Not His Mate ( Lycan Romance )

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Not His Mate ( Lycan Romance ) Page 13

by M. L. Briers

  He moved his hips and rolled inside her, watching the pleasure on her face, as he made short, fast strokes that concentrated his efforts over the sweet spot. Then he shifted his hips to run his length back and forth over the sensitive little nub of flesh he had sucked with such delectable debauchery before. Each simple change of angle gave her a different sensation, each sensation built into the climax that he couldn’t wait to feel around his length.

  Natasha moved with him. Stroke for stroke and thrust for thrust she welcomed him inside her. But as her body climbed further towards the orgasm she knew was upon her, he used his body to press her against the bed and took control of their loving.

  Colt ran his hand up her back and eased her against his chest. In the throes of orgasm or when his fangs sunk into her vein he wouldn’t have her pulling away from him and risk tearing her flesh. She already had his blood in her veins and with one wrong move she would be waking up a Vampire. He didn’t think that would bode well with her just yet.

  He used his tongue to call the vein in her neck towards the surface, before he closed his lips and sucked against her skin. The anticipation of tasting her blood was becoming more than he could bear, and when he felt her hand fist his hair and urge him on, he pressed his fangs into her flesh and pierced the vein with just a muted cry from her lips.

  That first pull on her blood was like the answer to his prayers. The taste of her on his tongue made him groan with a pleasure that was so profound he couldn’t even begin to describe it. Not that he wanted to. He wanted to revel in the feel of her, the taste of her as he felt her body tightened around his. Taking her with long, deep strokes, from the tip to the hilt, she came undone with a muted cry that died on her lips as pure unadulterated ecstasy took her away.

  Colt fed for as long as he could just to keep the orgasm rolling through her body. His own needs were calling to him and he released his fangs and swept his tongue over the wounds in her neck, savouring the last of her blood. He raised his body up over hers and reached for her hands. Linking his fingers with hers, he pushed her hands over her head and moved inside her with long thrusts that brought her body back to the reality of another release that was building within her. Her lashes fluttered against her flushed cheeks as she opened her eyes and questioned without words whether her body could take another release.

  “I have you, love, just let go.” Colt soothed her worries and called to her body to trust in him as he took her faster and deeper than before. Pushing through the tight, still throbbing, inner walls of her channel, he could feel her body reaching for the same thing that his was seeking. The sensation shot through his spine and his sack and he buried deep inside her at the very same moment that she tensed and cried out.

  Colt felt the hard massage of her channel around him as he pulled back and thrust deeply, over and over as her body suckled every last drop from within him that he had to give her. He rested his forehead against hers and soothed her with his words, bringing her slowly back to him from the realms where only ecstasy existed.

  “I have you, come back to me.”

  “Wooing’s good. I like wooing.”She breathed. Still unable to open her eyes, the lids seemed to weigh too damn heavy.

  “Good, because I think we’re going to be doing a lot of wooing.”Colt scooped her against his chest and rolled with her in the bed, keeping the length of her body against his. When he rested on his back, he looked down at her face pressed against his chest and couldn’t contain the pure happiness he felt within his heart for the little Fae that looked like a ragdoll against him.

  Blake had tried to keep away from the main cabin all day. He knew that Nadia was still there because she didn’t have much of a choice in the matter. He knew the Vampire would have been mating with Natasha like a rampant damn rabbit, and his Alpha was more than likely to be mating with Neve, and that left Nadia at a loose end in terms of getting off pack land and back home. He doubted she’d took to her feet and walked the distance, at least she’d better not have because he’d be pissed, especially after he’d done laps around the damn cabin all night as she slept inside to make sure she was safe.

  He hesitated in mid step when he heard the Alpha’s roar echo from the house and into the surrounding woods as he bonded with his mate. He would have thought that had happened the night before, after all, the witch was willing. It wasn’t like the Alpha had to woo her at all.

  Blake’s eyes flicked towards the cabin and he caught sight of Nadia as she turned towards the house and frowned at the sound of the beast within the man claiming his mate for all to hear. With a long shake of her head in disbelief, a slow grin built up over her face, and he couldn’t help but smile at her smile. Then he caught himself and moved off quickly.

  Natasha saw Blake stalking away and felt the annoyance within her. He seemed like a good man. He certainly cared for her sister and from what she’d gathered he would never have a mate of his own. They were perfect for each other. So why was her sister rejecting him? She could tell that Nadia liked him, even if it was begrudgingly, but then after what he’d been like with her sister since she moved here, she guessed she shouldn’t have been that surprised.

  Everyone had seen the pairing was a good match except for the pair themselves. Even Nero had tried to force the issue by repeatedly sending Blake out to check on Nadia in the hopes that the two of them would mate. That hadn’t happened, much to Nero’s astonishment. He’d said his Beta had been moping over the little Fae for months.

  Natasha watched as Nadia caught sight of the back of Blake and her body stiffened. Her eyes followed him until he was out of sight and she’d even craned her neck to get one last look at his damn back, almost falling off the porch in her efforts. Natasha cleared her throat and saw Nadia’s head snap back on her neck.

  “I hear you’re leaving town.”Natasha offered. Not wanting to share the fact that she’d been eavesdropping on her conversation with Blake at the time.

  “Some Lycans have big mouths.”Nadia griped. Turning to look anywhere but at Natasha.

  “Probably a good idea.”Natasha offered with a shrug off just one shoulder and saw her little sister deflate slightly in front of her. “After all, Neve and I will obviously be staying on.” Natasha left the interpretation of that to her sister.

  “And you wouldn’t want to have to me in the way.”Nadia muttered. Motioning towards Natasha’s pride and joy that was parked below them, Nadia narrowed her eyes. “I was hoping for a lift to the cottage to get my stuff.”

  “Sure. When do you want to go?”Natasha showed indifference. She wasn’t going to beg her to stay on bended knee. That didn’t work for either of them. It would certainly only make Nadia dig her heels in further.

  “As soon as possible. I don’t like it here.”Nadia lied. She liked it here just fine, Natasha could tell. She just wanted to put Blake out of sight and out of mind.

  “Grab your stuff. I’ll drive you now.”Natasha offered, turning on her heels and strolling back into the cabin to retrieve her keys. Nadia followed her in and she couldn’t help the wry smile that touched her lips as she said over her shoulder. “And you’re telling Neve that you’re off. I’ll not do your dirty work for you this time.”

  Natasha leaned her backside against the bonnet of her car and folded her arms across her abdomen. She’d not much cared for the spectacle of Nadia disturbing Neve to tell her that she was leaving. She very much doubted that Neve knew which way was up at the moment after bonding with her Alpha, but it was good that Nadia was at least making an effort to tell her sister goodbye this time.

  Natasha’s eyes fell on Blake again. It was the third time he’d walked past the cabin in as long as she’d been out there. He’d known she was there. He just refused to make eye contact with her as he took a slow stroll past, his feet quickened when Nadia appeared at the doorway, clutching her large backpack and scoping the area. Her eyes locked on Blake like a guided missile and she watched him until he was out of sight again.

  With a gentle
sigh, Nadia dropped down from the porch and strolled towards Natasha with purpose. As if now she was finally on her way she wanted to be gone before she had a change of heart. Yanking open the passenger door, none too gently, which didn’t amuse Natasha; Nadia stashed her bag in the small backseat that wasn’t really good for much else, more a parcel shelf than a bum holder, and regarded her sister with impatient eyes.

  “Come on then. Time’s a ticking.”Nadia urged and Natasha couldn’t help that her right eyebrow reached for her hairline.

  “You have somewhere to be?” Natasha took a slow walk around to the driver’s side as Nadia climbed inside and settled herself as best she could in the passenger seat.

  “Not here.”Nadia shot back. Determined now to leave this all behind her, or was it to leave Blake behind her? Either way, she was leaving, she’d made up her mind and this was it. It was best not to be maudlin about things, any things, all things.

  There was a whole wide world out there for the taking and she was about to take her first steps to somewhere new. Well, driving actually, then a train… but still. This was her past and she was about to embrace her future, she told herself, assured herself, goaded herself into believing in it.

  Natasha didn’t wait to be invited into the cottage. She strolled through the front door, straight into the bedroom and plonked herself down on the bed. Nadia followed her into the room and stood there expectantly.

  “Don’t you have a mate to be getting back too?” Nadia tipped her head to one side and regarded her sister with suspicious eyes.

  “Yep. But absence makes the sex last longer.”

  “The heart grow fonder.”Nadia sniped back and Natasha shrugged a shoulder in her own defence.

  “Could be, we’ll have to see, won’t we?”Natasha’s eyes sparkled with amusement, as if she’d heard a joke she didn’t much care to share. The same couldn’t be said for Nadia, she wanted some alone time to say goodbye to her home. “Besides, I’m here to help.”

  “What are you going to do, burn the place down?”Nadia walked towards the large dresser by the window and yanked open the top drawer.

  “Where’s your suitcase? You know the one you liberated from Neve when you left the last time?”Natasha pointed out, and none to nicely either.

  “Under the bed, and I’m more than capable of packing myself. Or are you in that much of a rush to see the back of me, sister?”Nadia couldn’t help the sneer in her voice. She actually bloody resented the fact that she was the one who was leaving. It should have been them. This was her home, but not in the same sense that both of her sisters had found a home with their mates. If it had been a game of poker then her sisters would have had the winning hands, as always.

  Natasha dragged the large case out and tossed it up onto the bed. Unzipping it, she tossed the panel back and motioned towards the empty space inside. “Have at it.” Natasha went back to sitting on the bed beside the case as Nadia started tossing her underwear into the case from across the room. “I’m not in a rush to see the back of you, and at least you had the decency to say goodbye to Neve this time.”Natasha saw her sister wince and felt the irk gene being well and truly stomped on inside her.

  “You did tell Neve…?”

  “I did.”Nadia shot back hotly as she turned back towards the chest of drawers, giving a slow push of the top drawer closed. “Well, I left her a note at any rate…”

  “Oh, Nadia, for the love of…”

  “She was busy with the Alpha.”Nadia shrugged innocently and then turned towards Natasha with purpose. “And he’s mean. Trust me that man has had his bloody Beta hounding me, no pun intended-but if the cap fits- since I stepped into town.” Nadia spat out all in one long breath and then gasped another in as she turned back to the next drawer.

  “I know. Apparently the Alpha had an ulterior motive…”

  “Yes, he’s a dick…”

  “Something about Blake liking you…”Natasha offered and saw the hard frown etch onto her sister profile as she held stock still and thought that one over.

  “I’m not into Lycans.”Nadia announced as she grabbed a handful of socks.

  “Really? Because I seem to remember…”

  “Anymore.”Nadia cut her off. Launching the socks towards the suitcase, or more accurately, towards her sister. Little balled socks flew everywhere as Natasha batted them off. “Not into Lycans anymore.” Nadia assured her and Natasha gave her a look that could have melted a solid bar of gold bullion into a squishy mess. Nadia just tossed her a sarcastic smile and turned back towards her drawers.

  “But if I had a man who rushed to save my life the way he did…”Natasha clamped her jaws together when Nadia flew around on her heels and towards her.

  “What is you want, Natasha? To continually make me feel bad? Let me know I’m not good enough? As a witch, as a sister? Because I got the message loud and clear over the years…”Nadia knew she’d gone too far when she saw the shocked expression on her sibling’s face. Cursing out under her breath she turned on her heels and started towards her bedroom door, but Natasha was quicker, as usual. With a flick of her wrist she slammed the door close with her magic, trapping them both inside the bedroom.

  Nadia didn’t move. The door would be wedged closed until Natasha saw fit to release it, and Nadia had neither the will nor the magic to fight that spell. She also had no intention of turning around to face her sister. So that left standing there, facing a closed door and waiting for the other shoe to drop.

  “Oh no, little sister. You don’t get to drop a bomb like that and stroll away from it.”Natasha hissed to her back. Nadia’s only answer was to raise her hands and drop them back to her sides. She was done with all of it. Done trying to prove herself, done trying to fight her corner, done trying not to be a screw up and done arguing the toss with Natasha. Done.

  Nadia wanted some peace in her life. She wanted to be true to herself. To settle down and make a home and she’d thought she had found that here. Except for the damn Alpha and his lapdog, that admittedly she now knew was sweet on her, she’d liked it here. Hell, she’d even liked causing a little bit of mischief so that the Alpha would send Blake to see her…

  “You’re not leaving until you explain yourself.”Natasha decided that it was time to poke the damn bear. Her sister was a stubborn as a mule and she’d see her to hell and back before she opened her mouth and spilled her guts on what was bugging her. She reached out with her magic and gave her a small slap.

  Nadia jumped and seethed inside. She turned to face Natasha and wished with all of her will that she still had a little something so she could reach out and slap her right back. And then it happened, Natasha’s body jerked with the sting that hit her backside. Her jaw dropped open and she stared back at Nadia who seemed as bemused as she did.


  “How’d you do that?”Natasha slapped her back and Nadia bit down in anger. This time she only needed to think it and Natasha gasped as the sting hit her hard. “Don’t do that!” She tossed another slap in Nadia’s direction and Nadia batted it away, sending it back to her threefold. “Owwwie!”

  “I guess I got to keep a little something-something after all.”Nadia bit down on her amusement. It was about time her sister felt the same treatment she’d been dishing out all of these years. The look of shocked annoyance was just the damn cherry on top of the very big cream cake.

  “I’ve never slapped you that hard…”Natasha rubbed her backside with gusto. It still stung and she wasn’t impressed. “And now you can’t leave.” Natasha announced with a smug smile.

  “And why is that?”

  “Because we need to know just how much magic you ended up with and teach you how to use it. Dip head.” Natasha snorted back.

  Nadia didn’t have an answer for that. If anything she looked slightly downtrodden now. Natasha was sure this girl had a split personality. One moment she was revelling in her new found powers and the next she looked as if someone had snatched them back again.

nbsp; “And how long will that take?”Nadia ground out and watched her sister give a long, slow shrug off her shoulders.

  “Don’t know. Maybe it’ll take until you and the Beta mutt mate.”Natasha’s eyes flared with amusement at her sister. The rush to colour of her cheeks let Natasha know that she was onto something, a little sparkle glinted in Nadia’s eyes and then she snuffed it out.

  “I’m not his mate.”Nadia turned towards the bedroom door and bit down on her lower lip. With an outstretched hand she willed the damn door to open and give her the freedom that she craved. When the door shot back on its hinges and slammed back against the wardrobe she jumped in place. Tipping her chin in the air, she recovered quickly from the shock of the spell actually working, and on fast legs she decided to hightail it out of the bedroom before Natasha could trap her again.

  That didn’t stop the sound of Natasha stomping along behind her, like a damn elephant in heavy boots. “He lost his mate when he was young. He won’t find another…” Natasha offered and Nadia bit the inside of her lip.

  “I heard.” She tossed over her shoulder as she started for the front door.

  “Then what’s the problem?” Natasha demanded as she watched her sister yank open the front door and step aside.

  “Go tell Neve about my magic. I’ll still be here when she’s ready to test it and see what I’ve managed to pick up.” Nadia raised her chin and set her stance accordingly. This wasn’t going to be debated.

  Natasha took a long moment to consider her sisters actions. She knew that look. It was like getting blood out of a stone to even try to speak with her when she was like that. “Fine. If you leave, I’m sure I can find a mutt and a Vampire to hunt you down.” Natasha snorted as she walked out through the open doorway and heard the slam of wood on wood as Nadia made sure she delivered the message to her back.


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