The Bellator Saga: The First Trilogy (Dissident, Conscience, and Sojourn)

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The Bellator Saga: The First Trilogy (Dissident, Conscience, and Sojourn) Page 1

by Cecilia London

  The Bellator Saga: The First Trilogy

  Dissident Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  End of Part One

  Conscience Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Chapter Forty

  End of Part Two


  Sojourn Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  End of Part Three



  Bellator Saga, #1

  Cecilia London

  © 2015, Cecilia London

  [email protected]

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher, with the exception of excerpts for reviews and blog postings.

  For he commands his angels with regard to you

  To guard you wherever you go.

  Psalms 91:11 (New American Bible, Revised Edition)


  They had been dragging themselves through the woods for hours, with him holding the flashlight and leading the way, and her faltering through the ice and snow trying to keep his pace. They moved slowly, their injuries hindering their flight. The forest was thick and foreboding and the biting winter wind whistled through the branches in the trees, cutting them to the core. They listened for the sound of flowing water in the hope that the Allegheny River was no longer frozen over and they could follow it up to New York.

  They knew their odds were long but held out faith that despite the blustering wind and bitter cold, they could somehow find a way to Buffalo. The Canadian border. Their last, best chance at safety.

  The flashlight began to flicker and the man knew that the batteries would only last them so much longer. It had been snowing earlier in the night, but the clouds had been carried away by the wind and the flashlight was supplemented by the glow of the winter moon. He turned the flashlight off and his wife tumbled into him.

  “Jack, why did you do that?” It was hard for her to stay upright without her momentum to keep her going, and even harder to follow him without the artificial light.

  “The flashlight’s getting low and the moon is relatively bright. We should conserve the batteries. Do you need to rest?” he asked, knowing the answer was yes.

  “No,” she lied. “Let’s keep going.”

  He put the flashlight in his coat pocket, feeling it bump up against the gun he had concealed there. He put his arm around her waist and hoisted her up.

  “Let’s go,” he said, as he kept his arm around her to steady her as she walked.

  Their pace continued to slow until they were hardly moving at all. He could see her grimacing with every step, could hear her labored breathing, and he knew that she was much more seriously injured than she was letting on. Although he himself was in pain he did his best to keep them both going. His ankle was sprained and the weight of two people upon it was almost too much for him to bear. But they couldn’t stop.

  He saw a clearing up ahead and knew they were nearing a road. But that wasn’t what they wanted. Roads meant people and people meant danger. Almost no one could be trusted. The soldiers who had run their car off the road were biding their time, waiting, until the moment was right to come after them again.

  The two of them weren’t about to make themselves easy prey by following a path trod by others. Their footsteps were not hard to trace because of the snow, but it was better than being out in the open. No, the river was their best bet, their least dangerous path north.

  He turned sharply and started to steer them both away from the road, as close to a westerly direction as he could manage. He was a suburban Philly boy and could only depend on his poor instincts to guide him.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “We need to find the river, Caroline. There’s a road up ahead and we have to avoid it.”

  The woods grew hilly and she began to struggle. He was practically carrying her as they made their way up an incline and he knew he wouldn’t be able to support her much longer. Suddenly she broke free of him and lurched into a nearby tree, sinkin
g to the ground.

  She pulled off her earmuffs and loosened her scarf with difficulty, her back to the tree. He could tell she was in tremendous pain and knelt down in the snow beside her.

  “Sweetheart, we have to keep going,” he said.

  Her face was windswept and her eyes were red. She was sweating in spite of the cold and he could practically hear her heart beating out of her chest.

  “Jack, I can’t do this. I’m too tired. I can’t breathe.”

  “Yes, you can. We can keep going. I’ll help.”

  “You can’t help. You can barely walk while you’re lugging me along.” She began to cry.

  He wiped away some of her tears with his gloved hand. “We’ll stop for a minute, all right? Then we’ll start again.”

  She closed her eyes and tried to breathe. The tears coursed silently down her face. He let her rest, hoping that she would then tell him they could move on even though they really had no time to waste. She opened her eyes a few moments later and looked at him. His breath caught in his throat. Her brown eyes, which had once been so warm, confident, and loving, were now laced with a fear he’d never seen before.

  “You have to go,” she said. “Now.”

  “We have to go,” he corrected her.

  “No. You.”

  “No.” He looked at her incredulously. “We.”

  “You have to go, Jack. It’s the only way.”

  His mind started racing. He couldn’t wrap his head around what she was suggesting.

  “No. I’m not leaving you here.”

  She closed her eyes again. The wetness on her face was beginning to freeze in place. Her voice broke.

  “Tell my girls how much I love them.” She stifled a sob. “Tell them I’m sorry.”

  Her children. Their children. Who were hopefully already in Canada.

  “This is absurd, Caroline. I’m not leaving you here alone. Are you insane? We’re wasting time.”

  “You can move ten times faster without me. You know I’m right.”

  Hot, angry tears pricked his eyes. “I’m not leaving you, sweetheart. There has to be another way.”

  “This is the only way and you know it.” She took her left glove off and traced his lips with her bare fingers. “My darling. My Monty. I love you so.”

  He kissed her fingers and wrapped them in his, trying to warm them. “I’m not leaving you,” he repeated.

  Her voice was weak, but firm. “This is bigger than us. You have to go. Get to Canada. Share that information. Stop Santos. Don’t let all our sacrifices be for nothing.”

  “I love you.” He took off his gloves and began to caress her face with his bare hands. “I’m not leaving you.”

  “Listen to me. You are going to go. You are going to get to Canada. You are going to get this flash drive to people who can do something with it. Please, Jack. Please do this for me.”

  He was adamant. “I am not leaving you here!”

  “You are. You need to go. They will find us soon and they’ll find us even sooner if we’re moving together.” She tried to straighten up, using the tree for support. “If you don’t leave, I swear to God I will never forgive you. I mean it. There is no point in both of us getting captured or worse. Please. Do this for me.”

  He kissed her forehead, still cradling her face in his hands, and the tears in his eyes spilled over. “Don’t make me do this. I can’t. I won’t leave you.”

  “Go,” she whispered. “Go before they catch up with us.”

  She removed the glove from her right hand and began to slip her wedding rings off her left ring finger. Her large diamond and sapphire engagement ring glistened in the moonlight. She’d thought it was gaudy when he’d first given it to her, and the media had loved speculating about how much it must have cost. But she’d grown accustomed to it. Aside from its sentimental value, it was now almost worthless in the fragile American economy.

  She fumbled through the simple task, her hands numbed by the cold. She placed the rings in Jack’s hand and wiped the tears from his face. He searched her eyes for an explanation.

  “They’re no good to me out here,” she said. “Take them. They belong to you. I don’t want those bastards to have them.” She closed her eyes and began to nod off.

  Jack grabbed her chin, desperate to keep her awake. “Stay with me, Caroline. We can do this.”

  “Go now.” Her voice was fading. “Be safe. Be strong.”

  Jack brought his lips to hers and kissed her hard, wanting it to last, wanting to breathe life into her, to give her the strength to keep going. He gripped her rings tightly in his fist. The prongs from the engagement ring were prodding into his ice cold palm, but he was oblivious to the pain they caused. He didn’t want to break the connection between them. Caroline brought her hands up to his stocking cap, drew it off, and ran her fingers through his hair. He pulled back, his lips close to hers.

  They heard a rustling in the distance and Jack turned his head, not sure of what he would find. He half hoped that a deer would come gliding through the trees but he knew that would be too good to be true. Their luck had run out too many times. Caroline squeezed his hand, the one with the rings in it.

  “Go, Jack. They’re coming. Go.”

  He pressed his lips to hers again, a long, frantic kiss. She pushed him away and reached into her coat pocket, pulling out her Glock and an extra magazine. “Take these. You might need them.”

  Jack dropped the rings into one of the interior pockets of his coat, and heard them clink against the box containing the flash drive he was hiding. He put the gun and magazine in his outer coat pocket and leaned down to kiss her cheek. She very clumsily put his stocking cap back on his head and stroked his face, wiping away the wetness there.

  “I will always be with you,” she whispered, so softly he could barely hear her.

  He took in a sharp, painful breath and put his gloves back on. The night air was freezing. “I will come back for you, Caroline. Understand? I promise I will come back. I’m not giving up. I will find someone we can trust and I will come back.”

  She smiled and closed her eyes.

  He heard the rustling getting closer. There was almost no way that noise was an animal. And he knew he had only one choice.

  He ran.

  Chapter One

  The young officer was nervous. His troops had behaved poorly and now he had to provide answers to the chain of command. He strode into a hospital conference room, where two doctors in white coats were sitting at a long table.

  “Lieutenant Christopher Mitchell, Army Intelligence and Security Command,” he said, taking a chair opposite them.

  Both doctors nodded in his direction. They didn’t seem all that enthusiastic to see him.

  “Can you give me an idea of the prisoner’s condition?” he inquired.

  The older gentleman spoke first. “Dr. William Livingston, lead medical officer. Concussion, numerous contusions, some cuts, broken nose, fractured cheekbones. Probably some cracked or fractured ribs. A minor bullet wound that appeared to be a couple of days old.” He paused. “To use the jargon I’m sure you and your troops are most familiar with, they beat the shit out of her. It’s incredible she didn’t suffer a traumatic brain injury or some other significant, permanent damage. If they’d done much more they probably would have killed her.”

  Mitchell grimaced. He’d been afraid of that. He was going to catch it for splitting up his men but he sincerely believed he could trust the sergeant leading the small cadre of soldiers that had captured her. But these men, these new recruits, they were unlike anything he’d seen before. The standards for enlisting in the armed forces had declined over the last year or so, and now the government seemed intent on recruiting the most violent, sociopathic combatants possible. It made giving orders and expecting them to be followed extremely difficult. He was barely out of ROTC and he already felt as if he’d made a huge mistake in not resigning his commission and repaying the government for the cost of his bachelor�
�s degree.

  But that would have marked him. And no one wanted that.

  “What’s her prognosis?” he asked.

  “We have her heavily sedated while she heals. Her brain activity is strong. We do not believe there will be any permanent neurological damage, but we can’t say anything for certain.” The older man paused again. “We intend to provide her with the highest level of care, no matter what your superior officers say. Right now that means keeping her sedated and comfortable until she recovers a little.”

  Mitchell didn’t realize that someone else had given the doctors instructions with regard to how to treat the patients in their hospital. That wasn’t the way it was supposed to be. But nothing was the way it was supposed to be anymore.

  “The government is eager to transfer her to a holding facility,” he said.

  The female doctor spoke up. “Dr. Maureen Savage, internal medicine. That will have to wait. She’s in no condition to be moved. It will be a few days, if not longer.”

  “She is wanted for questioning.”

  Savage looked at him as if he was boring her. “We understand that. But the human body heals on its own timeline. If you want anything useful from her, you’ll have to wait. She’ll be sedated and allowed to rest for at least the next few days. If her condition changes, you’ll be the first to know.” She glared at him. “If you really wanted her in the best shape for interrogation, perhaps you should have given your soldiers clearer instructions on how to properly arrest rather than seriously injure.”

  Mitchell let that comment slide. He had no good response for her. She was right. He stood up and walked toward the door. The doctors were stonewalling him. He couldn’t blame them; they’d entered government work because they actually believed that they were doing something for the greater good. And now they, like him, were starting to question everything that meant. But they very well couldn’t leave and they all knew it.

  “Please let me know if anything changes.” Mitchell turned to face them as he crossed the room. It seemed almost rude for him to care about her wellbeing. But he did. That was probably because once he transferred her to the federal holding facility, she was no longer his problem. He wouldn’t even have to think about what they’d do to her once she arrived.


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