Wicked Tease: A Bad Boy Next Door Novella

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Wicked Tease: A Bad Boy Next Door Novella Page 5

by Aubrey Irons

  “I’ll be back.”

  Her pout instantly melts into a dopey smile.

  “Thaaaanks! Oh, get me something good, okay?”

  “Uh, yeah, sure.”

  I shut the door behind me as I march down the stairs into the basement.

  I mostly just need to get away from her at this point. That, and figure out how the fuck I’m going to do four years at school here with Addison on the brain.

  Chapter 11


  This is why I hate parties. It’s the constant need to be social or else feel like you’re doing something wrong.

  Like right now, for instance. After Zelda goes off to find a friend she was supposed to meet, I find myself roaming the house alone, feeling bored, and self-conscious, like I’m “doing it wrong”. The party has mostly thinned out by now, but those still around are paired off, or in groups. Drinking, smoking cigarettes, listening to music, chatting, flirting.

  Basically being normal college students.

  But me? I’m empty-handed, and brooding, and all wrapped up inside my head. All because of Cole.

  I should go find him.

  I poke my head outside, scanning the garden full of smokers for him before ducking back inside and moving from room to room. Because for the first time all night, I actually wish he was around.

  I want to tell him how much it hurt to hear Leah Crawford bragging about sleeping with him. I want to tell him how it’s confusing to feel so mad at him for being at this school, but also so glad to have someone from home here with me. I want to tell him I’m sorry for kissing him that night, and then for freaking out about it later.

  I want to tell him he was my best friend back then, and that no one’s ever known me like he has.

  But mostly, I just want to tell him I’ve missed him these last four years.

  That’s when I see him, and that’s when my heart sinks.

  He’s moving through a crowd of people with a girl in tow.

  Holding his hand.

  I watch frozen, feeling the blood leave my face as I watch him stop by a door, open it and point inside with a grin on his face.

  It’s exactly the same thing as the time before. This is Leah Crawford all over again. This is Cole jumping ship at the first sign of me not immediately sleeping with him and ducking off with the first girl who will.

  It just reinforces what I already know, and it feels like a stone's been tied around my waist and I've been thrown off a cliff.

  Cole Grady is a liar.

  Cole Grady is an asshole.

  And Cole Grady is only after one thing when it comes to me.

  I whirl and flee into the depths of the party, gritting my teeth, feeling something inside of my stomach tighten, and wondering why the hell I ever wanted to fix anything with him.

  Because there’s no fixing this.

  There’s no fixing Cole Grady.

  Chapter 12


  Jesus this is a lot of wine.

  I’m standing in the doorway to an insanely big and lavish wine cellar.

  The Professor Henderson must have really, really good taste in wine, and possibly the best educational salary of all time by the looks of this place. Rich wood and brick walls, stone floors, huge couch and chaise lounger, and shelves and shelves of wine older than I am.

  Not a bad hangout spot.

  Addy would get a kick out of this place.

  The thought instantly brightens and then immediately sours my mood.

  Yeah, this is what I’m talking about. This is the shit I have to knock off if I’m somehow going to last four years with her at this fucking school. Avoid, evade, and get her out of my damn head.

  My scowl only deepens as I think of seeing her talking with that douchebag earlier - the one that had “assumed consent” written all over his face. The one with the right pedigree, and the right clothes, and the right connections to make him Senator Tanner-approved, I'm sure.

  And it’s classic. It’s exactly what happened last time. Something happens involving me that isn’t exactly like her daddy would want it, and she jumps ship for some popped-collar, blue blood shitbag. It’s what happened after her little freakout about kissing me. She ended up going right back to that dickhead Mark.

  I step into the room and start glancing over the bottles on the shelf. I honestly don’t know shit about wine, but I basically have the idea that the bottle with the oldest year on it is probably going to be awesome.

  My jaw tightens as I think about that day less than a week after Addison kissed me. I was at the garage where I worked part-time in exchange for bike parts when douchebag Mark brought his Audi in for a tune-up.

  That was the day I overheard him yukking it up with two dickhead buddies of his about how he was back with Addison Tanner. How he bragged that he’d “get to tap that one more time or two before Yale.”

  And that sort of tipped me right over. The fucking prick didn’t even know what he had with a girl like her. And the idea of this complete asshole even touching her brought something out inside of me that honestly scared the shit out of me.

  Which is exactly why I dropped my tools, walked around the corner, and shoved a finger into his chest telling him to watch his fucking mouth when it came to Addison Tanner.

  It was pretty quick after that. He shoved me, I shoved him back and told him not to touch me, he shoved me again, so I hit him.


  And that’s how I got fired from my first job.

  I doubt Addy ever heard that story, or at least, not that version of it. But it’s also not my place to tell her, either.

  I pull a bottle from a shelf and glance at the year from before I was born.

  Not bad. Though, I seriously doubt bimbo Candace would even like this. I also doubt that I care.

  I grab a wine-screw and take a seat on the floor, leaning against the shelf.

  Screw it, Candace can wait.

  The cork comes out with a dull pop, and I take a sip right from the bottle.

  Damn that’s good.

  The party’s still raging upstairs, but down here, I can barely even hear the godawful DJ anymore, and I can just about tune out the sounds of people dancing and cavorting around. And I can definitely tune out Candace, wherever she is.

  Coming here was a mistake. Mixing it up with Addy again was a mistake.

  I take another sip.

  Fuck this party, and fuck dwelling like this. College is about me going out and going nuts, and that’s what I should be doing.

  I stand.

  And also, fuck thinking about Addison Tanner.

  I stride toward the door with the bottle, making the firm decision to get the hell out of this place, head back to my dorm, and call it a night.

  And that’s when I realize the door isn’t opening.

  I frown and yank on it again, tensing with all my muscles as I strain against it.

  You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.


  A quick glance at my phone tells me I’ve got no service either.

  Super. Locked in here, with no cell phone, nobody, and no way out.


  At least I won’t go thirsty.

  Chapter 13


  “Your friend leave?”

  I whirl as I step out of the bathroom to see Jamie Hopkins smiling at me. He’s casually leaning against the wall in his suit with a glass of wine in his hand.

  “Oh, yeah, not my friend,” I say quickly.

  Jamie grins.

  Zelda, Veronica, Melissa - all of them are right about him. He’s completely Senator Tanner-approved, in that watered-down, boring, carbon copy way. He’s from the right family, the right private schools, and the right money. He’s got the right clothes, the right social graces, the right ambitions, and the right connections.

  He’s handsome too, in that clean-cut, polished way that money and status buys. Clean-shaven, perfectly styled hair, a little cleft in his chin, a
nd a confidence in the way he carries himself.

  And it’s all so boring.

  I know this is exactly the sort of man I should be interested in. This is the poster child of boyfriends when it comes to the path that’s been set in front of me, and when it comes to my father. And I wish I was attracted to him, because it would make things a whole lot easier.

  But it’s just…missing.

  Jamie clears his throat. “You know, if he’s bothering you, let me know.”

  “Who, Cole?”

  “The kid dressed like a hobo.”

  I grin. “Yeah, that’s Cole. I think he’s dressed as Bender from The Breakfast Club.”

  “The what?”

  I shake my head. “Nothing. And it’s fine, I think he left anyways.”

  Jamie’s smile grows wider.

  “Fantastic. Shall we get a drink?”

  “Oh, I-”

  “Don’t worry, Addison,” he says as he leans close and winks at me. “I mean, as student body president, there are certain privileges I’ve got. Trust me, no one’s going to bother you about not being twenty-one when you’re with me.”

  I suppress the urge to roll my eyes, because I know that’d be rude right now. I also suppress thinking about the words I’m sure Cole would have to say about a line like that.

  And I’m about to tell him no, thank you, and that I should just go home. But there’s that little thing inside that stops me. It’s the voice that reminds me that this is exactly what I should be doing. This is the kind of guy I should be associating with. Someone with class and poise and pedigree.

  Even if he's utterly boring.

  “Yeah, sure.” I nod firmly. “Yeah, I’ll take a drink.”

  He grins. “Excellent.”

  We wander back into the rest of the party, weaving past dancing, screaming, completely wasted partygoers toward the table with the beer and cups on it.

  Jamie pours us two before nodding with his head and leading me back through the crowd. We move farther into the house, away from the loud music and people until we get to a little side room that looks like a study.

  We step inside, and Jamie shuts the door with a little laugh.

  “Sorry, it’s just so damn loud out there.”

  “Yeah, totally,” I say quickly, sitting on the small loveseat against the wall.

  Jamie smiles at me again before passing me my drink and taking a seat next to me.

  “You notice this party started to get kind of thin?”

  I laugh. “Yeah, actually, Co-” I shake my head. “Yeah, I noticed.”

  “I wonder where everyone’s gone.”

  I roll my eyes. “Upstairs? Apparently this place is hook-up central tonight.”

  He grins. “Is it?”

  “Looks that way.”

  “And here we are just sitting here.”

  I laugh nervously as I sip my drink. But when I turn, he’s still just grinning at me.

  Eyeing me.

  I clear my throat as chills creep up my spine.

  “I should actually probably take off soon.”

  “What's the hurry?”

  “Oh, you know, big day tomorrow, and I should find my friend Zelda.”

  “I think your friend Zelda is upstairs with a guy, actually.” He leans back on the loveseat, his arm stretching up and then across my shoulders.

  “You know, college is all about new experiences, Addison.”

  I shiver again and lean forward, away from his arm. “I think college is about learning and doing well so you can do well after, actually.”

  “Please, Addison, with parents like ours?” He snorts. “It’s just a resumé placeholder. A formality. It’s just a place to meet people; make connections.”

  He leans closer to me. “Don’t you think we should make some connections?”

  I stand abruptly.

  “You know what? I really have to use the bathroom.”

  He laughs. “Didn’t I just meet you outside the bathroom?”

  “Yeah, I…” I trail off. “Weak bladder.”

  Jamie stands. “Need me to come with?”

  “Oh, no, that's okay!” I gush quickly. “I think I can manage to pee by myself.”

  “I’m happy to assist.”

  What the fuck?

  I make a face. “Yeah, thanks, I think I’ve got it.” I move quickly toward the door.

  “You’re coming back, right?” Jamie says with that same icky grin.

  I nod. “Oh, mmmhmm.”

  I shut the door behind me with a whoosh of breath from my lips.


  I shiver again as I quickly dart down the hallway, away from Jamie who wanted to help me pee, or whatever the hell that was all about.


  I yank open the first door down the hallway that I find, realizing it’s the basement, but not really caring so long as it gets me away from Jamie. I close the door behind me and dart down the stairs, blinking in surprise to find that it’s actually a gorgeously furnished and decorated down here instead of just being a creepy basement.

  I stop at the bottom and take it all in - the huge theatre-screen in the corner, the expensive leather couches, the pool table, the glass door to what looks like it might be a home gym.

  I step over to the pool table and run my fingers over the felt before pulling my phone out and texting Zelda.

  Ready to go? I’m getting creeped on.

  No response.


  I text her again.

  Respond with literally anything if you’re getting laid.

  Still no response.

  I text my other friend Veronica, who I still haven’t actually seen tonight even though I knew she was coming.

  Hey, are you here at the party? Want to take off?

  Again, there’s no response.

  Great. Everyone is off hooking up.

  So this is college, I guess. This is my “trying new things” college experience: hiding in a basement while everyone I know has sex around me.

  Zelda, Veronica…


  Cole with that drunk-looking girl I saw him with earlier.

  The thought of her kissing him, or pulling his clothes off makes me absolutely furious.

  Screw him.

  Screw feeling upset over something that's nothing.

  I’m getting the hell out of here.

  I storm back to the door to the stairs, yank it open, and stop short.

  The first thing I notice is Cole, sitting by himself in a brick and wood room on a couch, drinking from a bottle of wine.

  This is not the door to the stairs.

  The second I notice this, his eyes go wide as he lurches to his feet.

  “Wait! Addy!”

  I scowl at him. “Cole, what are you doing in-”

  “Don’t let the door-!”


  The sound of the door closing is perfectly in time with Cole finishing his sentence.


  He groans and swears under his breath and I whirl back to him.

  “Please tell me we’re not-”

  “Locked in?” He smiles thinly as he takes a seat back on the couch. “Better get comfy, princess. I think it’s going to be a long night.”

  Chapter 14


  “It’s locked?!”

  I sigh, sitting back into the couch and bringing the bottle to my lips.


  “Why the hell were you just sitting in a locked room?”

  “Oh for the fun of it, Addy. All for the fun of it.”

  She yanks on the door before kicking it.

  “Yeah, no, it really is actually locked. In case you thought I was kidding.”

  She turns to scowl at me. “Do you have to make a joke about this?”

  “No, but I’ve been here for a little bit so, maybe I’ve just moved into that stage of grief or something? You know, anger, acceptance, humor-”

  “This isn’t f

  “No? I think it’s hilarious, actually. The two of us, locked in a room like this after everything that's happened?” I snort. “Addy, you couldn’t write this into a syndicated teen drama if you tried.”

  Her eyes narrow as she crosses her arms across her blouse. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Which part?”

  “The ‘two of us’ part.”

  I give her a look. “Really?”

  “Yeah, Cole, really.”

  “Oh I don’t know, maybe with recent and then even more recent incidents of us kissing, and the nuclear drama that seems to follow? Ring any bells?”

  She rolls her eyes. “There isn’t any ‘nuclear drama’, Cole, it’s just something that could never ever happen.”

  “Which is why you freaked out and panicked.”

  Her jaw drops. “I did not.”

  “Tanner, you slammed a door in my face. I mean seriously, I could have lost a toe or something.”

  “Shame you didn’t.”

  I grin. “Look, it just proved what I could have told you a long time ago. Daddy’s girl Addy Tanner can’t handle anything that isn’t scripted, or anything that’s going to get messy.”

  “Fuck you, Cole.”

  “It’s why you freaked - no, stop, you did freak. And it’s why you went back to that Mark asshole.”

  Her face turns furious.

  “I did no such thing.”

  “Addy, you did.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “After that night by your back door, you started seeing Mark Atwood again, because it was safe, and because it was Senator Tanner-approved.”

  She jabs a finger at me as I take a slug of wine. “Okay first, leave my father out of this, and second, you’re insane if you think I’d have ever gone back to seeing Mark.”

  “I’d have thought so too, but that’s before I heard him talking about it.”

  “What? Where?”

  “The garage, he came in one day to get his Audi tuned-”

  “Oh I heard all about this,” she says curtly. “You mean the day you sucker punched a guy just because I used to date him?”

  I stare at her and shake my head. “Yeah, didn’t think you knew that story.”


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