Taken by Her Alien Warriors [The Warriors 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Taken by Her Alien Warriors [The Warriors 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 3

by Doris O'Connor

  “Still, I don’t want anyone else. I want you.”

  She expected him to be angry at her muttered words, but, instead, he sighed and cupped her chin to force her head up.

  “You’re wrong, you know, if you think I couldn’t fall out of favor. There are things about me you don’t know, and if the council found out…” He ran his thumb over her lip and stared across her head into the distance.

  “They would what? Whatever it is can’t be that bad. Besides, how will they feel knowing you’ve taken me to the enemy?”

  Zorran released her and assumed his position behind the ship’s controls. With a few well-placed flicks and turns they fell out of hyperdrive, and Drakan filled the screen.

  The planet was beautiful. Just like earth had been before her kind had destroyed it with wars and pollution. Drakan was a shimmering ball of blue and white, and home to a fearless warrior race that was rumored to be on the verge of extinction.

  “Surely the last thing the council would want is for you to give me to a Drakan and to help them procreate? How did we even get away from the ship?”

  She rambled on as Drakan grew ever bigger in their shields, but Zorran ignored her, and eventually she fell silent and simply watched him fly the ship with expert ease. She had no idea how he fooled their security measures, but they were given clearance to enter the planet’s atmosphere and moments later they cleared the cloud bank and landed by the side of a lake. Cut into the mountains the clear waters were breathtaking and fed by a waterfall cascading across the rocks. A small settlement nestled by the side of the lake, watched over by a castle that seemed to have been formed from the rocks itself.

  Spirals and turrets greeted her, not unlike the ones she’d seen in old human fairytales. A handful of children, made up of several mutations of different races chased a chicken around the dusty yard, and a tall and fierce looking Drakan was seemingly engaged in a sword fight with two young men. Naked from the waist up, he swung his heavy broadsword with a skill that spoke of years of practice. His golden skin glistened with sweat in the midday sun, and when he swung around, having disarmed both of his sparring partners with a swipe of his arm, Gemini barely suppressed a gasp.

  This Drakan was so beautiful it hurt to look at him. Several days’ worth of stubble covered his masculine jaw, and his impressive pectorals were also liberally sprinkled with dark hair. It formed a narrow trail over his rock hard abs that led down to the wide belt holding his leggings up on his hip. They clung to a bulge rivalling Zorran’s, set on top of tree trunk legs covered in the same knee length boots Zorran had changed into.

  By far the most striking feature, however, were his eyes. Set under strong eyebrows, and surrounded by heavy lashes they brought to mind the deepest ocean with their crystalline depths. They crinkled up at the corner when he smiled in greeting and waved at them still sat in the cabin, as though a Cirrion landing on his land was an everyday occurrence.

  Then again, maybe it was, for all Gemini knew. She read genuine affection in this Drakan’s eyes when he looked toward Zorran, and the Cirrion too smiled, and some of the tenseness that always surrounded him vanished like a puff of smoke. What had he said? If the council knew his secrets, then…

  A horrible suspicion settled like poison in Gemini’s gut, as the real reason for Zorran not claiming her dawned on him. It had to be this Drakan, and what the fuck was she going to do about that?

  “Meet your new owner, girl.”

  Zorran’s quietly uttered words in her ear, as he stood over her and released her belt, sounded like a death sentence.

  No, it couldn’t be…

  Chapter Three

  Ornack shielded his eyes against the sun, and watched his lover alight the small space ship with some amusement. As necessary as Zorran’s disguise was, it still made him grin every time he saw him attempting to look like a Drakan. Amusement soon gave way to arousal as the breeze carried the other man’s scent toward him. However, that wasn’t the only reason Ornack’s cock seemed suddenly intent on punching a hole through the fabric covering it. The small and mutinous looking human who climbed down the ship’s gangway after Zorran, brought with it the scent of home. Every muscle in his body tensed, his horns itched and grew, and his fangs descended slowly.

  When Zorran had first contacted him with his plans for this human, Ornack had humored him. He had no wish to take on any mate but Zorran, and as that wasn’t possible, bar the moments of bliss they managed to snatch from time to time, he sure as fucking hell wasn’t going to mate with a human.

  Now, however, it took all of his will power to not drag that little bundle of soft curves to him, sink his fangs into her flesh, and take her right here in front of everyone.

  She wasn’t small, not by human standards, but she would barely come up to his chest.

  With shiny long blonde hair that hung down to her shapely ass, tits just made for sucking, and expressive wide blue eyes, that right now shot daggers at Zorran’s back, she promised to be a passionate lay. His grin deepened when she caught him staring at her and missed the last step.

  Zorran heard her gasp and spun round in time to catch her, and Ornack didn’t miss the way the Cirrion held onto her for a moment too long, or the way he, too, inhaled deeply as her scent increased.

  Ornack narrowed his eyes and adjusted his throbbing dick through his tunic. Now, wasn’t this an interesting dilemma. He could smell the waves of lust coming off the female, and it fuelled his own need. Had her arousal been aimed at anyone other than Zorran, Ornack would already have taken that man’s head off. This human was his, there was no doubt about that in his mind, and he would have her, and soon.

  “Zorran, my friend. What brings you to this part of the galaxy?”

  The two men clasped hands and slapped each other’s backs in a show of polite friendliness, and some of the tension left the human female’s frame. Even more interesting.

  “I bring you a belated birthday gift. Ornack, meet Gemini. She needs your protection.”

  She glared at Zorran, and then dropped her gaze. Resentment poured off her in almost palpable waves.

  “She doesn’t look a very willing gift, Zorran,” Ornack said, and the human glanced up and threw him a dagger look, too. If looks could kill, he would be six feet under, and didn’t her spunk turn him on even more.

  Zorran crunched his teeth and growled low in his throat.

  “Gemini is well trained, despite appearances. You’re free to do with her as you will. I can’t stay long, but I will see her settled, if that’s okay with you.”

  Ornack slapped the Cirrion on his back and waved the village elder over.

  “Of course it is. Gerunda, here, will show your human to her quarters, where she can freshen up, so we can catch up in private.”

  Zorran nodded and after only a moment’s hesitation the human female followed the ancient healer. Both men stood watching her departure, and the way her proud shoulders slumped tore at Ornack’s heart. It had been a long time since he’d allowed himself to have any tender feelings for any female, and it made his voice rougher than he meant it to be.

  “Let’s take this somewhere more private, Zorran.”

  Ornack was all too aware of the heat of Zorran’s body behind him. The way his hot gaze burned across his skin. By the time they reached the safety of his bedchamber and he’d pulled the heavy lock across, he was hard enough to pound concrete.

  Rough hands on his shoulders yanked him around, and then Zorran, back in his Cirrion form, slammed him against the wall. Zorran’s claws ran along his chest, and their teeth clashed in their haste to kiss, to devour each other in the effort to assuage the need flaring between them. A need made ten times more potent by the female’s residual scent still clinging to Zorran.

  Ornack fisted his hands in his lover’s hair, and deepened the kiss, as Zorran undid the heavy belt holding up his leggings and freed his rock-hard cock.

  Ornack threw his head back and hissed in pleasure. The firm, hot fist closing ar
ound his dick was sweet torture, as was Zorran sucking one of his horns as though it was an ice cream cone.

  “Fuck, stop this now. I want to spill inside your ass, Zorran.”

  Zorran grunted his agreement and yanked his clothes off with more haste than finesse. Together they tumbled across the room until they fell onto the fur-covered bedstead, which dominated Ornack’s chambers. Cocks grinding against each other, they left no part of each other untouched as they explored each other’s bodies.

  “It’s been too fucking long, Zorran.”

  Ornack grunted the words, his mouth dry with anticipation as Zorran grabbed the oil used for lighting the lanterns, and presented his ass.

  “Stop talking and fuck me, Ornack.”

  His black eyes blazed with swirls of fire, and he ground his magnificent cock into the fur covering of Ornack’s bed. His entire body was taut with fierce need, and it was covered in the fine sheen of perspiration. Like he had done countless times before, Ornack slathered his cock and Zorran’s clenching asshole in generous amounts of oil, and then surged deep inside his forbidden lover.

  Zorran bucked back against him with enough force to shake the bed, as he pushed himself into the covers seeking his own release, while Ornack thrust into the tight confines of his ass. Zorran’s unique male scent mixed in with the sweet female musk leftover on his skin, sent Ornack wild. His fangs descended further and he sunk them into Zorran’s shoulder. His bite sent the other man frantic, and he spilled his seed deep inside his lover’s ass.

  Zorran roared and growled, and flung Ornack off him until he was on top. His rigid erection pressed against the skin between Ornack’s balls and his ass. It left a wet stain behind, and Ornack lifted his ass and grasping his lover’s dick aligned it with his anus. Zorran thrust into him in a blinding move of pain-filled pleasure that prolonged the just dying embers of Ornack’s receding orgasm. Two pumps inside his ass were all it took for Zorran, too, to reach his fulfilment. The Cirrion collapsed on top of him with a strangled groan that turned into a deep rumble when Ornack licked the bite on Zorran’s shoulder.

  “One day, you’ll bite me back and complete our bond, Cirrion.”

  Zorran snorted into Ornack’s damp shoulder and Ornack groaned at the sensation of Zorran’s fangs grating along his neck.

  “In your dreams, Drakan.”

  His softening cock slipped out of Ornack’s ass, and Zorran rolled off him. Panting, they lay next to each other until they could catch their breath.

  “You smell of her.”

  Zorran tensed next to him and avoided his gaze, when Ornack propped himself up on his elbow to better see his lover’s face.

  “And you know she’s in love with you, right?”


  Zorran jumped off the bed and Ornack allowed his gaze to roam freely over the body of the man he loved. There wasn’t an ounce of fat on the Cirrion’s body, just smooth skin that covered muscles honed by years of fighting, and crossed with scars that spoke their own story. The one across the Cirrion’s cheek, disfiguring his otherwise perfect features, Ornack loved most of all. It was how they’d met after all. Zorran had protected a bunch of Drakan children from being slaughtered by a crazed Cirrion, who’d turned on his comrade and sliced his face and chest open, as Zorran had shielded Ornack’s son with his own body.

  The Cirrions attack had been defeated, and as a thank-you for saving his child’s life Ornack had given the gravely wounded Cirrion shelter and nursed him back to health. The attraction that had sprung up between them had been as unwelcome as it had been unexpected.

  Ornack had long since accepted his feelings for the huge Cirrion, and one day soon he would get the big lout to admit to his softer side.

  Once fully recovered, the Cirrion had returned to his home planet, the only survivor of the raid. Ornack had given him a stack of precious gems, which had eased Zorran’s story and won him favors with the Cirrion council.

  The fact that Zorran was just as vicious as ever, if not more so, in his fight against the Drakans was another point that earned him favors. It also meant he had to come in disguise, lest King Yanos caught wind of the Cirrion’s frequent stays on Drakan. That wouldn’t end well for either of them.

  Ornack pushed the depressing thought away and concentrated on the vision of a naked Zorran upending a jug of water over his head. Rivulets ran down his chest and back and into the cleft of the ass Ornack had fucked so thoroughly mere moments ago. His cock hardened in remembrance of that tight pleasure. He fisted his dick slowly and grinned when Zorran noticed and his cock, too, surged upward. Droplets of water clung of the broad tip, and Ornack slid his hand up and down his shaft faster. His mouth went dry with the need to taste the pre-cum appearing on his lover’s slit.

  “Let me do that.”

  Zorran approached the bed and shook himself. It sent water everywhere, and then he knelt next to Ornack on the bed and lowered his head.

  Ornack roared at the first contact of Zorran’s forked tongue on his sensitive head. He dug the rough ends of his tongue into Ornack’s slit, grasped his balls and squeezed, as his other hand pumped Ornack’s dick.

  Pleasure surged up through his balls at the rough handling, and Ornack grasped Zorran’s hips and urged him up and over him.

  Wordlessly, the Cirrion complied, and he growled around Ornack’s prick when Ornack angled his head until one of his horns slid into Zorran’s ring of muscle. He grasped the other man’s shaft and wrapped his lips around it. Zorran’s hot, spicy flavor exploded on his tongue, and he pushed his horn in deeper, reveling at the feeling of his lover’s clenching ass around his protrusion.

  Coming up for air, he licked along the base of Zorran’s shaft, and chuckled as the other man retaliated in kind.

  “No bullshit about it, she does.” He gasped the words, when the pressure on the tip buried inside Zorran’s ass increased, as his lover hurtled toward his release. Waves of pleasure surged through him from the contact, and he wrapped his lips around Zorran’s dick just in time to catch the thick jets of semen erupting.

  The pressure on his horn, combined with the rhythmic sucking of Zorran’s hot mouth on his own shaft proved too much, and he, too, groaned his release. Zorran milked him dry, and winced when Ornack withdrew from the tight clasp of his ass. Ornack slapped the tanned ass in front of him with a grin.

  “Watch it, Drakan.” Zorran grumbled the words, and Ornack laughed.

  The Cirrion scrambled around until he was lying next to him. Amusement lit up his black eyes, when Ornack rubbed his horns against his shoulder and groaned.

  “You do realize the tactical disadvantage of having sexual organs that exposed, right? All I have to do is this.” He grasped hold of Ornack’s horns and squeezed. The move caused Ornack to draw in a sharp breath, and Zorran smirked. “See, you’re putty in any opponent’s hands.”

  Ornack slapped his hands away and punched Zorran’s shoulder.

  “Well, that’s me. It might be different for others, and besides, you won’t tell, will you?”

  He winked at his lover and brushed his lips across Zorran’s full mouth.

  “The fact remains, that human is in love with you,” Ornack said.

  Zoran tensed and pushed him away.

  “She might think she is, but she’ll get over it. You can charm it out of her.”

  Ornack rolled his eyes, but Zorran wasn’t finished yet.

  “You need a mother for your son. She’ll be that mother and she’ll give you many more, I’m sure.” He crunched his teeth and balled his hands into fists as he ground the words out. “And besides, she’s not safe on Cirrion. I didn’t save her all those years ago to have her taken away and used now.” Zorran’s black gaze connected with Ornack’s and the depth of emotion he glimpsed in his lover’s eyes took his breath away.

  “You’re in love with her and that scares the shit out of you, doesn’t it?”

  Zorran jerked away as though Ornack’s words had physically hit him in the gut, a
nd he shook his head with enough force to send the strands of his hair whipping across his face.

  “Don’t be ridiculous. I’m Cirrion. We don’t have emotions. Don’t confuse my wanting to fuck her with anything else.”

  “Well, that admission is a first step,” Ornack said. “So why haven’t you fucked her? I could smell her wet pussy the minute she stepped out of that ship. She’s ripe and wanting. If you truly didn’t have any feelings for her, you’d have fucked her six ways from Friday before now. Instead she’s still intact, I bet, isn’t she?”

  Ornack knew he was taunting the Cirrion, pushing him way more than was safe. Zorran was right. If he chose to fight Ornack, and he chose to fight dirty, Zorran would win hands down, not least because Ornack loved this man with every fiber of his being. He could no more kill him than he could kill little Magnuss.

  “Give it a rest, Drakan. She’s yours to do with as you see fit. Sell her on, if you don’t like what you see, for all I care. She’s your concern now, not mine.”

  Ornack chose not to answer that. He’d made his point, after all. Zorran had grown so tense that the veins in his thick neck stood out, and the scars on his body shone white against the red tinge of his skin.

  Ornack’s horns might be his weakness, but Zorran’s changing skin color was his. Regardless of what he proclaimed, he seemed incapable of not projecting his feelings through his skin, at least when he was surrounded by those he cared about. And his big Cirrion cared far too much. It would be up to Ornack and the human female to finally make him see sense and admit those feelings.

  “Oh, I’ll keep her, and I’ll have her screaming my name when she comes around my cock. Maybe, I’ll even let you watch…”

  Zorran’s angry roar shook the room and, fangs fully extended, hands curled into claws, he looked all set to tear Ornack to shreds. However, he jumped off the bed, instead, yanked his leggings on, and stalked from the room with a muttered, “I’m going for a swim.”


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