bubbles crackling on her tongue and tickling her nose.

  There was something in her that saw the development of anything romantic between them with dread. How many relationships had she screwed up with her addiction? How many times had she cheated on men who had loved her--or at least, who had claimed to love her, but who had seemed to mostly love her pussy?

  Jessica tried to push the thought away, but like a bruise she’d gotten without realizing it, she instead found herself unable to keep from prodding the thought. If he tries to make you his girlfriend and his PA, you’re just going to ruin everything. Just like always, as soon as someone tells you that you can’t be with anyone else, you’re going to want to do it just to spite them.

  Jessica tried to make her rapidly-churning thoughts slow down, tried to invoke the phrases and mantras from recovery, but her mind insisted on continuing in a headlong rush. Even though he hasn’t said as much, you know he wants you to be exclusive. He isn’t treating you like a piece of meat--he’s treating you like someone with value. And you’re probably going to screw that up, too.

  “Something wrong?”

  Jessica had managed to maintain the pretense of being engaged through about half of their dinner, sampling the charcuterie, sipping her champagne, and finally tasting the delicious--sumptuous--seafood cakes with the accompanying fennel slaw and fragrant basmati rice. But apparently, her distraction had finally come across.

  “Just thinking about where we go from here,” she said quickly, taking refuge in the desire she could feel humming deep down inside, somewhere between her stomach and her hips. She gave Bradley a warm, knowing smile so that he would know what she meant.

  “Well if you’re not interested in sweets, we can finish up here, and I’ll give you the tour of my place,” Bradley said, returning her smile.

  “I didn’t see anything that called out to me,” Jessica told him. “But we can always order something later for delivery if we absolutely have to have something sugary.” Bradley nodded.

  “Excellent point,” he said, and Jessica could see in his eyes that he was just as interested in being alone with her as she was with him. At least, she thought, if they left the restaurant and went back to his place for sex, she could stop thinking about screwing up her entire life by falling into old habits. He glanced at her plate. “Eat up,” he said, smiling slightly. “We’ll both need our strength, I think.”


  Brad held back as he and Jessica stepped into his apartment, letting her take in the view from the windows, showing both the Willamette River and Mount Hood--though since it was dark, the views were a bit compromised, more shapes in the dark dotted with lights. He was, in spite of his protests to the contrary, proud of the apartment and how he’d decorated it, embracing the existing structures and features and expanding on them. It was, to him, an oasis in the midst of the city, and he was glad that he’d invited Jessica to partake in it.

  He was also already able to feel the heat beginning to flow through his veins, trickling through his body to pool along his groin. He hadn’t started to get hard yet, but he knew that it would only take a few moments of kissing and touching Jessica for him to become completely erect. Just being close to her, watching her eat, had been enough to convince him that if she was willing to have sex with him, he would bring her back to his place happily--and he had started out on their date with the full intention of holding back on sex, on making the date as social and platonic as possible.

  Jessica kicked off her shoes at the door, and Brad let her go ahead of him, into the living room of the penthouse apartment, looking around but mostly through the big windows out onto the city. It was, he knew, a breathtaking view, even at night. He would take his time with her, like always. Remember: you have to give her time to change her mind. You have to give her the opportunity to decide she doesn’t want to do it.

  He joined her at the window, looking out over the peaceful night; at least, at such a height, it seemed peaceful indeed. Brad reached for Jessica, moving slowly, draping his arm around her waist. He felt her immediately shift towards him, ever-so-slightly pressing against his side. “You have a beautiful place,” Jessica mused.

  “It’s home,” Bradley said. He leaned in towards her slightly and brushed his lips against her jaw, just above where it dipped down to her neck. He’d been wanting to kiss her--really kiss her--ever since he’d seen her approaching the museum entrance, but there hadn’t seemed to be a good moment through most of the evening.

  Brad slid his lips along the line of Jessica’s jaw towards her ear, but she anticipated him; instead of claiming her earlobe with his lips, Jessica turned her face and his lips connected with hers.

  The kiss went from relatively chaste to passionate in a matter of maybe five heartbeats, and Bradley wrapped his arms tightly around Jessica’s body, pressing her against him as she opened her lips, letting his tongue past them. He felt the tension in her, knew that she was just as keyed up as he was--maybe even more so--and in only a few moments, he could feel himself getting hard, heat pooling between his hips, heaviness gathering in his balls and along his groin.

  They moved towards the couch, and while Bradley reminded himself to bring Jessica to his actual bedroom later, he was too desirous of having her to go any further than the closest horizontal surface. It was all too easy to remember--in vivid, fast flashes in his mind--the different ways they’d had sex in the short time since their arrangement had begun.

  The memory of the taste of her, the feel of Jessica’s wet heat wrapped around him, all the different impressions he’d gathered over dozens of times with the woman in his arms, was so alluring. Unless Jessica told him to stop or showed some sign of hesitation, Bradley knew he would keep going, worshipping every inch of her.

  He reached around to her back and found the zipper on her dress, tugging it slowly down along her spine to the small of her back. At the same time, Jessica had managed to get the blazer of his suit off, and her nimble fingers had begun working on the buttons of his dress shirt, heading down to the front of his pants where his cock was already straining at the fabric prison he’d consigned it to.

  Bradley forced himself to take his time, slowly easing Jessica’s dress off of her as he switched between her lips, her throat, her collarbones, and her earlobes, kissing and licking, sucking and nibbling, eliciting all the sounds he loved to hear leave her throat.

  She was--he thought--probably the most vocal, the most enthusiastic sex partner he’d ever had. Bradley groaned as he felt himself getting harder, his cock almost throbbing--already--from how turned on he was as he revealed more and more of Jessica’s body to his gaze.

  She had made sure to wear matching bra and panties, Brad noted with faint amusement in the back of his mind, even as he found the latch to her bra and lifted the three hooks from the three eyes securing them. He carefully lifted away the material and let it drop to the floor at their feet, reaching up to cup her full, heavy breasts in his hands. Jessica’s nipples almost immediately hardened to his touch, spurring him to tease them with his fingers, pinching and carefully rolling them as she let out slightly whimpering moans of pleasure.

  While Bradley focused on Jessica, her hands worked away, barely pausing in her efforts as she unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it free of his pants, and then slid it off of his shoulders, discarding it without looking. Before he’d even finished in his worship of her breasts, dipping down to claim each of her nipples in turn with his lips and tongue, she’d managed to unbuckle his belt and had begun opening his fly.

  All at once--it seemed to Brad--they were both down to their underwear--and in Jessica’s case, the knee socks she’d worn with her dress--and he wanted nothing more than to move onto the next phase of their tryst together. He pressed her gently back onto the couch, and
when she reached for the tops of her black knee socks, he shook his head, grinning slightly at her.

  “Leave ‘em on,” he suggested, climbing onto the couch between her spread legs. She laid back as he hovered over her, devouring the sight of her: her breasts shaking slightly from the effort of her quick, shallow breaths, the flush on her face, the tremble of her muscles along her not-quite-fully-flat abdomen, and the broad stripe of dampness along the front of her panties, extending down along the lining.

  It was intensely gratifying to Bradley to see how wet she got every time they were together like this--he had never blamed any woman he’d been with for not being able to self-lubricate completely, but it was something entirely different to see a woman become absolutely soaking wet from his attentions.

  He reached down and hooked his fingers in the waistband of Jessica’s panties and tugged them down over her hips, exposing the bare, bald skin of her pussy to his hungry gaze. The complete lack of hair made her arousal all the more apparent, her labia shiny from it. Bradley slid his fingers along Jessica’s vulva, and pressed in slightly, watching her face as his fingertips barely grazed against her already-swollen clit.

  She gasped, her hips stirring, her hands tightening on the couch cushions underneath her. Brad teased her for a few moments, rubbing and stroking, spreading Jessica’s labia enough to appreciate the view of deep, velvety pink and red along her inner labia.

  He kissed her lightly on the lips and then slithered down along her body, pressing brief kisses to her chest, to her belly, then her hips, before settling in between her legs. He held her hips down with one arm, already experienced with Jessica’s reactions, and used his other hand to spread her labia wide, before burying his face against her slick, hot folds.

  She tasted--to him--delicious: sharp and sweet, all at once, with the faint, clean ocean-water scent of her musk as she became more and more aroused. Her fluids coated his tongue as he lapped at her inner labia and then moved up to her clit, teasingly batting at it once or twice before moving back down to her inner folds.

  Brad focused all his attention on Jessica, sucking and licking, listening for the telltale signs of her mounting arousal as he worked her with his lips and tongue and then--as she came closer and closer to orgasm--with first one finger, then two. He felt her muscles tightening around him, in little spasms that became more and more erratic as she came closer to orgasm, and used those cues to keep her on the edge for as long as he dared.

  He loved being able to do this with Jessica; he felt so powerful teasing her, bringing her to the edge and then slowing down, only to build her back up again. He curled his fingers along her inner walls, finding her g-spot after a few attempts, and smiled against Jessica’s drenched flesh as she cried out in pleasure, her thighs shaking around him.

  Finally, knowing she couldn’t stand it anymore, Bradley began focusing almost completely on her clit with his lips and tongue, sucking the little bead of flesh and swirling his tongue around it, while his fingers pushed hard and fast into Jessica’s hot, tight depths, rubbing up against her pleasure center inside every few thrusts. He felt her body growing so tense around him that he almost had difficulty moving his fingers inside of her, in spite of the copious fluids that nearly gushed around him.

  Then, all at once, the tension hit its apex, and Brad heard Jessica’s cries of pleasure hit the pitch he already knew so well--and the tightening of her muscles around his fingers became erratic, her hips straining against his arm pinning them down. He kept up through her orgasm, slowing down as he felt Jessica’s spasms beginning to space out and slow down.

  Brad continued to work Jessica’s body with his fingers and mouth until he heard her moans and cries of pleasure beginning to subside, and then gradually came to a stop, withdrawing his fingers from inside of her and eagerly licking them clean. He saw her watching him and grinned.

  “I think I’ve told you before how fucking tasty you are,” he said, pressing a slippery kiss to the inner curve of her thigh. Jessica laughed breathlessly.

  “I have never met a man in my life who likes to go down as much as you do,” she told him, shaking her head.

  “I like making you feel good,” Brad explained. “Besides it makes you soaking wet...which comes in handy for later.”

  “Do you want some help with this?” Jessica reached down and brushed her fingers along the ridge tenting the front of Brad’s jockey shorts. He considered it for a moment; the relatively few times he’d let Jessica go down on him, she’d done an amazing job--so much so that once or twice he’d failed to catch himself before he climaxed and finished in her mouth. It wasn’t what he wanted, though Jessica insisted she didn’t care either way--that she loved his come, no matter where he ejaculated.

  But it seemed to him a bit dangerous to let her go on gratifying him that way, given what he knew about her addiction. “If you promise to back off when you can tell I’m close, whether or not I tell you to, then you can,” Brad suggested with a little grin. Jessica bit her bottom lip and sat up on the couch, her hands sliding over her body in an unmistakable moment of desire.

  “How is it my fault I love your dick in my mouth?” Jessica looked up at him through her eyelashes with a playful smile.

  “Don’t play with me, Jess,” Brad said softly. “I told you when we started this that I have no intention of treating you like a fucktoy.” He leaned down and kissed her lightly on the lips. “We both get boundaries, remember?” Jessica nodded.

  “I promise I will do my best to back off before you come in my mouth,” she said. Brad chuckled and relaxed a bit, leaning back until he reclined against the arm of the couch. He could feel the throbbing ache in his cock, deep down even into his balls; he wanted to get off more than anything. But he didn’t want to contribute to Jessica turning herself into some kind of walking sex toy, an object to be fucked.

  He was, he knew, probably warier about it than she was--but then, as his friend had told him, if Jessica was struggling with cravings, with the potential for falling back into her addiction, she wouldn’t be as wary about triggering herself as she might otherwise be.

  He let Jessica do what she wanted, watching as she tugged the elastic waistband of his boxer-briefs down. Brad’s cock sprung free of the fabric prison it had been straining at, immediately fully hard, the tip slick with precum from the stimulation of getting Jessica off.

  She descended onto him with her mouth almost before she had his underwear clear, wrapping her lips around his dick tightly, swirling her tongue around and over the sensitive tip. Bradley groaned, reaching down to rest his hand on Jessica’s head, stroking her hair--but carefully not pushing down, not forcing her to take more of him than she could or wanted to.

  As she had been every other time Brad had let her go down on him, Jessica worked fast, sucking and licking eagerly, her right hand wrapped around the base of his cock and her left hand moving up from underneath to lightly cup his balls. Bradley gave into the pleasure, trusting that Jessica would obey the boundary he’d set, as she took more and more of him into her mouth, wrapping the heat and wetness around him.

  It was almost--almost--as good as being inside of her, feeling her tongue slide around and up and down his throbbing, almost aching erection, feeling the inside of her mouth tight around him. Jessica moaned and swallowed the fluids flowing a little faster from Brad’s cock, and the sensation made it even harder for Brad to hold back.

  His hips bucked as Jessica began sucking harder and faster, her head bobbing up and down as she took as much of him as she could, slowing down only when her gag reflex briefly interrupted her. It was as if she wanted to devour him whole, as if she would--if she could--absolutely swallow his dick completely.

  Of course, that wasn’t something that Jessica even could do, but the feeling of the back of her throat against the tip of him, the sensation of her moans and the convulsive tightening of her mouth as she struggled for better penetration, were almost enough to make Brad hit his climax in a matter of minute
s--and then, too, the feeling of her hand cupping his sensitive balls, barely squeezing them, as if she were almost milking him, made it even more difficult.

  True to her word, though, right when Brad was certain he would come in a matter of seconds, she pulled back, panting and gasping for breath, her lips smeared with saliva and his fluids as she looked up at him. “See? I can respect boundaries,” she said breathlessly, licking her lips. Brad laughed before taking a few quick, deep breaths to calm himself down.

  “Tell me how you want it,” Brad suggested once he was in full control again. “What position?” Making her choose was another one of his tricks; he wanted Jessica to feel gratified, he wanted to satisfy her fantasies as much as possible, and make her be mindful at the same time.

  “From behind,” Jessica suggested. Brad nodded and watched with interest as Jessica shifted, moving around until her back was to him. She settled her weight on her elbows and knees, leaning against the opposite arm of the couch, pushing her hips back until Bradley could see the slick folds of her pussy. Bradley rose up onto his knees behind her, holding her hip in one hand even as he guided the tip of his cock--still coated in Jessica’s saliva and his own fluids--up against her body.

  He took a deep breath and thrust into her, slowly but steadily, feeling her pussy wrap around every inch of his dick until his hips met the curve of her ass. Brad stayed right there for a moment, savoring the feeling of Jessica’s wet heat wrapped around his needy cock, and then slowly pulled back, sliding out of her almost all the way.

  For a few moments, they worked out their rhythm together--Jessica pushing her hips back to take Brad deeper, Brad thrusting into her from behind--until they found the sweet, tidal flow that seemed to always happen between them, ever since the first time they’d had sex.

  Brad gave himself up to it, holding onto Jessica’s hip and steadying himself on his knees to have the best angle to thrust into her. He reached his free hand around the front of her hip and fumbled for a moment before finding her clitoris by touch.


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