The Wild Within (Book 2)

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The Wild Within (Book 2) Page 43

by Jeff Hale

  “Wait,” Henry called as we picked our way to the door. I felt eyes on my back and I wasn’t sure I liked leaving myself exposed to attack, but Darien didn’t seem to have a problem with it.

  “What?” Darien asked tersely.

  “You haven’t formally relinquished my pack yet.” There was challenge in Henry’s eyes.

  Darien sighed and lifted a hand. One finger changed just enough to form a claw, which he used to slash across the fingers of his other hand. He made a quick motion with the newly injured fingers that flung fresh blood onto the floor in front of Henry. “I formally relinquish you, and yours, Henry… under the condition that you never again lay a hand, claw, or tooth on me or mine, under pain of retribution.”

  “What if they ask for it?” Henry inquired, licking his lips and gazing at me lewdly.

  Darien’s eyes swung toward me, saw the disgust in them that I directed toward Henry. “Doubtful, but fine. Unless they ask for it. Witnessed?”

  Henry’s shifters and Alex all shouted, “Witnessed!” the word reverberating around the room. Henry and Darien both turned eyes to me, since I hadn’t said anything and I took the cue.

  “Witnessed,” I said, and as the word left my mouth, I felt a charge of power wash over me. It was a bond now, between Henry’s pack and Darien’s, and I got the idea that if Henry or any of his broke it, it would be extremely unpleasant for them.

  Darien turned his back on them then, pushing the door open and holding it for me to precede him into the dim entryway. Alex followed behind me, with Darien coming through last, always the Alpha, the protector of his pack. He did the same with the outer door until the three of us stood in the dry Las Vegas heat in the parking lot, the sun beating down on our heads, two of us in torn and bloody clothing, and one in nothing but his bloody skin.

  The black sedan was still there, although it looked slightly worse for wear. The trunk lid and the top were dented in where the weregator had landed on it, and the driver’s window was gone.

  I scurried over to the car and yanked the back door open, breathing a sigh of relief when I saw my overnight bag on the floor. I slid into the back, swiftly shimmying out of my bloody things, and pulled my change of clothes from the bag, donning them quickly. I wiggled my bare feet. My shoes had disappeared at some point and I hadn’t packed an extra pair.

  Alex offered his shirt to Darien, who had collapsed onto the passenger seat of the car. It fit, barely, the seams threatening to split, but at least now he didn’t look completely naked. Alex slid into the front driver side, giving an exultant laugh as he found the keys where Henry had tossed them to the floor. He started the motor and we just sat there, letting the car idle.

  “There’s a big shopping center back there off the Strip, if you go back out the way we came and take a right,” I said from the backseat, remembering the place from months ago when I went to school here. “We can get you some clothes there probably, if they’re open.”

  Alex just nodded, putting the car into gear and peeling out of the lot, heading us back past the Circus Circus and toward the Strip. I plucked my purse off the floor, digging through it to find my compact. My face in the little mirror looked pale. There were still blood streaks on my skin, but my nose and the knife cuts on my cheeks had healed. I pulled a tissue from my purse and spit on it, rubbing at the blood streaks until they faded.

  I checked my phone, noticing there were three missed calls: one from Aerick, with a voice mail asking how things went and to give him a call if I was going to be staying longer; another from my father letting me know he was back in Oregon already and could I please send him a current photo? And the last from my mother, asking how things were going and pleading for forgiveness for not warning me ahead of time.

  I put the phone back in my purse. I would call Aerick later, once everything was settled down, and see my mother as soon as I got a chance. I could feel the adrenaline leaving my system finally and I was still in function mode, but I had the feeling that once we were really safe, things might be different.

  And I had no intention of telling Aerick, or my mother, about anything that happened with Henry’s pack. The last thing I wanted was Aerick chasing off after them to avenge my honor, causing even more violence, or my mother having a heart attack. I was okay, I would live, despite Henry’s efforts to the contrary.

  We pulled into the parking lot of the Somerset Shopping Center a few minutes later. Several of the businesses were indeed open, soldiers in military gear posted at various locations for safety. There was a Ross Dress for Less there that I knew carried shirts and jeans, and after coaxing both their pants sizes from them, I hurried inside to find the men something to wear. I avoided the soldiers as best I could, acutely aware that I still had visible blood on my skin.

  Twenty minutes later I was back out to the car, with a pair of blue jeans and a t-shirt for each of them. They dressed in the car and now at least, they wouldn’t get arrested going into the Treasure Island for indecent exposure… although this was Vegas, so I wasn’t sure there was such a thing.

  Once back in the car and on our way to the Treasure Island, I gave Aerick a call and told him that we were on our way and it shouldn’t be much longer.

  “So I don’t get it,” I said as we traveled down the Strip toward the TI. “Why the hell did I turn into a dragon, drake, whatever it was? Is that normal?”

  “No, it’s not normal, Kat,” Darien replied tiredly as Alex deftly maneuvered the car into the Treasure Island parking garage and searched for a place to park. “Shifters, as a rule, are generally restricted to non-magical predators. A drake, by nature, is a magical creature, so there is something else going on with you.”

  Alex slowed and twisted the wheel, easing the vehicle into an empty space. He turned the engine off and we sat there, his fingers idly tapping the dashboard. “Speaking of going on. How in bloody hell did you beat Henry?” Alex finally asked. “He is one hell of a nasty shifter, and much as I have faith in you, I was pretty sure he was going to kill you.”

  “I was pretty sure he was going to kill me, too,” Darien admitted, huffing out a breath. “I don’t know, it was almost like there was something else, helping me, lending me strength. Whatever it was, I’m not going to complain.”

  “Well, I’m just glad that he didn’t,” I said, nodding and putting a hand on Darien’s shoulder.

  Darien jerked away from me, shoved the door open hard enough that it hit the car next to us, then got out and limped slowly toward the elevators.

  I gave Alex a stupefied look as we both climbed out of the car and trailed after Darien. “Did I say something wrong?”

  “No.” Alex shook his head emphatically. “He’s just upset, over everything that’s happened since we got here. Things didn’t exactly go as he planned.” He gave me a sympathetic look, patting me on the shoulder before chucking me under the chin. “Why don’t you come up to the hotel room really quick before you head back, wash up a little. You’ve still got some blood on you. No need to have Aerick panic before you have a chance to explain it all.”

  I gave him a warning look. “Aerick isn’t finding out about any of it, got me? I don’t need him going on a rampage over this thinking he’s defending me. And even if he decided that Henry had already been dealt with, he might just use it as one more thing to blame Darien for. Ain’t happening. As far as he knows, we came straight back from my visit with my Da.”

  “If that’s what you want—”

  “It is.”

  “Fine.” But the tone of his voice didn’t suggest he was happy about it.

  So, turning into a magical creature wasn’t normal for shifters, or at least not that either Darien or Alex was aware of. I wasn’t sure that even Darien’s contacts would have any information it. I couldn’t ask Aerick because I’d have to explain what had led up to turning into a drake, and I wasn’t doing that. Maybe Lucien might have a clue… but would he tell Aerick? That was the next big worry. I sighed inwardly. Maybe I should tell Aer
ick. Henry and his shifters were sporting the same tattoos as those vampires that had been trying to kill me and Aerick seemed to know something about them. But it was over, done with, and would only cause more problems if I told him. Better just to not say anything at this point.

  My musings were interrupted as we came to Darien and Alex’s room. Darien didn’t seem any less disturbed as I entered the room behind Alex, closing his eyes and wincing when he saw me. I ignored him, and ducked into the bathroom, intent on getting the blood cleaned off me and getting out of his hair as quickly as I could.

  When I emerged from the bathroom several minutes later, all traces of blood eradicated, Darien was sitting on the bed closest to the window, his back to me. Two small gift wrapped boxes lay on the comforter behind him.

  “It’s okay, Kat, I promised you I wouldn’t touch you again, and I meant it.” His voice was soft, almost devoid of emotion. “But I need to talk to you, before you go, if you don’t mind?”

  “Where’s Alex?”

  He must have heard the tension in my voice because his shoulders rose and then sagged, shaking slightly. “In the hall, waiting. It’s the farthest away he would agree to go.”

  Was he crying? I couldn’t tell, and he wouldn’t turn to look at me, but I had become very familiar with crying over the last couple weeks and I knew it when I saw it.

  My heart wanted to break. To see this proud, arrogant man, so sure of himself and his station in life, broken and defeated because of me, was killing me. I wanted to wrap my arms around him and comfort him, to tell him that everything would be okay. I didn’t like seeing him like this and it made me ache inside.

  And then he made it worse, although I didn’t think he planned to.

  “Those are for you. I got them when we followed you home from Tillamook. I just hadn’t had a chance to give them to you yet.”

  ‘Those’ could only be the two small presents that sat behind him. I hesitated, not sure if should accept them, and felt the guilt weigh in on me.

  “Please?” His voice broke on the word.

  It was my undoing. I sank onto the edge of the bed, facing his back, and drew the little boxes to me. I carefully peeled tape and ribbon away, opening the larger of the two to find a beautiful copper bracelet inside. It was wide and had three tear shaped turquoise stones set in it, flanked on either side with delicately engraved waves. I slipped it onto my wrist, feeling my bottom lip tremble as moisture filled my eyes, and opened the second one.

  A necklace, also made of copper, with a single tear shaped turquoise in a copper setting dangling from the chain. I fastened the chain around my neck, settling the pendant in between my breasts and felt the tears slide down my cheeks. It seemed appropriate somehow.

  “Thank you, Darien,” I whispered softly, trying not to sniffle. “They’re beautiful.”

  “I’m leaving.”

  “I know,” I said, sighing. “You and Alex need to head back home probably, wherever that is.”

  “No.” He shook his head. “I’m leaving. I’m going to Sicily.”

  A pang of alarm went through me and I went still. “For how long?”

  He leaned forward, shoulders hunched. “I don’t know. Indefinitely maybe. My father’s been trying to get me to go stay with him for quite awhile now. I think it’s time.”

  I gave in, scooting across the bed to put my hand on his back, wanting to wipe all the pain away. He jerked away from me as though he had been scalded, sucking in a quick deep breath.

  “Don’t! Just… don’t.” His voice was uneven and his shoulders began to shake again. “Just go, Kat, please?”

  I did. I fled the room, tears running freely down my cheeks, ignoring Alex’s plea to wait. He finally caught up with me at the elevator.


  “Just let me go, Alex, please? I can’t do this anymore!” I begged, punching the down button with undo force, then repeatedly jabbing it when the doors didn’t open immediately. I got lucky when the doors finally slid open and the elevator was empty. I stumbled in, hitting the button for the lobby. “Just take care of him, Alex, okay?” I asked.

  He nodded at me, a sad yearning in his eyes, and as the doors clicked shut a strangled sob broke from my lips. I wondered what the people in the lobby thought of the weeping girl getting off the elevator and staggering through the hotel. But I ignored them, making my way out of the building and hoping against hope that my tears wouldn’t blind me to oncoming cars as I crossed the Strip back over to the Velvet Flame.

  I managed to have myself relatively composed as I entered the club, although I made a beeline for my room, hoping that Aerick wasn’t waiting there for me. I sighed in relief to find it empty, dropped my purse on the couch, and headed for the bathroom.

  My clothes in a pile on the floor, I stepped into the shower a few seconds later, letting the tears flow again, the hot water washing them away, until I couldn’t cry anymore and I just stood there hiccupping. And then I scrubbed myself until I was almost raw, until I felt clean again, and my skin no longer crawled from Henry’s cruelty.

  There was a knock on the bathroom door and Aerick’s voice called through it. “Kat? You in there?”

  “Yeah,” I called back, pitching my voice to be heard over the shower. I was feeling more myself again.

  “Can I come in?”

  “What do you think?”

  The door opened and I watched him approach through foggy glass. I heard his shoes hit the floor, and then he opened the shower door. He stood there and watched me for several moments as the water sprayed over my skin, his own clothes piled next to mine on the tiles.

  I gave him a come hither smile and he stepped in next to me, shutting the door behind him, before running his hands down my shoulders and arms to grasp my hands. I pulled him to me, stretching on tip toe to press my lips to his, needing to taste him to finally finish setting everything right. I kissed him for all I was worth, water running down my face, before pulling back and giving him a wide smile.

  “I missed you,” I told him. He laughed as though it amused him and I saw his eyes light on the pendant where it lay against the skin between my breasts.

  He gave me a curious look. “New jewelry?” He rubbed a thumb over the bracelet on my wrist. I hadn’t been able to bear the thought of taking them off.

  “Yes,” I answered, hesitating a moment before adding, “Darien gave them to me.” I waited for his expression to change, for him to become upset, but he just smiled at me.

  “That was generous of him,” he remarked, as though it didn’t bother him that some other man had given his girlfriend jewelry, or that she was wearing it. That, and his lack of response to my declaration of love the previous day had me wondering what he wanted in a relationship.

  “Do you even care?” I asked, anger making my voice high, my hand swatting water at him. “I swear it seems you don’t give a shit what I do or who I’m with! What would I have to do to get even the smallest bit of jealousy out of you? Screw someone right in front of you?” I crossed my arms over my chest and blinked water out of my eyes, discovering that glaring through a running shower was almost impossible.

  He chewed his lip and I could see that he was actually clueless as to what had brought on my tirade. “What are you getting at, Kat?”

  “You don’t care! That’s all I want, Aerick, to know that I matter!” I let out a breath in a heavy huff of air.

  “Just because I don’t turn into a possessive, jealous, controlling douche bag every time some guy looks cross eyed at you, including Darien, doesn’t mean I don’t care, Kat.” He reached out to touch the side of my face and I moved my head aside.

  “Hmph.” It was a childish noise and I knew it, but I felt like being childish at the moment.

  “What, do I have to say it?” His lips creased in a soft smile and he put his hands on either side of my face to trap me, leaning down to rest his forehead against mine so he could look into my eyes with no interference. “I love you, Kat, it’s jus
t… I never said it to her, to Serena, before she died… and it makes it hard for me to say it to anyone else, like I cheated her of something. I hope you can understand that because I don’t know what more you want from me.”

  I gave him a quick nod to let him know that I did understand where he was coming from, but… he loved me? And the infuriating man had made me pry it out of him? I tilted my head, rolling my eyes to the ceiling in vexation and wondering why in hell there were small dark clouds floating across the bathroom ceiling. At my surprised gasp they dissipated away.

  “Is there something wrong?” he asked, chin lifting to follow my eyes.

  “No, no,” I said quickly, guiding his face back down to mine. “Nothing at all.” This was not the time to bring up odd indoor weather anomalies. I brought my lips to his again, whispering against them, “I love you too,” then proceeded to show him exactly what more I wanted from him.



  The next day my mother and Kris flew back to Washington. We hadn’t seen hide nor hair of any more vampires, or heard anything to suggest they were still after me. My mother began the process of packing up her things to move to Oregon to be with my father and getting the house ready to sell, doing her best to try to convince me to go with her, but I wanted to stay in Vegas. I had already applied to, and been accepted at, UNLV and Kris was in the process herself. I was busy apartment hunting while I stayed at the Flame with Aerick, preparing for Kris to move out to Vegas before school started and the two of us to share a place.

  By the middle of July, the fae had come through on their promise to restore things to how they were before, and aside from the fact that the world was now openly populated by magic and magical things, life was getting back to normal. It was also at this time that Aerick informed me he had to leave. Apparently Merlin (yes the Merlin) had decided that Aerick had put off further training in his magical capabilities long enough and wanted him to go to Colorado to resume them.


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