Rascal (Edgewater Agency Book 2)

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Rascal (Edgewater Agency Book 2) Page 69

by Kyanna Skye

  She licked her way over Zack’s pectorals, her tongue circling his nipples before she worked her way to his neck, his chin, and she slipped her tongue within his mouth. He responded, his hands finding her hips and hoisting her up until she straddled him. With her free hand she guided his cock inside of her and just as he had been before, he was gentle with her. His movements were slow, deliberate, he took his time and squeezed every last exquisite ounce of pleasure he could both from her and into her.

  She began to moan, still feeling the pressure of holding her breath swirling within her head. Zack’s hands grasped her hips, controlling the power and rhythm of her thrusts within him. He liked it slow… and there was something appealing in that as well.

  The splashing of water behind her drew her attention, however briefly. She saw Zeph rising to his feet, circling her and his brother to stand beside them to her right. Water fell from off his body, for only a short time. His body quickly began to heat the water, vaporizing it from off of his skin so that thin strings of steam rose from off of his skin as if he had just emerged from a heated bath.

  She almost laughed as she thought, God he’s hot!

  Zeph stood close beside her and while she rode his brother, she took Zeph’s cock into her mouth. She pumped him with her free hand and with the alternate she grasped Zack’s hair between her fingers and almost harshly pulled him forward, burying his face between her breasts.

  He responded to her action, circling her with his arms and suckling at her teats while her mouth pleased his brother. Zeph reclined his head, almost as if he were staring at the ceiling and a pleased moan left his lips. Zack’s teeth sharpened and she again felt their sharpened edges teasing at her skin and she knew for certain that Zack’s mouth had drawn some blood.

  But the teasing of his edge didn’t stop there. She felt Zack’s hands on the small of her back, his fingernails extending to talons. His claws dug at her skin, threatening to tear into her flesh, but his gentler nature endured. His nails only teased her flesh, enough to scratch but not so deep as to make her bleed uncontrollably.

  Somehow the gentleness of Zack’s fingers balanced the gruffness with which Zeph moved within her mouth. Zeph’s hands reached and clasped the sides of her head, his fingers teasing at the cornrows of her hair as he almost forced her to suck him harder and faster.

  Zack began to buck underneath her, his hands, cock, and mouth electrifying her back, breasts, and pussy. Zeph’s hands and cock also worked their magic, taunting her mouth and somehow managing to make her feel loopier than she had felt under water.

  Zack worked from below, his power rising upward through her while Zeph worked from above, his power almost driving deeper within her. It was as if her body was a castle, being besieged from both sides and only her center remained unconquered. But her defenses were quickly weakening… becoming thin… like a sandcastle that could not stand against a rising tide.

  “Oh, god,” she murmured, retracting from off of Zeph’s cock to take a deep breath. She dived back into the oral pleasure as soon as she had taken her next breath.

  She could feel Zack’s tension growing within her. She could also feel it in Zeph’s body as well. The brothers were inexplicably linked, she knew that much. What one felt, so did the other. And as if their bodies were connected by invisible strings, what affected one also affected the other.

  That was part of the reason she was here.

  She knew that the two men were nearing their peaks. Their bodies again began to glow with their white light… their skin almost looked as if it could begin to break and blister… maybe even explode. The light was as gentle as the glow of a candle at first, but its intensity began to expand.

  She felt the water around her legs and waist beginning to bubble, almost as if it were effervescing. It did not hurt, not yet. As a Wisp she had a greater tolerance for pain and could endure more than any human, but even immortals had their limits. And there was a reason why no one was ever able to withstand dragon’s fire.

  She steeled herself, willing her body to endure the pain that she knew was sure to come. The ultimate expression of this kind of passion was closing in on her and she wanted to feel it again. She wanted not only to be swept away by it, but wrapped up by it, lost in it, to be so overcome with it as if buried by an avalanche.

  The heat on her skin began to rise. She endured it, keeping Zack’s face between her breasts and Zeph’s cock within her mouth. She continued to milk them both as best as she was able, a velvet purse and a tender tongue that was meant only to please the pair of them. She wanted nothing more… not now… maybe not ever.

  The light of their bodies grew, becoming more and more intense so that she had to close her eyes to shield them from the light. But it didn’t matter too much that she did. Even Zeph’s cock radiated with such intensity that the light of it shot up through the roof of her mouth and into her very eyes. The effect was blinding, but she willed herself to endure. The pain of her effort was close… so close that she could feel it.

  The bodies of both men began to thrum… vibrate… and the sensation was incredible. Mortal women had spoken of their vibrator toys and how well they substituted for men. She felt no remorse at hoping that mortal women never sampled a delight such as this, as she wanted it all to herself as the vibrations rocked her body both inside and out.

  The feeling traversed both through her pussy and through her mouth. And just as she had thought before, the powers of both men were driving towards her center, overcoming her inch by inch.

  She counted the heartbeats as they went by.

  Eight… twelve… sixteen… twenty-two… thirty-four…

  It happened.

  The sudden eruption that swirled through her as if she were caught in a firestorm of magma, blended with the sweeping tide of a typhoon. The resulting feeling was not as she had experienced with mortal men when they came inside of her. It was different… better.

  It was fire… but also liquid, as if he had plunged headlong into the sun and swam in rivers of fire. The light was more intense, more blinding than before as it spread over her. It filled her every pore, caressed every square inch of her body, turned her over as if she had just been put onto a spit and cooked alive.

  The feeling lasted only a few seconds, but her mind raced to savor every last ounce of it. The pain… the pleasure… the sensation that remained… as if she had been sunburned in an instant and that instant had passed almost as soon as it had come.

  She blinked, her eyes opening, slowly. Her vision was blurred. She knew that that was going to happen, just as it had before. The fresh air stung her eyes as if the room had been pumped with sulfur fumes. The water in which she had been immersed suddenly felt cool… almost as if it had been ice. She shut her eyes again and submerged her whole body into the shallow pool.

  The water was refreshing, kissing the burning of her skin and extinguishing it the same way water was meant to quench fire. She allowed the feeling of being drenched to last only a moment before she surfaced.

  She opened her eyes again, her vision cleared.

  Zack was no longer beneath her. Zeph too was gone. They had disappeared as if they had never actually been there. And she waited in the small pool only a moment longer, looking about and trying to find her two lovers as her vision cleared.

  Then she saw it.

  Behind her, at the edge of the pool, there was an orb sitting idly at the very edge of the water. It was large, the orb, the size of a man. It shimmered like a miniature sun, yet it gleamed as if it was coated in something that was a cross between mother of pearl and liquid fire.

  The orb held its shape only a moment before it began to retreat in upon itself, shrinking, becoming smaller. She tried to force her vision to return, wanting to see this marvel with perfect clarity, but her eyes simply would not comply. All she saw was the fiery shape slowly changing, becoming humanlike.

  The form swirled like liquid, giving way to the form of arms… legs… a torso… and finally a
head. More features followed, her vision adjusting almost perfectly to the timing of the figure that emerged before her. A face began to form; eyes, ears, a nose, powerful biceps, pectorals, a belly that she could have ironed shirts on, a pleasant cock emerged, and powerful legs and strong feet were the last to form.

  Her eyes finally returned to their normal abilities just as the figure before seemed to cool… becoming flesh again.

  Before her stood an idol of perfection.

  The man stood up, stretching a perfectly formed muscular back. Bones and tendons stretched and snapped as if this man had just woken from a pleasant sleep. His muscles were full and powerful, even more so than either Zack or Zeph. For a brief moment, his skin rippled like the surface of the water she was in, then became solid. She could see within him, a fire that glowed there, as red as blood but cool and controlled.

  It worked, she thought, feeling some small sense of relief.

  The new figure sighed before he looked over his shoulder at her. She saw a new face on this man; new, but one that she had seen before. It wasn’t quite Zack or Zeph, but a delightful combination of the two, inside if not out. Many of the same features remained. The shape of the face… the color of the eyes and hair… certainly the physique was more pleasant though she had never been disappointed with it before. And he turned to face her, his body steaming.

  “Calypso,” he said with a familiar nod.

  She smiled at him, acknowledging the combination of her two lovers. “Zeke,” she said, addressing this new form by the same name he’d had when she’d first met him.

  Zeke looked at his hands, stretching them out experimentally before lowering his arms to his sides. “I see that my two halves called you in again to help with my… our… resurgence.”

  She smiled. “I’m always happy to help,” she said, sitting on the edge of the pool.

  His eyes looked her naked form over and though she could see his interest in her, she knew that he would not act on it. This new form had a limited amount of power and for her to drain it sexually would not be a wise thing. This was how it was for Zack and Zeph. It took a certain amount energy to bond them and through whatever devices they could divine, they had found that she could provide it for them. Enough energy to help them join once again… to become what they had always been for centuries: an alpha.

  They had become one: a master of all things around them, both that they had created and that which they had only merely incorporated. In either event they were the center of the empire that they had built.

  “You’re injured,” he said, pointing out the small love bites on her breasts and a few scratches on her belly that she had not noticed before.

  “I’ll heal,” she said dismissively. “I have until the next full moon when you’ll need my help again.”

  He smirked. “You truly are a wonderful creature, Calypso.” He tilted his head sideways, almost curiously. “I share the memories of both of my halves… they’re equally pleased with you.”

  “As I am with them,” she said honestly.

  He licked his lips, almost hungrily. “You know… my energies are spent for now… but I see no reason why we cannot enjoy one another’s company for a while longer.”

  She lifted her head hopefully. “Oh?”

  He gave a small nod. “You know that I cannot join with you again… my energy would be spent too soon were that the case and I will again revert to being Zack and Zeph soon enough. But, there is one thing that I would like to ask of you, if it would be agreeable?”

  She felt her blood stirring, partly from desire but also from curiosity. “Anything.”

  Zeke stepped back into the water, the fluid hissing as he did so until he was immersed in it up to his knees. He crossed to her and sat in the pool, the water hissing more and more as he reclined next to her, much the same way Zack had done only a short time before.

  “Will you lay here with me?”

  She felt a girlish smile forming on her face, a thing that she did not easily give in to. “Really?”

  He nodded. “I can sense both Zack and Zeph’s feelings. They enjoy your company and both of them lament that they cannot enjoy your company in so simple and quiet a way. Perhaps… we can give that to them memories to latch onto when next I am… divided?”

  She thought it over.

  Sometime in the future, it could be a week from now or maybe it would be twenty days later, however long it took for Zeke to expend his power. But sooner or later, Zeke would split and once more become Zack and Zeph. That was the nature of dragons that had been born as twins. The strings that connected them were more powerful in ways that no other member of the magical community could ever understand. Even she didn’t understand it, but she knew that it was a thing that had to be done. And that she could witness it for herself was an honor that she had never hoped for.

  And somehow, lying with the end product of the union of the two brothers seemed appropriate. It was her sacrifice as much as her pleasure that allowed the two to become one and maintain their empire. She lost nothing from it, and the brothers gained much – perhaps even everything. It was no great sacrifice to do as Zeke asked.

  She smiled and slid into the waters beside him.

  She nestled herself in the crux of his arm, curling one leg over his and resting her head on his muscular chest. His skin felt rough, not as if it was leather but more as if it was scaly. He encircled her with one arm and gently stroked her skin.

  She sighed and closed her eyes, suddenly feeling sleepy.

  Only thirty more days to wait for the next full moon, she thought.

  Without realizing it, she drifted off to sleep.

  The End

  Rescued by Billionaire Dragons

  It was the gentle lapping of the waves that woke her.

  The smell of salt in her nostrils and the taste of the sea in her mouth roused her from an unwilling sleep. The water was warm, its soothing touch was comfortable as the tide frothed and bubbled over her skin as the waves crashed on her large body. Her fingers reflexively dug into the soft and moist sand, the granules lodging themselves underneath her fingernails. She blinked her eyes and the sea stung at them, blurring her vision. Reflexively she tried to wipe the smarting sensation from her eyes as another wave rolled up over her…

  Water! I’m in the fucking water!

  Panic surged into her and she yelped, flipping over onto her back as she turned outwards and looking back at the water. The sea was just behind her as another wave began to roll in towards her on the beach, like some dark hooded figure rushing towards her and ready to claim her with icy fingers.

  Like a scrambling crab she backed up away from the water and deeper onto the sandy shore until the sand became dry and coarse beneath her hands and feet. All the while she kept her eyes on the water, watchful for any signs of danger that swam in the murky green waters of the rolling tide. She crawled as far as she could until she felt her thick back encounter a rocky cliff that would permit her to go no further.

  Even so, she still tried to clamber away, but to no avail. The fear that pumped in her heart demanded that she get further away from the water… as far as she could. The fear sounded firmly inside of her like a church bell until eventually some small portion of her mind convinced her that even being this far from the shore, she was safe. No need for fear.

  Her breathing came in shallow gasps and though the salt of the sea still stung at her eyes and nose she couldn’t take her attention away from the sea that was no more than thirty feet away from where she now sat. Her eyes, though blurred, combed the water for signs of threatening movement.

  As she sat and watched, she saw none. Unable to allay her fear she looked to her left and to her right, wary for signs of any other danger… or other people.

  All she saw was deserted beach, populated by no one but her and the occasional jagged rocks that sat on the sand but all were too small for anyone – or anything – to hide behind. She gave one final look at the ocean that fronted he
r and saw nothing but calm waves and gently rolling waves upon the sand; a picture of paradise.

  “Shit!” she whispered to herself, closing her eyes. “Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!” She tried to bring back her memories. How had she gotten here? Where the hell was here? “Get it together,” she instructed herself. She took a calming breath, trying to put it all together. A swirl of images came back to her mind.

  She recalled the boat. She had been sightseeing… the passengers… she’d had a drink, something strong with flavors she’d never had before. They were watching dolphins… people were laughing and taking pictures. Someone gasped… there were strange shapes in the water… blood… the dolphins disappeared. The boat suddenly rocked so violently… people started screaming… she spilled her drink on herself… People were suddenly being dragged off the boat by… by… claws? Or were they teeth? She remembered seeing strange shapes that looked like they were something from her nightmares. People were pulled off the boat, screaming for God and Jesus, some of them just screaming… and then the boat rocked sideways and she fell over… She had hit the water, hard. There was no hope of getting back on board… the water all around her was turning red with slaughter… shapes thrashing in the water… some of them the shapes of people… and other she couldn’t identify. All she remembered doing was swimming… as hard and as fast as she could… praying that she could escape the terror…

  It wasn’t much, but it was all she could remember. It had happened so fast it was like seeing a car drive by at a hundred miles an hour and expecting to remember what color the driver’s eyes were. It was a blur, the memories distorted by fatigue, drink, and fear… absolute fear.

  She opened her eyes. The waves before her were still calm. There was no sign of claws, teeth, or gore in the waters before her. Though her legs trembled lightly she pushed herself onto her feet.

  She looked herself over. One of her sandals was missing, her skin was pruned from being in the water so long, her hair was a thick mess of wet tendrils, her thick body felt weary, but otherwise she appeared to be unharmed.


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