Refusing to Fall (Dennison Series Book 3)

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Refusing to Fall (Dennison Series Book 3) Page 10

by Ferraro, W

  Garrett trailed in after him but remained on his feet in front of Reed’s desk. “Reed, what happened? Did the case get thrown out? I personally vetted all those witnesses. I pulled every warrant and trial transcript, went over each and every one with a fine-tooth comb and no red flags were found. I spent hours going through all the evidence from the defense. Nothing should have been a surprise for you today.”

  Reed let his hands fall to the desk and looked at his friend and assistant. Should I share with Garrett what went down or use the excuse that the judge did?

  Choosing to err on the side of caution, Reed answered his riled assistant. “Some mix-up with filed paperwork. It wasn’t our end, so it must have been Glades.”

  Reed watched as Garrett’s anxiety literally deflated before his eyes. The other man collapsed into the chair just behind him, opposite Reed, and dramatically grabbed for his chest as he took in and let out heavy breaths.

  “Don’t scare me like that. My ticker can’t take it!”

  This had Reed smiling. Garrett was amazing at his job and would be an amazing lawyer when he passed his bar exam, but Reed enjoyed having him around for the mere fact he was good for defusing intense situations to ones of humor.

  With both men now smiling, they spoke no words; just two people enjoying the tensionless atmosphere for a moment.

  Garrett rose from his seat, looked at Reed, and asked, “Do you need anything before I head back to my desk?”

  Letting out a deep breath, Reed leaned back in his lush rivet designed leather chair and raised his hand as he scratched his still shaved-smooth chin.

  “Actually, there is. Can you call down to the Boston Harbor Hotel and get me a room for tomorrow night. I apparently have an event in the city where my attendance is required.”

  The other man nodded leaving Reed alone.


  Hours later, still at his desk, Reed tried to put his head into his work, but whenever he tried to concentrate on anything, the incident with Lacey and the courthouse pushed to the forefront. Was his desire for higher office worth this? If there were this kind of political manipulation in such a small setting, then when he reached the next rung on the ladder, what kind of deceit would await him then? Could everything truly be bought by a whisper or by greasing a palm?

  Finally standing, he stepped away from his desk, physically stretching his muscles as he tried to do the same with his mental ones. Taking the few steps to the wall of windows that looked over the town, Reed observed the people below as they went about their lives. When just a few floors above them, a man was measuring the depth in which he was willing to jeopardize his strong ethics so he could fight for those same people.

  For the hundredth time, he found himself asking the same question—Is this really the type of setting I want my name cemented into? As much as he wanted to be righteous, he couldn’t lie to himself. He still wanted to push forward, still wanted to see his ideas go from intention to action. Regardless of how much his stomach turned by today’s events and the ease in which Lacey twisted a keystone of his life and showed him corruption could be found anywhere, he knew it wasn’t enough to turn him.

  Never one to consider himself weak stomached, he had no intention to start now. He just had to make sure everything he did was legit and truthful, and ensure he would never be categorized with the lot of those around him. His name would need to remain isolated from the mentions and grouping of others.

  Lacey Gibbons wanted to keep him on a short leash; he, however, refused to allow her to cinch it around his neck. Going forward, Reed would be sure to play along, letting her feel he had finally come around. Nonetheless, she would quickly learn not to cross a Dennison if ever there was a repeat of what happened today.

  To hell with the seat and to hell with others in power who wanted him to toe the line. Because a Dennison didn’t conform to the majority because it was what was expected. His parents raised him and his siblings to fight for what they believed in and call out any discord—regardless if it was morally or lawfully.

  So be prepared, Ms. Gibbons, of just who you are dealing with. I will not heel at your side, and I sure as shit won’t pant patiently as I wait for your approval.

  As he continued to look out through the window and think on this, the buzz of his intercom interrupted him. Garrett confirmed he had made all the arrangements for the next day, including Lacey’s itinerary. With a quick word of appreciation, Reed disconnected and decided that he would not accomplish anything else today in the office. Quickly and decisively, he packed up for the evening and headed out of the office.

  As he got into his Escalade and heading toward Clearwater Falls, he had every intention of going straight to his townhouse and making sure his tuxedo was pressed and ready. But as he got closer, he suddenly felt the need to pay a visit to the town restaurant and see if the sight of a cute little waitress could help him put the ugliness of today behind him.

  So that was just what he did, with a smile on his face and devilishly wicked thoughts running through his head.

  By the time Reed parked and walked into the restaurant, most of the place was empty except for a few booths and an all-too-familiar form at the counter. He walked up next to the lone figure and gave a jovial slap on the back, enjoying Hunter’s slight jump.

  “Asshole,” his older brother mumbled as Hunter used his napkin to clean up the spill that his surprised motion had caused.

  Reed sat down, enjoying catching the ever-observant man off guard.

  “You’ve called me worse, many times,” Reed responded knowingly.

  Molly chose that moment to come out from the kitchen. Her eyes instantly went to where her husband was, and her smile grew as she noticed Reed.

  “Hey you, this is a pleasant surprise,” she stated, before coming over and standing opposite the two men on the serving side of the counter.

  Unable to help himself, Reed used his best smile, and said, “What can I say? I’m just full of surprises.”

  If only they knew just how true that sentiment was.

  Before Reed was even aware the words were out of his mouth, he heard himself say, “No help tonight, only the lady proprietor working?”

  Like that question won’t raise any suspicion.

  If his sister-in-law noticed, she didn’t say, and Reed refused to move his head to the right to see if Hunter did.

  “No, Colby is here. Bless that sweet thing. She has closed down this place practically every night, and she does so with a smile. But I figure, I will take it now as long as I can; I think the longer she stays here in town, the less open her calendar will be, and she will prefer to have some evenings free to do other things,” Molly responded, as she winked toward the two men.

  However, only one laughed at the implication.

  As if on cue, a very feminine laugh wafted in from the kitchen, moments before a smiling Colby entered the dining room, followed by an equally happy young deputy.

  Colby didn’t notice the newest patron immediately, as she turned to the tall man who followed closely, too closely in Reed’s opinion, behind her and spoke in a low volume so Reed couldn’t hear.

  Reed suddenly felt his blood burn inside his veins and his jaw clench so tightly that the pressure threatened to crack his teeth.

  “Hey Reed, how’s it going?” Dustin asked as he willingly tore his eyes away from the beautiful pixie in front of him and looked over her head toward Reed.

  At the mention of his name, Colby’s body whipped around, so that she now faced him, and their eyes bore into one another. Hers reflected shock and surprise, his fury and something else he refused to pinpoint; all he knew was that whatever it was, it had him wanting to use physical violence.

  It couldn’t have been hours or mere milliseconds that they remained enraptured with each other across the distance; however, Colby was the one to break the spell.

  With a down turned head and red cheeks, she fumbled with her apron pockets before raising her head just enough to say a
, “Oh hi, nice to see you again,” to the silently furious man and heading off to the customers on the other side of the room.

  As much as Reed wanted to follow her with his eyes, he couldn’t without the starry-eyed deputy, who remained standing, noticing.

  “Most customers come in through the front door, Dustin, not the kitchen door,” Molly teased, offering the distraction Reed needed.

  The tall young man, who was still in uniform, blushed. “Uh, sorry about that, Molly. I was walking by outside when I noticed Colby struggling to bring a bag to the dumpster in the alley.”

  “Not the most romantic excuse, but if it gets the job done,” Hunter replied, as he smiled into his coffee cup.

  This had Dustin turning redder. Reed speculated his internal emotion was the same color.

  Colby rejoined them as she put the money into the register, unaware of the conversation she missed. Reed watched as Dustin tried to regain her direct attention, but Colby wasn’t giving. She busied herself with stacking coffee cups on the service station behind her.

  Every emotion was clear as it crossed the young deputy’s face, and Reed couldn’t help but find immense pleasure in the other man’s obvious disappointment.

  With Dustin’s eyes focused on Colby, he then turned to the others and said, “Well, I had better get down to the station. Boss won’t appreciate it if I’m late.”

  Molly and Hunter said good-bye, but Reed didn’t. Instead, he watched as Dustin turned back to the woman behind him, walked closer toward her, and said, “We still on for the morning?”

  Reed watched as Colby finally raised her brown eyes to the other man and gave a slight but still breathtaking smile and asked, “You sure you won’t be too tired after your overnight shift?”

  “Nah. After all, if I am, I’m sure we could find something that would rejuvenate me.”

  Reed thought the top of his head was going to erupt. What the fuck does that mean?

  Soon after Dustin had left, Reed found himself with a cup of coffee and a piece of cherry pie. He watched as Hunter and Molly packed up since the other customers had left. With good-byes to the remaining two people in the place, the madly in love couple left.

  Reed leisurely ate his pie and drank his coffee, always aware of the woman who refused to acknowledge him. Before too long, Reed had cleaned his plate and drained his cup as he continued to watch Colby busy herself to make sure everything was left perfect. It was painful for him to wait for her to make the first move, but he felt with all he’d learned since he walked in here that it was justified. Thankfully, the time of reckoning had come.

  He watched as she approached but kept her distance. To remove any sort of potential for intimacy.

  “Need anything else?” she asked finally meeting his eyes.

  “No, I’m good.”

  She took the plate and cup and went back into the kitchen. Reed listened as she turned the water on, washing both by hand.

  When she returned, he placed a twenty on the counter. She took it with slow fingers and began to make change with what was in her apron pocket.

  “Keep it.”

  She shot her head up and stared bafflingly at him. He didn’t care that he was pissed at what he’d witnessed a short while ago. He didn’t care that perhaps his subconscious had other reasons for steering him here rather than home. He certainly didn’t care that he was confusing her; at this moment, all he cared about was unleashing his internal frustration, and no other outlet called to him more than Colby did.

  With his plan in mind, he only had to wait her out.

  With slow and methodical movements, Reed rose and started to put his coat on.

  Colby watched him for a moment before offering a fraction of her usual smile and said, “Well, good night, Reed.”

  He didn’t respond. Instead, he walked to the door, where she followed, and once he was through it, he turned and watched her lock the door from the inside and draw the full shade.

  He walked along slowly, with renewed energy to put into motion what he desired, watching as she shut the lights off to the main room and disappeared into the kitchen. His feet carried him to just where he wanted as he waited. Within a minute, the kitchen light went out, and Colby stepped out the exterior door and locked it. When she turned to begin her walk home, she noticed she was not alone in the small alleyway.

  With a jump and a muted yelp, she exasperated, “Jesus, Reed! What the hell are you doing?”

  “Taking you home,” he answered matter-of-factly.

  “Oh, no, that isn’t necessary. It only takes ten minutes to walk, seven if I hustle.”

  He didn’t like the notion that she walked to and from work alone, especially at night. Not that Clearwater Falls was America’s crime capital, but still, he knew enough to know no place was without deviants.

  Finally willing to show her just how deep his frustration went, he snapped, “Don’t be difficult, Colby. Just get in the goddamn car.”

  With furrowed brows under her fuchsia colored beret, she relented. She walked past him to the main road and waited until he pointed out his vehicle.

  Wordlessly, they crossed the street. He opened the passenger side door for her, and she climbed in. When she was safely inside, he closed the door, rounded the hood, and climbed in the driver’s seat. With a flip of the key, the engine purred to life and warm air filled the car. The lush leather heated seats began to warm, and with the way he noticed her jump again, he figured she wasn’t expecting it.

  He remained stoic as he put the SUV in gear and headed to her apartment. Making the drive in two minutes, he opted to park around the back of the building rather than the front. If this gave her reason to pause, she didn’t say anything.

  With a hand on the handle, she turned to him and spoke softly. “Thank you for the ride.” Before the last word was out of her mouth, she tried the door handle, but it didn’t open. With more pressure, she tried it again.

  She turned back to him and raised a brown eyebrow in question.

  Having no intention to hide what he wanted from her at all now, he stated clearly, “Invite me up, Colby.”

  She graced her teeth over her plump lower lip drawing his eye.

  She didn’t answer, only nodded her agreement, before he released the lock on her door and they both exited the vehicle.

  They climbed the stairs quietly, and when they reached her door, he made sure to crowd her as she worked the key into the lock. He helped her slide the heavy door to the side, and as they stepped in, he slid the door back in place before clicking the deadbolt and declaring, “I’m going to fuck your brains out now.”

  To say that Colby was aroused at his commanding tone would be an understatement.

  Reed had always been dominating in their affair, but she had never seen this side before. It was as if something was fueling him on. Used to the unknown equations of his life outside of their physical relationship, this was different.

  Colby racked her brain to see if any answer came to her but nothing stuck. When he came by last night and said his piece, she knew something else was simmering below what he was saying, but she knew he would never tell her. And honestly, she was too intimidated to ask because they never had that dynamic. It was always just physical, except for the small amount that Colby shared with him. Never vice versa. No, Reed Dennison was as tight-lipped as they came.

  The only common denominator in both incidents was Dustin’s presence.

  Could that be it? Could the mighty Reed Dennison fall for what every other mere mortal was susceptible to?

  Was the green-eyed monster masked poorly just below the surface?

  Could such a powerful, self-assured, selfish man truly be jealous?

  Before she could contemplate this any further, he was upon her. Quickly, she found herself flush against the nearby wall. His lips fused with hers, and she swore nothing was better. His mouth knew hers. Knew just how to nip and plunder and how to engage her tongue to play the game of who wanted it more.

bsp; His fingers nimbly removed her hat before working the buttons on her coat. Willing to help in any way she could, she deftly kicked off her boots and wiggled her upper body allowing it to slip her coat off all the way, letting it land where it fell. His lips and tongue continued to control her mouth as his fingers quickly rid her body of her belt and undid her pants. With a shimmy of her hips and a quick slide of her hands over her hips, they too fell to the floor. Next to go was her polo shirt, causing the only break apart of their lips as he ripped it over her head leaving her in just her black lace-edged camisole and matching bikini bottoms. With a final slide of his tongue and an erotic bite to her swollen lower lip, Reed finally pulled away, leaving her panting and staring with highly aroused brown eyes.

  Thankful for the support of the wall behind her, she watched as he took a minuscule few steps backward. While his eyes never wavered from her form, he removed his outer coat and suit coat and loosened his tie.

  Thinking he still had too many clothes on, she went to raise her hands to help him, but he caught her smaller ones in his larger hands and raised them above her head against the wall. Changing his grip, he held them with one hand. He ran one finger from her hairline, down over her forehead slowly and softly, over the center of her nose, stopping briefly over her kiss-swollen lips, down her small chin, stroking her extremely parched throat, and pausing at the “v” between her collarbones. It was now her turn to watch him show a bit of how much he was affected, as his strong throat bobbed slowly up and down, before quickly masking it.

  His finger resumed its trek lower, and his eyes followed, fingering the lace before going over the top of it, veering to the left, circling her extended nipple, and plucking the stiffness. She emitted a soft moan as he did the same to the right one, ending with the same result. As his finger continued south, he reached the bottom hem of her camisole, and with his strong finger, he lifted the slight fabric and caressed the soft bare skin beneath. Quickly, he circled her navel, pressing inside once, twice, before continuing lower to where he encountered her panties. His fingers continued their journey until he was pressing that glorious finger into her folds, concentrating on the higher part where she bit her lip and moaned as that bundle of nerves received a fleeting brush. As he continued this action, his eyes moved back upward until they rested on hers. She knew her cheeks were pink from arousal, hoping he would lean in and kiss her as he petted her, but as his head moved toward her, he used his nose to turn her jaw to the left, and his lips fell to rest on the spot just below her ear. Colby couldn’t keep her eyes open when he made contact. That spot had always been one of her weaknesses, and he knew it.


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