Cinderella Complex

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Cinderella Complex Page 23

by Rebekah L. Purdy

  Kat wrenched her hands together. “I’m scared.”

  “Me too. But you’ll get your happy ending. You have to.”

  She nodded and headed downstairs. Before I closed the door behind me, I grabbed a toy mouse from my dresser. Just in case.

  “Maggie, you look beautiful.” Mom covered her mouth with her hand while tears glistened in her eyes. “Oh, honey.” She snapped several pictures of us. “I wish Seth had stopped in. I wanted a picture of the two of you together.”

  “I’ve got money to buy a photo package at school.”

  “Be careful tonight,” Mom whispered in my ear as she hugged me. “Grandma’s on call if you need her.”

  Jack squeezed her shoulder. “Lock the house after we leave.”

  A knock sounded on the front door. Jack went to answer it. Connor stood in a black suit with a green vest and tie. His golden blond hair sparkled beneath the porch light. Standing next to me, Kat gasped.

  Connor smiled at her. “You look amazing.”

  Their admiration for one another was so apparent, it brought tears to my eyes. The Fairy Godmother Globe got it right. And to think I almost ruined it.

  “Shall we?” Jack offered me his arm as the limo pulled up.

  Marcus hopped from the driver’s side and opened our doors for us. I slid across the cool, leather seat. Tiny lights illuminated the interior. Jack opened the small fridge. It was stocked with soda, lemonade, and sparkling water.

  “Anyone want a drink?”

  Connor grabbed a soda while Kat and I snagged bottled waters. The limo drove to the end of our driveway, then pulled onto the main road. I gazed at the tree line through the tinted glass. The headlights did little to pierce the darkness, forcing me to squint.

  Something seemed off. Chills crept along my spine like dozens of little feet tramping across a bridge. I shuddered when I realized what had happened. The streetlamps had failed to turn on. The road curved ahead. Just as we reached the bend, something struck the side of the car.

  Kat shrieked as the limo spun, striking several trees. Dark silhouettes marched toward us, bashing against the car’s metal doors and hood until it twisted inward. Crash! The side windows shattered, glass sprayed across the seat. The roof buckled as Grimms smashed it in.

  I kicked the door open. “Connor! Take Kat to the dance!”

  “What’s going on?” His eyes bulged as he yanked Kat from the car.


  “There aren’t any gangs in Ellsworth Lake.”

  I dumped the contents of my handbag onto the ground and snatched the toy mouse. Please let this work. Kat grabbed Connor’s arm to keep him from watching me. My wand appeared in my hand, and with a single wave the toy mouse transformed into a white steed. The horse snorted, pawing at the ground.

  “Here, take this. Whatever you do, don’t stop until you get to the school.”

  “Where did the horse come from?”

  “We crashed into a gate. The horse must’ve escaped.”

  He eyed me warily, but hopped onto the stallion, then reached down to pull Katrina up and onto the saddle behind him.

  Kat gazed worriedly at me. “Be careful.”

  Connor dug his heels into the horse’s flank. It started to trot, then broke into a gallop.

  Marcus and Jack struck two Grimms to the ground, while the other knight fought a third.

  “Maggie, go!” Jack sliced his blade through another creature. “I’ll catch up!” Black tarry blood seeped from the creature’s body like sludge as it screeched.

  I hesitated a moment, then leapt off the ground. My wings stirred the air as they flapped, taking me higher. From above, I caught sight of Katrina and Connor. He guided the stallion toward town into a more populated, well-lit area. Thank God.

  A couple minutes later, Jack and the other knights joined me in the sky. With me forming the middle, we flew in a v-shaped pattern. The crisp breeze sent goose bumps across my flesh. Only a few more miles, I reminded myself.

  An arrow whizzed by my head and I screamed.

  “We need to land,” Marcus said. “We’re like ducks up here.”

  Jack wrapped an arm around my waist, guiding me down toward the park. “When we land, get your butt to safety. Do you hear me?”


  The moment my feet touched the earth, I rushed to the playground. Fog drifted through the trees like smoky fingers. My breath caught in my throat as Druce stepped in front of me, blocking my path.

  Jack, Marcus, and the knight charged forward, but the Grimm King merely flicked his wrist and they sailed through the air, crashing into the trees.

  Druce slipped the black leather gloves from his hands. “The knights have always been weak.”

  I saw Jack crawling on his knees. His sword lay several feet away. “Leave them alone.”

  “Or what, Maggie?” His lips turned up in a sardonic grin. “You can’t stop me from taking what I want.” His black wings spread behind him like a fallen angel.

  I staggered back. “Wand.” Magic thrummed through my veins, beams of light danced at my fingertips.

  He threw his head back with laughter. “You’re brave, I’ll give you that. But you will never be victorious.”

  Druce moved his fingers and shadows ensnared me, jerking me toward him. I struggled to get free.

  “Ice!” My hands burst out with brightness. Frosty crystals formed on the snares and they cracked, then fell away.

  Druce clapped his hands. “Bravo. Now let’s see how you deal with this.”

  Grimms swarmed me. Their hands dug into my skin as they threw me at Druce’s feet. In one swift motion, he had me by the throat. His turquoise eyes turned as black as fathomless pools.

  “You and your powers will be mine. No more happy endings. The world will fall into darkness.” His grip tightened.

  Pain radiated through me. Panic. It wasn’t supposed to end like this.

  He sniffed my hair, tugging me against him. “Unless, of course, you give me your powers willingly. Then you can rule at my side. My queen for all time.”

  “Never.” My stomach soured. I fought to free myself, flailing my legs and arms. But it did no good. Power thrummed through me as I latched onto one thought. Fire.

  Flames licked at my feet, the heat grew too hot to bear. He laughed in my ear. “Hmm…you have a penchant for my element.”

  I yelped.

  “What’s wrong, Godmother? I thought you wanted to play.” Druce grabbed me by the hair, exposing my throat. His nails were elongated like Freddie Krueger blades. He trailed his claws lightly across my skin as rivulets of blood trickled down my face.

  “No!” Seth darted from the woods and tackled the Grimm King. I fell to the ground and rolled out of the way.

  Druce leapt to his feet with a growl, his face tight with rage. But it was soon replaced by a look of amusement. “You’re stronger than I thought.”

  Seth stood tall and menacing. “Don’t ever underestimate me.”

  “There are consequences for your choices, boy.” Druce smiled. A dagger appeared in his hand. The blade sizzled with a liquid fire.

  “So be it.” Seth rammed into him. A red glow sparked from his hands. Behind them, a portal opened. Wind roared as if we stood inside a cyclone. The scent of sulfur burned my nostrils.

  Seth struck the Grimm King in the face and sent him spiraling into the black hole. A loud pop sounded and the portal sealed shut. Relief flooded me and I rushed to Seth. He held me tight and stroked my face.

  “You scared me to death,” he whispered.

  “How did you defeat him?”

  Seth gave me a sad smile. “He’s not dead, Mags. He’ll find a way to come back.”

  “But how…”

  “Please, just let it go.”

  “No. You’ve avoided my questions long enough. I want answers.” I stared at him.

  His jaw clenched.

  Jack got to his feet and brushed off his suit. “She’s right. There’s something goin
g on with you. There’s no way anyone normal could walk away from a fight with a Grimm. And yet you’ve managed to do it, like, three or four times now.”

  “Fine,” Seth said. “I owe you an explanation. But can we do this later?”

  “No.” Jack stood, his arms crossed.

  Dang it! As much as I wanted to know what was going on, I needed to make sure Kat got to the school safely.

  “Jack, I don’t have time for this. I’ve got to get to the school.”

  Jack glared at me, his eyes blazing. “Okay, but this isn’t the end of it. You will come clean. Tonight.”

  Seth inhaled deeply, his hands fisted. “All right. We should probably get to the dance.”

  I pointed at the wrecked limo. “Our ride is kind of totaled.”

  “I’ve got my truck.”

  Jack and I followed him. Questions swam in my head. How did Seth take out the Grimm King? And if he knew of Grimms, did he know what I was? I wished he would just tell us now. But I needed to get to Homecoming to check on Kat.

  Seth draped an arm around my shoulders as we drove to the high school. I nestled close to him, his warmth comforting. The familiar scent of his cologne relaxed me as I attempted to shove images of Druce from my mind. Without a doubt, Seth had saved my life again. And I loved him. Nothing would ever change that.

  After we parked, I hopped from the truck and rushed inside. The gym was decked out in black and white balloons. Streamers hung from the ceiling, along with vines of fake flowers. Where were they? I scanned the dance floor for Connor and Katrina. They had to be here.

  “Maggie.” Katrina rushed across the dance floor. “Are you all right?” She hugged me.

  I squeezed her back. “Thank God, you’re okay.”

  “I wanted to go back for you.”

  “No, it’s better that you didn’t.”

  “Your shoulder’s bleeding.”

  “I’m fine. It’s just a scratch.” I pulled away. “Did they announce the king and queen yet?”


  “Good, I didn’t miss it.”

  Across the gym, I noticed Riley and Jack embracing. Finally, something good happening to him. He deserved it, after everything I’d put him through lately. I gazed at Taylor, standing near the stage, clinging to her date. Everything was perfect.

  My hand warmed as the Godmother Globe appeared in it. The principal climbed onto the stage. He tapped the microphone several times. “Hello. I hope everyone is enjoying the dance so far.”

  Kids whooped and hollered.

  “It’s time for us to announce this year’s Homecoming King and Queen. He pulled an envelope from his pocket with as much flare as if he were announcing the Academy Awards. I rolled my eyes.

  Kat shot me a quick glance and I smiled.

  “The Homecoming King and Queen are… Connor Prince and Katrina Melville.” Cheers rose up around the room. The principal waited for them to walk up on stage. He solemnly placed a crown on each of their heads.

  The globe floated from my hand like a bubble. Tiny stars and glitter fell from it as it shot through the ceiling. I ran to a window and watched as it shimmered up into the sky.

  Blood hummed in my ears. Magic pulsated. Kat’s happy ending. It’d come true.

  She and Connor stood at the center of the dance floor, crowns glistening beneath the dim lights. I’d never seen her look so happy. She caught my glance and mouthed the words “thank you.”

  Now I understood what Grandma meant about helping people. To see wishes come true was like watching a miracle come to life before your eyes.

  “How about a dance,” Seth whispered.

  I chuckled. “Sure.”

  He led me onto the dance floor, his arms around my waist. I rested my head against his chest as we swayed back and forth to the music.

  “You look beautiful tonight.” His lips brushed against my hair.

  I lifted my head. “My hair’s a little messed up.”

  “No, you’re perfect.” He bent down, his mouth covering mine. I wound my hands round his neck, tugging him closer.

  “I see you two are practicing for another play.” Mrs. Monteray walked up behind us.

  We pulled apart. My face flushed warm. “Sorry.”

  She winked. “Let’s save that for the stage, shall we?”

  Seth’s chest rumbled with laughter. “What do you say we ditch the rest of the dance?”

  “And do what?”

  “I’m sure we can think of something,” he teased, tugging me to the door.

  He draped his jacket over my shoulders as we stepped into the cool night air. Stars winked in the sky like tiny fireflies. Music drifted from the gym, sounding like my own private concert.

  He helped me into the truck, then slid in the other side. With a grin, he patted the spot next to him. I climbed in the middle, my head resting on his arm.

  We drove in silence. I was all too aware of his leg pressed against mine. I took a staggered breath. My heart thudded a drum-like beat. At last, we parked in my driveway.

  Seth got out first, then reached back to catch me in his arms. He carried me to the porch and set me on my feet.

  “Tonight, I thought for sure I’d lost you.” His voice sounded hoarse.

  “But you saved me.” My fingers trembled as I touched his chiseled face.

  “I’ll always save you, Maggie.”

  His thumb brushed my lips, he leaned down, covering my mouth with his. He tasted of mint. My lips parted, allowing him to deepen the kiss. His hand grazed my bare back. My skin felt as if it was on fire. I clung tighter to him, molding my body against his. Holding me with one arm, he opened the front door with one hand.

  My mom’s home,” I said against his lips.

  He trailed kisses down my neck. “Then be quiet.”

  Seth carried me upstairs to my room. He shut the door and set me on my feet. My body throbbed for his, but he held me at arm’s length, studying me.

  Seth brushed loosened tendrils of hair from my face. “No matter what happens, I want you to remember something.”


  “That I love you, Maggie Winters. I always have, and I always will.”

  A lump formed in my throat. “I love you, too.”

  He kissed me once more then took a step back. “I should probably head out now.”

  ”Not so fast.” I clutched his shirt. “I want answers.”

  “I don’t think you’ll like my answers.”

  “Seth, you promised. And nothing you say will ever change how I feel.”

  He gazed at me, emotions I couldn’t read spread across his face. He turned his back to me. His hands fisted at his sides.

  “Druce is my father, Maggie,” he said in a soft voice. “I’m a Grimm.”

  My breath caught in my throat. I should be appalled, but I wasn’t. It explained everything, though. Him talking to the shadows, his showing up when they were around. The black feathers. They even bore the same eye color.

  “Mags?” He spun back around. “Say something.”

  “Then you know what I am?”


  “And you still saved me?” I moved closer to him.

  “You’re my life. I’d never let anything happen to you.” He reached for me and I fell into his arms.

  “It doesn’t matter if you’re Druce’s son, I love you.” I tilted my head up to see his face. My fingers trembled as I touched his cheek. He was mine. And I’d never give him up. Not for the world.

  “Our being together is dangerous.” Seth stroked my back, his gaze serious.

  “I don’t care. I want to be with you.”

  “Mags,” he whispered right before his lips claimed mine.

  I couldn’t get close enough as I pressed against him. My skin warmed liked I’d been dipped in lava. The pulse beneath my skin pounded the rhythm of my heart. No more secrets between us. He was a Grimm and I was a Fairy Godmother. He trailed kisses down my neck, and I arched my back.

  When h
e pulled away, his eyes looked wild. His fingers clasped mine, and I brought his hand to my heart. “My heart is yours.”

  “I’ll guard it with my life.”

  I bit my lip. “Will you let me see you in your other form?”

  He quirked an eyebrow. “If you let me see you in yours.”

  I smiled. “Is this an ‘I’ll show you mine if you’ll show me yours’ moment?”

  He grinned. “And you call me a pervert.”

  I watched as he slipped his sports jacket off and unbuttoned his dress shirt. When he revealed a sculpted, bronzed chest, my heart leapt into my throat. He held his arms wide, his muscles clenched and unclenched. I heard a soft whir and I gasped.

  Two large, dark wings unfolded behind him. His hair fell across his forehead as I stepped toward him. My hands shook as I touched the velvety softness of his feathers. Everything about him dripped with perfection. My gaze met his. He looked like a fallen angel.

  “Yo—you’re the one who saved me when the other Grimm took me in its claws.”

  He smiled. “Yeah I thought you’d figure it out the night when I dropped you at the gazebo.”

  Realization sunk in. “You went against your father for me.”

  He nodded. “I can’t choose who my father is, but I can choose who I am.”

  His wings wrapped around us like a cocoon as his mouth covered mine once more. There was no denying it. Fate had brought us together. Because in what world did a Godmother and Grimm fall in love?

  With my eyes closed, I let my wings unfold and heard the sharp intake of his breath. His fingers trailed along the folds, sending delicious chills down my spine. I opened my eyes as I stared at him in wonder. Everything had built to this moment. We were bound together, and nothing would ever separate us.

  “You’re mine,” he said at last, the possessiveness evident on his face.

  “And you’re mine.”

  The air thrummed with an ancient magic as if to witness our words. Each admission imprinted on my heart.

  Seth smiled down at me. “You might be okay with all this, but Jack’s going to pulverize me.”

  “I’d like to see him try.”

  He quirked an eyebrow.

  “Not literally.” I rolled my eyes.


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