The Wild Within (Book 2)

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The Wild Within (Book 2) Page 35

by Jeff Hale

  The limo pulled up to a drop off area in front of the club and we got out. The driver assured us that he would be waiting in the parking area and to just give him a call and he would be right there to pick us up. It was almost noon and there was no one out front. The wide glass doors opened into a large lobby, at the end of which was a very tall set of wooden double doors with stylized flames engraved on each door. Darien pushed one of the doors open impatiently and headed into the foyer beyond. It opened into a fancy dining area that was almost empty. A young man dressed in black slacks and a white shirt approached us.

  “How many in your party?” he asked, smiling at us.

  “We’re not here to eat, we’re here to find… friends,” Darien answered.

  “Well, if they aren’t in the dining area, the club proper is through those curtains.” The young man turned and pointed towards a set of crimson velvet curtains that hung from an archway on the far side of the room.

  “Thanks.” Darien made for the curtains, ignoring the host’s nod. He pulled them back and I could hear music playing from the other side at a tolerable decibel. Matt and I stepped back to let Lochlan follow behind Darien, then Roslyn and Kris, then we both entered behind them.

  The floor of the room seemed to be made of glass, with multicolored flashes of light randomly showing up at different sections. Clear tubes snaked their way around the walls and floor edges, jets of flame traveling through them. There was a large bar on the left hand side, as well as a smaller one surrounded by a small seating area at the far end, and a DJ booth built up into the wall opposite us. Despite the music, the booth appeared empty.

  Standing directly in front of Lochlan and Darien and barring their way were two huge Cyclopes, each of them easily twelve feet tall, and sporting medieval looking armor. At least, I assumed they were Cyclopes; they each had only one eye smack dab in the middle of their foreheads. They were obviously agitated, more so it seemed with Lochlan than with Darien.

  “Well that’s not something you see every day,” Matt commented to me, inclining his head at the two men who were staring up at the two Cyclopes, necks craned.

  “No, it isn’t,” I agreed with him.

  We stayed right where we were, Kris and Roslyn in between us and silently staring at the Cyclopes, not wanting to make those things mad. I wasn’t sure what they were capable of, but until I had a bit more knowledge, I wasn’t going to test it. It looked like Darien was being just as prudent; hot headed he might be, stupid he wasn’t.

  Lochlan, on the other hand, was having no problem showing his irritation. Between the overconfidence of being an Alpha and the general disdain that vampires seemed to have for most things that were still living, he was trying to intimidate the creatures.

  As we watched, he slowly rose into the air, feet leaving the floor, until he floated at eye level with the creatures blocking his and Darien’s path. I had no clue what kind of shifter Lochlan was, other than he wasn’t canine, and I highly doubted feline, so I wasn’t sure whether this was a shifter power or a vampire power that he was using, or a combination of both.

  “—no be starin’ down yer brute noses at me!” he was saying, ire evident in his voice. “I come for me daughter, an’ ye’ll no’ stop me getting’ er!”

  “Enough!” a voice exclaimed, in a manner that had the intensity of a shout, without having the volume.

  A man was striding effortlessly towards us from the far right hand side of the room. He wasn’t very tall, and he seemed very fragile, but there was a strength that exuded from him. He wore a white suit, with a black shirt and red tie. He had long silver hair that fell to his waist, clipped back at the nape of his neck to keep it out of his face. It seemed to move slightly, as though an invisible wind were blowing it.

  “I will not tolerate vampire insolence in my establishment! Set your feet back on the floor and state your business. I may or may not be inclined to help you!”

  Darien went very still and I wondered if he was sensing the same thing off this man that I was. Decay and death, fresh earth and life, and a power that felt somewhat familiar. Darien took a few steps back, until he was standing almost directly in front of me, and gave the newcomer a respectful look, the same one that was probably on my own face.

  “Who—what—the hell is that?” Matt whispered.

  He, too, had moved closer to me, so that the three of us now stood between the silver haired… man… and Roslyn and Kris. I felt a hand on my shoulder as Kris peered over it.

  “No clue, but I’m thinking it may not be such a good idea for your boss to piss him off,” Darien answered.

  The Cyclopes had both backed away with the appearance of the silver haired person, but Lochlan held his ground, or spot in the air, so that he was looking down on the man.

  “Me daughter is bein’ held here an’ I want to see ‘er, now!” Lochlan demanded with all the arrogance of someone who is used to people scurrying to do his bidding. I was pretty sure he was oblivious to the raw power that the white suited man was exuding.

  Power flared through the room, skimming across my nerves and setting my hair on end, causing both Darien and me to shudder. The silver haired man’s form took on a brief shimmer, heat rolling off of it, and Lochlan fell unceremoniously to the floor.

  “No one tells me what to do, especially in my own home, and especially not some demon tainted creature!” The voice that came out of the man sounded like flames forming words, hissing and crackling. “I see no reason not to burn you where you lie! And don’t think I don’t see you over there as well, vampire whelp, you just haven’t provoked me… yet.”

  “Holy shit, what is that thing?” There was uncertainty in Matt’s voice.

  “I’m not one hundred percent certain, but I think it might be some kind of demigod,” I whispered back.

  “That’s because it is,” Darien said evenly. He stepped away from us, palms outstretched to show goodwill, and approached the man. “Look, sir, I know this man behaved rudely, but it’s only out of concern,” Darien said. It looked like Lochlan had come face to face with ‘bigger and badder’. Lochlan was getting to his feet and made a show of straightening his jacket. His hat lay on the floor behind him where it had been jarred off his head.

  The silver haired head swung toward Darien, the unnatural heat fading. “At least the shifter shows respect, guesses what I might be,” the man said, his words directed at Lochlan. He gave Lochlan a scrutinizing look. “And you were once like him, before the demon taint was put on you, and not so long ago either… you should know better. Tell me this ‘concern’ of yours, and I’ll decide then whether you live or burn.”

  The arrogance seemed to have drained from Lochlan. I wasn’t sure if he realized just exactly what it was he was facing, or he finally realized that diplomacy was the better part of tact. He gave the demigod a stiff bow.

  “Please tae excuse me manners, m’lord…”

  “Lucien,” the silver haired man supplied.

  “M’lord Lucien,” Lochlan continued. “I have it under good counsel tha’ me daughter is bein’ held ‘ere, an’ all I wish is her safe return.”

  A look of surprise crossed Lucien’s face. “There is no one here being held against their will, rakshasa. Such a thing would not be allowed.” The tone of his voice suggested that he was insulted that someone would even imply such a thing.

  Lochlan started to say something again but Darien held up a hand for him to be silent. Surprisingly, Lochlan obeyed.

  “A person named Aerick abducted her from us, sir. She phoned us last night to let us know that she was all right, but that she was here. We’ve come to take her home,” Darien told the man diplomatically.

  Lucien stepped closer to Darien, staring at him intently, before turning his attention to me and motioning for me to join Darien. When Matt started to follow as well, Lucien’s stern glare kept him in his place, but Lucien didn’t budge when Roslyn moved to stand next to Lochlan, Kris remaining back with Matt. Once I was next to Darien, L
ucien gave me the same careful study.

  “You must be Katelyn’s pack,” Lucien said finally, nodding to himself.

  “Yes!” Darien bobbed his head emphatically. “Kat is my mate.”

  Lucien just smiled, barking out a short laugh. “I’m not so sure on that part, shifter.” He turned his interest to Lochlan, eyes narrowing as he saw Roslyn’s hand gripped tightly in the hybrid’s. “And a vampire for a father? Neither she nor Aerick mentioned that.”

  Lochlan ducked his head, showing a regret I hadn’t expected. “She wouldna. Tha lass thinks I’m dead, tha’ I have been sen’ she was a wee babe.”

  “And so the world changes and you decide to come out from under your rock and reclaim your family?” Lucien asked sarcastically, once again letting his gaze rest on Roslyn.

  “She’s me daughter.”

  “And that’s the only reason you live, vampire.” Little flames danced in Lucien’s black eyes. “There is no vampire family in Las Vegas, I do not allow it, and I don’t tolerate vampires well in my city. There is a valid reason why Aerick brought your Katelyn here. The biggest boon you’ll get from me is your life, but I want you out of Las Vegas. I believe the nearest vampire enclave you’ll find is Reno, so I suggest you and your little vampire friend get yourselves there. Immediately.”

  He flicked his glance over Kris and Roslyn then looked back at Darien and me. “The two human women, and you two, however, are welcome to stay, as long as you behave yourselves. You may not find Katelyn’s situation to your liking. My office is through there, come see me when those human mosquitoes are gone.” With that he turned his back and disappeared through a door in the far wall.

  “So, wha’ do ye thin’ would ‘appen if I din’t leave?” Lochlan asked Darien, leaning down to pick his hat up off the floor before replacing it back on his head.

  “Honestly?” Darien threw an appraising glance toward the door Lucien had gone through before turning a solemn look on Lochlan. “I think Matt would be explaining to your Alpha that you were little bits of ash… that is, if he let Matt live as well and didn’t toast him out of spite. Pardon my bluntness, Lochlan, but what in hell possessed you to come in here and start pushing people around?”

  Lochlan gave Darien a hard stare before answering. “I been a shifter for nigh on two ‘undred years, laddie, an’ an Alpha tha whole time. Tha only reason I’m no’ tha Alpha o’ the West Coast rakshasa pack is ‘cause Karl DeSoto was Alpha first, an’ ‘e’s me best fren’. I’m nay used ta ‘aving people stan’ up tae me.”

  “But aren’t you an even younger vampire than Matt? How come you’re so high up the totem pole?” I asked, gesturing toward Matt, who gave me a ‘leave me out of this’ look.

  “Makes no difference. It’s wha’ ye are in here tha’ counts.” Lochlan tapped his chest with his fist. He gave the two Cyclopes, who were advancing on us with determined expressions, a quick look. “Let’s get out of ‘ere, afore those two decide tae escort us out.”

  We needed no further encouragement, following Lochlan back out of the club and into the dry Las Vegas heat again. He made a quick call on his cell phone and the limo showed up shortly.

  “Matty an’ I will head on tae Reno,” he told us, then put his hands on Roslyn’s shoulders. “Roslyn, love, a vampire house is nae place for ye or tha human lass, an’ I would feel better if ye stayed here. It looks as if several of tha hotels are open, sae get a room here in town, assure yerself tha’ our daughter is all right, then send ‘er on tae Reno tae meet me. Just don’t say anythin’ tae her about me. I’m afraid she might refuse tae see me if she knows. Once I’ve gotten tha’ settled, we’ll figure out wha’ tae do from there.”

  He opened the door and stepped into the car, his gaze meeting Darien’s. “I’ll give ye a call when we get there, tell ye tha address. I would consider it a favor, Darien, if ye would bring me daughter to me, jus’ tell ‘er it’s important if she asks why.” Darien inclined his head in assent. “An’ sorry ta say, ye’ll have to tae drive, since Matty and I will be usin’ the jet.”

  “We’ll figure it out, Lochlan, and I’ll give Matt a call to let you know when we’re on our way. It might take awhile though, I don’t know what her situation is at the moment.” Darien glanced back at the club.

  “Wha’ever it takes, just do it.” Lochlan pulled the door shut and the limo eased its way out of the parking lot. We watched it leave, then turned to head back into the club.

  “So what do we do now?” Kris asked as we passed back into the club.

  “We go talk to that man about where Kat is, I guess. He didn’t seem too forthcoming earlier though,” Darien replied.

  “He’ll damn well tell me where my daughter is,” Roslyn declared, blue eyes flashing as she gave the two Cyclopes an irritated look.

  We moved through the club towards the door the silver-haired man had entered. There was an engraved nameplate on it that read: Lucien—Owner. Darien raised a hand and gave the door a sharp rap.

  A voice from within told us that the door was open and Darien turned the knob, pushing the door forward slightly before stepping into the room beyond. Roslyn followed close on his heels, Kris right behind her, and I shut the door behind me, leaning against it and watching the two women settle into the chairs that Lucien indicated.

  His desk was made of wrought gold, carved with ancient symbols that I didn’t recognize but I thought might be South American. It was incredibly warm in the room, enough to almost make me start to perspire, but not quite. The carpeting was thick and luxurious, and brilliant shade of orange red that should have screamed seventies but didn’t.

  Darien didn’t sit, but instead stood a respectful distance from the desk, not too far from me. Lucien was writing something in a large ledger, finally putting the pen aside and closing the book before turning his attention to the four of us.

  “So you’ve come to collect your wayward sheep, have you?” he asked, his tone indifferent. He pushed back from his desk, leaning back in his chair as he looked at us.

  Roslyn gave him a brief nod. “We’ve come to take Kat, home, yes.”

  “And who would you be?” He asked it, but I was pretty sure he already knew.

  “Her mother,” Roslyn replied tersely.

  “My, my, parents coming out of the woodwork. Home is Washington State if I remember correctly?” Lucien skewed his dark eyes toward Darien and me. “And you two, is that your home as well?”

  Darien shook his head. “No, sir. Alex and I tend to travel a lot, we don’t stay in one place very long.”

  “And what happens after Katelyn goes home with her mother? Always assuming she chooses to. What then?” Lucien asked.

  “Whatever she wants, I guess. She could stay with her mom, but she’d be safer, better off—”

  “With the pack? With you?” Lucien interrupted. He leaned forward suddenly, eyes intent on Darien for several moments. “Your soul is attached to hers, I see that, but do you love her? Really love her?”

  Darien was silent for the longest time, and I could see the muscles in his neck and shoulders bunch and tense as he thought about Lucien’s question. It was one I had considered many times already and I wasn’t sure even Darien knew the answer to it yet. He finally shrugged.

  “I don’t know. I think I do, but I don’t know for sure, I just know that I need her, that I’ll do anything for her, to make her happy.” Darien’s voice was strained and I was surprised he was opening up to this stranger, actually telling him things that it would take some major prying, even on my part, to get out of him.

  “Even if it means letting her go?” Lucien raised an eyebrow.

  Darien didn’t reply, only took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

  “As I thought,” Lucien said. “Just remember that, pack or not, it’s her life and her choice, wolf, and that you may drive her away forever if you try to force her hand. Anyway,” and he sat up straight, placing both hands on the top of his desk, “she’s not here right now. Despite my warnings
, they all decided to drive up to Lake Mead for the day, enjoy the sun and the water. I’ve no clue when they’ll be back, but you’re welcome to wait. The club is still pretty empty at the moment, but there’s a dining area where you can get drinks and food if you wish.”

  I knew a dismissal when I heard one and I opened the door, giving Lucien a nod.

  “You won’t keep me from seeing my daughter?” Roslyn asked, standing. Kris was already moving out of the room, but Darien stopped to wait for Katelyn’s mother.

  Lucien looked back up at her. “Madam, I try my best not to force anyone to do anything. Only Katelyn can make the decision to see you, any of you, and to leave with you. Believe me when I tell you she is safer here in Las Vegas than back where you live though.”

  “Thank you, for protecting her.”

  Lucien gave her a nod, returning to his paperwork, and she finally walked out of the room, Darien right behind her.

  “So what do you want to do?” I asked outside of Lucien’s office.

  “Do you really have to ask?” Darien gave me disgruntled look.

  “It could be a long wait, from the way he was talking,” Kris said, glancing back at the door we had just come from.

  “Kris, why don’t you and I go get a hotel room across the street?” Roslyn suggested. “I know I’m still tired, you probably are too. If you boys are planning on waiting here, can you give us a call when she gets back? On Kris’s cell phone though, since mine had a small accident.” She gave Darien a half smile.

  “That sounds like a good idea, you’ll just get more stressed waiting.” He nodded. “We’ll get hold of you as soon as she gets here.”

  Roslyn rose up on her toes and planted a kiss on Darien’s cheek. “The minute she does, got it?”

  “And behave, you promised me, Darien,” Kris added, then followed Roslyn out of the building.

  He watched them leave, frowning, then sighed.

  I rolled my eyes. “It’s going to be a long day, especially with your moody self.”


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