Taken by Her Alien Warriors [The Warriors 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Taken by Her Alien Warriors [The Warriors 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 5

by Doris O'Connor

  Even with her fair face all blotchy from crying and moisture clinging to her eyelashes, she looked good enough to eat, but wariness overshadowed the spark of arousal in her eyes as she glanced down to his groin.

  She took a step away from him and another until her back hit the wall. Ornack smiled at her and helped himself to a goblet of wine. He offered her one and she shook her head.

  “I don’t think I can. Please don’t make me have sex with you.”

  Ornack sighed and she visibly relaxed when he straddled a chair several feet away from her.

  “Oh, you could,” he said. “And you’d enjoy it. I’m not an ogre, however, nor so uncivilized that I would force my attentions where they’re not wanted.” He smiled at her sharp intake of breath. “Zorran brought you here to keep you safe. I have every intention of making sure you’ll stay safe, but I’ll need your cooperation for that.”

  Fresh tears filled her eyes at the mention of Zorran, and Ornack bit back a curse.

  “He’ll be back, you know,” he said, and she hugged her arms around herself and shook her head. The action pushed her breasts up and his mouth watered. Soon, he would have her, but not like this.

  “He doesn’t want me. If he comes back, it will be for you.” Gemini straightened her shoulders and pushed away from the wall. After only the tiniest hesitation, she sat down in the chair next to him, and this time, when he offered her some wine, she took it.

  “You’re not denying it then?” she asked.

  “I wouldn’t insult your intelligence, Gemini. Yes, we’re lovers, have been for the last three years, but when he comes back it won’t be to fuck me. Well, not only me, I should say.”

  He smirked as her eyes widened and heat stole into her cheeks.

  “You can’t be serious.”

  “I’m deadly serious. I’m expected to mate, having proven my ability to produce offspring. The problem is none of the females sent my way have shown half as much affection as you’ve shown my son tonight.”

  “Then they’re fools. Magnuss is adorable.”

  Her instant defense of his little tearaway made Ornack smile.

  “You won’t say that when he bounces on your bed before the first rays of the sun have even broken over the mountain peak. Nor when he dive-bombs when you’re least expecting it, or hides a toad in your shoe. The list of his adventures is endless. Gerunda will tell you I was the same as a child.”

  “She looked after you, too?” Gemini asked.

  “Yes, she did, and my father before me. Gerunda is one of the oldest living females of my species. In fact, she is the last female born this side of the mountains. We seem to have lost the ability to father females altogether. Other parts of Drakan fare slightly better.”

  “And you’re telling me this, why?” Gemini put her goblet down on the table with enough force to slosh the red wine over the sides, and her blue eyes blazed with indignation. “I won’t be your broodmare to help you populate this side of Drakan, if that’s what you mean by needing my cooperation.”

  Her breath hitched and she glanced toward his crotch, where his cock was still trying to break out of the leggings he wore, and her nipples firmed into tight little bullets. She squirmed on her seat when Ornack didn’t say anything and simply sat watching her.

  She exhaled sharply when he finally spoke.

  “No, that’s not what I need your cooperation for, my sweet little human. I need to convince the king that I’m happily settled with my new wife.”

  Ornack rather enjoyed the way her mouth fell open in stunned surprise.

  * * * *

  “Your what?” Gemini couldn’t have heard him right. He must be poking fun at her. That was the only explanation.

  Instead of answering her, Ornack smiled. It showed his fangs and his arctic eyes crinkled at the corners. Now that she looked at him properly she could see the fine laughter lines around his eyes, and the dimples in his cheeks. Magnuss had the same irresistible indentations. On him they looked cute. On his father, they did strange things to her insides, and she was glad to be sitting. The man was sex-on-legs gorgeous, and he clearly knew the effect he had on her.

  Those lines deepened and he reached across to grasp her hand. She couldn’t suppress her gasp of surprise when he lifted her hand to his lips and dropped a kiss on the back of it.

  “I told you. Zorran wants you safe, and as my wife, you have standing and protection, and you keep me off the king’s radar. It’s a win-win situation all around.”

  “I won’t sleep with you.” She blurted that out without thinking and snatched her hand out his grasp. Much to her surprise he let her and laughed. It was a deep belly laugh that seemed to settle straight in her clit, and Gemini inwardly rolled her eyes at herself.

  What was wrong with her today? She loved Zorran, and, yet, she sat here lusting after a man she barely knew, and a gay man at that. Only he wasn’t gay, was he? He’d fathered little Magnuss after all, and there was no doubt that she aroused him. The hard ridge straining the fabric of his tunic looked huge, and once he sobered, the intensity of his azure gaze pinned her in place as though he’d bound her to the chair. And that really shouldn’t turn her on more.

  “Oh, you will sleep with me, starting tonight, in fact.”

  She shook her head, and his gaze burnt hotter at her denial.

  “I won’t…please…. I can’t. I don’t know you. I’m…I’ve never done this before.”

  Heat burned her cheeks at her halting admission, but she couldn’t tear her eyes away from the intensity of his gaze either. He’d gone so still, she couldn’t be sure he was even breathing.

  “There’s a first time for everything, my sweet.” The endearment rolled off his tongue, and she blinked when he hooked one foot around the leg of her chair and scooted it closer to him until their knees were touching. He gripped the back of her chair either side of her shoulders, and smiled when she pressed back as far as she could, which wasn’t very far at all. She was trapped and the thought of being at this Drakan’s mercy made her breathing speed up.

  “I knew he hadn’t touched you. I can smell your innocence.” Her throat went dry as his gaze dropped to her lips, and she resisted the urge to run her tongue over the soft flesh to moisten them. He dipped his head and inhaled deeply against her neck, and a shudder went through her as he scraped his fangs along her rapidly beating pulse point. He took her hand and held it against his groin. A groan trembled through him when she instinctively curled her fingers around his hot, pulsing length.

  “And it makes me rock hard for you. I want nothing more than to sink this cock hilt-deep into your sweet little virgin pussy, until you scream my name while you’re gushing around my dick.” Ornack pulled back enough to study her, and a shiver went down her spine. He meant every word he said, and her body responded to the carnal desire in his deep voice with a hot rush of liquid between her thighs. His nostrils flared and his horns seemed to grow in front of her eyes, as though they had a mind of their own. Ornack’s low growl forced her to tear her gaze away from that particular part of his body. Magnuss’s had been soft like warm butter under her chin, she remembered that now. She couldn’t help but wonder what his would feel like, but she daren’t move to touch them. He seemed too on the edge as it was, and she got the distinct impression that touching his horns would only result in one thing. Her being bent over the table and fucked so hard she wouldn’t be able to walk tomorrow. A whimper escaped her at the thought, and his knowing grin mocked her.

  “And you’d let me do just that, wouldn’t you, sweet thing. I can smell how wet you are for me. If I ran my hand under your skirt, it would be soaked with your essence, and you would beg me to take you, wouldn’t you?”

  She shook her head and winced when he grasped her hair and pulled her head back. With his large hand wrapped in her long tresses, she couldn’t move. As it was, her scalp stung with the force he used and her useless body responded with a heated wave of arousal that left her breathless and needy.

/>   “Answer me.” His voice dropped further, and the low, deadly command behind those two words gave her no choice but to respond.


  “Yes, what?”

  Confused, she looked up at him, and his harsh expression softened.

  “Yes, what would you let me do?” he asked.

  “Yes, I’d let you fuck me.” She whispered the words. Shame and arousal warred inside of her in equal measures. Shame that she acted like the wanton hussy she had been trained to be, and yet she couldn’t help but respond to this man. She wanted to sink to her knees to do his bidding, to lose herself in the knowledge that she was at his mercy, to know that she would please him with her body and her actions. Not because he ordered her to, but because she wanted to. That deeply submissive part buried in her psyche blossomed under the dominance he exerted with the tone of his voice alone.

  “And therein lies the problem,” he said.

  She blinked when he let her go and got up so abruptly that his chair clattered to the floor with a loud bang. It seemed to echo around the still room, and she stared up at him in shock.

  What the hell had just happened there?

  “Problem?” she asked, and he held out a hand to her and nodded. Without thinking, she placed hers in his, and he pulled her to her feet.

  “Yes, problem,” he said. “If I just wanted a fuck, there are any number of willing bodies I could use, but I want more than that.” He paused and used his free hand to tip her chin up. She couldn’t have looked away from him if she wanted to, too caught up in the maelstrom of emotions swirling in his blue eyes. They truly were the windows to one’s soul. Her mum had always said so, but surrounded by the black-eyed, seeming emotionless Cirrions, Gemini had forgotten that little saying. This Drakan, however, made no attempt to hide his emotions, and the room spun as she struggled to breathe.

  “I want it all, Gemini. I want a mate. I want my mate, and I want her to come to me of her own free will. I don’t want a simple fuck toy. I want a mother for my son, and a mate to stand by me, not because she has no choice, but, because she needs me as much as I need her. I realize this will go against anything you’ll have been taught on Cirrion, but here, on Drakan and as my wife, you’ll be my equal in all things bar the bedroom. Do you understand what I’m saying here, Gemini?”

  Did she? Her befuddled brain could hardly make sense of anything anymore. Exhaustion pulled her under, mentally and physically, as all the events of the day crashed over her.

  “You don’t want me either,” she said, and she hated how small and pathetic her voice sounded.

  His growl in answer shook the room, and her pussy clenched in desperate need at the animalistic sound, rumbling from his huge chest.

  “I’m going to kill that ass of a Cirrion when he gets his butt back here, for making you doubt yourself like that.” He yanked her up against his long, hard body until her breasts were flattened into his chest and his erection dug into her belly. It caused the most delicious trembles of need that started in her clit and made her wrap her arms around his huge shoulders. Ornack groaned into her hair and he grasped her ass cheeks and lifted her higher. Her legs went round his waist of her own accord, and his still-covered cock jerked against her wet slit.

  Gemini’s hips took on a life of their own, and she rubbed herself up and down the rock hard length of him until she wanted to scream with the need to come.

  “Please…please.” She didn’t recognize the needy voice pleading with him, and Ornack swore and sunk his fangs into the fleshy part of her shoulder where it met her neck.

  White-hot arousal surged through her veins like molten lava and stars exploded behind her eyelids. Her orgasm ripped through her in waves of heat, as he sucked her life essence and thrust against her. Every suck prolonged the trembles shaking her body until he finally withdrew his fangs and licked her wound.

  She slumped in his arms and Ornack tightened his hold on her. Aftershocks shivered through her when he nuzzled into her neck and she could feel his lips curve up into a smile at her long drawn out moan of pleasure.

  “Does that convince you that I want you, my silly little human? I wanted you from the minute I caught your scent stepping off Zorran’s ship. You’re mine now, and tomorrow we’ll stand up in front of witnesses, and let everyone see my mark. For now, you’ll sleep with me.” He chuckled at her moan of denial. “Yes, sleep as in sleep, not fuck. When the time comes for me to claim you, I want you awake, wet, and wanting, and in no doubt who owns you, mind, body, and soul, and then, and only then, will you have my cock…and my heart.”

  Chapter Six

  Gemini woke up with a start and immediately froze. She blinked in the bright sunshine streaming into the room. It bounced off the huge, muscular, golden arm that pulled her back into the hard, hot body, nestled against her bare back. His heavy erection pulsed against her ass, and Gemini bit her lips to stop herself from reacting. By rights she ought to be horrified. She had no idea how she actually ended up here, naked and wanting in Ornack’s bed. His scent surrounded her and his bite throbbed under the gentle puffs of hot air he expelled. His even breathing told her that he was still asleep. The irony of still being in her virginal state, despite waking up in a different man’s bed two mornings running, wasn’t lost on her.

  She gingerly touched the mark on her shoulder and the events of last night came flooding back into her consciousness.

  Oh, god, he bit her. He said she was his, and Gemini knew enough about the Drakan’s mating practices to know that his bite bound them together in ways she couldn’t even begin to imagine. What had he said? He wanted a mate?

  His breathing changed and his cock hardened further as his hold on her tightened. One callused fingertip stroked along her jaw, and then his hand cupped her chin and he was suddenly looming over her.

  “Good morning, wife.” He grinned at her, and she lost herself in the tender concern of his smile. He almost looked as though he cared about her, but that was a ridiculous notion.

  “How did I get here, and where are my clothes?” she asked and she hardened her heart against his frown.

  “I carried you here when you fell asleep on me, and I took off your clothes for you. I like my women naked in my bed.”

  Heat stole into her cheeks and he chuckled.

  “Besides, it gave me a chance to properly appreciate your luscious body, and no, I didn’t do anything but look, before you bite my head off.”

  Gemini snapped her mouth shut, and settled for glaring at him. Anything to stop herself from giving into her natural curiosity and to let her gaze drift south. As it was he felt huge against her thigh. His body hair tickled her bare skin, and she knew she would have whisker burn from his stubble, where he had rubbed it against her neck. The whole area felt tender and bruised, and as though he read her thought processes, his gaze dropped to her shoulder. He bent his head to lick the tender area, and to her utter shock and dismay her entire body drew taut. Tingles of heated awareness crawled across her skin and stole between her thighs. Her clit throbbed and her internal muscles clenched and released. Her nipples hardened to the point of pain, and her breasts grew heavy as though he was physically kneading the globes between his palms and not just running his heated gaze all over them.

  “This is your room now. I’ll send Gerunda in to help you freshen up, but first…”

  He lifted his wrist up to his mouth and bit down hard. Blood dripped off it and between her thighs and onto the sheet like a crimson flag, and Gemini watched in stunned disbelief as he licked the wound and it closed in front of her eyes.

  His eyes glittered in triumph, and he jumped off the bed. The action gave her an unimpeded view of his golden ass cheeks, and she gasped when he turned round. Against her better judgment, her gaze strayed to his cock. Long, and thick, his dick hung halfway down his thigh and he jumped to attention under her openmouthed perusal.

  “You’re never going to fit.”

  Ornack laughed and Gemini threw her hand over her
mouth when it dawned on her that she had said that out loud.

  “Oh, I will, my sweet, but for now, that”—he gestured to the crimson stain spreading underneath her butt—“will be proof enough for the king, that you’re mine.”

  “I–I—this is all just a big charade, right? We’re not actually married, are we?” She was aware that her voice had risen to an unnaturally high level, but she didn’t seem able of controlling her voice box, or any other part of her anatomy it seemed.

  Her body felt on fire under his intense regard. It reminded her of a predator’s gaze ready to strike, and she hastily pulled the covers over her naked body.

  “I shall let that go for now, wife, but know this. In future, I will not stand for you hiding your body from my gaze. I shall expect you to be always open to me, and yes we are very much married.” He paused and regarded her thoughtfully. “I know your human practices are different, but you’re on my planet now, you’d do well to remember that.”

  And with those somewhat ominous words, he turned to leave.

  * * * *

  Gemini’s new life settled into a somewhat predictable pattern after that first morning. Every day she woke up in Ornack’s arms and he would leave once she was awake. Not once did he touch her other than when they were in public. Then he didn’t seem capable of not touching her, and it left her body on fire and her mind more confused than ever.

  The day after their marriage, two impossibly tall and handsome Drakans had flown in. She had known by their ceremonial dress that they had to have been sent on official business. Sure enough, Gerunda had produced the bloodstained sheet as proof of Gemini’s union with Ornack, and he had shown them the mark on her shoulder as further proof.


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