Geneva, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii)
George, Trevor, (i), (ii), (iii)
George VI, King: wartime speech, (i); stutter, (i)
Germans: RB's view of, (i)
Germany: in war, (i); bombing attacks on Britain, (i)
Gerson, Leslie (later Latour), (i)n22, (ii)
Getty, Aileen (later Wilding), (i), (ii)
Getty, J. Paul, (i), (ii)
Getty, Mark, (i)
Gibbs, Philip Hamilton: Realities of War, (i)
Gibran, Khalil: The Prophet, (i)
Gibson, Wilfrid Wilson, (i)
Gibson, William, (i)
Gielgud, (Sir) John: directs Hamlet in Toronto, (i); love of dressing up, (i); proposes film of The Tempest, (i); asked to write on Olivier, (i); acting, (i), (ii); RB's view of, (i), (ii); gives dog to ET, (i), (ii); plays at Stratford, (i); on Marat-Sade, (i); influence on RB, (i); letter to RB, (i); voice, (i)
Gillmore, Margalo, (i)
Gingerbread Lady (film), (i)
Glavin, William (Bill), (i)
Glenville, Peter, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi)
Go-Between, The (film), (i), (ii)
Goetz, Edie, (i), (ii)
Goldberg, Harry, (i)
Goldman, E. F.: The Tragedy of Lyndon Johnson, (i), (ii)
Goldman, Milton, (i)
Goldwyn, Sam, (i)
Goodbye Girl, The (film), (i)
Gordon, Gale, (i)
Gordon, John, (i)
Gould, Elliott, (i), (ii)
Grace, Princess of Monaco (Grace Kelly): RB describes, (i)n17; photographed with ET and Mara, (i); RB talks to at Ferrières, (i); Scorpio birth sign, (i); enjoys ET's company, (i); on Kalizma, (i); invites RB and ET to Red Cross ball, (i); status as film star, (i); cuts RB and ET during ‘Scandale’, (i); sends birthday telegram to RB, (i); at Rothschild party, (i), (ii); Duchess of Windsor disparages, (i); at ET's 40th birthday celebrations, (i), (ii)
Grade, Sir Lew (later Baron), (i), (ii)
Graham, Brian, (i), (ii)
Granger, Stewart, (i), (ii)
Grant, Cary, (i)
Graves, Robert, (i)
Gray, Colleen, (i)
Greece: Italy invades (1940), (i), (ii)
Green, Guy, (i)
Green, Johnny, (i)
Green, Kathy, (i)
Green, Nigel, (i)
Green Grow the Rushes (film), (i)
Greene, Graham, (i), (ii)
Greenford, Bernard, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
Greenford, Claire, (i), (ii)
Greenford, Helen, (i), (ii)
Greenwood, Arthur, (i)
Grenier, Richard: Yes and Back Again (novel), (i)
Greyn, Clinton, (i), (ii), (iii)
Griffith, Miss E. E., (i)
Griffith, Hugh, (i)
Griffith, Kenneth, (i)
Griffiths, Morgan (‘Mog’), (i), (ii)
Grimes, Stephen, (i)
Gronow, Milly, (i)
Gronow, Morwen, (i)
Gross, John (Simmy's fiancé), (i), (ii)
Grunwald, Anatole de, (i)
Gstaad, Switzerland, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix), (x), (xi), (xii), (xiii)
Guadalahara, Mexico, (i)
Guardino, Harry, (i)
Guilaroff, Sydney, (i)
Guinness, (Sir) Alec, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii)
Gunsberg family, (i)
Guys and Dolls (stage musical), (i)
Haber, Joyce, (i), (ii)
Haemophilia foundation, Oxford, (i)
Hagen, Victor Wolfgang von, (i)
Haggard, Stephen, (i)
Haggiag, Robert, (i), (ii)
Hailey, Arthur: Airport, (i)
Haiti, (i), (ii)
Hakim, Robert, (i)
Haldane, J. B. S., (i)
Hall, Bob, (i)
Hamilton, George, (i)
Hammersmith is Out (film), (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii)
Hammett, Dashiell, (i)
Hankey, Maurice, (i)
Hanley, Richard (‘Dick’): calls from Greece, (i); sends money from Antibes, (i); helps with packing, (i); shows car to RB, (i); RB has birthday lunch with, (i); at meeting with Sharaff, (i); in Rome, (i); ET gives dragon pin to, (i); dines with RB, (i); gives short history of Africa to RB, (i); sails to Monte Carlo in Kalizma, (i); on Sardinia, (i); semi-invalid state, (i); on Jackie Kennedy-Onassis, (i); gives birthday present to RB, (i); orders plane to take RB to Geneva, (i); and Jane Swanson, (i); ET's affection for, (i); death, (i); invited to post-Oscars ‘Thanksgiving’ dinner, (i); and John Lee's imagined dying, (i); on press reports on ET's health, (i); attends Henry Wilding's funeral, (i); bores RB, (i); on bread bill in Rome, (i)
Hapgood, George M. (‘Happy’), (i)
Hardy, Liz, (i)
Hardy, Robert (‘Tim’), (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
Hare, Glynis, (i)
Harlech, David Ormsby-Gore, 5th Baron, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
Harlech Television (company), (i), (ii), (iii)
Harris, Elizabeth (later Harrison; née Rees-Williams), (i), (ii), (iii)
Harris, Julie, (i)
Harris, Michael, (i)
Harris, Richard, (i), (ii), (iii)
Harris, Rosemary, (i), (ii), (iii)
Harrison, Madeleine (later Rowe-Beddoe), (i)
Harrison, Rachel (Rex's wife) see Roberts, Rachel
Harrison, Rex: plays Julius Caesar in Cleopatra, (i), (ii); relations with RB, (i); wins Oscar, (i); attends press conference, (i); marriage to Rachel Roberts, (i); in Portofino, (i), (ii); in Paris, (i); wears toupée and make-up, (i), (ii); and filming of Staircase, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix), (x), (xi); in A Flea in Your Ear, (i), (ii); ill behaviour and jealousy of ET's celebrity, (i); dress, (i); and RB's drinking, (i); manner, (i); power as actor, (i); competitiveness, (i), (ii); marriage to Eilizabeth Rees-Williams, (i); visits RB on Kalizma, (i); sings in My Fair Lady, (i); ageing, (i); earnings, (i); terminates contract with Twentieth Century-Fox, (i); temper, (i); in My Fair Lady, (i), (ii); RB praises, (i)
Hart, Moss, (i), (ii)
Harte, Sheldon, (i)
Hartley, Neil, (i)
Harvey, Laurence, (i)
Haszard, James, (i)
Hatfield, Ruth, (i)
Hathaway, Henry, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix)
Hauser, Frank R., (i)
Hawaii, (i), (ii)
Hawn, Goldie, (i)
Hay, Sally see Burton, Sally
Hayes, Helen, (i), (ii)
Heath, (Sir) Edward, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)
Heatherton, Davenie Johanna (‘Joey’), (i), (ii), (iii)
Heathfield School, Ascot, (i)
Heffer, Richard, (i)
Hell is for Heroes (film), (i)
Hellman, Lillian: Montserrat, (i)
Hemingway, Ernest, (i), (ii)
Henry, Ed, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
Hepburn, Audrey, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)
Herbert, Sir Alan Patrick, (i)
Herbert, George, (i)
Herzog, Maurice, (i)
Hesse, Hermann: Steppenwolf, (i)
Hever Castle, Kent, (i)
Heycock, Llew, Baron, (i), (ii)
Heyman, David, (i)
Heyman, John: meets RB in London, (i); arranges ET's introduction to Elie de Rothschild, (i); in Italy, (i); and Losey's fear of RB and ET, (i); Noël Coward on, (i); in Rome, (i), (ii); and Man from Nowhere, (i); on Tynan, (i); calls on RB on Elba, (i); re-established as RB's agent, (i), (ii); sends confusing messages to RB, (i); travels, (i); ambitions, (i); owes money to RB, (i); in Yugoslavia, (i); and Terence Baker, (i); and Romy Schneider, (i); on Losey's drinking, (i); introduces Michael Linnit, (i); pursues Suzy Kendall, (i)
Heyman, Norma (John's wife; ‘Fred’), (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix), (x), (xi)
Hibberd, Mrs, (i)
Hildyard, Dave, (i)
> Hildyard, Jack, (i)
Hilton, Conrad (father), (i)
Hilton, Conrad (‘Nicky’), (i), (ii); death, (i), (ii)
Hilton, Patricia, (i)
Hinxman, Margaret, (i)
Hiss, Alger, (i)
Hitler, Adolf, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii)
Hobson, Sir Harold, (i)
Hochhuth, Rolf: The Soldiers, (i), (ii)
Hockin, Charles, (i), (ii)
Hoffman, Dustin, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
Hogg, Quintin (Baron Hailsham), (i)
Holder, Roy, (i)
Hollywood: RB in, (i), (ii); Oscars (1970), (i)
Holmes, Larry, (i)
Holroyd, Sir Michael: Lytton Strachey, (i), (ii)
Hope, Bob, (i)
Hope-Wallace, Philip, (i)
Hopkins, Gerard Manley, (i), (ii)
Hopkins, Mr & Mrs, (i)
Horan, Tom, (i)
Hordern, Michael, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix)
Hornblower, Arthur and Leonora, (i)
Hornby, Ann Sheran (née Cazalet): sends Wodehouse book to RB, (i); unmarried state, (i); marriage to Simon, (i); with RB on Kalizma at Cap Ferrat, (i); on George Hamilton, (i); RB abuses, (i); dislikes cats, (i); RB disparages, (i), (ii); at ET's 40th birthday celebrations, (i); RB asks to find house near Oxford, (i)
Hornby, Simon, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi)
Horne, Lena, (i)
Housman, A. E.: A Shropshire Lad, (i)
Houston, Donald, (i)
Howard, John, (i)
Howard, Trevor, (i)
Howerd, Frankie, (i)
Howes, Sally Anne, (i)
Hudson, Rock, (i), (ii)
Hughes, Howard, (i)
Hughes, V., (i)
Hulbert, Jack, (i)
Humphrey, Hubert, (i)
Hungary: Soviet intervention (1956), (i); RB wishes to make film in, (i), (ii); RB's interest in, (i); RB films in, (i), (ii), (iii)
Hunt, James, (i)
Hunter, N. C., (i)
Hunter, Tab, (i)
Hurt, John, (i)
Huston, John, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi)
Hutton, Brian, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi)
Huxley, Aldous, (i); The Devils of Loudon, (i)
Hyde-White, Wilfrid, (i)
Ice Palace (film), (i), (ii)
Ici Paris (magazine), (i)
Inge, William Ralph, Dean of St Paul's, (i)
Innes, Michael (J. I. M. Stewart), (i), (ii)
IRA (Irish Republican Army), (i)
Iraq-Iran war (1980-8), (i)
Ischia, (i)
Israel: and Six Day War, (i), (ii); RB invited to, (i)
Italy: enters war, (i); war with Greece, (i), (ii); changes to summertime (1966), (i); floods (November 1966), (i); unwarlike nature, (i); political disorder, (i)
Jacklin, Tony, (i)
Jackpot (unfinished film), (i)
Jacks, Robert, (i)
Jackson, Bill, (i)
Jackson, Mrs (neighbour), (i), (ii)
James, Alan (‘Dad’), (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)
James, Ben (Elfed's brother), (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
James, Carwyn, (i)
James, Cecilia (née Jenkins; RB's sister; ‘Cis’): birth, (i); RB moves in with as child, (i); religious observance, (i); RB shops for, (i), (ii); rows with Elfed, (i); rebukes RB, (i); and brother David's visit, (i); at Pyle Eisteddfod, (i); birthday, (i); at Cwm, (i), (ii); gives money to RB, (i), (ii); RB helps with housework, (i); told of RB's eating chocolate, (i); goes to Dad James's, (i); moods, (i); quarrel with RB, (i); Verdun gives money to, (i); visits RB, (i), (ii); RB's relations with, (i); RB sends money to, (i); prospective death, (i); writes to RB in Mexico, (i)
James, Elfed (Cecilia's husband): marriage, (i); RB lives with as child, (i); chapel-going, (i); on Co-op management committee, (i); writes in RB's diary, (i), (ii); plays Monopoly, (i); row with Cis, (i); misses annual holiday, (i); protests at working conditions, (i); takes shelter in air raid, (i); RB collects pay for, (i), (ii); gathers blackberries with RB, (i); RB's breach with, (i); moods, (i); visits RB, (i), (ii); RB sends money to, (i)
James, Joe, (i)
James, Lorenzo, (i)n143
James, ‘Mam’ (Elfed's mother), (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
James, Marian (Cis-Elfed's daughter), (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)
James, Rhianon (Cis-Elfed's daughter), (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)
James, Winifred (‘Auntie’), (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi)
Japrisot, Sébastien, (i)
Jarrott, Charles, (i), (ii)
Jeakins, Dorothy, (i)
Jeffrey, Peter, (i)n124
Jenkins, Arthur (‘Boyo'; ‘Bonehead’), (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)
Jenkins, Betty (Will's wife), (i)
Jenkins, Cassie (Tom's wife), (i), (ii)n1, (iii)
Jenkins, Catherine (RB's sister; ‘Cassie’), (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
Jenkins, Clive, (i)
Jenkins, David (RB's brother): birth, (i); works as miner, (i); RB takes money from, (i); letter to Sis, (i); home on holiday, (i), (ii); plays tennis with RB, (i); visits RB, (i); RB takes kit to Llantwit Major, (i); at sister Edie's funeral, (i); turns Tory, (i)
Jenkins, Edith (RB's sister): birth, (i); RB sees, (i), (ii); gives money to RB, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); letter to RB, (i); expelled by brother Tom for smoking, (i); death and funeral, (i), (ii)
Jenkins, Edith Maud (née Thomas; RB's mother): background, (i); death, (i)
Jenkins, Emma (Wendy and Derek's daughter), (i)
Jenkins, Graham (RB's brother): birth, (i); shares bed with RB, (i); visits RB as child, (i), (ii), (iii); acquires new trousers, (i); at sister Edie's funeral, (i); at Francis Taylor's funeral, (i); in Paris, (i); visits RB with friend, (i); talks to press, (i), (ii), (iii); drinking, (i); RB talks to on rugby film, (i); RB discusses brother Verdun's health with, (i)
Jenkins, Gwyneth (Gwen; Ivor's wife): visits RB as child, (i); RB eats with, (i); RB visits on Long Island, (i); accompanies Kate on travels, (i), (ii); in London, (i); on RB's boat, (i); at Besancon's funeral, (i); at granddaughter's christening, (i); arthritis, (i); RB requests Welsh books from, (i); at Aston Clinton, (i); visits Gstaad, (i), (ii); and Ivor's decline, (i); at Squire's Mount, Hampstead, (i), (ii); RB writes to, (i); RB visits, (i)
Jenkins, Hilary (Graham's wife), (i)
Jenkins, Hyral (Tom's second wife), (i), (ii), (iii)
Jenkins, Ivor (RB's brother): birth, (i); works as miner, (i); goes to Swansea, (i); RB visits, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii); birthday, (i); at Cwm, (i); army service, (i); meets RB in Switzerland, (i), (ii); Cis and Elfed ignore, (i); on Sybil's second marriage, (i); in USA, (i); RB's relations with, (i), (ii); accompanies Kate to Italy, (i); takes Kate to New York, (i); teaching in London, (i); in Sardinia, (i); at Besancon's funeral, (i); paralysed in accident, (i), (ii), (iii); moves toenails, (i); prospective death, (i); condition improves, (i), (ii), (iii); and MacLeish poetry reading, (i); Kate Burton visits, (i); visits RB, (i); RB enquires about equipment for, (i), (ii); heart trouble, (i); decline, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v); visits Gstaad, (i); on weakness in others, (i); leaves hospital, (i); wins book prizes, (i); RB writes to, (i); attacks waiter, (i); death and funeral, (i)n111, (ii)
Jenkins, Josie, (i)
Jenkins, Richard Walter see Burton, Richard
Jenkins, Richard Walter (RB's father): work as collier, (i), (ii); death, (i), (ii), (iii); gives money to RB, (i), (ii); RB requests to take back, (i); buys shoes for RB, (i); RB's likeness to, (i)
Jenkins, Thomas Henry (RB's brother): birth, (i); marriage, (i); works as miner, (i); widowed, (i)n1; RB visits, (i), (ii), (iii); gives trousers to RB, (i); RB fails to return planks, (i); visits RB, (i); robbed, (i); gives money to RB, (i); expels Edie, (i); at sister Edie's funeral, (i); second wife (Hyral), (i); at ET's 40th birthday, (i); illness, (i); death, (i)
Jenkins, Verdun (RB's brother): birth, (i); wo
rks as miner, (i); gives money to RB, (i), (ii), (iii); comes into money, (i); at sister Edie's funeral, (i); visits RB in Switzerland, (i); heart trouble, (i)
Jenkins, Wendy and Derek (daughter-in-law and son of Gwyneth), (i)
Jenkins, William (RB's brother): birth, (i); works as miner, (i); in army, (i); visits home, (i); returns to army, (i); sends money to RB, (i); at sister Edie's funeral, (i); at ET's 40th birthday, (i); ageing and ill-health, (i); visits RB in Switzerland, (i); acquires hearing aid, (i)
Joad, C. E. M., (i)
Johannesburg, (i), (ii)
Johannot, Colonel Louis, (i)
John, Augustus, (i)
Johnson, Lady Bird, (i)
Johnson, Lyndon B., (i), (ii)
Johnson, Samuel, (i), (ii)
Jonas, Franz, (i)
Jones, Cliff, (i)
Jones, David (Cwmafan neighbour), (i)
Jones, David (writer/artist), (i), (ii)
Jones, Ivor, (i)
Jones, James Earl, (i), (ii)
Jones, Jimmy, (i)
Jones, Mary Anne, (i)
Jones, Meredith: RB writes on, (i)
Jones, Owen, (i), (ii)
Jones, Simeon, (i)
Jones, Stanley, (i)
Joyce, James, (i), (ii); Ulysses, (i), (ii)
Joyce, William (‘Lord Haw-Haw’), (i)
Juárez Garcia, Benito Pablo, (i)
Judge, Diane, (i)
Jurgens, Curt, (i), (ii), (iii)
Justine (film), (i)
Kafka, Franz, (i), (ii), (iii)
Kalizma (yacht earlier Odysseia): RB rents, (i), (ii); passes inspection, (i); life on, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix), (x), (xi), (xii), (xiii), (xiv), (xv), (xvi), (xvii); stabilizers proposed, (i); flooded, (i); condition, (i)
Kanter, Jay, (i)
Karen (nurse), (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii)
Karl, Harry, (i)
Karloff, Boris, (i)
Kashfi, Anna, (i)
Kastner, Elliott, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii)
Katselas, Milton, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
Kazan, Elia (‘Gadge’), (i), (ii)
Kehl (German banker), (i)
Keith, Brian, (i)
Keller, Werner: The Bible as History, (i)
Kelly, Margaret Katherine (‘Peggy’), (i)
Kendall, Kay, (i)
Kendall, Suzy, (i), (ii)
Kennamer, Dr Rexford, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii)
Kennedy, Cheryl, (i)
Kennedy, Edward, (i), (ii)
Kennedy, Ethel, (i), (ii)
Kennedy, John F., (i), (ii), (iii)
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