Bloody Revenge

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Bloody Revenge Page 13

by Darrell Guidry

  it is capable to throw cheerfully in it a stone behind a stone...

  Children. The hungry, lousy, peeled teenagers creeping on

  all fours on the ice-covered mountain road. The scratched hands sift

  each lump of the breed which dropped out of wheelbarrows and baskets of adult slaves. Not

  whether got lost where a tiny fragment of semi-precious stone whether weightless stuck

  gold mote?.

  And other children. Absolutely others. Full, strong, blushed on

  frost. In fur boots, with long whips in hands. Same slaves,

  as well as that, lousy. Each of young supervisors knows that, having been guilty,

  it canquite appear among oborvyshy. And those to it, most likely, in the first

  night will be scratched by eyes. Each of half-naked knows: costs properly

  to want - and he can quite earn fur boots and a whip. If,

  of course, will allow those who already go with whips...

  The few decide to make the way upward: one quickly grow dull, finding

  bestial indifference to the events, Others holds fear, the third -

  powerlessness, the fourth - pride and rage...

  That fall, just before snow filled up passes, the dealer

  slaves brought on the mine of two Bonn boys, the one-years trying

  the road together to run. One of them became a supervisor by nickname the Wolf.

  Another was nicknamed seven years later the Wolfhound...

  Having hardly put a leg on the lower step of an outcome, the Wolfhound watchfully

  measurement. In their room something occurred. Through a subdoor crack got

  reflected lights the lit splinter is not known whom. It was visible how shaky moved

  shadow. Sensitive hearing of the Wolfhound distinguished some sighs...

  Around at sound board tables with might and main ate and lodgers drank and

  just zakhozhy guests. There were also three security guards of Fitela there. The wolfhound knew,

  as a little it meant. In the most populous and cheerful crowd it is possible

  with impunity to steal and kill the person, there would be a skill. Anybody and in sense

  will not take...

  It held Niilit by a hand and ordered it to remain gesture below, and

  itself went up a vskhoda - without visible haste, but absolutely silently.

  It did not begin to disturb the sword wrapped in a rag, but when it breakthrough

  opened not locked door, his right hand lay on a handle of fighting


  And the fingers ready to snatch out weapon, were unclenched at once, and Nonvolatile Mysh,

  aggressively selected on a shoulder, disappointedly was stirred up and accepted

  to lick a sore wing.

  In the middle of the room, facing a door, there was a magnificent srebrovolosy wise man.

  The ashy curls seeming gray-haired in poor light of a splinter, drop to it on

  back and shoulders, up to a breast the fluffy beard was swept. White linen

  the shirt fell to toe. Dark-violet eyes scaredly looked on


  - Rose, so - the Wolfhound grumbled and took away a palm from a knife.

  - My friend!. So it you!. - Tilorn gasped and stepped to him,

  giving hands. - My friend!. You understand, I only today

  finally began to see clearly...

  And the Wolfhound was late thought that, having lived with him the whole month a side about

  side, the cripple, knew it only on a voice. And, of course, to death got a fright

  at the sight of the terrible stranger who suddenly grew up in the doorway. So

  got a fright that did not recognize even Nonvolatile Mysh on a shoulder.

  - My friend, - Tilorn repeated and, having shaken towards to the Wolfhound,

  embraced him. - As I for you worried...

  - And for the girl, - that hemmed. Tilorn lifted suspiciously shining

  eyes also smiled.

  - Yes. And for the girl... Э and you all wetted through! How?

  He quietly gasped when Niilit, having come up because of a back of the Wolfhound,

  stretched to it poorly moving puppy. Two heads, ashy and

  dark-haired, were inclined over the ill-fated kid.

  The wolfhound put a sword on a wall club over a bench and went down.

  The kitchen where viands for guests cooked, fried and concerned, absorbed

  the infinite amount of firewood, and servants, as usual, was just barely enough. Because

  упыхавшиеся workers only rejoiced to the lodger who took in head

  to warm up, and madam Lyubochady herself awarded a dobrovolnogopomoshchnik

  generous Misa of food. What was, of course, not so superfluous...

  The wolfhound gradually brought a heavy splitting axe over the head and thought of the house,

  which it did not have. Only after murder of the Cannibal he began to think about

  volume, as it could have a house again. As clearly he saw it. Apple-trees in

  I blossom, the driving pink branches on a warm cespitose roof. Fluffy gray

  the dog sleeping on the porch which is filled in with the sun before evening. A path between

  raspberry bushes, trampled down by bare feet of children. And the woman leaving from

  to the house on a porch. This woman is beautiful because it is loved. It wipes

  wet hands also calls the embroidered towel to have supper the man pricking


  The wolfhound sighed. Some time ago to it was began to seem,

  as if the woman was dark-haired and blue-eyed, but he already saw that

  was mistaken. Niilit will leave absolutely other house and will call at the laid table

  absolutely other man. And that, most likely, will put aside not a splitting axe,

  and goose plumelet and clay inkwell...

  Niilit several times ran by it in портомойню and back.

  Probably, washed the rags bedaubed in puppyish blood. Will not survive,

  the Wolfhound thought, bringing down the whistling splitting axe on clumsy, knotty stubs,

  which as he suspected, workers postponed not the first day in

  storonka. Only you do not speak to me about innocent babies, not

  learned to distinguish the evil and good and not understanding in eleven years that

  it is sick when beat. When most, here, probably, everyone realizes at once.

  It will be extended, will be turned out? Perhaps. We saw such. Other and neck


  The resinous logs which are broken off by a splitting axe with a ring hit into logs

  fence. Tilorn who was tormented in a vault by the tolstomordy executioner, on

  to last resort though knew for what suffered. And this kid tortured by young

  shitteries for the sake of an entertainment? What will be told by him to the Old Dog when rustles over it

  krone of an eternal Tree?.

  The wolfhound climbed a vskhod, having pulled sleeves on a palm that not so

  big-bellied Misa, up to the top full of stewed peas with pork burned down. Wolfhound

  not too would be surprised, be distributed because of a door an inconsolable sobbing

  Niilit... But when from the room cheerful puppyish yelping reached,

  and then - burst of laughter in two voices, he nearly let go Misa.

  As ill luck would have it, the door opened outside. Burning, the Wolfhound pressed Misa to

  breasts also opened the door a free hand.

  Niilit and Tilorn sat a row on a wooden bed, and on a gender of them

  legs Nonvolatile Mysh and a puppy pottered. The confused kutenok dropped on

  forward pads and cheerfully jumped forward, striving to grasp Mysh. That,

  grown wise a set of fights, hissed and slapped him a healthy wing,

  jumping aside.<
br />
  On a soft skin the puppy was not that wounds - even blood specks.

  - You know for what it was wanted to be drowned? - Tilorn asked. - At it

  the tummy was weak... soiled endlessly. Now will not be any more.

  - So, - the Wolfhound told. Put Misa on a little table near a window and

  turned to Tilorn. - Means, you and really the sorcerer.

  That waved away:

  - Yes well, what of me...

  - And why your hands shiver? - the Wolfhound asked. Really,

  the scientist looked so as if it he, but not the Wolfhound just pinned

  whole woodpile of firewood.

  - I... - Tilorn hesitated. - You see treatment... m-m-m... demanded

  some efforts. And as I still, unfortunately, not quite...

  - Well so you eat, - the Wolfhound told and put on a table of a spoon. Then nodded

  on Mysh: - You and it also gather?

  - With it it is more difficult, - Tilorn seriously answered. - It as I understood,

  wounded many years ago...

  - Five.

  - With old wounds it is always worse, - Tilorn sighed. - It is necessary

  to sew up... No, no, it will not be painful to him, I promise it... And as left,

  what to it tore a wing? Or you already it picked up it?

  - A whip got, - the Wolfhound grumbled.

  - Never would think, - Tilorn was surprised. - Bats so

  are quick and brisk...

  Respecting the defender and the supporter, they ate on-vennski: in turn

  scooped from Misa, and then put spoons on a table cups down that

  some evil spirits did not profane.

  - Protected me, here and received, - the Wolfhound told. At once it was necessary to it

  to regret about the escaped words. Right there it was required to Tilorn with Niilit

  to learn how it happened. The Wolfhound was not able to tell. Also did not love. But

  Tilorn, apparently, had ability get to talking even a stub. Or

  vein that it was only more difficult for the little. Misa became empty hardly half,

  when the Wolfhound, to the surprise, quite coherently told it of that,

  that in mines it rotated the collar delivering water from the underground river.

  Waters for washing of ore it was required much, and collars gnashed round

  days, muffling even peep of the bats nesting under a ceiling.

  Once in the next cave the block, and the come concussion failed

  dumped from a ceiling the whole ball of newborn little mice - directly in the mechanism.

  To stop the dispersed collar it was difficult, but the Wolfhound stopped it. And

  held. Also did not move a little until mice carried away children. The first

  the supervisor known as the Wolf rushed into a cave...

  - This little fool all turned there while from me the skin was lowered, - told

  Wolfhound. - Well also obtained.

  - I learned only today that you were on penal servitude, - having kept silent, noticed

  Tilorn. The wolfhound shrugged shoulders:

  - Would be what to brag...

  And, having put a spoon, moved Misa Tilorna with Niilit - eat up.

  Tilorn carefully spoke:

  - It is difficult for me to present that you committed a crime...

  - And I also did not make, - the Wolfhound told. To ask him further

  the scientist did not become. Decided, probably, that I was taken prisoner in fight, thought

  Wolfhound. Does not want to remind of dishonor...

  He did not begin to dissuade Tilorn and to explain how there was a business. What for?.

  The slanting rain adjusted by a biting wind sprayed aspics in darkness

  meadows, whispered over the cemetery-buyevishchem stored by mighty trunks of birches and

  watered wet cespitose roofs of the small forest village. In the village lived

  veins of a genus of Dappled Deers.

  In deaf hour at dawn the bulked-up door of the guest house revealed, and

  outside thievishly two looked out. Not a soul! Two got out and is careful

  moved along a wall. Nothing foretold failures: by the dawn

  trustful Deer will not find even a trace of the lodgers let to pass away

  bad night. Then somebody will guess to glance in a cage and will find

  there drawn a box. The people who were personally seeing the Vienna embroideries

  beads, promised for them the moon. Only to buy from venn these

  it was not easier than an embroidery, than girls in slavery.

  Still, apparently, in a cage someone from master's children slept. Not a hindrance! Children

  will not be in time and peep...

  To reach where planned, it was not necessary to thieves, ahead, in crude darkness, suddenly

  two bad greenish fires lit up. Then the sky was broken off by the first for

  all night long lightning. Before a cage door as if covered someone with itself,

  there was a dog. Enormous, from a large wolf. Shirokogrudy. And it is surprising

  terrible. He did not bark, did not even growl, but the rigid bristle terribly stood

  on end, and in the light of deathly flash shone, precisely blades, oshcherenny


  Two skilled and not timid men did not remember how they appeared

  there, from where came as the wet shivering hands pushed a latch.

  When breath ceased to be torn with whimpers from a breast, they

  tried to remember what so frightened them. You will think, a dog!. Then

  remembered, and on backs the chill ran again. EYES. They ran not

  on a simple dog. The terrible gray animal had HUMAN EYES.

  At night he woke up because that the merzlyachka of Niilit which was feeling chilly even under

  blanket, nestled in search of heat on its side. Earlier it too

  woke up from it, awfully was confused and, muttering apologies,

  it was removed away. Then got used, and one woke up now


  Yes. And first he really began to dream...

  Niilit did not leave a presented beads, even slept in them. Venn already

  knew that, that without knowing, unusually pleased it. In her family

  the fine sapphire necklace passed from father to son.

  The dying mother left it to Niilit. Now it was carried by the relative's daughter,

  sold Niilit in slavery.

  The wolfhound turned the head and looked at a strip of muddy bluish

  light exuding through a sun blind. Over Galirad pale slowly floated

  summer night. Here to know whether the same strange dreamed whom this night

  dreams?. Whether saw still who himself a dog at a cage threshold?.

  Looking from below up, veins long considered a fine-molded profile of Tilorn,

  sleeping on a bed, and for the first time thought that the wise man was beautiful.

  Wisdom, courage, beauty... And kept such person Lyudoyed in a cage,

  tortures trying to obtain... what? That it to it boiled down diamonds from shit?.

  I will build the house, the Wolfhound thought. To it and Niilit. We will go to upper courses

  Shrines, there, where root of the Vienna tribe... And there I will build


  Whether such place where it is possible to build the house, and the man exists,

  leaving it, will not begin to be afraid that in its absence the house will be robbed and

  enemies will burn? Where do not throw stones in puppies, and the beautiful girl,

  having met the unfamiliar man in the wood, without any fear speaks to him

  "hi"? Where apple-trees blossom and raspberry where century pine forest rustles ripens, and

  ice streams with a crystal ring run from rocks...

  The wolfhound thought of Gods who only, probably, and knew one

  answer. Go, it was told it. Go AND WILL COME...

  Then he remembered the priests met on the mooring.

  There was a business - to mines there arrived a Pupil Bliznetsov. Came to redeem

  slaves on freedom. Gold or expensive kamenye of owners of bright

  the mine it was difficult to surprise, but the priest brought something much more valuable:

  ordinary-looking in appearance, tiny greyish crystals. The knowing people

  dissolved them in big bowls of wine and for days two plunged in


  Rumor about the priest was instantly spread on vaults. When slaves

  visited that was redeemed by him only brothers in faith, all rushed to ask

  admirers of Twins. Others, without stinting, taught friends to sacred signs

  the belief and to how it was necessary to answer a question: "Why, recognizing

  Uniform, we pray to Twins?" others, on the contrary, kept silent. They

  were afraid that the priest will redeem deceivers, and truly believing to release

  will not be able any more.

  The gray Dog did not know about an alarm in caves. It unsteadily floated between

  life and death, and the supervisor did not know whether it was worth spending for him

  daily cup of water.

  The priest came accompanied by the Wolf, it was entrusted to them to drive it

  on caves. The gray Dog noticed not at once them because before him

  the chains of black-crimson shadows which were solemnly overthrown in strode

  flickering black-crimson chasm. The wolf stuck it with a spear shank, and the slave

  slowly turned the head.

  The priest was surprisingly young. Then to it there was approximately so much

  years, how many to the Wolfhound now. Despite youth, its two-color

  the attire cast bright paints that spoke about a considerable dignity. It

  attentively looked at the slave. That was wine: the priest understood it at once on

  to locks of the dirty hair braided in similarity of braids and drawn by scraps

  rags. The torch blinded the slave, and it wearily lowered eyelids. It seemed to the priest,

  as if near the shoulder covered with scabs tatters, and from there moved on

  instant looked out two tiny shining eyes. However, it most likely

  flashed at fire ore splinters...

  "The twins honored in three worlds are Saint!" - the priest separately spoke.


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