Crystal's Calamity (The Red Petticoat Saloon)

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Crystal's Calamity (The Red Petticoat Saloon) Page 4

by Stevie MacFarlane

  Picking her up he plunked her on the bed and bent to remove her shoes. Crystal wiggled her feet appreciatively when they hit the floor. Sliding his hands up her leg he grasped the top of her stocking and carefully rolled it down.

  “You’d think one of them would have given you some kind of instruction,” he growled.

  “Oh they did,” Crystal replied, sitting up.

  Jasper shoved her back down and moved to the other leg.

  “And what did they tell you?” he asked, rolling her over and undoing the back of her dress.

  “They said to try to relax and enjoy it the best I can… oh, and to make a lot of noise, you know moaning and groaning. Men seem to like that.”

  “Any other words of wisdom?” he inquired, slightly appalled.

  “A few, but I don’t think I can discuss them with you,” she said over her shoulder. “At least not until I’m more experienced. Mr. Montgomery,” she said softly, pulling a pillow to her and hugging it as he unlaced her corset. “Can I ask you something?”

  “Hmm,” he replied, stroking his hand down her newly bared back.

  “Are you going to hurt me?”

  For a moment there was dead silence in the room, but for Crystal’s rapid breathing.

  “Yes,” he replied truthfully. “Not because I want to, but because it’s the way of things.”

  “Will it be very bad?” she whispered.

  “I hope not. Be a good girl and do exactly what I tell you and I’ll be as gentle as I can. After tonight it will never hurt like this again. Are you sure you still want to do this?”

  “Oh yes, I’m committed,” she stated firmly.

  “Or you should be,” he groaned. “Perhaps we both should be.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Never mind,” he smiled, picking her up and setting her feet on the floor. “Put your arms up,” he ordered when she clutched her clothing to her chest.

  Taking a deep breath, she complied. With a sweep of his hands she was naked, her clothes in a pool at her feet and she quickly covered her mons and breasts as best she could.

  “Arms down,” he instructed firmly. “If I’m paying, I’m seeing.”

  Crystal conceded he had a point and dropped her arms to her sides.

  “I just want you to know if you weren’t… paying I mean, I wouldn’t do a damn thing you said,” she hissed, blushing fiercely.

  Jasper laughed. “At some point I will enjoy making you eat those words,” he said kindly, “but for tonight I am, so mind your manners, and no more swearing.”

  “Yes, sir,” she sighed, her shoulders drooping in defeat.

  “You’re lovely, you know,” he remarked, walking around her. “Far more beautiful than I ever imagined.”

  Crystal snorted.


  “As you said, you’re paying for it. You don’t have to compliment me,” she snapped.

  “Fine,” he shot back angrily. “If a business deal is what you want, then that’s what you shall have.” Walking to the bed, he sat and motioned her to him.

  Approaching him warily she stood, willing her heartbeat to slow, lest he hear it.

  “Over my knees,” he commanded, looking directly into her eyes with challenge.

  “Pardon me?” she gasped.

  “Get over my knees,” he repeated patiently.

  “Why?” she asked, gulping and backing up a step.

  “Because I’ve told you to and you agreed to do what I said. Also because I shall enjoy it and you deserve it.”

  “They warned me about this,” Crystal spat as she complied with a huff. “It’s going to cost you more, you know.”

  “Which I will pay gladly,” he responded as he settled her into a positon that was comfortable for her. His large hand patted her bottom reassuringly as he tightened his arm around her waist. “Now repeat after me,” he ordered. “I am lovely.”

  “You are lovely,” she quipped, and then she howled as his hand connected with her cheeks.

  “Try again,” he suggested, rubbing his hand print in satisfaction.

  “I am lovely,” she yelled.

  “Very good. Now let’s continue. Your skin is the color of honey and as soft as silk.”

  “My skin is the color of honey and soft as silk,” she repeated dutifully.

  “You’re a fast learner, I like that.”

  “I’m a fast learner, you like that,” she drawled.

  His hand descended rapidly five times as her feet scrambled to get away.

  “I am entirely too sassy for my own good,” he growled.

  “I am entirely too sassy,” she sniffed, scrubbing her eyes.

  “Close enough. Now I am going to ask you some questions and I want honest answers. Do you understand me?” he demanded, smacking her firmly three more times.

  “Ow, yes,” she cried, trying to cover her bottom, only to have her hand grasped in his.

  “Why The Red Petticoat? You’re obviously educated despite the ‘yes ma’am’ show you put on this afternoon for Jewel. How much of your story is true?”

  “It’s all true,” she insisted, glaring at him over her shoulder. “My father and I had a claim on the Culpepper River. He’s dead. I have to make a living. What more do you need to know?”

  “I take it the gun in your britches this afternoon belonged to your father?”

  “No it’s mine,” she stated, crying out as soon as the first smack fell. Soon she was begging him to stop. “I’m telling you the truth,” she screamed.

  Jasper paused.

  “I bought it in St. Louis before we left with the wagon train,” she sobbed, “and I can shoot it too. I killed many a rabbit on the trail to California.”

  “You shoot that big pistol?” he asked, unconvinced.

  “Not very well,” she admitted, “but I have and I will again I’ m sure.”

  “Why do I feel there’s more to this story than you’re telling me?”

  “I don’t know,” she hissed. “Why do I feel like I should be on my back while you poke me instead of over your knees with my bottom on fire?”

  “I like spanking you,” Jasper said with a laugh. “I think you need it, and I have a feeling I’ll be doing a lot more of it before you’re honest with me.”

  “Well, I don’t like it and I have a feeling you better visit the bank if you plan on doing it more often. You might need to secure a loan,” she snorted.

  “I’ll pay you very well,” he offered, giving her a good smack just on principle.

  “Ouch! So will the miners,” she cried, “and I doubt they’ll be interested in spanking…”

  “I’ll marry you,” he said gently, quietly.

  Clem froze, not sure she heard him right. Jewel warned her about this sort of thing.

  “Why, why would you do that?” she asked, wide-eyed.

  “I have absolutely no idea,” he replied, shaking his head. “All I know is I don’t like the feel of this.”

  “Then take your hand off it, because I don’t much care for the feel of it either,” she said squirming under the hand grasping her hot cheek.

  Jasper laughed, the spell broken and spanked her in earnest until she was nearly sobbing over his lap.

  “Well that makes one of us because I enjoyed spanking you very much,” he said, smiling as he turned her over and plopped her bottom on his lap. “You’ve got a big chip on your shoulder Clem, and I’m just the man to knock it off. I don’t know if trouble is going to search you out or you’re going to pan for it just as hard as you did on the Culpepper, but I’m telling you one thing. Get in over your head and I’ll spank you for real.”

  “What do you mean for real?” she gasped. “What do you call what you just did?”

  “That? That was just playing. A real spanking will be much different and if you’re a smart little girl, you’ll remember that. Why won’t you marry me?” he asked as an afterthought.

  “That’s easy. Here I’m selling myself under my terms. I can wa
lk away whenever I want. Marriage to you wouldn’t be like that. I have a feeling I’d have a hard time getting away from you,” she whispered, looking at him from under her damp lashes.

  “You would be right about that, honey,” he sighed, holding her close. Carefully he tipped her chin up and kissed her. “Now it’s about time I showed you what you’ll be missing by refusing me,” he teased, tossing her onto the bed and falling over beside her.


  Clem gave a squeal of protest when her bottom hit the bed, squeezed her eyes shut and spread her legs. Nothing happened.

  “Well?” she demanded after several extremely long minutes during which she could only hear his breathing and feel his eyes on her.

  “Well what?” Jasper asked, watching her with a silly grin on his face.

  “Are you going to poke me or what? I don’t have all night you know,” she snapped.

  “So you’re planning on a big turn over are you? One man after another until your purse is bulging?”

  “Exactly! Jewel says sometimes it’s over in a couple of minutes so snap to it will you?”

  She ignored his scowl and tried to out-glare him. Shivering, she wondered if it would be better if she kept quiet. His next words confirmed it.

  “Listen, for someone who’s never done this before, it might benefit you to just shut up and do what you’re told,” he warned. “Put your arms up, grab hold of the bedstead and don’t let go unless I tell you, understand?”

  Clem complied slowly, snagged the iron swirls with her sweaty hands, planted her heels deeply into the mattress and stiffened. Taking a deep breath, she held it until his hand gripped her cheeks.

  “For heaven’s sake,” Jasper growled. “This won’t last long if you don’t breathe. Do you want to pass out?” he demanded.

  “Maybe,” she said, thoughtfully, not having considered the possibility previously. “Would that make it easier?”

  “Not for me, it wouldn’t,” he snorted, shaking his head. “I prefer my woman awake and participating.”

  “Oh,” she sighed not hiding her disappointment. Looking into his blue eyes, she forced a couple of breaths in and out. “All right, I’m ready.”

  “Happy to hear that,” he replied sarcastically. “All you have to do is try to relax. I’m going to touch you.”


  “Anywhere I want to, damn it,” he shot back. “As you so touchingly pointed out, I am the one paying, remember?”

  “Oh yes, right.”

  “You may ask questions, and if something is hurting you, speak up, but under no circumstances do I want to hear any moans or groans that aren’t genuine.”

  “All right,” she replied, wide-eyed as he toyed with her ear lobe.


  Jasper leaned forward and nibbled on her naked shoulder as his other hand slid from her ear into her hair. His lips traced the contours of her jaw, working to the side of her neck as he angled her head for better access. Slowly he allowed his breath to warm each spot before he applied his lips, noting every nuance of her reaction. Each shiver encouraged him; each tiny gasp of surprise delighted him. Turning her face to his, he took her mouth, his lips moving slowly against hers until they parted slightly. Gently he slipped his tongue inside her mouth.

  At first, she froze as he carefully dueled with her within the warm confines, but within a few moments he felt her respond, giving back as good as she got. Lifting his mouth from hers, he smiled into her startled brown eyes.

  “Are you all right?” he whispered, cupping her cheek. At her nod, he leisurely trailed his fingers over her collar bone and downward, skimming her breast, tracing her nipple before moving to her belly. He hid his smile when her legs came together with a snap and insisted gently that she separate them. She complied.

  Returning to her breasts, he lowered his head, drawing her small nipple into his mouth.

  “Why?” she gasped, letting go of the bed and taking his head in her hands.

  “Because I can, and because you’ll like it,” he assured her, as the tender morsel popped out of his mouth.

  “Are you sure?” she asked suspiciously.

  “Positive, now get your hands back in position before you earn another spanking,” he warned. His eyes met hers and he figured she knew he meant business as she immediately took hold of the bed.

  “Good girl,” he purred against her skin. This time when he suckled, she arched into him, her head tilting back as he cupped her breast and lifted it to him. She was sweet, and it surprised him. He wondered if that was the natural flavor of her skin, or from the rouge someone had dabbed on her nipples. Either way, it was delightful. He fully intended to nurse to his heart’s content. Moving from one breast to the other, he savored not only her tender nubs but the tremors that seemed to take over her body.

  She was remarkably responsive for an untried virgin, and he pushed away the thought of other men touching her like this in favor of enjoying the moment. He’d deal with the rest later. Right now it was all he could do not to grind against her hip.

  As he suckled, his hand traced intricate patterns on her tummy before slipping lower and gently cupping her mons.

  “Who shaved you?” he whispered against one hard little peak.


  “Who shaved your hair,” he repeated, patting her bare pussy.

  “Opal; she said men like that and I might have a better time of it if there was more contact… friction, or something like that,” she replied breathlessly as she tried to get him to resume sucking.

  “Don’t do it again. At least not until I see you in all your glory. I have a feeling that hair is as soft as the hair on your head,” he ordered.

  “Um… all right… sure,” she gasped out as his tongue flicked her nipple mercilessly.

  “I’m going to touch you here now,” he informed her, sliding his hand between her legs and nudging them open another couple of inches. “I’ll be careful, but I want you to hold still.”

  Clem nodded, her eyes wide.

  “May I bring my arms down now?” she asked hopefully. “They are beginning to ache.”

  “Yes, but don’t interfere. I’d hate to have to spank this pretty pussy.” He actually heard her gulp and smiled into her warm, fragrant skin. Cupping her, he groaned in relief when he felt how damp and slippery she was.

  “Did you just groan?” she asked, popping her head up.

  “Yes, I did,” he admitted.

  “Why, have I hurt you?” she asked, confused.

  “Not at all. There’s a certain part of my anatomy that’s longing to be inside you,” he whispered into her ear, nipping the lobe. “After a while it can become quite… uncomfortable for me.”

  “Do you want to hurry up? Will that help?”

  “Not even something to consider,” he growled out, wondering if she were anticipating the next man, and the next. “I plan to take my time with you, little one.”

  “Suit yourself,” she replied sinking back onto the bed. “Just remember, time is money.”

  “Why you aggravating little brat,” he nearly shouted. “You have no idea how badly I’d like to roll you over and spank that sassy bottom.”

  “Why, I’m just trying to be helpful,” she answered, surprised at his anger.

  “Try being a little less helpful and a lot more silent,” he advised glaring at her. “Now, where were we? Oh, yes, open those legs and be still before I decide to give you that ‘poke’ you’re so looking forward to.”

  “I’m not exactly looking forward to it,” she clarified. “I’d just like to get it over with so I’m not in the dark about this any longer.”

  “Ever hear the expression, ‘be careful what you wish for’?” he asked, wondering if he was fighting a losing battle with this opinionated young woman.

  “Yes, of course, but…”

  “Enough,” he roared. “You want hard and fast, you’ve got it. Spread those legs and plant your heels on the bed,” he ordered. “Fight me and I�
��ll take you from behind. Then you’ll really know what it’s all about,” he informed her as he stood and stripped off his clothes.

  Back on the bed, he settled between her legs, gave her a rather sad look, and pushed her knees farther down until she arched her back. Slipping both hands under her bottom, he lined up his frightfully engorged member with her tiny opening and yanked her to him, impaling her to the hilt.

  “There, is that what you wanted?” he demanded, fighting against the incredible pleasure of being surrounded by her fist-like sheath as his heart berated him for not having the patience to put up with her nonsense.

  “No, no,” she cried, tears streaking into her hair as she struggled uselessly to pull away.

  “That’s a poke, darlin’,” he replied harshly, “and not at all what I had planned for you. I wanted to make slow, sweet love to you,” he continued regretfully. Leaning forward he lowered her to the bed and hovered over her, kissing the tears away. “In any case, that’s the worst of it,” he sighed, gently pulling partially out of her and sliding back in.

  He watched her eyes widen, rapidly blinking away the tears as he moved in and out.

  “So that’s it,” she asked, taking a shaky breath. “Are we done then?”

  Jasper laughed, a short, harsh sound.

  “Not by a long shot,” he answered, pulling out of her and lying on his belly. His lips kissed her hairless mons before licking his way to her button. A thick finger made its way inside her and curled slightly, finding the bulge he was looking for and from then on he was on a mission.

  Her cries, squeals and pleading meant less than nothing to him. It was her mouth that had spoiled his intentions and there was no way in hell anything she had to say would influence him now. His ministrations were slow and teasing one moment, fast and furious the next, but relentless. The tiny spot between her legs was where the majority of his attention was focused, but that didn’t stop his finger from teaching her a thing or two about the pleasure of a full pussy.

  He plundered her; there was no other word for it and the scream that came from her lips when he bit gently down on her clit and tossed her to the wolves of her first climax was much louder than the one her ruptured hymen generated.


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