Rascal (Edgewater Agency Book 2)

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Rascal (Edgewater Agency Book 2) Page 53

by Kyanna Skye

  When she reached her door, she halted.

  Her door was open… slightly. And she could see that there was a light on inside… and she could hear the sound of running water from her shower. She knew at once that it had not been her that had left the water running. And it was too late in the night for someone to be cleaning her room.

  The hairs on the back of her neck stood up.

  Could it be…?

  She gently bit her lip and pushed her door open, peering inside. The steam from her shower wafted through the air. She couldn’t smell the body wash that she used or anything else. There was just the steam that somehow managed to permeate the air more than any of the fragrance oils or soaps that she used.

  As she stepped in, she saw the full-length mirror that took up the entire wall of her bathroom. And reflected in it was one of the most awe-inspiring things that she had ever seen in her life.

  Jay was in her shower.

  He stood as naked as any depiction of a Greek god captured in marble, but harder and more lifelike. Water dripped from off of his body at every angle of his body. It fell like rain from off of his neck… his elbows… his chin. His hair was soaked, and the water streamed down his body in thin rivulets. It was like watching a mountain stream wash over rocks in a gently running river, but more beautiful.

  His eyes were closed as he looked into the flowing shower, allowing the water to a caress his skin. Though he was being cleaned, there was something dirty about the whole thing that she felt herself being tangled in and quickly.

  She stepped quietly into her room and without needing to be told she closed the door behind her, sealing their privacy. And though she doubted it would have helped at all, she locked the door, hoping that this would at the very least assure that it would be all the harder for him to leave.

  She walked slowly into the bathroom, the heat from the shower reaching her skin and coaxing small beads of sweat from her skin. She stood in the doorway, simply watching him as the water washed over his body. Jealous of every drop that touched him in places she had only ever dreamed about.

  “Don’t say anything,” he said softly, his voice barely louder than the rush of the water. And though his eyes were closed and not watching her she felt the weight of interest upon her. “Take your clothes off… and get in here with me.”

  Without intended to do so, she got out of her clothes more quickly than she would have liked. All the while he kept his eyes closed and that added to her haste. She wanted him to see her… to touch her… to feel her both inside and out. And before a minute had elapsed she had stripped herself of her jeans, shoes, bra and panties.

  With his eyes still shut, he held out a hand as if he could sense that she was naked. Water dripped from between his fingers as he did so and she gently reached out and took his hand, feeling the moistness of his skin as he gently guided her into the stream of the shower.

  The stall was large, and there was more than enough room for the both of them. And he gently spun her so that she had her back to him. The water was warm as it washed over her, turning her neatly kept hair into thin ropes of soaked scalp. But she didn’t feel the heat of it at all. All she could feel was his hand upon hers and then the muscles of his chest and belly as they pressed into her back.

  He pulled her hair aside gently, and she felt his lips lightly peck at her neck. Into her ear, he whispered, “Don’t make any noise… don’t say a word… just let it happen.”

  Her initial response was to protest, but she didn’t find it within herself to do so. It felt like she had stepped into another skin, one that she had concocted from fantasy and made into a reality. It was a moment just like she had seen in most of Jay’s fights… the moment of submission.

  He started by putting his hands firmly on her breasts. She felt the power of his fingers, the muscle that was contained within them. That much was, at least, just how she had imagined it. Full of power that seemed so overwhelming that it couldn’t be trusted to move boulders without crushing them, yet it seemed gentle enough to have plucked flower petals without damaging the stem.

  His hands couldn’t entirely encompass her breasts. He moved them around, exploring them, taking a fresh handful of flesh with every clasp of his fingers. The tips of his thumb and index fingers found her nipples and he pinched them, just hard enough to make them hard and she gasped at that. The pain was exciting, and she reached out, resting her hands against the tiled wall of the stall as if she were being arrested and searched in the most delightful of ways.

  He pulled her hair aside and kissed the back of her neck. His hands traveled south, exploring the surface of her belly… her hips… and finally, she felt them upon the curves of her ass. She rubbed her ass against him, feeling that his cock was already hard and anxious.

  She resisted the urge to turn and face him. This was his arena… he set the rules… and she was a new player. She would listen to him… learn from him… do whatever he said like he was training her.

  His hands circled back around, moving farther south until they reached the thin patch of pubic hair. His fingers explored that region, tickling her until he dipped his fingers inside of her. She felt a different dampness that had nothing to do with the shower as his fingers toyed with her.

  It was clear that he had done this before. His fingers knew all of the right places to touch, and he did them in order, starting at her outmost layers and slowly working his way inward, giving each sweet spot its turn. When his fingers finally probed her clit, she felt her legs shaking like they might give out from under her.

  She felt his arms close around her and tightly.

  Oh, god, yes!

  It was better than she imagined. The feeling of his muscular arms was incredible as they tightened around her. His grip was firm but gentle as if he could easily compensate for her weight if her legs did give out from under her.

  To prove it, he hoisted her from off the floor. He didn’t hold her high, but he lifted her just enough so that her feet were a mere inch off the floor. And all the while he kept his fingers inside of her.

  The resulting sensation was like nothing that she had ever experienced. It was a blend of pleasure, excitement, and pain all at once. Taken together it was amazing. She had been with men only twice before, both had been classmates. But neither of them had been like Jay. Neither had been dangerous or powerful.

  His hand began to rock inside of her, and she felt his intent. She fought the urge to begin moaning as she felt the water inside of her blood beginning to boil. He had told her not to make any sounds. And though he had given no hint as to why he wanted this way, she could feel that it was like any other contest that he participated in. Break the rules and it was the end of the bout.

  As his hand moved and her feet dangled from off of the wet floor, her blood grew warmer and warmer as if it really was about to begin boiling. But she didn’t care. The feeling was like no other that she had ever experienced.

  She put her arms up, grasping at the back of his neck to give herself some leverage. He responded to her action, his fingers moving deeper and more quickly inside of her. She turned her head, kissing his cheek and tasting not only the water of the shower but him as well. He was warm… inviting… and she wanted to feel more of him.

  It hit before she was ready for it.

  Her mouth opened as if she were to scream, but she managed to keep the sound suppressed. The vibrations that he generated traveled all the way up her spine as if he had managed to coax an earthquake inside of her. She was thankful for the loan of his strength as she felt for certain that she would have fallen from her feet had he not already been cradling her.

  His fingers began to slow inside of her, sensing her release and gently bringing her back down. He slipped in and out of her, five… nine… sixteen… Twenty-two… thirty more times before he finally allowed her feet to touch back on the wet floor of the stall.

  He freed his fingers from inside of her and gently turned her. The spray of the shower washed down h
er back, and she became aware of its heat as he bent her head backward, the water covering her eyes. She closed them to protect them and as she did so she felt his warm lips cover hers. Suddenly the warmth of the water vanished, and all she could feel was his lips upon hers.

  She forgot even that as his tongue slipped inside of her mouth and in a way that it never had at the arenas. At those times, his tongue had been quick. Slipping in only long enough to give her a small taste of him before being hastily withdrawn like he didn’t want it there any longer than necessary. But now it was different, he was as generous with his tongue as a reformed rich man giving away his money.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him fast. This would not be like one of his tauntings and teasing kisses. She wanted this one to last as long as possible… for eternity if she could manage it. Silently she thanked Cece again for taking her to the Pit. Were it not for that night of breaking her comfort zone she would never have been led to this.

  She hooked one leg over him, keeping herself equally pinned against him as his hands explored her back as eagerly as his tongue explored the inside of her mouth. His tongue played with hers, gently caressing it one moment and then almost angrily wrestling with it another. It was like a miniaturized version of his fight cages were simple strikes, or outright grappling were both acceptable practices.

  “Put your leg down,” he whispered between kisses. “Spread your legs.”

  She obeyed, keeping his head close enough so that he could not pull away from their embrace. He gave no sign of wanting to break their kiss, and she savored the feeling.

  With both her feet flat on the ground he drew her towards him. Her center of gravity was thrown so far off that she had no choice but to free his head from her hands and put both hands out to keep herself from tilting over. He aided her in that effort by putting a single arm under the small of her back like a roll bar, keeping her level while his free hand spread her legs only a smaller distance apart than they had a moment before.

  With her eyes still shut in their warm kiss, she felt his cock slip inside of her. And just as his hands, arms, and tongue had been she found that that too was stronger than she had imagined. The feeling of him inside of her was truly a demonstration of godlike prowess for she lost all sense of connection with everything around her. Her mind blanked… white light popped before her eyes… and all that she could perceive was him and the feeling of him inside of her.

  His free hand cupped her breast as her back arched. Again she felt powerless in his grip but marveled at how easy it was for him to keep her aloft. Most men would have buckled under her weight, but he held her in place as if she weighed nothing at all.

  He began to rock inside of her.

  In… out… in… out… in… out… He moved slowly at first, then faster and faster. Her lungs felt like they were ready to burst, she wanted to make noise. Her only means of controlling her sound was to bite down on her lip to try and keep from breaking the rules that he had laid down. She didn’t want this to end… not now… not ever. Dreams and girlish fantasies had hammered the illusions of lust and trysts in her mind, and now that those things had been made whole she would do nothing to risk them.

  He added more feats to his strength and lifted her from off the ground yet again. Her feet left the floor, and she placed them flatly on the opposing wall until she was stretched out in the stall like Spider-man in an elevator shaft.

  Jay put his other arm under her back to lend further support though it did not feel as though he needed it. But he continued with his efforts. In… out… in… out.

  With every thrust, he plunged deeper inside of her. She felt like she was lying on a beach, feeling the tide come in and roll over her. Every new wave rose higher and higher against her skin, reaching more and more of her body. And that sensation of her blood beginning to boil returned freshly inside of her.

  And every time his cock went in and came out, the tide rolled further and further inland, threatening to consume her and sweep her out to sea. And as terrifying as that seemed, she wanted it. She wanted to be swept up… carried away… to be drowned in this sea of feelings. And as long as Jay was there to hold her, she feared no danger.

  Her legs began to tremble.

  The gently rolling tide was turning into a tsunami. She silently cursed her body. She wanted to prolong this… for as long as she could. She wanted it to last forever. She wanted to keep the feeling of this forbidden romance alive for as long as possible. She tried to keep the tide at bay… she willed her body to try and hold out.

  But Jay’s strength could not be denied. If he was a god, then he was a god of the sea, and capable of overriding any dam or levy that she built to try and keep him back. All she could do was worship him… his power… his strength… his virility.

  He began to grunt, but softly as he worked inside of her. She felt enough daring inside of her open her eyes and witness the god that had her firmly in his grip. As before, the water dripped from off his body in small droplets. If there were a god of the rains then surely this was how he gave his miracle to the world. The sheen of light from the bathroom fixtures shined on his body as if he himself were radiating that light. And with every drop of water that fell from him to land on her felt like a second small kiss.

  His grunts began to match his thrusts and her body rippled with every penetration. Tried though she might keep the waves from consuming her, she felt her resolve weakening. The feeling was growing too immense to be denied. Jay was accustomed to winning his matches in whatever arena he chose to make them. And she knew that this would be no except.

  Hold on… just a little longer… she tried to will herself. You’re leaving tomorrow… who knows when you’ll get the chance to do this again?

  But her thoughts availed her little. Every time Jay pressed in against her she felt her strength crumbling. It was like watching a slow-motion video of a wall crumbling, one piece at a time.

  Slowly the tide began to rise to its full within her. Spilling over the levy she had tried to build in her mind a little at a time. Then more… more… more… then the tide rose to such a height that she felt that if she had been standing on a shore that the waves would have washed over her entirely.

  She opened her mouth as if to scream… and held.

  It felt as if she had been swallowed by the earth more than the see. There was a crushing feeling within her that pressed on her from all sides. She could not breathe… think… or move… It was as if she had lost all perceptions of time itself and that blinding white light again flashed before her eyes.

  All she felt was Jay.

  She hung there, suspended in his grip like she was floating on the air and with no desire to come back down. Though her hands and feet remained firmly planted on the walls where she could reach them, she felt as if she had no grip on anything. The feeling swirled inside of her… as if someone had taken a great large spoon to her body and swirled it like the contents of a cooking pot. Nothing felt like it was where it should have been… everything was jumbled and refused to settle.

  The water was suddenly shut off, and she was only vaguely aware of it as the pattering of water against her skin and overwhelming silence seemed to settle over her.

  “Are you okay?” Jay’s voice asked though it sounded as if it were a long way off.

  She had to struggle to find her voice as well as the right muscles in her neck to nod. It seemed to take forever before she was finally able to respond with a nod and a very weak, “Yeah…”

  “Good,” Jay said, gently setting her back on the floor. Her legs trembled as he helped her to settle but she managed to stay upright, putting her arms around his neck to keep herself steady. She took a few moments to steady her breathing, and he helped her by linking his hands at the small of her back.

  She rested her head against his muscular chest, listening to the sound of his heart beating. The rapid thump-thump-thump of his organ told her that she had excited him just as much as he had done for her.
The thought made her smile.

  “What?” he asked amusedly.

  She looked up at him, seeing a few stray droplets of water running down his face. “It’s just… all this time… I… I…” she tried, the words failing to form in her mouth. But the look on his face showed that he understood though she could not give form to her thoughts.

  “I know,” he said, that familiar golden smile forming again on his face. But this time, there was more meaning behind it. There was a sense of satisfaction behind it. The notion made her feel warm inside. “Believe me, I know.”

  She had a strong feeling that he did. “So… are you ready for round two?”

  He smiled at her. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” he said delightedly. “You do have places to go tomorrow. And besides, people live to see a rematch.”

  She wasn’t sure why, but the thought of such a thing filled her with renewed anticipation and lust. It wasn’t a promise, exactly, but it was as near as she was going to get to knowing that they would be doing this again. Much as she wanted to have him again tonight, the idea of having to wait until next time held even greater appeal.

  But even so, there was one final question that she had, and she wanted it answered. She touched his lips with her fingertips as if coaxing the answer from them. “So… why did you wait until tonight?”

  His expression was simple and innocent. All he did was a smile.


  When she rose the next morning she felt like some of the life had been drained from her and she felt sore, like a newly trained acrobat. But the feeling was wonderful. She felt like she had just won her first fight and so long as the soreness remained she would have a pleasant keepsake of one incredible night. And once the soreness went away…

  Well… maybe I’ll just have to conjure some reason to come home sooner, she thought with a wry grin.


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