Heart of Tartarus

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Heart of Tartarus Page 14

by Lucy Smoke

  Penelope sighs, but leans down and kisses his cheek. "If it is," she says as she passes us, "you better raise holy hell down on whoever has her."

  My heart rate picks up. There's only one her that important to the both of them and I step forward, out of line of the rest of the guys. "You found her?" I ask. "You found Kida?" I can't help the hope in my voice, the longing.

  Vincent nods for Penelope to close the door as she leaves, and I hear the faint clicking as it shuts behind her. "Yes, Cassandra, we may have found my goddaughter."

  "Where is she?" I demand. "Why aren't we going to get her?"

  "We are," Vincent says slowly. "You aren't. But considering your closeness with my goddaughter, I decided to let you listen in on our debriefing and strategy meeting."

  "Listen in?" I say. "What the fuck are you talking about? I'm going." I step forward and Aaron's hand on my arm pulls me up short. I smack his fingers, but he doesn't let go. Whirling on him, I grab his hand and pinch down hard. He doesn't yelp like anyone else might, but he does finally release me with a frown. He may be somewhat of a friend now, but he's not Kida. I snap back to Vincent.

  "You can't keep me in the dark about this," I say forcefully.

  He sighs, spreading his palms outward. "That's what this meeting is about. We're not keeping you in the dark. We're keeping you safe."

  "Why?" I demand. "Is it because I'm female?" I scoff. "I think I've proven that I'm capable enough. I climbed down a fucking building without ropes or anything," I remind them.

  "Cass," Thayer starts, ever the peacemaker.

  "No," I snap. This isn't fair. I'm being left behind again. An old gut feeling that I remember from my childhood, from the detention center, crawls back to the surface. After I worked so hard to stifle its growth, it's back stronger than ever, like a dark ghost rising from beyond the grave. "You have to take me with you."

  Vincent stands to his full height behind his desk. I had forgotten just how intimidating a man his size could be. His dark brows draw down, shadowing his equally dark eyes. "You will not dictate to me what I will and will not do," he says.

  "I'm not your fucking kid," I spit. "Whether you let me or not, I'm coming with you."

  "And what about Kida?" Noaz asks. I jerk my gaze to his. "Do you think she would like the idea of you being in danger?"

  "I'm already in danger, you've seen that. We've been attacked multiple times by Tanks, my pod was trashed."

  He shakes his head. "But we can keep you safe here with Penelope."


  "Rocket," Aaron says, regripping my arm and turning me to face him. "They just want to keep you safe. That's not a bad thing."

  I glare up at him. "What if it were Levi," I challenge. "Would you be okay with staying behind?"

  Aaron stares at me with eyes the color of the sunset, golden-brown flecks swallowed by oceans of blue, and red, and even orange. He can't stare me into submission, though. That's not the kind of person I am. I know they want me to back down, to sit down, and stay behind, but I'm not going to do that. That's not who I am.

  "No," Aaron finally says. Levi shifts nearby, unsure why he's been pulled into the showdown between Aaron and me. I guess Aaron hasn't exactly been forthcoming with his feelings towards Levi. Then again, maybe I'm calling it wrong. Maybe they're just really close.

  "Then how can you expect me to?" I demand.

  "He's not the only one asking," Noaz says. "We all are."

  "Hold on," Thayer says. "You know I'll always back you up, boss man, but why exactly are we not down with taking Cass? I mean, if we stick her with Aaron or hell, even me, she should be fine, right?"

  I'm relieved to know that they aren't all so set on my exclusion. Aaron turns his head back to the group. "If she comes, I want her with me," he says. I hold back a sigh of relief, but I do feel much better knowing that not all of them are completely against me.

  Though Noaz shakes his head, he doesn't immediately shoot either of them down. Instead, he turns to Vincent who watches the six of us with an expressionless mask.

  "I understand how you're feeling, Cassandra," Vincent says. He watches me with serious eyes. "But you do understand that, if she's there, she wouldn't want you to find her."

  The meaning behind his words stabs into my soul. What he really means is that she wouldn't want me to find her as she is. Possibly dead, more likely damaged in many ways. I know I wouldn't want her to find me like that if our roles were reversed. I also know she wouldn't give two fucks and she would come hunting for me herself anyway—whether I wanted her to or not.

  I take a breath and move away from Aaron to stand next to Noaz and face the larger man and one of the most terrifying forces on Tartarus. Despite how I've seen him—the kindness and obvious adoration towards his wife and unborn child and the protectiveness he's exuded in his concern for Kida, her welfare, and her desires even if she isn't here—Vincent Diamond is truly one of the greatest governors Tartarus has ever had. Standing before him now, I wonder how someone so young—barely over thirty—ever came to be this powerful in the city of criminals. Perhaps it is because he seems so much older, or maybe Tartarus has made him that way.

  "If you go," he says slowly, as if testing to make sure I hear every word, "I expect your full cooperation. You follow commands without pause. You don't argue. You obey."

  The idea goes against everything I've ever learned, but I nod anyway. If he said I had to walk through fire just to see Kida one more time, I would. Whatever happens now, happens because I agree to it.

  Vincent suddenly turns to Aaron. "I know you want her with you," he says. "But I need you on the ground with me."

  "You're going?" I blurt, shocked.

  He raises his brow. "Yes," is all he says before he returns his gaze to the guys. Noaz gently nudges me to the side and though I feel a bit like I'm a second-hand player in this twisted game we're all playing, I don't care as much as long as I get to help find Kida.

  The rest of it—all the stuff Archie told us—can wait. I need my best friend back.

  "We will discuss the full length of the plan before boots hit the ground tomorrow morning," Vincent announces.

  "Tomorrow?" I ask. "What about right now? Why not tonight?"

  Noaz and Vincent share a look for a moment before Haze approaches us. "We need as much intel as possible," he answers. "We're currently running surveillance on where we suspect she's being held."

  "Okay," I say. "Why are you telling me this? Why not...?" I glance back at Vincent and Noaz, confused.

  Levi is the one that cracks. "V and boss man don't exactly have the best way with words, Troublemaker," he says rubbing one hand down the back of his head. "Haze is usually pretty good with the talking and shit."

  "Hmm," I flick a glance between all of them, "weird how he talks the least then, huh?"

  "If we're including Cassandra in this meeting as a member of the team, then we should discuss the possible corruption of Enforcement," Noaz states, drawing me away from teasing into serious territory.

  "There's no possible about it," I reply. "He was definitely with the Tanks."

  "Aaron and Levi reported about the enforcer you made contact with last night." Vincent circles his desk before sliding back into his chair. "His badge ID was older, but legit."

  "He wasn't that old, maybe thirty, thirty-five max," Levi says, stepping forward. He folds his arms across his chest and frowns. "How much older could he have been?"

  "According to his documents, Liam Knowles has been with Enforcement for fifteen years. He enrolled just after his eighteenth birthday," Vincent reads off from a sharply pressed file folder on the desk in front of him. From where I'm standing, I can see a whole lot of blue surrounded by black boxes marking out information.

  "Do you think this was a long-term job where he was placed in Enforcement after having entered the Tank ranks or do you think he was corrupted while in the system?" Aaron inquires.

  "That does seem to be the question on everyone's mind," Haz
e says quietly.

  "I want to know why he stopped us," I say. "Doesn't it seem odd that they've been coming after us so much lately? I assume they know that you all work for Vincent." I nod to the man in question. "Do you think that might have something to do with it?" All eyes fall on me. "What?"

  The guys jerk their gazes to Vincent as if asking if they can comment. I frown.

  Before I can say anything about their strange act, Haze speaks up, "We're pretty sure they know about us working for Vincent," he says. "Since we had a brief–"

  "Very brief!" Levi comments before Noaz turns a withering look on him.

  Haze sighs before continuing, "A brief meeting with some of their higher-ranking members right before Thayer and I met you. They didn't start attacking until–"

  "Until you had me with you," I finish for him.

  "I know you said you haven't spoken to or seen your family in a while," Thayer starts. "Could there possibly be any reason they would be trying to track you down using the Tanks? You did say your father worked for them."

  I frown, my head turning to the side as I try to work out when the last time I actually saw my father or brother was. I bite my lip. "It's been years," I confess. "I highly doubt they'd be looking for me now. No, this has to have something to do with Kida."

  Vincent nods as if he had been expecting that answer. "We feared as much."

  "Wait?" I gape in shock. "So, each time they attacked, they were trying to grab me?!" Following, I could understand. But trying to actually take me in? That seemed ridiculous. There was nothing I could offer them ransom wise or information wise.

  "With the information from one of my enforcers, it's highly likely that Kida is still alive and if she's been in their hands for even half of the duration of the time she's been missing, then chances are she's waning."

  "They're torturing her." My throat is sucked dry in terror.

  Vincent has the decency to flinch and look pained before he nods again. "They likely want to push her over the edge and the best way to do that is by bringing in someone she cares about."

  I'm quiet for several moments. "Sh-should we let them?"

  Even before I'm halfway through with my completely reasonable question—though it scares the living shit out of me—Thayer and Levi groan as if they're being punched in the stomach. Aaron flashes me the deadliest glare I've seen from him yet and Haze sighs as if disappointed. Noaz remains stoic, but his lips twitch down at the corners in disapproval.

  "I believe what they mean to say is–" Vincent begins, his pained expression morphing into lip-twitching amusement.

  "Hell no!" Aaron snaps.

  "Over our dead bodies," Levi and Thayer agree.

  "Not the wisest course of action," Haze says.

  Noaz remains quiet.

  Great, I think. I've pissed off the horde.

  "Guys," I say, attempting to placate their roused tempers. "It was just a thought."

  "Sure, but a stupid ass thought."

  I glare at Levi. "I don't see you coming up with any ideas, Golden Boy."

  "We already have an idea," Thayer says smugly.

  I wave my hands for him to continue. "Then please," I say, "why don't you share with the rest of the class." I pause. "Meaning me," I emphasize.

  "We have the building under surveillance," Vincent answers instead. "Nothing can get in or out without us knowing. We will wait for nightfall–" They always wait for nightfall in all of the old spy films Kida used to take me to. "We'll infiltrate, I already have teams ready to move out," he continues.

  "Noaz will direct from across the street. He has high profile blueprints and grids of the complex they have to themselves in the District."

  "She's been in the District the whole time?" I ask, incredulous. I had just been there a few days ago. She had likely been mere streets away and I didn't even know it at the time. Guilt roils in my gut, churning like the worst kind of acid.

  "No," Noaz says interrupting my thoughts. "We have reason to believe that they have been on the move quite often. They only just recently—within the last few days—moved to the District. Someone saw something suspicious and reported it to Enforcement and the Chief of Enforcement brought it to Vincent’s attention. We're lucky we caught this break. Otherwise, we might still be looking for her."

  I nod my understanding. He's right. It's no use crying over something that I hadn't been able to help. What I need to do now is focus on how to help Kida and make sure this plan goes off without a hitch.

  Vincent gives me a sympathetic look which is an odd appearance on his face, but it reminds me that he really is Kida's godfather. He understands my desperation to get her back, probably more than anyone else in this room.

  "While Noaz directs, Thayer, Levi, and Aaron will take point with boots on the ground," he says. "I want Haze and you to come from the top of the building directly to the side of it. The complex is situated in a way that there's only room for one building close enough to its height to fit in the vicinity. It's still a bit further than what a normal neighboring building might be."

  "What does that mean?" I ask.

  "I will be rigging up a wire line, similar to the type of wire rope the zipcars use, between the two buildings. I'll attach you first and you'll use specially made clips to move yourself across from one building to the next," Haze answers.

  Fuck, I think. That's what they are getting at. I'll be suspended in midair, hundreds of feet off the ground. No safety netting. I take a deep breath. Whatever it takes for Kida. Fuck safety netting anyway.

  "Alright," I say. "Let's do this."

  "Hey, Cass!" Levi calls after me as I make my way down the hallway of what I've come to understand is another section of Vincent and Penelope's grand penthouse pod. I pause and wait for him to catch up. It doesn't take long at all, his long legs eating up the distance between us. When he reaches me, he's not even out of breath though he was obviously hurrying to catch me. "Can we talk?" he asks.

  "We are talking," I point out with a raised brow.

  He shakes his head, his copper hair swaying from side to side with the movement. "No, I mean like in private."

  I shrug. "I don't see why not. What's up?"

  Raising his head, Levi glances back the way we've come, from Vincent's office. Aaron stands at the very end of the hall, arms crossed over his massive chest, watching us. Levi leans forward and takes my hand, dragging me away. He leads me to a room off to the side of another hallway—how many rooms and hallways are in this place?—and closes the door behind us.

  "What did you want to talk to me about?" I ask. Levi waits, quiet as he presses his forehead against the door. "Are you okay?" I move closer to him, reaching out. "Is your leg hurting?" It seemed so much better today, I worry that I've overlooked something.

  He turns, grabbing my hand before it can reach his shoulder. Cinnamon eyes glare down at me. There is anger there, but it's not the encompassing kind—the kind of anger that stays at the front lines and waits for the attack. No, the stronger emotion appears to be… fear? Am I reading him correctly?

  "What did you do to Aaron?" he demands.

  Both of my brows shoot up at his tone. I've never heard him speak with such darkness and command. Even when he still thought I was Kida and I was running away from him, he still kept a playful air about him. Right now, though, it's erased completely. Shock has me taking a step back. He follows me, his hand gripping mine firmly.

  "I don't know what you're talking about." I try to gently pull my hand away, but he only grips it harder, fingers sliding down to squeeze my wrist.

  "Aaron doesn't get used to people as quickly as he did with you," Levi says. "I want to know what you did to him, what you said."

  I tilt my chin up at him, eyes narrowing. I grab his hand with my free one and pry his grip from my wrist. He lets me, that's the only reason I know I'm able to. "I didn't do anything to your friend, Levi." I inhale slowly, scenting chalk and ink. I blink.

  How curious, I think looking down
. Of course, the chalk makes sense, he and the other fighters coat their forearms and hands with it before fights. Even though he has obviously washed since then, the light smell of it still lingers.

  Under his palms, there are dark smudges between his fingers that I never noticed before. Levi doesn't give me a moment to ask about them. He grips my upper arms, turning and shoving me up against the closed door, his fists coming to rest on either side of my head as he leans in. I suck in a quick breath. His chest pumps up and down above mine, hovering close.

  "Why is he so casual with you?" Levi demands, eyes full of confusion assessing me. It finally dawns on me, why he's so upset.

  I lean my head back, skull smacking against the door, making me flinch. I stare up at him and watch as his own eyes trail over my features, lingering over my lips before moving down to the rest of me. There's anger and fear and confusion all wrapped in one insecure man. I reach up, cupping his cheek and he reels back, shocked.

  "You're… in love with him—” I pause, our gazes clashing, “aren't you?"

  Levi's eyes widen, and he jerks his face away from my palm. I let him and drop my hand to my side again. It's massively clear, though, that I've hit his reason for acting out this way on the head.

  "You don't have to worry," I say.

  Levi pulls away, turning so that his whole body is facing the opposite way. That's when I notice the room that we're in. It's a small library of some sort with loads of paperback books on shelves circling over half of the room. The only sections of the walls that aren't covered in books are the two windows directly across from us and the empty space on the wall to our left that holds a painting under thick glass. Everything in this room is worth a small fortune by itself.

  Levi takes a step towards the twin couches facing each other. "I've known Aaron for three years now," he says. It's the same length of time I've known Kida. He sinks into the cushions of one couch and I take the chance to sit across from him as he folds his hands on his knees and rests his chin there.

  "Aaron's a good guy," I say. "He'll understand if you tell him." In fact, I suspect he would be far more than understanding.


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