Samantha Grace - [Beau Monde Bachelor 04]

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Samantha Grace - [Beau Monde Bachelor 04] Page 15

by Lady Vivian Defies a Duke

  She had that expanding sensation in her chest again, like her heart had swollen ten times its normal size. At a loss for words, she joined him at the waterline and squatted to rinse her hands as he was doing. She stood and, overcome by a rush of mischief, flicked droplets at him.

  Still kneeling, Luke lifted a brow and flashed a wicked grin. She backed up a step, but not fast enough. He smacked the water with his hand and aimed a stream at her. The shock of cold water against her bodice made her gasp.


  Her nipples tightened and jutted through her thin muslin gown. Crossing her arms, she spun away from him. “You are evil,” she accused, laughing in spite of her embarrassment.

  “You started it, water sprite.” He came up behind her, wrapped his arms around her waist, and nuzzled her ear. “And I always play to win,” he whispered.

  His hot breath on her neck sent delicious pulses to her core and made her breasts tingle.

  In the distance, she spotted servants coming their way with baskets. She stepped from his embrace and spun back toward the water. She kept her back to the young girls as they delivered their meal.

  “Offer my thanks to Mrs. Dillingham,” he said, “and see that we are not disturbed again this evening.”

  “Yes, Your Grace.” Vivi imagined the girls offering a rushed curtsy before dashing back to the house, eager to share what they had witnessed.

  Heaviness settled in her chest, overriding her earlier lightheartedness. She had known she shouldn’t be alone with Luke, but she hadn’t sent for a chaperone when he had extended the invitation. In truth, she had practically run him down in her eagerness to escape the cottage. Every decision she made seemed fraught with recklessness. It had always been that way for her. She didn’t understand the reason Luke hadn’t yet noticed she wasn’t like other proper young ladies. Yet he must see her as she really was eventually. She dreaded arriving at Irvine Castle, where he would compare her to the other young ladies in attendance. How would she win his heart then?

  Maybe she should let go of her ridiculous plan. She had made no real progress since they had departed from Brighthurst. He may have kissed her once, but that hardly meant a proposal was close at hand.

  Luke slipped up behind her again and touched her shoulder. “Is everything all right, Viv? I didn’t mean to embarrass you.”

  His gentle concern filled her heart to overflowing. Lord help her, but she didn’t have it in her to give up. Not with Luke. She turned, threw her arms around him, and buried her face against his neck. His skin was fragrant, robust and woodsy, as if he had bathed in water scented with clover.

  He embraced her tightly, and she wilted against him as his hands traveled her back in slow caresses that made her long for more. Even though she feared never being capable of becoming the type of lady his position required, she couldn’t let him go. She needed him.

  “I’m so sorry,” she said softly.


  Luke’s heart was battering against his ribs. He tried to work out Vivian’s mumblings as she snuggled against him, her lips playing over his neck. He might have asked her to repeat herself, but that would mean she must pull away to be heard, and he liked her where she was.

  He wanted to kiss her, but even in the fading light, someone might spy them from an upper floor of the cottage. After dusk, he could safely kiss away whatever worries were plaguing her without the chance of embarrassing her again.

  It might be unfair to begin his courtship of her before she had met other potential suitors, but he didn’t care. If having her alone allowed him an advantage over other would-be suitors, he would take it. As he had admitted a moment ago, he was playing to win, and Vivian was a prize worth winning.

  She would want for nothing as his wife, including the freedom to be herself. No other gentleman could pose a better offer. This knowledge alone eased his conscience somewhat for breaking his promise to help her make another match and binding her to him.

  Reluctantly, he eased her from his arms and captured her hand. “Shall we see what Mrs. Dillingham has prepared for us?”

  She nodded, uncommonly reserved.

  He led her to the blanket the kitchen maids had spread over the grass and helped her lower herself onto it. At his request, Mrs. Dillingham had prepared a simple meal of cold meat sandwiches, fruit, and Vivian’s favorite, chocolate biscuits.

  He hesitated when he spotted the jug of lemonade sitting on the ground. He had asked for casual, but perhaps this was too unrefined. Most courtships began with hothouse flowers and strolls through the park, not a meal better suited for peasants. But an extravagant dinner would have meant having footmen present, and he wanted Vivian alone their last night together.

  He removed the stopper from the jug, poured lemonade into a glass, and held it out to her.

  Her arched brows lifted and she teased him with a smile. “No wine tonight, Your Grace?”

  “None for you,” he said with a wink. “I’m unprepared for further inquiries about the gap between my teeth.”

  Her face flushed bright red, but she laughed. “I shall never live that down, I suppose.”


  Nor would he forget discovering her in the spring or sharing the most amusing meal with her wearing that ridiculous wig or her attempting to milk a cow. Every moment spent with Vivian became a happy memory. And in truth, he needed that in his life.

  By the time they had finished their meal, twilight had settled over his land. “Soon everything will be different for us.”

  Her eyes appeared large and luminous in the fading light. “How—” She cleared her throat. “How so?”

  “I may have to behave like a stuffy old duke when everyone is looking. But I’m encouraged that you will know I am pretending.”

  She laughed softly. “And I must behave myself.”

  He reached for her hand and squeezed it. “Only when someone is watching, but I’ll know what no one else does. Behind your polite words and charming smiles hides an adventuress. My kindred spirit.”

  “Truly?” she murmured.

  “Truly.” He climbed to his feet then helped her to stand. “What do you think about one last swim before we have to put on our masks?”

  “Oh, I don’t— I’m not sure we should.”

  “I promise not to look,” he coaxed. Not touching was harder to promise.

  In the dark, he couldn’t read her expression, but he knew her well enough to know she was working her bottom lip and fighting against the urge to give in.

  “It’s dark, Viv, and I know how you love the water. This will be our last chance to just be ourselves. Please, don’t make me swim alone.”

  She blew out a noisy breath and he knew he had won. “You are a bad influence, Your Grace.”


  A chill chased down Vivi’s back when Luke gently turned her away to unfasten her gown. She attempted to will her rapid heartbeat to slow, but it thundered on.

  He slid her still-damp gown from her shoulders. “Raise your arms, darling.”

  Although it appeared she had won, he had yet to say he wanted to marry her. A voice inside her screamed for her to come to her senses. Surely he would recover his soon enough and realize he’d made a mistake.

  He brushed a kiss against her shoulder. “Have you changed your mind, Viv?”

  Heavens knew she should raise a fuss and play the put-upon lady, but she wanted to stay with him.

  She hesitated, then lifted her arms. The removal of her petticoats followed her gown and fell away from her body, landing in a heap around her feet. Luke would take the honorable path if they were discovered together, she reassured herself. It was what gentlemen of noble birth did in those circumstances. At least the gallant ones. Nevertheless, she didn’t want to win him that way. Did he desire a match between them?

  When Luke’s fingers moved to the laces of her corset, she twisted around and planted a hand against his chest.

  Her throat refused to work properly. “If so
meone finds us…” Her voice sounded tight and thin.

  He swept a lock of hair behind her ear. “No one will bother us. But if they do, I promise to accept responsibility.”

  “I’m aware of the risks. I can’t let you…”

  “So am I. And I am prepared to accept them.” His hand made soothing passes from her shoulder to her waist and back again. When she couldn’t find the correct words to respond, he sighed. “It’s all right, Vivian. I understand. I’ll help you dress then escort you back to the house.”

  He bent to retrieve her gown, but she urged him to stand.

  “I don’t want to leave you,” she whispered.

  His quiet laugh came out on a breath and stirred a strand of hair at her cheek. “I don’t want you to go either.”

  When he hugged her, she snuggled against him and savored the feel of him surrounding her. Longing pulled at her heart, threatening to steal it from her and leave her empty inside. She held him tighter and cursed her weakness.

  She thought she might be falling in love with him. She groped for words to free her from her stupor. “Wh-what would you tell someone if they found us together?”

  He released her. Even in the dark, she knew he smiled. Amusement rang in his voice. “I would tell them what we do is none of their concern. After all, we are betrothed.”

  “But it is a pretense, a lie.” She couldn’t make light of the situation as he did. She needed a promise. Before she could escape back to the house, he captured her hand.

  “It wouldn’t have to be a lie.” He drew circles on her wrist with his thumb, lulling her. “All it takes is two signatures on the marriage settlement, and we could become husband and wife. Would you sign it when your brother sent it, Viv?”

  Tears welled in her eyes and she blinked them away. His words almost sounded like a real proposal.

  “My brother has already signed it. You don’t need my signature.”

  “I would want it. Your consent is most important. I’ll dictate a letter to your brother at once to request the marriage settlement. Then I will arrange to have the banns cried. Or perhaps I can send Drew for a special license.”

  When he would have kept talking, she placed her fingers over his mouth. She sensed his frown more than saw it.

  “Do you want to marry me?” she asked.

  He mumbled something she couldn’t make out.


  Grasping her hand, he pulled it away from his mouth. “Didn’t I just say I wanted to marry you?”

  “No!” He’d been discussing a business arrangement, not declaring his love. “Was that your idea of a proposal?”

  Luke scrubbed a hand over his jaw. “Damn. I should have gotten down on one knee.” He knelt at her feet and captured her hand. “Vivian Worth, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  A lock of hair was falling down over his eye and driving her mad. She swept it aside and cupped his cheek. “Is this truly what you want, Luke? This isn’t because you feel obligated after kissing me?”

  “I don’t feel obligated. Do you?”

  She shook her head.

  “I know I promised to assist you in making another match, but I can’t surrender you to another man. If you wish to hold me to my word—”

  “No!” She dropped her hand from his face. “I want you.”

  “And I want you, Vivian. It’s settled between us now.” He stood and placed a soft kiss on her lips, then patted her bottom. “Allow me to untie your laces, love. This may be our only chance to swim together.”

  She turned her back to him, her heart sprinting. Without her corset holding her prisoner, she was able to draw in a deep breath, and she laughed. Who knew her clumsy attempts at courting him would actually be successful?

  He gave her a nudge toward the lake. “I will join you in a moment.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest, suddenly shy about being scantily clad. “You won’t peek?”

  He chuckled. “Not today, but if I can’t look, neither can you.”

  The water lapped at her calves as she walked into the lake, cooling her feverish skin. Reaching deeper water, she sank down to her neck. There was a splash and Luke emerged from the lake a short distance away. She couldn’t determine what articles of clothing he had removed, but the thought of him in half-dress made her insides quiver.

  He shook his head and water droplets hit her hot cheeks. “Come. Show me you can do more than nearly drown.”

  Her back stiffened, her nervousness forgotten. “I told you, I know how to swim.”

  “So you say,” he teased and splashed her. “Prove it, water sprite.”

  “You—oh, I will prove it.” And afterward, she would serve him a huge slice of humble pie. He could stand to learn a thing or two about humility. “I challenge you to a race,” she blurted.

  “Hardly seems right for me to beat a lady.” He laughed, goading her.

  “I wouldn’t celebrate a victory yet, Your Grace.”

  When they’d still had daylight, Vivi had noted a small island a decent distance from shore. She gathered the hem of her chemise and tied the two ends in a knot between her legs. “The first one to reach the island wins.”

  “I assume you are aware of what prize I will demand for my victory.”

  Her stomach lurched. “Yes, well. You aren’t going to win, so I will be the one claiming the prize.”

  His teeth flashed white in the moonlight. “Either way is satisfactory to me. On your mark, my lady.”

  Luke moved even with her, placating her pride some. At least he wasn’t allowing her a lead. Perhaps she was unbalanced to believe she could compete with a man of his strength, but she could boast less body mass, which had to work to her advantage.

  “Go!” she yelled and dove under the water. When she broke the surface, she kicked like a child in a full-blown tantrum. Her long strokes set a quick and steady rhythm. Luke kept pace with her. She tried to ignore his proximity and concentrated on executing flawless movements. When he pulled ahead, she pushed harder to keep the lead from widening. Her lungs were burning, but she refused to quit. If he beat her, then so be it, but she would never hand over the victory to him.

  He reached shallower water around the island a moment before her and tried to stand, but she grabbed the seat of his drawers and pulled as hard as she could. He lost his footing and fell face down. She scrambled to get her footing on the slick lake bottom and raced for the island.

  “You little devil!” He snagged her around the waist before she went more than a step and hauled her back. She twisted in his hold, trying to break loose, but her legs tangled with his and she fell on top of him. His head went under, and when he resurfaced, sputtering, he trapped her against his chest. She struggled, determined to be victorious, but she couldn’t break free.

  Giving up, she stilled, her hand resting between their bodies as she sprawled on top of him. His heartbeat matched her erratic tempo and they were panting.

  “Fine,” she laughed. “You win.”

  He sat up and settled her on his lap facing him. His arm around her lower back kept her from escaping, but she no longer knew if she cared to be free.

  “You are a worthy competitor.”

  She warmed in response to his praise. “I told you,” she grumbled, but she couldn’t hold back her pleased smile. “Next time I will beat you.”

  “I look forward to next time.” He brushed his thumb across her cheek in a gentle arc. “May I claim my prize now?”

  Her heart skipped. “A kiss?”

  Luke’s fingers cradled her neck and he urged her forward until they were lip to lip with barely a breath between them. “Yes.”

  “I had forgotten you collected winnings in…kisses,” she said on an exhale.

  “Only from beautiful women who challenge me.” His smile was but a brief flash before his mouth came down on hers, hot and captivating. She could think of nothing besides the feel of his lips coaxing her to surrender to her deepest wishes. She wanted him,
too. For the rest of her life.

  When their kiss ended, she stared beyond his shoulder to the dark outline of the cottage in the distance. She counted the lighted windows in an attempt to calm her racing pulse. She fiddled with the wet curls lying against his collar. “What do you think Lana and Lord Andrew are doing this evening?”

  “I can’t say I care.”

  She risked looking at him again. “Will they be searching for us?”

  Her hair had lost its pins and hung around her shoulders. He pushed her hair behind her back and massaged her neck. “I doubt they will notice we are missing.”

  “They do seem engrossed with each other at times, which make them less than ideal chaperones.” She closed her eyes as he kneaded a particularly tense spot at the base of her head.

  His lips touched her temple and lingered. “I had assumed you wouldn’t want someone monitoring you every moment. Are you unhappy I chose them?”

  “No. I don’t know. Maybe.” If she had more diligent chaperones, she wouldn’t be in this predicament, wondering if she should give in to temptation or begin to act like a lady and insist they return to the house. She pulled back to see Luke’s face, but it remained in shadow. “Did you know they would allow me more freedom?”

  “I had a suspicion. Drew has never been one to adhere to propriety, and he reserves judgment in most instances.” He eased her from his lap. His shirt was plastered to his body, and his muscles shifted beneath the saturated linen. “Let’s rest on the island.”

  When he stood and moved toward land, his drawers molded to his bottom and thighs.

  She must have made a noise, because he glanced over his shoulder. “You promised not to peek.”

  “Sorry.” She closed her eyes. She hadn’t meant to look, but curiosity was a dangerous attribute. Very dangerous. And hard to ignore. She stole another glance and sucked in a sharp breath when she discovered he was still watching her.

  She wagged a finger toward the far shoreline. “Maybe I should swim back.”


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