Supernatural Flaws

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Supernatural Flaws Page 3

by Charlotte Summers

  “Okay,” I mutter in reply before opening my door and jumping out.

  Jax silently leads me into the cabin. Its wooden beams look like they have seen better days but it’s home for now.

  I throw myself down onto the sofa and Jax sighs at me. I watch as he shuffles around lighting the candles.

  “Don’t we have any power?” I ask, tilting my head.

  “We do but it’s best not to use it until daylight. Vampires have been hunting werewolves and it’s become harder to keep protected” Jax says, turning to look at me.

  “Wanna play a game? Might help get your mind off everything?” Jax asks and I shiver.

  I shrug and Jax takes that as a yes. I run a hand down my face, feeling the scar from where the whip caught my face. The jagged mark tells of my torture and suffering. Maybe that’s why the wolf needs to be out all the time I think to myself.

  I raise an eyebrow at the board game places on the table. He chuckles and his eyes twinkle.

  “I used to play this with my family before..” Jax trails off and I shrink away from his pain.

  “Let’s play in your other life’s memory” I smile and Jax nods.

  I watch as he sets up the game, the way his hands move around the board tells me that he played this so many times its muscle memory to set up.

  “You go first” Jax grins as I stare at the chessboard.

  I chuckle before moving a pawn. Jax moves his and I frown as I study the best way to win. The wolf perks up at the challenge and I feel it needs to win. I grin as the wolf paces while trying to figure out the game.

  “I guess you have two against one now” I chuckle freely, my eyes widen as happiness fills me.

  “Your wolf?” Jax asks while waiting for me to take my turn.

  “Yeah, he likes this game but can’t figure out how to play” I reply, a real smile working it’s way up my face.

  “I know, mine likes it too” Jax laughs and I make my move.

  Jax raises an eyebrow at my move but doesn’t say anything as he narrows his eyes and focuses on the board.

  “Maybe playing games isn’t good for werewolves” I shake my head.

  “Maybe not” Jax shrugs with the glint of a challenge in his eyes. My wolf huffs in my mind.

  I jump as the wind howls, sending a tree branch flying into one of the windows. The sound of it hitting makes my mind jump to the memory of the whip against my skin, Jax freezes and watches me and I shake my head to shove the memories away.

  “Jumpy” I shrug.

  His eyes turn red and I frown. I stalk towards the door, Jax follows me with a snarl on his face.

  “What’s wrong” I frown as I get to the door.

  “I feel weird, vampires must be near” Jax whispers.

  I scan the cabin and grin when I see wooden stakes by the fire. I grab two and throw one to Jax who catches it without even looking.

  The chess match sits forgotten as I blow the candles out. My wolf eyesight takes over and the greys, blacks and whites clear my mind and gives me relief.

  My hearing strains as I frown, trying to hear something over the wind and rain that lashes against the cabin walls.

  “Good time to attack” I mutter with a roll of my eyes.

  “It is” Jax agrees.

  We wait for an hour, my body stiffens and I shake myself to stop aches from taking over.

  “Jax I think we are clear for now,” I say, he sighs with a nod. If the vampires were going to attack they would’ve done it by now.

  I grab the matchbox and light the candles as Jax puts both our stakes back by the fire. A yawn escapes me and I cover it with my hand.

  “Go get some sleep, I’ll take first watch. We should be good in a couple of hours as the sun will be up by then” Jax tilts his head inditing the bedroom.

  “Fine, call out if you need me” I mutter, dragging myself towards the bedroom.

  My weary mind refuses to slow down as I curl up on the bed. I toss and turn as my sense strain to hear danger, I try to remind myself I’m free but the memories try to take over.

  I sigh and let them. I know I’m free at the end of the flood. Eventually, sleep takes me to places in my mind I would rather be left alone.

  Chapter Nine

  A howl wakes me up. I jump from the bed as Jax’s voice fills my hearing. I cup my hands around my mouth and howl back. My way of telling him I’m on my way to help him.

  I stuff the stakes in a bag while struggling to get my clothes off. I throw the bag onto my back and jump into the air. I shift before my feet hit the ground and I sprint towards the door.

  I growl when I see the door’s handle. I roll my eyes with a huff of laughter before turning around and looking at the window. I guess I’m going to have to break it.

  I throw myself at the window, it shatters around me and I shake myself to get rid of glass from my fur.

  My paws thunder across the ground as my heart beats wildly in my chest. A scream I recognise is released into the air and fear for Jax pushes me faster to speeds I have never reached before.

  I follow his scent like a pack of hunters are on my trail. I skid into a field and launch myself at the first blur. My jaws snap shut on the vampire's arm and he hisses before throwing me into a tree.

  I yelp before jumping to my feet and snarling, my black fur raises up making me look bigger than I am.

  “Behind you!” I hear Jax scream and I whip around and jump back just in time to avoid a silver coated knife.

  I duck under the vampires attack and leap at his throat, I cringe as his nasty blood fills my mouth. The vampires hissing is cut off as I jerk away from him.

  I glance at Jax who has blood streaming from a cut on his head and he limps as he defends himself.

  Rage floods my veins and my mind sharpens. The wolf and I mingle together in a force so powerful even I shrink away.

  We duck, jump and slice through the vampires. Despite their quicker speed, I am stronger, anger and fear for my pack mate spurs me on, unlike anything the vampires can have within them.

  Jax screams and I jerk my head towards him. I whine as I run to him, taking out as many vampires as I can.

  One vampire sneers at me before sounding a whistle. I snarl at the pain in my ears but the rest of the vampires start to retreat. I frown before forgetting about them and racing the rest of the way to my friend's side.

  Blood pools around his body and I shift, I grit my teeth as I feel my own blood running down my back.

  “Get out of here” Jax whispers, his eyes flutter and I start breathing heavily.

  “I’m not leaving you,” I say as I pick him up.

  I cringe as wounds make themselves known. My blood drips to the floor, light-headedness swipes through my mind and I stumble.

  Jax shivers in my arms and I push away my pain. I snarl as I start to run. My senses strain to pick up any danger as I fly through the woods. The only way for me to find the cabin is to use my scent. I follow the path I took and frown as my scent fades.

  “I’m going to find it” I promise Jax even though his eyes are closed.

  My mind switches to autopilot as blood loss takes over. I stumble harder and shove my shoulder to a tree. I pant as hopelessness floods me, the only reason Jax is hurt is because I couldn’t stay with my pack.

  I choke down and sob and scowl before stoving away from the tree and making my way through the woods.

  I grin as the cabin comes into view and I thank my lucky stars that I didn’t just give up and collapse against the tree.

  Jax groans and I stumble through the door. I quickly place Jax on the floor and I rush to get the first aid kit.

  “Don’t you gave up on me” I growl as I look at his wounds, most of them are already healing but the ones with silver in still bleed.

  I bent my head closer and work out the silver from the wounds, I flush them before placing bandages around them.

  I pace as I wait for him to wake up, my own wounds bleed out and I quickly scan them. Silver
glistens in them and I sigh before getting it out as best as I can. I’m no good to Jax if I’m dead I remind myself.

  I collapse onto the sofa and lean my head back, my eyes stay focused on Jax while my mind drifts through my memories.

  After hours of waiting Jax finally stirs, my eyes pop open and I frown. I don’t remember falling asleep.

  “Jax?” I mutter, falling off the sofa and onto the floor next to him.

  “Jake?” His whisper meets my ears.

  “I’m here, you will be fine” I grin, tears fall down my cheeks.

  “I’m glad” Jax sighs and I nod, relief fills my body as Jax mutters something I cannot hear before he falls into sleep.

  Chapter Ten

  I yawn while stretching my arms, pain ignites along my back and I stifle a gasp. Jax watches me from his place on the sofa and I throw him a weary grin.

  “What are we going to do?” I ask him, his eyes tighten into a frown.

  “I have no idea, the war is getting closer I know that” Jax sighs, rubbing his eyes.

  “We’ll be ready” I smile, Jax nods but doesn’t look convinced. Jax sits up and I jump up to help him, his look stops me in my tracks.

  “I need to ring Maddie” Jax mutters and I grab his phone.

  I busy myself with cleaning the kitchen as he calls her number and talks to his mate.

  I tune out their conversation and hum to myself. My head snaps up as I see Jax leaning against the wall with his phone pointing towards me.

  “Holly wants to speak to you” Jax shrugs and I take a deep breath before taking the phone from him.

  “Hey” I mutter.

  I hear an intake of breath and a sniffle, my heart flutters at Holly’s pain.

  “I’m sorry,” I say, hoping she will say something.

  “I understand why Jake but I wish you hadn’t gone” She whispers softly.

  “I shouldn’t have left like that, I wish I had told you” I shake my head as regret fills my heart.

  “I’ll still be here when you come home,” Holly says and I can imagine the smile on her face.

  “I hope so, I’ll see you soon,” I say with a chuckle.

  “Bye Jake” She replies before the line goes dead.

  “Let’s go into the town,” Jax says after I hand him the phone back.

  “Are you sure? You look like you’re going to fall over any second” I frown.

  “I’ll be fine, I heal quicker when I’m busy” Jax shrugs.

  I sigh before nodding, the thought of going out sends my wolf on alert.

  I follow Jax outside to the car. I turn and look at cabin, the window I smashed is bordered up.

  “Let’s go!” Jax shouts from the driver seat and I shiver, he shouldn’t be driving in his state.

  “I’m driving” I reply and Jax chuckles.

  “I don’t think so, what if you shift at the wheel?” Jax reminds me of my unstable wolf.

  “I’ll be fine” I growl and Jax watches me for a second before getting out and sitting in the passenger seat.

  I jump in the driver's seat and try to remember how to drive. I roll my eyes before putting it in gear and slowly releasing the clutch, the car jerks forward and Jax chuckles before I right my mistake.

  I grin as I turn onto the road that will lead us to town.

  Jax pushes the radio button and my eyes flicker to what channel is on before going back to the road.

  Jax puts his feet up on the dashboard and slaps his thighs in time with music I don’t know.

  “It’s in the charts,” He says over the music and I nod, I’ve been away from everything for months so of course, I wouldn’t know it.

  I find myself tapping along to the tune as buildings get closer together.

  “Turn right” Jax chuckles and I do as he says.

  I pull up in a little car park and Jax gets out and gets us a parking ticket. He hands it to me and I place it in the window.

  “Food?” Jax askes

  “Yeah food” I agree and we head for the nearest cafe.

  I grin as the scent of food reaches my nose. The fact I haven’t eaten in a while makes my mouth water in anticipation.

  “What can I get you guys?” A waiter asks as we sit down.

  “I’ll have steak, don’t leave anything out” I chuckle.

  “I’ll have same” Jax says and the waiter nods before darting towards the kitchen to tell them our order.

  “When do you think you’ll be ready to go back home? Jax tilts his head at me.

  “I’m not sure” I reply honestly. The wolf within pacing at the thought of going home. My skin crawls and I itch my arms in effort to stop the feelings.

  “Don’t worry about it” Jax says as he leans back in his chair.

  I nod and the wolf relaxes slightly. My attention turns to food as the waiter brings out two steak dinners.

  He sets one down in front of me and the other in front of Jax who lets out a low growl.

  “Hungry?” I laugh.

  “Starving” He replies and I nod before wolfing down my food, I have to remind myself to eat slowly when a child stares at me in disgust.

  Jax chuckles and I shake my head before finishing my food.

  The waiter takes our empty plates and we toss our money on the table before walking out.

  “Would you like to do anything else or go home?” Jax asks.

  “I think we should call it a day, don’t wanna push it” I mutter, thinking about my wolf.

  With a nod, Jax leads us to the car. I climb into the driver's seat and turn on the engine.

  The drive home is silent as we stay wrapped in our own thoughts.

  Chapter Eleven

  The night goes slowly. My wolf paces to be let free but I know that Jax isn’t going to be able to shift for a couple more days. The moon's light spills into the cabin and I shiver at its fullness.

  “Would be nice to go for a run” Jax sighs and I nod my agreement.

  “I could try?” Jax mutters and I shake my head.

  “No way, what if we get attacked and you are weaker because you wanted a run?” I reply.

  “Fine” Jax sighs and I watch as he shuffles towards his bedroom.

  “I’ll take watch” I call out to him and watch as he waves his hand.

  I tap my hand against my thighs, a song comes into my head and I find myself humming along to it as I watch out of the window.

  My wolf paces restlessly and I shiver again, my eyes catch the moon and I roll my eyes as my body moves without me wanting it too.

  I get to the door and open it, the shift takes over and I grit my teeth as healing wounds reopen.

  I open my eyes and shake my fur to settle it. The blacks and greys of my wolf eyesight send shadows spiralling through the woods on each end of the fields, I lift my lip in a snarl before taking off to run around the cabin.

  The wind tangles in my fur like someone caressing my wounded soul, I push myself faster as I check each perimeter.

  The urge to howl fills me but I remember Jax as my muzzle lifts to the sky. He will be pissed that I shifted without him.

  I run until the light grey's of the sunrise into the sky. I collapse in an exhausted heap by the door.

  “You didn’t need to run all night” Jax chuckles and I jump up with a growl before I realise he isn’t a threat to me.

  I trot past him and grab my bag in my mouth. I feel his eyes watch me as I nose the door to my room open and shove it shut with my bag leg.

  I close my eyes and force my wolf to release it’s hold over me. I huff as my bones reshape and fur retreats into my skin. My ears shuffle lower on my head and grow rounder.

  “You good?” I hear Jax ask from my door.

  “Yeah” I reply when the shift finishes.

  I open my door and my eyes widen, Jax watches the front door and I know by the look on his face that vampires are near.

  I rush to the bag of weapons and grab two stakes, I toss one to Jax who plucks it out of the air.

  Jax leads as we carefully walk outside, I open my mouth in a warning but Jax is already halfway across the field.

  His brother grins at him and I growl before making my way over to them.

  “You could still join us brother” Jax tenses at his brother's words.

  “You know I would never do that” He replies.

  “Why stay with him?” His brother replies.

  I tense but before I can do anything two vampires grab me and use their speed to sweep past Jax, His brother grins before kicking me in the stomach. I growl at the pain before trying to stake him, the others pull me away and hold me fast.

  I meet Jax’s eyes and give a tiny shake of my head, they will kill me of that I have no doubt.

  My wolf shoves at me and I gasp, I feel my eyes flash golden and Jax’s brother chuckles.

  “Just look how unstable this guy is? He will turn on you brother, I’m trying to help you” He says to Jax who watches me with an unreadable expression.

  I groan as the shift starts, the vampires who hold me shove me to the ground and pain laces my side as they shove a silver knife into me. The shift stops and I cringe.

  “Leave him alone, this is between you and me” Jax snarls.

  “You want him? Come and get him” I hear his brother reply as dark spots dance in my vision.

  I hear Jax take a step towards us and I use the vampire's distraction, I leap up and shift before hitting my guard. My fangs slice through his throat and the other vampires scatter to avoid being close to me.

  “Now now, give up” Jax’s brother walks calmly towards me, I lift my lips up in answer. If I’m going down I’ll take him down too, his eyes widen as he realises my intentions.

  “Jake no!” Jax shouts but I leap. His brother grabs me by my throat and launches me across the field, I hit a tree and collapse at the bottom.

  Footsteps rush towards me and I snarl, Jax’s brother stalks me. Jax fights the other vampires as he tries to get to us.

  “You should have left my brother alone vermin” His brother hisses at me before he uses his speed to grab me and shove me against the tree.

  I shift into human form, unable to keep my wolf form any longer. My scream echoes the woods as Jax’s brother plunges a blade near my heart, I feel my strength leave me and he drops me.


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