Highway Don't Care (Freebirds)

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Highway Don't Care (Freebirds) Page 3

by Vale, Lani Lynn

  “I don’t think I am up for anything to physical right now. My back is throbbing like a bitch, and the pain medication doesn’t seem to be helping at all.” She said.

  “That’s understandable. They only gave you what amounts to extra strength Motrin. It probably won’t do much but take the edge off.” I said.

  “Well doesn’t that just blow? I am nearly raped, my back is sliced from shoulders to ass, and all they can give me is a fucking Motrin? What the fuck. I think I deserve the good shit.” She said testily.

  Rage started burning in my belly again at the flippant way she’d just said she was almost raped. Surely, she was taking this too easily.

  “Don’t make light of this, Ember. You could have been seriously injured, or even killed. You were a very lucky person last night. I got a message from Luke not even ten minutes ago saying that they think this is gang related, and they need your statement as soon as you are ready to give it.” I said.

  “I’m not making light of this, Gabriel. I’m just trying to blow some steam. I know what could’ve happened; I know that I was lucky. I just want everything to go back to normal and to not think about it anymore. It didn’t happen, so let’s not dwell on this anymore. I’ll go give a statement as soon as you can get me down there. But we better hurry because Cheyenne won’t wait very much longer before she’s all up my ass.”

  “Alright, let’s get going then. You aren’t allowed to take a shower as per doctor’s orders. I have some of your clothes still here from when you changed here a while back. I’ll set them out on the bed, and you get changed while I am in the shower.” I ordered.

  With that, I left the room, and headed for my bedroom closet. I pulled her clothes off the shelf at the top of the closet and tossed them onto the bed before heading into the bathroom. Once in the shower I soaped and rinsed. Palming my erection, I ran the soap over it, and then stopped. What if she heard me? That only made me hotter though. It wouldn’t bother me a bit to have Ember join me in here. I would totally welcome it. Only wanting one woman put a damper on my sex life. I tried being with someone around six months ago, but I wasn’t able to get it up, she just wasn’t Ember. It was incredibly embarrassing, and the look on the other woman’s face made me never try again.

  Having only a door in between Ember and me was torture. Seeing her wearing my shirt set off something primal inside of me, and made me wish for things I’ve never had before. Deciding that a door and the shower were loud enough to balance out the sounds, I took my erection in hand again and gave it a rough tug. Reaching down with the other hand, I ran it over my balls, tugging on the sac lightly. Shutting my eyes firmly, and working up a good rhythm, I didn’t notice the door crack open. Nor did I notice Ember peak her head in, and her eyes widen. Squeezing my balls a little tighter, I started crudely yanking on my dick. Lightening shot up my spine, and I groaned Ember’s name quietly, shooting my semen all over the glass enclosure of the shower.

  Fuck. I’ve never come that hard, and all I was doing was thinking about her in my clothes.

  Grabbing the showerhead, I washed the mess I made off the glass, and then quickly shut off the shower. I toweled dry, and wrapped the towel around my waist before heading back into the bedroom.

  Ember was on the bed, the jeans I’d dug out from the closet covering her nicely shaped ass. She didn’t have a shirt on, only a sports bra. The bandage was starkly white against her tanned back. I walked over to her, and ran my finger lightly down her side. She shifted slightly away from my touch and giggled. Goosebumps broke out all down her side, and I longed to run my tongue over them.

  “That tickles.” She said.

  “We’ll have to change this later on when we get home.” I said to her, tapping the side of her bandage.

  “Okay.” She mumbled into the mattress.

  “Why aren’t you dressed yet?” I asked her.

  “I can’t get my pants buttoned. You must’ve dried these when you washed them, and now they’re too tight.” She said miserably. “I don’t dry any of my jeans because they’ll shrink up in the dryer, and then I have to lay down to snap them. Which I can’t do today because then I’d have to lay on my back.”

  “Well stand up, and we will see what we can do.” I instructed.

  She stood up and turned around. Her first and second button were undone, so I pulled her to me by the waist of her jeans. When I curled my fingers around the waistband, I quickly realized that she wasn’t wearing anything underneath. My fingers encountered hair, and nothing else.

  I inhaled sharply, and my eyes shot from the buttons on her jeans to her eyes.

  Ember was biting her lip while her eyes focused on my hand that was in the waistband of her jeans. I abruptly made the decision to go for it. I’ve been so strung out this last year, that I knew something had to give. We’ve been skirting around the elephant in the room for too long. No more.

  “I think we’ve denied this for too long, Ember. It’s gonna happen. I don’t think I can keep myself away from you for much longer. I’m running out of excuses to stay away from you.” I said to her, while moving my fingers back and forth over her springy curls.

  I found myself wanting to undo the last two buttons on her jeans, so I did. The fly of the jeans said “Lucky you” and damned if I didn’t feel like a lucky fuck.

  Her voice quivered as she said, “Umm, you’re supposed to be helping me button those, not unbuttoning.”

  Of course, she didn’t respond to my earlier statement, but that also wasn’t a “no” coming out of her mouth.

  My dick was making a tent out of the towel that was wrapped at my hips. Ember’s eyes kept wandering down to it, and then her eyes would shoot back to mine.

  “I only wanted to see if the upstairs and the downstairs matched.” I said to her.

  With that statement, I let my eyes wander down until they sought what they were looking for. And yes, the top matched the bottom. I let my hand drift off her waistband, and buried my fingers into her curls, tugging gently.

  “Soon, maybe not tonight, or tomorrow, but soon.” I declared before reaching down and buttoning her jeans, all the way to the top.

  When I straightened, the fold in the towel fell just right, so my dick escaped the restricting confines of the towel. Ember’s eyes widened when she saw it, but quickly averted her head. I laughed as she looked at the ceiling, and then the curtains, while covertly looking down at my dick.

  Yes, it would be soon. I wasn’t holding back anymore. She was screwed. Literally.



  Oh my god. Oh my god. OH MY GOD!

  This was more than I ever could have hoped for; I’d fantasized about this very moment at least a hundred times. Gabe’s been Mr. Stoic ever since I met him. He never speaks much. He’s just the dark, formidable presence at your back. He’s spoken to me more in the last twenty-four hours than he has in the last year. I never would’ve thought my feelings were returned by him. I thought I was the only one with the overactive imagination. Every time he would walk into the room, my heart would start beating double time, the butterflies in my stomach felt more like humming birds zipping around, and sweat would start to form in the most awkward places. He always seemed so calm and cool. If today was anything to go by, he’s been feeling it almost as bad as I’ve been.

  In an attempt to get my mind out of the gutter, I started giving orders.

  “Okay, I’m going to send Cheyenne a text message from the truck. You need to haul-” I said before pounding interrupted my request.

  Fuck. Too late.

  I let out a long-suffering sigh before walking to the door and swinging it wide. There she stood. My best friend in the whole entire world, and her two boob ornaments that were stuck to her tit ninety percent of the time. Don’t get me wrong, I love those two girls from the bottom of my heart, but they seem to be attached to her boob the majority of the time. I mean shouldn’t they be done at a little over a year old? Not that I have a problem with others doing
it, it just kinda creeps me out. Not to mention the one time she tried to shoot me with her milk missiles. I ran away from her just as I do when I see those nasty huge cock roaches scuttling across the floor.

  The two boob ornaments wore matching outfits today. How surprising. They were cute though, sporting two Spiderman onesies with ruffles on the butt. They were supposed to be gag gifts, but Cheyenne loved them. Their hair was rather crazy today. It looked like mommy forgot how to use a comb.

  Steeling my spine, I finally scrounged up the courage to look at Cheyenne. I flinched at the fury I saw there. I knew she was pissed, but she looked like I ran over her cat, and then backed up and did it again to make sure I really got it.

  “I’m assuming you’re pissy because I wouldn’t let Sam bring you to the hospital last night?” I asked with feigned innocence.

  “Pissy. Yea, bitch face, you could say that. How could you do this to me? I’ve been worried sick, and just look at you! You were going to try to sneak out weren’t you?” Cheyenne seethed.

  Motioning to Gabe with my thumb I said, “I have to go give a statement at the popo station. Gabriel here said I could hitch a ride with him. I’ll explain everything when I get back, pinky promise.”

  Glaring at me, she turned and marched off without another word.

  “That went well.”

  Gabe shook his head slowly and headed to the passenger side door. He helped me inside carefully, and then walked to his own door, jumping in a lot more gracefully than I had. The truck started with a dull roar, vibrations started and gave me a little feeling of euphoria. There was something about a good sounding truck that did it for me.

  “This sounds great! When did you get this?”

  “Yesterday, actually. I needed to be able to do stuff that my bike couldn’t do.” He said simply.

  “Well that’s cool. Can I drive it?” I asked sweetly.

  “Absolutely not. I’ve known you for a year now, and you’ve gotten into two fender benders and sideswiped a car. No way will I let you touch my brand new truck.” He said firmly.

  “Oh that’s bullshit! None of those were my fault!”

  “Whose fault was it?”

  “Well the time I sideswiped a car, it was because there was this massive grasshopper in the car with me. He flew in my window and landed on my leg. I tried to flick it off, but he started going crazy and trying to attack me. I don’t do bugs, and I swear to God this one was a mutant.”

  “Whatever. You’re still not getting my truck in your crazy hands.”

  Sulking now, because he might could possibly be right, I watched as we passed all the sights and sounds of Kilgore downtown. The police station was located in the historical district. Flowers were dying in the potted plants that lined the middle of the road. Texas heat in the summer was a bitch, and when it didn’t rain, it got even worse. Everything was brown by the time summer ended.

  Each bump that Gabe hit jolted my back, and made tears threaten to spill out of my eyes now that my painkillers were wearing off. Not that I said anything. Gabe wasn’t meaning to hit every fucking pothole on this side of the Texas line; he was just doing that naturally. I wasn’t going to say anything because I knew he’d feel bad if I made him aware of it. I just wanted to get this shit over with as fast as possible and go back to that nice warm bed of Gabe’s. Preferably with him in it. Underneath me, with that lovely cock I saw a quick preview of inside of me.

  Gabe found a parking space close to the front doors, and walked around to my door. I was a tad nervous. I’d never been to the police station before, and I didn’t know what to expect. Gabe’s presence at my side calmed me down some as we walked through the double glass doors. It wasn’t anything special. Just a lobby to the left there was a door with metal detectors on it. To the right there was another door with a locked keypad entry. Towards the front was a glass wall with women sitting behind the glass waiting on the citizens.

  I opened my mouth to ask Gabe where to go when a man I’ve only met a handful of times walked out of the room to my right. Luke Roberts. He sure was a cutie. Tall with a nice build. He had a shock of bleach blonde hair that was clipped in a no nonsense cut close to his scalp. He was wearing jeans and a KPD shirt, which stood for the Kilgore Police Department. He strode right on up to us and did the man hug/shake with Gabe.

  They were both nearly the same height, Gabe just a tad shorter than Luke. Where Luke was blonde, Gabe was dark. Where Luke had a light tan, Gabe had a nice golden brown. Luke looked like a golden warrior, where Gabe reminded me of a death angel. His looks were dark and menacing. Gabe was wearing a Black t-shirt with dark washed jeans and motorcycle boots.

  Luke turned to me after his man hug and made eye contact.

  “How ya’ doin’, Ember?” Luke asked me.

  Glancing around, I scratched my arms with my nails. “I guess as good as I can be. Can we get this shit over with, please? This place is giving me hives.”

  Luke looked a tad startled by my blunt reply, but Gabe wasn’t. He was wearing a shit-eating grin.

  Luke spun on his heel and headed back to the locked door; Gabe and I followed behind. He led us through a maze of hallways, passing through what looked like a huge room with desks everywhere, and finally coming to a stop at a small office. He held the door open for us, and closed it behind us. He made a gesture to a seat that was in front of a rickety old desk. We all took our spots.

  “Alright, let’s get this show on the road.” I said to him, and then went into my tale without preamble.

  As I spoke, Gabe stood behind me and gave me moral support. I didn’t think I really needed it, though. Yes, it was a horrible thing that happened to me. Yes, it could have been a hundred times worse, but it wasn’t. I was hurt, but I wasn’t raped. I was roughed up, but I wasn’t so bad that I needed a hospital stay. I think my mind was trying to protect me on the could-a-beens. Everyone was expecting me to fall apart, but I wasn’t going to give the fucker the pleasure. I was royally pissed.

  Luke spoke in gentle tones when asking me questions, and when we were through, he gave a long drawn out sigh and ran his hands over his face roughly.

  “Alright, this is what’s going on.” He started. “Apparently there is a new process the Blue Skulls are using when they initiate their newest members. The senior members follow the initiates around for a few days, and see the people that they hang with, or that they look up to the most. If they see that certain someone, then the seniors think up acts that they know the initiates won’t want to do so they can prove that they are loyal to the Blue Skulls. The victim has to be someone you know, or have helped. The reason we know all this is that we caught a perp about a week and a half ago beating the shit out of an older woman who gave him side work when she knew the boy could use the money. The neighbors heard the commotion and the cops got there in time to catch the little fucker. He was only thirteen, so he was an easy crack. The old woman is dead, by the way. We aren’t sure if another member did it, but she was released from the hospital on a Monday. Later that week we got a well check on her when the granddaughter couldn’t reach her; found her dead in the kitchen. Gunshot wound to the head. We can only assume that it was related. And that’s how we end up with all of this.” He said as he waved his hands over the notes he took.

  Gabe packed like a caged panther. His movements were graceful, yet calculated. I watched mesmerized as veins pulsed up and down his arms. His hands fisted at his side.

  “Gabe.” I whispered.

  Gabe took a deep breath, and then turned to me with his Terminator face. He looked like he was ready to kill someone, and I’m pretty sure he would’ve if the option had been available to him right now. The guy who’d done this to me wouldn’t have even stood a chance.

  “Okay, we’re going to put round the clock surveillance on her. Do we need to worry about her friends?” he asked.

  “Not that I am aware of. The granddaughter lived with her and wasn’t harmed.” Luke said.

  “Okay. We’re gonn
a get out of here. Here is my number in case you need any more information, or you have anything more for us. Thanks for your time.” Gabe said as he handed Luke a card with his cell phone number on it.

  A uniformed officer escorted us out to the lobby, and we left the building shortly after that. Gabe’s eyes never stopped scanning. He looked like a man possessed. Gone was the Gabe that was a silent mountain at your shoulder. In his place was a man that rather terrified me. I’ve never seen anyone with such intense concentration. He was ready to kill if needed. And it was all for me.

  Gabe came to a sudden halt about four car lengths from his truck. I was walking behind him, checking out his ass when I smacked into his back. His arm hooked around my waist and he shoved me behind him tight, his body strung tight. My arms went around his waist reflexively and I stood waiting for what was about to happen. I chanced a peek over his shoulder and blanched at what I saw.

  There was a blue older model Buick with those really big wheels. You know the kind, the ones where they look like monster truck rims with about an inch of tire. That’s not what made my stomach feel like it dropped to my feet though. No, it was the two young kids, maybe sixteen, leaning against the trunk with blue bandana wrapped around their heads. Their eyes were trained in a different direction, but it was obvious they were there to intimidate me. Show me that they hadn’t forgotten about me. A quick glance around the parking lot showed that they were drawing the attention of the cops that came and went hourly for shift change. Two were leaned up against their own squad cars, just waiting to see if anything happened. They hadn’t done anything wrong, so there was no reason to confront them. Apparently, it didn’t mean they couldn’t be watched like hawks.

  Suddenly they got up from their perches and rounded the car, got in, started it up, and roared away, bass thumping as all those cars do now these days. Gabe visibly relaxed, his arm disengaging from around my waist. He started walking again, making sure to have my hand in a firm grip.


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