Highway Don't Care (Freebirds)

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Highway Don't Care (Freebirds) Page 11

by Vale, Lani Lynn

  Ember rounded the edge of the building before I caught up to her. She probably would have gotten further if she wasn’t wearing such ridiculously tight pants. Not that they didn’t do awesome things for her ass.

  “Ember! Stop!” I ground out before hooking my arm around her waist and dragging her up against my chest.

  “Fuck off, douche bag.” She spit. “I don’t have to do shit.”

  “Would you just give me a fucking second to explain?” I questioned.

  Twisting and turning in my hold, I readjusted my grip to where I hopefully wasn’t hurting her.

  “Why would I need to have you explain? Your arm around another woman was enough explanation for me.” She said wriggling in my hold.

  She was kicking and scratching now. She was like a little hell cat trying to get away.

  “It’s my fucking job, Ember! Ask anyone. Your brother. Cheyenne. Call Sam and ask him what I’m doing tonight. Go ahead and call him. Never mind. I’ll call him for you.”

  Figuring restraining her was the best way to go about calling Sam, but wanting to keep her where she was, I tossed her over my shoulder in a firefighter’s carry before digging out my phone. Tiny fists beat into the small of my back, her nails trying to grasp the limited fat that was back there. Smacking her ass to get her to quiet down, I hit Sam’s name and waited for two rings before he picked up.

  “Get Lark all settled in her new place?” Sam asked.

  “Yea, about that. Will you tell my hardheaded woman exactly what I was doing with Lark so she’ll stop trying to rip my balls off?” I asked him.

  Sam’s short bark of laughter didn’t appease any of my anger. I was still mad. Not necessarily at Ember, but at the situation.

  “Oh, God. Is she really trying? That sounds like something she’d do. Hand her the phone.”

  “It’s on speaker phone, asshole.”

  “Ember, honey. Listen to Gabe. Lark is one of our Freebirds. She just relocated tonight. I told him not to give out too much information yet because she’d be living here. Sorry Ember, you can let his balls go now.”

  Ember slowly retracted her claws from my back, and then her whole body seemed to lose its tension and she felt like a dead weight. Hanging up with Sam, I shoved my phone back into my pocket before I set her back down on her feet. Her head hung, refusing to meet my eyes.

  “Talk to me, minha garota louca.”

  “You just called me a crazy bitch, didn’t you?”

  “Uhhh, no. Not exactly.”

  “You did, didnt you?” She said before finally meeting my eyes.

  I saw fear there. She looked terrified.

  “I called you my crazy girl. What’s wrong?”

  “I fucked up. I’m sorry for jumping to conclusions. I didnt mean to, but seeing you there with someone else, your arm wrapped around her, it hurt. A lot. You’re making me crazy.”

  “I know what it looked like, sweetheart. I would have been feeling the same thing. Although, I’d have fucked the guy up first, asked questions later.” I said and then kissed her nose, and then her mouth.

  She exhaled loudly and wrapped her arms around my body, burying her head into my chest. Her nose skimmed over my nipple, and it hardened underneath the light touch. It was then that I remembered those jeans that looked like they’d been painted on. My hand slowy inched down her back until it cupped her ass. The rhinestones were rough against the palm of my hand. I growled unintentionally at the way her ass fit so perfectly in the palm of my hand.

  A shrill shrieking siren pierced the still night air behind the resturant. My phone was wedged between our two bodies so I had to lose some of the closeness that we’d aquired in the last few minutes. Reaching into my pocket for my phone, I answered it without looking at the display.


  “We’re heading out, I assume you’ve got her under control. I sent Lark home. Made sure she had all her stuff together. Catch you in the AM.” Max said before hanging up, leaving me no room to reply before he was gone.

  Shoving the phone back into my pocket, I yanked Ember’s body back where I wanted it. Where I wanted her stay. Forever. I wouldn’t tell her that yet though. She was like a feral cat at times. Startle her, or get too close when she doesnt want you to, and you better watch out for your eyes because she was about to be clawing them.

  I took possession of her mouth. My tongue entered her mouth, her lips parting, sucking my tongue, giving erotic flicks likes she does when she flicks the head of my dick with her tongue. Just thinking about having her mouth on my cock put my body into overdrive.

  Growling, I shifted us to where her back was up against the building and her legs were around my waist. I ground my cock into her mound, wishing I could fill her hot slick skin wrapped around my cock. Reaching in between us, I took hold of the edge of her jeans and pulled, making sure to pop every button open. Wasting no time, my fingers dove inside her pants and underwear. Delving into her folds, I found her entrance with my fingers and drove three fingers all the way in to the webbing. Crooking them slightly towards the front of her body, I worked my fingers in and out of her, over and over again. I could hear the slick sound of her sex in the quiet of the night. The sound was turning me on beyond belief.

  Ember’s head fell to my shoulder; her teeth sank in to the cord of my neck, likely leaving a mark. A faint noise of shuffling feet sounded to our right, and I turned my head and watched one of the waiters walking to his car. He didn’t notice us though, his attention on the girl that was running up behind him at a fast clip. Moving deeper into the shadows, I continued my ministrations, but kept an eye out to make sure we stayed unnoticed.

  “Gabe.” She whispered.

  Her head lifted up off my shoulders when the couple started talking beside a later model Ford Mustang. Finally noticing we were no longer alone, I could feel her start to get wetter. She liked the possibility of being caught. Good to know that she was as into this as I was, because it was about to go a lot further if she didn’t do something to stop me.

  “Tell me to stop.” I whispered against her lips.

  She flicked her eyes up to me, and then returned them to the couple a few car lengths away from us. They were standing under the bring light of a street lamp where as we were cocooned in the shadow of the building. Shielded on one side by a cinder block wall and on the other side by a large power pole about three feet in diameter. The duo was laughing and carrying on about some customers that had just eaten there. Not that I could give a fuck at that moment.

  “I want your cock inside me; I don’t want you to stop.” She said quietly.

  “Baby, these pants are so tight I don’t think you’d be able to get them down. You’d be practically naked if we did this here.” I said reluctantly while starting to pull away.

  Her vaginal muscles clamped down on my fingers, and her legs tightened around my back, keeping me exactly where I was. I knew I didn’t have much control left, and if she didn’t let me go quick, she was going to be pant less with me in her in no time at all.

  “Ember.” I said gruffly looking into her lust filled eyes.


  “Let me take you somewhere else. I promise we won’t drive far, just far enough to get us somewhere a little more private. Where I don’t have to worry about someone catching us with our pants down.”

  “Okay, but hurry. God, I need you inside of me. I’m so close. Just go over there, behind those trees.”

  It was at this point that I didn’t give a fuck where we went. Dropping her legs from around my waist, she buttoned her jeans and took my hand. I led her to my bike, passing the couple as we left. They looked startled to see us come out of nowhere, but I didn’t give them much to process since I was on a mission. I handed her the helmet that was a permanent fixture on my bike now. She fit the helmet onto her head, and climbed onto the bike. Doing the same, I started the bike up with a deafening roar.

  Gunning the engine, I made for the back of the buildings and the woods
that proceeded it. Pulling into an alcove that was lined on two sides with wood, and one with a brick building I aimed the bike for the deepest part of the shadows. I wasted no time shutting off the engine and then getting ember to her feet. I made quick work of the buttons, shoving her jeans down to her ankles, effectively hobbling her to where she couldn’t move.

  I pushed her forward, making her ass rise in the air, permitting me the perfect view of her delectable backside and wet channel. Losing all the control I’d managed to hold onto, I yanked the buttons on my own jeans, freeing my cock in the next second. One second I was in my jeans, the next I was buried to the hilt inside her, bumping her cervix with the head of my cock. I ground my cock deeper, feeling her body tremor.

  “God, Gabe. Stop jacking around and fuck me already. I want it hard.” Ember said.

  That’s my girl.

  Pulling back my hips, I pulled free of her all together and she moaned despair. Wriggling her ass, she tried to get me back inside, but I had different plans. I wasn’t going to last much longer, and I wanted to make sure she got off before I did.

  Dropping down to my knees, her ass and pussy were at eye level. I leaned forward and licked from her clit to her entrance. Repeatedly, I gave her those teasing licks. She ground her ass back into my mouth, and I reached up with my hands and shoved two thick fingers inside of her. Over and over, I pumped them inside of her, all the while sucking and licking her clit.

  It didn’t take long and I could feel her body clenching and unclenching around my fingers. Finally, she started to come, and I could wait no longer. Standing, I slammed inside of her, continually, grunting with my effort. I could still feel her insides contracting, and it sent me over the edge myself. I poured my come inside of her, spurt after spurt drenching her insides.

  Panting, I pulled out of her slowly. My cock popped free with a soft plop, and Ember moaned at the sudden emptiness. Her head rested on the seat of the bike, her beautiful hair lay scattered over the seat, and falling down the other side.

  “You’re so beautiful.” I said to her.

  She gave a soft laugh, and then leaned up. She reached down and pulled her jeans up, but didn’t button them.

  “Alright, I’ll suck in, you button.” Ember said sheepishly.

  Rolling my eyes, I reached down to button her pants. Why she wore pants that she couldn’t button without laying down was beyond me. Must be a woman thing.

  Once they were buttoned, she wrapped her hands around me and gave me a soft kiss on the lips.

  “Take me home, babe.”

  “Gladly.” I said.

  We were on the back road to Kilgore when the car came out of nowhere. One second I was starting at a dark road ahead and behind me, and the next headlights came right up to my back tire.

  Fearing he would clip my tire and send us flying, I gunned the throttle and took off, going at least twice the speed limit. Luckily, the car didn’t have the same get up and go that my bike did. They’d also never tried to catch a bike either. When I was sixteen and got my first motorcycle, I made it a priority to know my bike inside and out. I knew the beast like the back of my hand. I knew how it handled, how it rode, and what it could do. Right then, I knew it could take a corner a lot faster than that car could, and I was going to prove it to them.

  Seeing the nearly 90 degree turn up ahead, I heard Ember’s panic emanating from behind me. I just prayed that she trusted me enough to hold on and not let go. The car was gaining on us quick, and I knew I needed to do something. Pressing the clutch in, I decelerated at an alarming rate, but I had complete control I saw how I was going to take this turn, and then accelerate through it. I knew that beyond this turn was a straight patch for nearly a mile and a half. There I was going to lose these fuckers, and then join them at their own game.

  I did just that too. One second they were nearly on me, and the next I was going through all of my gears. The headlights were behind me a good distance now, and I knew they wouldn’t be able to catch me if I didn’t want them to. I was up to 120 before I started looking for a place to pull off. Spotting a good spot, I braked hard and pulled off the side of the road, hitting the lights.

  I stopped behind an old rotted pine, and tapped Ember’s leg three times.

  “Get off, I’m going to go catch them, and then come back for you. In the meantime I want you to take this,” I said handing her my spare Glock I kept in the saddle bags, “and hide right here. Call Sam and tell him what’s going on.”

  She nodded in understanding, and then hid down behind the pine. Slipping her phone out of her shirt, I heard her make a call to Sam and explain what was going on. The car passed us with a blast of air, and I started the bike back up and tore after them, leaving my light off as not to alert them that I was there. I caught up with them a minute or so later.

  Luckily, they were going a lot slower now, thinking they’d lost me, or this wouldn’t have worked so well. Taking the .45 out of the pancake holster at my back, I took aim with my right arm, and shot out their left rear tire. It didn’t take long and they lost control. The car pulled hard to the right, and then flipped several brutal times before coming to a stop in a ditch that ran along the side of the road wheels up in the air.

  I stopped about twenty feet away and waited to see if they would emerge. They didn’t, and I wasn’t stupid enough to go to them, so I waited too. It didn’t take long and until I could hear bikes roaring in the distance, and knew the cavalry had shown. We were maybe ten minutes from Free, so I knew they’d had to be hauling ass to get here this fast.

  I watched and waited for whoever was in the car to emerge; they didn’t disappoint. Slowly one fell out, and then the other. Both were coughing and moaning, but I felt not one iota of remorse. These crazy fucks could have killed my woman, and I’d be damned if I’d feel sorry for nearly killing them when they almost took something from me that meant everything.

  Getting off my bike with my .45 still in my hand, I walked up to them slowly. They noticed me at the same time and raised their hands into the air. Now that I was closer, I could tell that they were still very young. Fifteen or sixteen at most.

  “Face down on the ground, keep your hands behind your head. No sudden movements or you’ll be sportin’ a new hole. Don’t test me; if you do, I won’t hesitate. I don’t relish shooting a kid, but damned if I won’t do it.”

  Jack was the first to arrive, followed shortly by James. They pulled up beside by bike, and walked up cautiously. This wasn’t their first rodeo. They were coming blind into a situation, and they were being careful, taking in the situation and their surroundings in seconds. It was clear what was going on, but one could never be too careful.

  “See you have a situation here, where’s Ember?” James asked.

  “She’s about a half a mile back that way.” I said while pointing back behind me.

  James nodded, and then got on his bike to go get her. She was probably scared shitless waiting for me. I loved a smart woman who knew how to deal with a scary situation. Ember was cool under fire, knew when to argue, and knew when to just sit back and listen. She wasn’t one of those silly girls who went charging head first into a situation she knew she couldn’t handle.

  Sirens could be heard in the distance and I cursed. Someone must have heard the accident and called them. I wanted to question them, and it looked like I wouldn’t have the chance to unless I made it quick.

  Crouching down, I grabbed the first one by the head, and stuck the pistol against his temple. The boy had blood running from his nose and mouth, but that didn’t sway me from my course.

  “Tell me what your orders were. Who is giving them?”

  “Fuck you.” man boy number one said.

  “No, that’ll be you in a very short time if you don’t start talking. Do you know what kind of connections I have? Do you want to watch your ass every time you bend over while you’re in lockup?” I asked dully.

  I could make these two kids life a living hell, and I would if they
didn’t give me what I wanted. They’d talk eventually.

  “You ain’t got that type of pull.” Man boy number two said.

  “Do you want to find out? I can get back to you in a couple of days; see what you have to say then. Personally, I hope you choose that option. I bet you both would enjoy it after a while.”

  “You ain’t got nothin’.” Man boy number one said.

  “Alright, I’ll come visit in a few days, we’ll see then.” I said before backing away.

  The sirens were right on us now, lights bathing the black night red and blue. Two Rusk County Sherriff cars pulled up about two seconds after I put my .45 away. Wouldn’t be good for them to see an armed man standing over two individuals that clearly just got in a wreck.

  One was a heavy set, and one who was a little older in years who looked like he’d seen it all. The other was a young black man who probably was still wet behind the ears. They both took in the situation noting the two mammoth Harleys parked there, the two huge men in black, and a couple of kids with their hands on their heads. It didn’t look like it would be a fun explanation. Especially when the cops immediately stiffened and moved their hands closer to their guns. Not placing them on them, but close enough to get to them if needed. That was a sign of a good cop, always ready for what could happen, whether it good or bad.

  “Officer.” I said and nodded my head to them both.

  “What’s going on here?”

  Before they could receive their answer, James pulled up behind their cars, Ember on the back. Not wearing a helmet, I might add.

  “Where’s your fuckin’ helmet?” I asked distracted from the original question posed by the officer.

  “Well, I took it off to sit on it, but when I heard James, I took off towards the road, and kind of left it behind.” She said sheepishly.


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