The Sound of Shooting Stars

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The Sound of Shooting Stars Page 4

by Heather Allen


  It doesn’t matter where I attend school, it’s all the same. But mix a private school complete with uniforms and the princess Beckett Chase, and I’m in hell. I ended up in English class with her but she was too busy being a bitch to her friend to notice that I was there. I don’t even know why I’ve bothered to pay attention to her. She thinks she’s better than not only me but everyone else around her as well. She treats people like garbage.

  Lunch was the icing on the cake. She kept looking over at me as if interested in my reaction as she practically sucked face with some dude. I could care less. I have every intention of calling Michelle tomorrow after school to get a new placement. Hell, I might even consider going back to the home as hard as it will be. I’ve been away for so long. Most of the others that were there have probably already been adopted.

  When I walked Michelle out to her car last night, I practically pleaded with her not to leave me at the Chase house. She asked me to give it a couple of days and call her to tell her how it’s going. This is probably my last stop as they say but I don’t know if I’ll be able to endure Beckett for the whole year.

  At the end of the day, I leave as soon as the bell rings and bypass my locker. When I get to the lot she’s already gone. What a bitch. I start down the road in the general direction of her house. Marla gave me her cell number last night, I could call and get Beckett in trouble with her mom but something tells me, that will unleash an even worse version of her.

  I hike my backpack up onto my shoulder and undo the top of my shirt. It’s scorching out here. I’ll have to think of some sort of payback and a better way to get back to her house each day.

  A half block from the school, a car slows almost to a stop beside me. I glance over and see the two girls Beckett was with this morning. The black haired chick is driving a silver Lexus. I chuckle at this whole situation. All my life I’ve wondered how I’ll get my next meal and all of these people drive brand new cars and throw money around like it’s never ending.

  The Spanish girl leans out the window and asks, “Jamie isn’t it? Do you need a ride?”

  I stop walking as the car stops. I look forward unsure actually where I’m going and the thought of these two dropping me off in front of Beckett crosses my mind. Somehow I think that will piss her off.

  “Yeah, that would be great. Thanks.”

  I climb into the back seat. She guns it as soon as the door slams behind me. The exotic looking one turns in her seat and pushes her hand out, “Hi, I’m Trina and this is Dani.”

  I nod and briefly shake her hand.

  Dani asks, “So you’re holed up at Beckett’s? That must be fun.” Her tone is sarcastic.

  I don’t answer. Instead I watch the perfectly manicured lawns pass us by. She turns down a street and claims as we pass a huge white house set well back from the road, “That’s my house.”

  Note to self, don’t tell this chick anything about Beckett, they are obviously close, living this near each other.

  Trina adds, “I live on the other side of the island. You’re lucky that we were on our way over to Beckett’s or we would have missed you.”

  I mutter under my breath as we turn into the drive and she punches in the code to the gate, “Thanks for the ride.”

  The car is silent down the drive. As soon as she parks, I notice Beckett’s car in front of us. As I’m getting out, I look up to see Beckett staring down at me from the porch. A frown is cemented across her face. A smirk rises at the corner of my mouth.

  I climb the stairs and stop inches in front of her. A smile is rising on her lips most likely amused that she left without me. I lean in and tell her sarcastically, “Thanks for waiting.”

  I gesture back to her friends close behind me, “These girls were nice enough to give me a ride.”

  Her mouth falters.

  I walk past her without another glance determined to stop this before it starts. Why am I letting her affect me like this?

  A few hours later, I am summoned from my room to dinner. The only time I’ve ever experienced dinner at a table with parents was at Sam’s. Her dad was the bread winner and the rule setter. He was a father to me if I could call anyone that. I was devastated when he was killed in the accident.

  I climb down the stairs to the dining room. Beckett, Marla and David are already seated. Sasha is just bringing in a large bowl with spaghetti. I sit down and meet Beckett’s glare across the table. She moves her face in a grimace and glances down at the food in front of her. Can we get any more childish?

  Marla pipes up, “So Jamie, how was your first day?”

  “It was good. I’m still finding my way around.” I look up and meet Beckett’s worried expression. Good let her wonder if I’ll rat her out.

  She looks to Beckett, “Are you helping him out? Did you end up in any classes together?”

  She looks annoyed as she answers in a bored voice, “No Marla, we didn’t have any classes together.” Then she mumbles, “Thank God.”

  Marla looks down her nose at her daughter as if silently scolding her. Beckett rolls her eyes and looks my way as if by accident.

  I smile at her and announce, “Actually, we do have one class together, English.”

  Her eyebrows shoot up in surprise. She opens her mouth, I know, to protest but quickly closes it in a tight line. If she had laser vision, I’d be toast.

  I chuckle quietly at her reaction. Her parents continue asking both of us questions and get short, abrupt answers. Finally Marla gives up and diverts her attention to David.

  When Beckett has eaten almost nothing but endured their company long enough she asks, “May I please be excused? I have homework to finish.”

  Marla is deep in conversation and she nods. Beckett scowls at me as she gets up and leaves the table. Why does she have so much contempt for me? Really why should I care? I never gave thought to anyone’s reaction to me before. I have to get it together, only nine short months.

  Later as the sun sets I make my way out onto the balcony that stretches the length of the back of the house. A wooden lounge chair is nestled in the space. I collapse onto it and gaze up into the dark sky. It’s easier to see the stars here than it was at my last place of residence. Sam’s dad taught me all about the constellations. We would lie on the beach at night and he’d point them out at different times of the year. I spot Cygnus and think about the story it represents about the twins. I chuckle thinking about Beckett’s two sidekicks. Damn, what the hell is happening to me? Maybe she is the one who needs to stay away from me.

  Chapter Eight

  Beckett Chase

  Columba – The Dove

  Noah’s dove is sent from the Ark to see if there is any dry land left after the Great Flood. The bird returns holding an olive branch in its beak, signaling that the flood is receding.


  Marla wakes me up again. This is a record for her. She must be feeling guilty about this whole foster kid thing. Her hand on my back in a swirling motion almost does the opposite but I pull myself awake and roll over to meet a concerned expression across her face.

  “Good morning Beckett. How are you?”

  I mumble as I reach up to my eyes, rubbing the sleep from them.

  “Good, mom.”

  Her tone turns stern, “I’m not sure what is going on between you and Jamie but I saw the strain last night at dinner.”

  I open my mouth to protest but she shushes me and continues, “This is not something that is up for discussion. Your father and I made this decision. I’m sorry we didn’t include you but it’s done. Jamie is not going anywhere.”

  I try to roll away from her. I’m pissed off all of a sudden but she reaches out and grabs my arm gently.

  “I mean it Beckett. You will not give him a hard time.”

  My stare meets hers and I can see in the set look, that she is serious. Most often I am able to sway her to my will. I’m suddenly aware that probably won’t be the case this time.

  “And j
ust to show good will towards him, I want you to go and wake him up.”

  My mouth gapes open in shock. She wants me to what? I pull my arm from her grasp and sit up.

  “Marla, I can’t…”

  She stands smoothing out her grey pants and tells me, “You can and you will. I will not let you make this difficult for him. He’s had to experience too many unpleasant things in his life.”

  My curiosity is piqued. I look up to her and ask curiously, “Like what?”

  She turns to the door, “It’s not important right now. Make sure you give him enough time to get ready for school.”

  Unfuckingbelievable! Wake him up. What am I, his keeper? I reluctantly climb off of my bed and pad out into the hall. Three doors down from mine, I knock quietly but there’s no response. Great. I knock louder but still no answer. Carefully, I turn the knob and push the door slowly. When it’s wide open, I glance at the bed noting that it’s empty and still made. My heart speeds up. Maybe he left during the night. At this thought my breath becomes shallow. Shit Beckett, why do you let him affect you like this? Jamie leaving would be the best thing to happen at this point. My body is definitely betraying me.

  I walk into the room and find the door to the balcony standing open. Reluctantly, I peek out onto the porch and find him sound asleep on the lone lounge chair. His arms are crossed against his bare chest. My eyes roam over his half clothed form and my heart speeds up again, this time at his striking features. His chest rises with each breath and his face is so calm. His chiseled jaw that always seems to be clenched in anticipation is softer in the morning light. His solid stomach disappears into a pair of baggy shorts and his legs are crossed at the ankles. His hair is sexy messy, I have an unexpected urge to run my hands through it.

  I take a step back and lean against the wall averting my gaze to the shadowed water across the yard. The sun’s light peeking through reflects off the tiny waves making it dance with movement. I stand there watching as the shadows ever so slowly become smaller. When I glance back over at Jamie, my gaze meets his. He has rolled over onto his side and he’s staring at me.

  I step forward from the wall and shyly tell him, “Um, Marla wanted me to let you know that it’s time to get up.”

  His piercing green eyes bore into me. In a sleep filled voice he whispers, “Thank you.”

  I want nothing more in that moment than to climb onto that lounger with him and kiss those full lips. Instead I look back out to the water and say with a sigh, “We’ll leave in an hour.”

  I hurry back into the house, thankful that I haven’t taken a shower yet because my skin has become extremely clammy with nervous energy. Jamie Grey is dangerous. In just one day, I’ve gone from hating him to wanting to jump him.


  An hour later I stroll out to find him in exactly the same position as yesterday. He seems a tiny bit more relaxed today. He looks up as I climb down the steps from the porch. When I click the button to unlock the doors, he ambles down into the car without saying a word. Closing the door today doesn’t cause the claustrophobia I felt yesterday. Instead I’m nervous and fidgety. The car is silent the whole drive. I search for something to say but my words are lost. As I pull into the lot and turn the key his hand reaches for the handle. For some reason I know I have to say something. Maybe it’s Marla’s words about his past. Maybe it’s my mind’s betrayal this morning. I grab his hand to stop his exit. He turns to me with a curious expression.

  I stumble over my words, “Jamie, I, I just wanted to tell you.” I take a deep breath to help clear my head.

  “Can we have a truce? I’ve been rude to you and I’m…sorry.”

  He looks surprised and his mouth turns up into a dimpled smile.

  “A truce would be nice.”

  I sit and stare at that mouth dumbfounded and unable to form a complete thought. He chuckles and squeezes my hand that I’d forgotten I was still holding. Then he lets it go and I want to protest and tell him that I want the warmth of his grasp back.

  “I’ll see you in English.”

  I nod, still not able to speak. He gets out of the car and walks swiftly to the building. I take a few deep breaths trying to get my emotions under control. No guy has ever had this effect on me. I hated him, utterly hated him yesterday. Today I’m all over the place. What the hell?

  A knock on the window brings me out of my reverie. Dani’s grinning face tells me all I need to know. I’m going to get crap from the girls now. Shit. Maybe I can turn the tables. I step out and grab my Louis. When I face Trina and Dani I point my manicured finger in warning, “I told you girls yesterday. Don’t you give him a ride again.”

  Trina laughs, “Um, I think she’s got it for this one Dani.”

  Dani’s brows raise in surprise and she turns to the building, strolling in front of us, “I think you’re right Trin, what was that about rubbernecking? I think she might need to take her own advice.”

  I glower at them both but bite my tongue. I knew they’d be able to see right through me.

  By mid –morning, I find myself willing time to pass so I can go to English. It’s the last class before lunch. How I missed that he was in that class with me is beyond my comprehension. I am usually the one on top of it all. I always know who is doing what with whom. To not notice that the exquisite creature living down the hall from me is in my class is just sheer ignorance.

  Dani meets me at my locker and walks with me to the class I’ve been waiting for. My heart is speeding up as we get closer and she notices my fidgeting.

  “Beckett, what is it?”

  I squirm avoiding her question.

  “You are never this nervous about anything. I can tell something has been bothering you since this morning.”

  Her face becomes clearer and she stops me in the middle of the hall.

  “He’s gotten to you hasn’t he? Did you sleep with him already?” Her eyes go wide, “In your parents’ house?”

  I shake my head uncomfortably and hiss, “Of course not Dani. I would never do that.”

  A smile creeps across her lips.

  “Something happened. I can see it in your eyes.”

  “No, nothing happened. I just, I don’t know. One minute I hate him and the next I can’t stop thinking about him. AND he’s in this class.”

  Her smile widens and she loops her arm through mine.

  “Oh, English just might end up being my favorite class.”

  I smile as she leads me into class and tell her under my breath, “Shut up Dani. Payback is hell.”

  It feels good for those few feet to the door knowing that Dani is going to support me in this, whatever it is. I make the split second decision in those steps to the door to let things happen. I always fight for control. This time, I’m going to relinquish my dominance over things. Maybe that is the right thing.

  The second I step through the door, my heart falters and the stone normally surrounding it builds back up. Jamie is sitting very close to Samantha Jamison and laughing as if they are the best of friends. My face sets into it’s usual annoyed reaction and I skirt my way through the desks to the front of the class. Dani slips in next to me and complains, “Beckett, we never sit up front, come on, what’s the deal?”

  Cara Stevens strolls up placing her hands on her hips indicating that I’ve taken her seat.

  I glare at her and seethe, “Go find a new spot Cara. You do not want to mess with me today.”

  She huffs away.

  I can feel his eyes on my back but the last thing I want right now is to see those intense green eyes I’ve been thinking about all day. I haven’t seen him speak to anyone since he’s been here and he picks Samantha, of all people.

  Chapter Nine

  Jamie Grey

  Apus – The Bird of Paradise

  Apus constellation is located in the southern hemisphere. It represents the bird of paradise. Its names is derived from the Greek word apous, which means “footless.”


  All day I
keep replaying the events of this morning in my head. Beckett said barely ten words to me which as far as I can tell, is very out of character for her. When I opened my eyes and saw her standing there on the porch, I was stricken with her natural beauty. I think part of it was the lack of a dirty look across her face. She was so peaceful watching the water off in the distance. If I could have taken a picture of that moment, I would have kept it for later. After that, she seemed less determined to make my life difficult and she confirmed that fact with her truce statement.

  I’ve been anticipating her mood all day. Will it be Dr. Jekyll, this new and quiet Beckett or will Hyde resurface to reveal evil Beckett? I walk into English not knowing what to expect. The last thing I could have ever imagined appears before my eyes, Sam. My Sam.

  I freeze in my tracks when I spot her. No other thoughts cross my mind except, why is she here?

  She turns slightly, probably feeling my eyes on her and her face mirrors my expression exactly. She leaps out of her seat, her short blonde hair bouncing as she makes her way toward me. I try to command my feet to move but they are in just as much shock as my brain seems to be.

  She exclaims barely a foot from me, “Jamie Grey, oh my God, is that you?”

  Of course I haven’t seen her since I was twelve but I would never forget those high cheek bones and sweet smile. Her wide brown eyes twinkle the closer she gets. The only difference is that now, she’s all grown up. She is still petite, a couple of feet shorter than me but cute as ever none the less. She pulls me into an embrace. My hands find her thin back, still in disbelief.

  When we part, she grabs my hand, pulls me across the room and directs me to sit in the desk next to her. I’m still at a loss for words. A million questions cross my mind but nothing leaves my lips.

  “Jamie, wow. It’s so good to see you.”


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