Interloper (The Askirti Chronicles Book 1)

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Interloper (The Askirti Chronicles Book 1) Page 15

by Danny Brown

  That got the attention of everyone in the room.

  “A deal with the devil?” Jeri asked.

  “Classified, at the highest levels. Let’s just say the Federation has waited a long time for the proper moment to leverage these items. We initially considered using only one of them, but the situation isn’t as all warm and fuzzy as we would hope. So the two of them together will hopefully open their hearts, their minds, and their secrets to us.”

  Jackie was amused at this show that was going to take place. She was almost in tears picturing the unimpressive man with an ancient sword on his back and carrying this.

  Trying to impress on the leader of worlds by gifting antique trinkets. She had seen such things on a smaller scale in her youth back in Orlando, and was never impressed and failed to understand why others would be impressed, only that they were. All she knew is she would be safe and sound on board the Nemesis, keeping the ship running smoothly, the de facto captain, something she looked forward to with no small amount of glee.


  Several hours later, the fleet was in orbit around Wellington, the seat of power for the Commonwealth. Tyre was the name of the capital city here and was where all the important people were that the Federation would be meeting.

  Reaching orbit, Jackie felt…. odd. There was a power here she had felt before, so long ago. It seemed impossible! The last time she felt it was on Earth!

  Just here, from orbit, I feel the power of the Sevinc!

  The Sevinc was an energy that fed into her body, increasing her powers, if only marginally.

  Until this moment, she thought this existed only on Earth. Oh, they had postulated that it was possible other worlds would have this power, but such arguments were dismissed out of hand. And since it required someone who was Askirti to detect it, there was little they could do to validate the arguments as there were so few of them. So much of the Askirti faith had been superstition. But now Jackie knew there was more to it. To the ancient writings. She felt the power all the way from orbit.

  The power is so much greater here than even on Earth! But how is that possible?

  Distracted, she watched video on her wall screen as one by one, the shuttles were loaded and descended in a slow parade. There were twenty-five Federation captains in all that would be attending. The supply ship captains were not invited to participate.

  As Jackie was postulating the meaning of the Sevinc energy she felt, she received a call on her personal comm. It was her captain.

  “Jackie, there’s been a major mistake. And I mean huge. We have already landed and cannot very well go back at this point, but our excellent diplomat in all his haste forgot something crucial.”

  The toad, she thought. What did he screw up?

  “What did he forget?” she deadpanned as she felt a knot building in her stomach.

  “He forgot the gifts.”


  “How the hell did he forget that!” Jackie belted out before catching herself. “My apologies, Captain. I was out of order.”

  She could hear Jeri laughing. “I didn’t know you had normal emotions! It will be our little secret. In the meantime, turn the ship over to someone else, grab the gifts and get your butt down here!”

  “Yes sir!” she said with an enthusiasm she did not feel.

  She pressed the number for Rick’s comm.


  “Want a field trip?”

  “Gee and folks tell me I never get asked on a date,” Rick said jokingly.

  “Ha. Ha. Our nefarious diplomat forgot the presents for the Commonwealth and their leader. Presents to be given on the reception platform.”

  “Crap, what an idiot!”

  “Yes. These are apparently worth more than this entire task force. His words.”

  Silence for a moment.

  “What does that mean?” Rick asked.

  She paused for a thoughtful moment. If these were worth as much as was implied, they would represent a high-value target. She determined that they would make their way to their intended destination unmolested.

  “It means grab a few marines, get in body armor and meet me at the shuttle,” Jackie said.

  “I like it when you order me around.”

  She was glad he couldn’t see her at that moment for how brightly she was blushing. She killed the comm.

  “Lieutenant Mansfield, you have the bridge!” Jackie commanded.

  “Yes sir, I have the bridge!” Rachel responded, looking confused.

  “And Lieutenant, scramble a fighter escort since we will be delivering their expensive toys.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  A fighter escort was about all they had. While the Nemesis had plenty of fighters, they had only enough pilots for a single squad. Jackie suspected it was more tampering by whoever did not want this treaty to happen. No matter, the few that were on board were hers for the moment.

  After sprinting to her quarters, almost tearing her clothes as she got out of her regular uniform, she threw on the crimson dress uniform of the Westerly Federation and sprinted to the flag bridge.

  On the flag bridge, the artifacts were right where the diplomat left them. She scooped them up and ran to the lift as fast as she could manage.

  Rick was there with four other marines, all in body armor, all wielding powerful weaponry.

  “Gee, I wish you would have said something, I would have worn my dress uniform under this.” he joked, which received a dark look from her.

  They all boarded the shuttlecraft together, and it departed in haste.

  “So how do we do this?” Rick asked.

  “Apparently, it is the highest insult to merely carry the sword. It must be worn,” Jackie said, looking very upset.

  “Yeah, we all know who will be wearing it too!” Rick added.

  All the marines laughed.

  The banter with the marines was very informal, something Jackie loved. She felt comfortable with them.

  Perhaps I should have joined that branch of the military, she thought.

  So, she went to put on the harness. Mr. Trahan was not much of a man, but still, Jackie was so much smaller than he was that she had to pierce the belt, creating a hole to adjust it properly.

  Picking up the Sword of Her Vengeance. It was a bit decorative, but not overly. She was surprised it felt so well balanced. Even more surprised it still had quite the edge. She put it in its sheath on her back, picked up Her Scales of Justice and turned to the marines.

  “Okay, get it out of your systems before we land.”

  They were crying they were laughing so hard.


  At the platform, Tabitha was becoming perturbed. They were delaying as long as they could. The reception part had been expecting a gift, as the Federation communicated as much in advance. This could be over in short order and to the extreme embarrassment of the Federation.

  “Captain,” she said to Jeri. “She’s on her way down, right?”

  “Yes. She called me as soon as they got situated on the shuttle. She had to change into her dress uniform and grab the artifacts then get to the shuttle. It will be here in just a few minutes.”

  It was a very public outdoor reception. Thousands of people were gathered to see this occasion.

  Apparently, there are many here just as anxious as we are to see this happen, Tabitha mused.

  Just then, the shuttle approached the landing platform with two vicious looking smaller ships.

  Who told her to order a fighter escort?!

  More than a few in the crowd were surprised to see Westerly Federation fighters over the city of Tyre. As the shuttle landed, the fighters flew off, presumably back to the Nemesis. Then the shuttle door opened, and out of it comes five armored and heavily armed marines. And there, behind them comes a small woman, Commander Jacqueline Campo, baring their most precious gifts. She came out, and just stood there for a moment.

  We don’t want to intimidate them with all that firepower, what was she thinking

  And that was when the pandemonium started.

  Suddenly, a woman near the end of the platform screamed, causing everyone to look to see the source of her distress. She was pointing at the shuttle and its newly debarked guests. There were gasps in the crowds as people as people were genuinely frightened. Many were looking at something on their electronic devices and back up at the shuttle with a look of disbelief. Some left, others broke down sobbing.

  Could the artifacts be that significant? Tabitha did not know. Whatever the case, this was looking like an unfolding disaster.

  Commander Campo’s face was perhaps the only one that did not look confused or surprised. She had a look Tabitha recognized, fury. And she was looking directly at her, slowly walking towards her, with two marine guards on each side, and one behind.

  She exited the bridge connecting to the shuttle dock and stepped on the primary platform where many thousands gathered. With each step she took, and to Tabitha’s complete surprise, people on either side knelt, many weeping heavily.

  Tabitha had a cold feeling in the pit of her stomach, much more was unfolding here than anyone realized. She only wished she understood what it was.

  At that moment, she looked next to her at His Eminence, who was sweating at the site of this heavily guarded naval officer bringing gifts. As Jackie reached them, with a scorning look in her eye, the prime minister, the leader of worlds, knelt before her along with everyone else in his party. Everyone except for the Federation people who were greatly confused at this moment.

  Then the prime minister said something that astonished her.

  “High Queen, I am your servant.”

  A few moments passed, Jackie looking as dangerous as ever, looked down at him and quietly said “rise.”


  As the shuttle landed, Jackie was unprepared for this, and was not sure it was the right course of action but knew little about what to do. These relics were priceless, and part of the Federations down payment on a peace treaty. She would protect them to the best of her ability, which meant fighter escorts and a marine guard headed by Commander Amori.

  She felt very uncomfortable wearing this Sword of Whatever, and holding this silly primitive scale. But if she would achieve her objectives, she had to pay a price and play the part. The diplomat screwed up in the worst way and would be disciplined later by the Federation, she was sure of it.

  Having a role in the diplomatic mission here was as unexpected as her reassignment to the Nemesis, but one that would further her career. In furthering her career, she would advance through the ranks and be more capable of finding out who was responsible for the murder of millions and deliver her punishment on all those involved. For today, it meant playing dress up.

  Even though she grew up feeling the Sevinc power on Earth, feeling it in this concentration was very distracting to her. It felt like her body was buzzing with energy!

  The Sevinc power on Earth could only be felt by those who were Askirti royalty, in other words, only by her family. Throughout many years long before she was born it was mapped out where the Sevinc power was in the highest concentrations on Earth. It seemed to follow a grid pattern, though the network was incomplete for reasons that were beyond them. But where they intersected was referred to as Sevinc Nodes. Orlando was the most powerful one on Earth. But even Orlando held no candle to the sheer power she now felt.

  Suddenly, the shuttle door opened, and the marines filed out, creating a protective “shield” around her and the artifacts. She stepped out, surveying the area. She saw Captain De Vitis standing next to Commodore Summers. She assumed the fancily dressed man by the commodore was the head honcho dude who was going to get these trinkets. She sighed silently at the embarrassed diplomat who appeared mad right now, his moment stolen from him.

  As she continued to survey the area and was about to order the marines forward, she heard a woman scream!

  Are we in danger! Jackie thought. Glad I have my army with me if this turns rough.

  She saw the woman, and much to Jackie’s amazement the woman was pointing at her! Jackie’s first thought was these trinkets must be the cause of the outcry. Weird, but okay. Then there were more gasps, with people looking at their electronic devices and back up at her, fear in their eyes. Then there were more cries, and then what seemed like a mood of general panic.

  She did what she always did when she felt a moment of fear or panic.

  Push it down. Focus. Disconnect from your emotions.

  The mask settled on her again. But she still could not hide at least one thing she was feeling. Anger. She was stuck in this ridiculous role. She would receive all the blame if this incident caused the treaty to go south. And the best chance she had at justice for the victims of Earth would be lost. So yes, she was rather upset, and it showed. To help focus, she looked at Tabitha, locked eyes with her and slowly walked towards her.

  The feeling of fear pouring out from the crowds was palpable. Some were gathering up their children and fleeing.

  Are they afraid of me? she grimaced. After this, will people hide their children when I come to port?

  As she stepped off the bridge connecting the shuttle to the reception platform, the crowds gathered on either side knelt as she passed. It was eerie…a cold fear gripped her heart. This was an interstellar incident, and she was at the heart of it.

  As she approached Commodore Summer, she saw the man next to her, who she presumed to be the prime minister was outright pale looking. He was sweating. His face was twitching as he tried hard to speak. Then he knelt before her! She could not believe what he said next.

  “High Queen, I am your servant.”

  Jackie was astonished! She was so far out of her depth on what to do.

  What do I do, father? she thought to herself, wishing her dad was here to guide her as she stared down at this man. This is such a dangerous situation for me and for those I’m with! For the Federation itself! The only ‘High Queen’ I’ve known was a grandmother, and that title was merely honorific! Daddy, had you not been murdered, had things progressed normally, one day I would have worn that title too. But that day…it is long since passed. The temple is destroyed. The acolytes are dead, as are the priests. The Askirti are no more.

  That is when she remembered the words of her father, words he drilled into her as she would be the future leader of their sect.

  When the world erupts into confusion, you must be the sea of calm, leading the way. The waters will part before you as you walk into your destiny.

  Without looking around to see what else was going on, she slowly closed her eyes, and opened them, looked down at this man and calmly said “rise.”

  Chapter 20

  Dennaway Star System

  The planet Wellington, city of Tyre

  It was a large, circular conference room. Odd, so Jackie thought. The important people sat in “the pit,” or the conference table in the center of the chamber. Then in stadium-type seating, concentric circles of seats surrounded the pit. Each ring she thought meant a less important person.

  In the pit was the prime minister of the Commonwealth, his immediate aides, Michael, Jeri, Tabitha, Jackie, and Rick. Jackie had to ask that Rick be allowed to attend and they quickly agreed. The first circle had the captains of the Federation ships in orbit on one side, and key leaders of government on the other side. She supposed the people further back were planetary governors, majors, or leaders of industry. She did not know, nor did she care.

  The table was large and rectangular. The prime minister sat at the head of one side and had his staff place her at the other end, much to the dismay of the Federation diplomat. Rick never sat, he just stood to one side of her. She gently placed the scale on the table, then took off the sheath, leaving the sword in it, putting it on the table before being seated.

  “We were not…expecting…you,” said His Eminence.

  All eyes were on Jackie right now. Tabitha, Jeri, Michael, Rick, all the captains, all the Commonwealth.r />
  “Last minute roster change,” she responded evenly.

  The prime minister snorted nervously, looking to his left then to his right. “We, I mean I would not have believed it had I not been warned in a dream a few years back. In my dream, you were there. You were greatly distressed. You were leading a vast armada, thousands of ships burned in the void, as did the planet below. A voice spoke to me, saying ‘Where she leads, you will follow. The fate of your people hangs in the balance’.”

  Prophecy? This guy is a lunatic! Jackie thought privately.

  Yes, her people, her family believed such things, though she personally never put stock in fairy tales.

  The man was looking more nervous by the moment at this apparently very private admission. Sweat was coming down his face! But seeing her in his dreams? How was that possible? A week ago she was a nobody XO on a nobody destroyer.

  “I never believe before,” he continued. “I never believed in prophecy. You know your title, don’t you, even if you don’t use it,” more of a statement than a question.

  She frowned as she pondered his question.

  “I do,” she answered quietly. “The title is mine, even if unofficially though I was never coronated.”

  The stares from her crew members were incredulous.

  “I know.”

  “You know?” she said with an edge of bitterness.

  He nervously made a motion, the door behind him opened. In walked two soldiers, and between them was a man she recognized too well.

  “You!” she said in a tone filled with pure hatred.

  She leaped out of her seat, grabbed the side arm from Rick’s holster, aimed it at the man and opened fire!

  The shot flew high and wide as Commander Amori grabbed her hand, shoving it high. Her eyes were wide at the disbelief looking at him, as it to ask why. If it was anyone but Rick she would have sent him to the pavement, took aim and fired a second shot.

  “No, not here,” he whispered.

  She stopped to gather her thoughts, mild panic filling her eyes. She discharged a weapon in the presence of the leader of over four hundred worlds!


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