Refusing to Fall (Dennison Series Book 3)

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Refusing to Fall (Dennison Series Book 3) Page 18

by Ferraro, W

  The joy that filled Reed at that moment was like nothing he had ever felt before.

  That had to mean something, right?

  He pulled their clasped hands to his mouth and placed a kiss on hers before returning them back to the center armrest.

  When he turned onto the road that led to her apartment, Reed focused straight ahead. Her building came into view, yet Reed didn’t slow down. As they passed her address, he clearly saw Colby’s confused expression in his periphery.

  “Where are you going?”

  Not hesitating for a moment, nor looking anywhere but out the front windshield, Reed answered with ease. “Home.”

  “But you said you would drive me home.”

  Needing to see those expressive brown eyes of hers as he explained himself overtook him. Squeezing her palm gently, he explained mischievously, “I said I would take you home. The fact that I meant my home means technically I didn’t lie. I just changed your intended destination.”

  When her beautiful smile spread wide across her face, Reed felt he could move mountains at that moment.

  “You said it was on your way home, which gave the impression you were dropping me at my place.”

  “No, I just confirmed that I would pass your place on the way to my own. The fact that you assumed I would stop at your address is why you are in this current state of confusion.”

  Enjoying their playfulness immensely, Reed was surprised and slightly devastated when her face no longer showed signs of enjoyment or happiness.

  Pulling her hand from his, Colby wrapped her arms around herself and looked out the passenger side window. “Reed, I don’t know if this is a good idea.”

  Frustrated, he huffed, “Why?”

  Colby remained silent and refused to look at him. Reed had to admit it pissed him off immensely.

  “Look, Colby, I like having sex with you. You’re a smart girl. I thought you would have figured that out considering the number of times we’ve fucked like bunnies.”

  Whatever he thought he would gain from such a statement—when she rounded on him, it was anything but.

  “Well, excuse me, Mr. Fancy Lawyer, if I’m trying to think outside the realm of what we do on the other side of the closed door. It has nothing to do with that fact that I think sex with you is fantastic, but more to do with now that I’m living in the same town and we are seeing ourselves more and more in social settings that maybe we should call it good and move on.” Whatever gumption she had quickly deflated as she looked out the window once more and said softly, so softly, he almost missed it. “Especially since this isn’t going to go anywhere.”

  What the fuck? She chooses now to lay all this shit out? Why can’t we just leave our relationship as the amazing physical pleasure that it is? Why can’t we enjoy ourselves without having to get into any further emotions?

  “Not everything needs to be well planned out, you know. Let’s just enjoy ourselves as long as this arrangement works for both of us. Okay? I mean you do want to continue having, what did you call it? Fantastic, I think it was, sex with me, right?”

  Turn around and look at me!

  Reed had to admit he felt like he was begging, but the most annoying part of such a concept was that he didn’t seem to mind considering it was Colby.

  She wouldn’t possibly say no, right?

  Then once again, luck was on his side because she finally turned back around to face him and Reed felt his heart beats increase when she looked straight at him with those beautiful, bewitching eyes and that gorgeous, perfect kissable mouth turned upward.

  “Well, obviously!”

  Grabbing hold of her hand once more, this time entwining their fingers, he squeezed her hand gently as he said, “Then stop looking for excuses. We are adults, and it isn’t anyone else’s business.”

  Once again, the ride grew quiet. Every once and a while, Reed would squeeze her hand, and he would exhale in relief of comfort when she would squeeze his hand back.

  As he maneuvered the car toward home, he couldn’t help but feel his own internal warning bells going off, and it irritated the shit out of him. It was one thing for him to worry about these same concerns, which were concerning to her, but to hear her put a voice to them, he found himself grabbing on to any reason to justify the positives of continuing their affair. So rather than agreeing and going their separate ways, here he was, Reed Dennison, willing to beg for this delicious creature not to walk away; to accept his terms and validate the soundness of his rationalizing.

  You’ve never even considered going to such lengths to continue an affair. Hell, this is the longest affair you’ve had. Usually, after the third or fourth hookup, you are on to the next.

  Just as this very thought passed through his mind, Reed looked to his right and saw the way the moonlight streamed through the side window, enhanced only by the repetitiveness of each passing streetlight, showing just how exquisite Colby truly was. It wasn’t just natural beauty, even though she had that in spades—it was everything. The way she carried herself, the way she saw splendor in everyday things. How she always seemed to want to dig deeper, to unravel reasoning just a bit more, to want to understand every component of a subject, whether for art or just to understand humanity. But most of all, it was how he was when he was with her. The only time he felt he could let his every guard down. He had never felt this level of comfort before, yet with Colby, it almost radiated from him.

  There it was . . . admission.

  He didn’t want to stop seeing her. Yes, her coming to Clearwater Falls was unsettling at first, but it was far from a deterrent—if anything, it was the exact opposite because he wanted her more.

  Never before had he ever considered letting his family see the private part of his life, but here she was interacting with his family, on a daily basis, and all it did was make him want to show them, show everyone, what she meant to him.

  These were the thoughts that plagued Reed’s mind as he pulled into his complex. Driving down to the end where his corner unit was, he pressed the hardwired button in his Escalade and the garage door opened. Slowly pulling inside, he placed the vehicle in park and pressed the same button for the door to shut behind them. Finally releasing her hand, Reed exited the vehicle, walked around the SUV, and opened the passenger door waiting quietly until she slid out. Once she was out, he reached over her head, pushed the door shut, and grabbed hold of her hand once more. Without a word, he pulled her along in his wake as he led the way into his home. Not bothering to offer her a tour, he cut the distance from his garage to the main foyer stairs quickly, knowing he was slightly dragging her considering her much smaller strides. He climbed the stairs with purpose reaching the main living level. Passing the half bath, kitchen, dining, and living area, he didn’t know if she even saw anything other than his back. As he climbed the second set of stairs, he felt his anticipation grow. His blood rushed in his veins, his heart pounded just that bit faster, and the room in his pants was that much tighter. Finally, they reached the landing of the third floor, where he proceeded with great haste down the short hall to the master bedroom. Once over the threshold, never severing the connection of their hands, he flipped the wall switch with his free hand. Illuminating the room in light, he finally released her hand. As he walked farther into the room, past his king-size bed and desk, he disappeared into his bathroom. When he emerged moments later, he noticed Colby standing in the middle of his room, looking around, and he realized how much he liked seeing her here, among his things, in his private domain—how she fit perfectly.

  “Don’t be nervous, it’s me,” he said softly, as he slowly walked back toward her. He stopped when he stood directly in front of her, causing her to have to crane her neck back so she could look at him.

  This made him feel dominant—powerful yet intimate and sacred at the same time.

  “I’m not nervous,” she responded, as she boldly raised her hand to run down the length of his tie.

  He removed her coat without effort, tos
sing it onto the chair at his desk. Such action caused the air in his room to fill with her aroma, and he felt an immediate calmness wash over him. Unable to restrain himself anymore, he placed both hands on the sides of her face, stared with appreciation for a moment, and then he leaned down and claimed her lips with his own. Immediately, her taste filled his mouth, causing the tightness in his chest to evaporate. Her lips molded to his, allowing his tongue the entrance it sought before he thoroughly ravished her mouth. There was no premeditated tempo; no, it was an animalistic hunger to touch and claim every inch of her mouth. With eased finesse, he slowly lowered his hands, letting them glide over the contour of her neck, over her shoulders, down her bare arms across her delicate elbows, down to her dainty wrists before jumping the small gap and resting on her hips. Easily being able to touch his fingertips together as he spanned her entire waist, he reveled in the feel of the warmth of her exposed skin there. Needing to feel more of her, he moved his hands downward, claiming one firm ass cheek in each hand as he pulled her up against his now raging hard-on.

  Her arms wrapped around his neck as she sought more of his tongue and kiss. The moan that escaped her had Reed smiling knowing he needed far more than oral coupling and dry humping.

  Their tongues continued to duel as he pulled one hand from her backside to the exposed soft skin of her lower back and midriff. With ease, he rotated his hand allowing the back of his fingers to softly ghost over her stomach under her shirt. They both moaned into each other’s mouth. Finally needing to rid her of all her hindering clothes, Reed pulled the top up and over her head, only breaking their kiss for the millisecond it took to remove the fabric. How wonderful it felt to feel her gorgeous firm exposed breast brush against his chest through his dress shirt. Suddenly, the need for skin on skin screamed through him. Harshly pulling his shirt from his pants, he pulled the two sides apart forcefully when it was free. The buttons ripped from the silken fabric breaking the silence of the room as they landed on the hardwood floor. He threw the now shredded shirt into a corner before the glorious feeling of warm flesh against warm flesh consumed him. Her erect nipples grazed against his abs and torso as they were on their mission to get even closer to him and the notion had him becoming impossibly harder.

  As they continued to kiss with explosive passion, effectively growing in want and need, he hoped that this would show her without words how he felt; show her that she was important to him, and that what they shared had him reconsidering values he had held so close to the vest for far too long. But it had to be enough for right now; he couldn’t change overnight. If she could just hold steady and understand just how hard this was for him. He needed her to understand a lot was at stake if he were to take these steps—not just for him, but for her too.

  Nothing could be done rashly; he needed her just to trust him for a bit longer.

  Pulling away slightly, both with ragged breath, Colby’s overly aroused pupils looked upward as she said with kiss-swollen lips, “I’m here.”

  Could she read his thoughts? Did she know the depth of concern he was feeling toward her and their situation?

  He answered the only way he knew how. “I fucking need to be inside you.”

  She smiled at his desperate plea, and he felt more pass through his lips. “Tonight at the bar seemed like an eternity of me watching shit-for-brains boy trip over his own cock around you.”

  Colby’s addicting smile slipped as she pulled away from his hungry body. She stepped back—not completely out of his embrace, but enough that he knew he didn’t like even an inch between them. Reed looked at her in confusion.

  “Why do you need to do that?”

  “Do what?” He didn’t have enough blood in his head to verbally answer what two plus two was, let alone her riddle-like question.

  Using her hands on his shoulders, to push him even farther away from her, she raised a brown eyebrow as she snapped, “Insult my friend!”

  We are going to talk about Poirier and his crush on you now?

  “Excuse me if I don’t like to be part of his audience when he attempts to get his dick worked over by you!”

  Stepping completely out of his embrace and farther away from him, Colby wrapped her arms around her waist, shielding herself.

  Such a move from her really fucking pissed him off!

  “What the fuck, Colby? Why are you pulling away?” When she continued to stare at him as if he had gone around the bend, he felt his fury kick up another notch. “Sorry if I don’t like Poirier putting the moves on you right in front of me! I won’t apologize for not liking it, nor will I apologize for wanting you to stay away from him. There are plenty of other people in this town, Colby; you don’t need a lovesick puppy nipping at your feet!”

  Reed watched as her cheeks turned red—not from embarrassment, but from anger—as she opened her mouth quietly before shutting it. She did this multiple times before she stomped her foot and stepped toward him, raising a pointed finger which she deftly rammed into his solar plexus multiple times.

  “First off, you have no right to tell me who I can and can’t be friends with. Never once do I remember having any sort of conversation regarding monogamy. I haven’t asked you if you are sleeping with every Ann Taylor clad lawyer or paralegal you come across every day, have I? Second of all, you send me so many mixed messages that it is amazing I don’t have brain damage. Not to mention you are the only person I know who can turn a hot ass make-out session into a fight.”

  He could say so many things in such a situation, and they were on the tip of his tongue, but knowing if he had any chance of ending this evening with losing himself in her, he needed to proceed very cautiously. “What do you want from me, Colby?”

  “What I want is for you to accept that I’ve agreed to this, but when it’s just us like this, I need you to keep it that way!”

  She didn’t fight him when he wrapped his hand around her chest-pulverizing finger, holding her now immobilized hand against his chest and pulling her body back to his.

  Why is what she asking seeming so impossible?

  “Please, Reed, when we do this, I need it just to be you and me here, no one else.”

  Don’t you fucking think I’m trying?

  “Let’s just do our thing and fuck like there is no tomorrow. Show me how many times you can make me lose my mind. Make me come over and over.” Her hand slipped from his and moved south, until she cupped him through his pants, ridding him of any amount of flaccid the turn in their mood had caused.

  Colby worked him slowly at first until he was breathing heavier, and once more, his cock strained against his pants.

  The need to connect with this woman, in a carnal way, had Reed at the breaking point. However, just as he was about to lead her toward his bed, she stopped him.

  “Let me show you how I want to move past our fight. Right now, right here, you are the only one I’m thinking of.”

  Whether it was her way of proving her words to him or stirring his own internal guilt, her words felt like a brick in his stomach. Yet he couldn’t seem to pull himself away from her or what her clear intention was.

  Colby pushed him backward, following him, showing him she had a full plan of purpose. He allowed her to guide him backward, coming to a stop when the back of his legs hit the edge of his desk.

  Focused solely on him, Reed knew the moment the fight slipped out of him, and he gave himself over to this woman. “I want my mouth on you.”

  Reed squeezed his eyes shut because of everything they have done, a blowjob had never been one of them. Not always the most important part of a sexual repertoire, he would be lying if the idea of her amazing mouth on his cock didn’t intrigue him.

  “You’ve tasted me so many times, but I’ve yet to have the pleasure,” she practically purred.

  He answered by inserting his middle finger into the waistband of Colby’s jeans right behind the button fly and pulled her the hairbreadth distance that separated them.

  “Who am I to refuse such
a determined woman?”

  With the sexiest eyes and a sensual expression that Reed could safely say he’d ever seen before, Colby saucily smirked, “Lean back and enjoy.”

  Slowly, keeping her eyes on his, she leaned and placed the first kiss on the mark she had left minutes ago. Then she pulled her gaze away and focused on his body. She splayed kisses across his pectoral muscles, down the centerline of his abs, bending her body so that her lips never broke contact. When she reached his navel, she dropped to her knees in front of him and kissed around the dimpled indent.

  Reed kept his eyes on her and her journey down his body. When she was on her knees at his feet, he couldn’t help but think how fucking mouthwatering she looked like that.

  Reed was sure the desire for her to follow through with her promise of having his dick in her mouth was evident all over his face.

  With one last kiss placed above his suit pants, Colby leaned back and raised her hands to slowly and methodically rid him of his clothing. She concentrated on undoing his belt, before his button and fly. When all were undone, she looked upward again and snared his gaze as her seeking index finger ran down over the bulge just behind his now open zipper.

  Reed wanted to beg her to do that again, but the request was lost when she raised both palms now to rest on each side of his spread zipper. Her chocolate orbs remained on him as her hands ran down each leg and ignited an amazing sensation until she reached his feet. With a saucy wink, she pulled her eyes away from his to focus on untying his shoes; first the right then the left, removing them and placing them under the chair to her right before going back and removing his socks and placing them inside his shoes. Now, she continued the exciting finger trek back up his legs but this time at a much more leisurely pace.

  Reed never remembered a simple touch ever feeling this exciting.

  Touching the back of his knees, Colby effectively set aflame the erogenous zone before continuing up the back of his thighs to his ass. Once there, she gave a flirtatious squeeze to each muscular cheek before pulling his pants and boxer briefs down and off. Finally free of all restraints, his throbbing cock stood at full attention and slightly to the left. Colby no longer relaxed on her knees but extended upward so that she was eye to eye with his aching flesh. Reed thought he was going to lose it right then and there as she studied him.


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