Something Precious

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Something Precious Page 15

by Brooke St. James

  He had been having a tractor talk with Preston before we went outside, and he had come over to show off his toy. Jake bent down, smiling at Reid and reaching out for the small, metal tractor.

  "This is a pretty cool tractor," Jake said. "May I see it?"

  "It got suuck," Reid said, nodding as he handed it to Jake.

  Jake knew he must have misheard, and he glanced at me, waiting for me to translate. "It got stuck," I said.

  Reid loved talking about tractors and big trucks getting stuck in the mud. He and Kayla had been at the right place at the right time and had seen an actual tractor being towed out of the mud on the side of the road. Since then, Reid loved to talk about vehicles getting stuck.

  "Oh, it got stuck?" Jake asked.

  Reid nodded. "It got suck in the mud." He tugged at Jake. "Come see. I'll show you."

  "Where are we going?"

  "To get dis twactor suck in the mud." Reid stared at him hopefully with wide eyes.

  Jake glanced at my dad. "Is this a special tractor, or can we get it stuck in the mud?"

  "Oh, that's just a cheap, old toy," my mom answered before my dad could.

  "Y'all can get it stuck anywhere you want," Dad agreed.

  Jake stood up, scooping Reid into his arms in the process. Reid was a mama's boy, and I wasn't sure how he would do with being picked up by Jake.

  He didn't seem to mind it at all.

  "You hungry?" I asked Jake.

  He nodded.

  "I'll make you a plate and take it outside."

  Jake looked at Reid. "Do you think I'll be able to eat a few bites while we work?"

  Reid nodded, and off they went.

  Chapter 20

  My sister and her husband went to Missouri to visit his family. It was a two-day drive, and they stayed for over a week, so the trip ended up being pretty long. I hadn't seen them in close to two weeks, which seemed like forever. I was close to Kayla, and I helped her out by sometimes watching my nephew when she had something to do while Aiden was at work.

  It was Thursday afternoon, and they had just gotten home the evening before. I was missing them both.

  I finished a photoshoot at 4pm, and Kayla and Reid came to my studio to meet me afterward.

  "Oh, my goodness, I feel like I haven't seen you in a year!" Kayla said, hugging me when they came inside.

  She was carrying Reid on her hip, and I snuggled up to him as well. "I know, it seriously felt like way more than two weeks," I said. I rubbed his cheek with the side of my finger. "You got bigger," I said with wide eyes. I tickled him gently, causing him to giggle and squirm. "I thought I told you 'no getting bigger' while you were away," I said, in an ominous tone, causing him to giggle even more.

  "My Nana bought me a new twampolene."

  "Nu-uh!" I said, even though Kayla had already texted me a picture of Reid jumping on his mini-trampoline.

  "Yes, she did!" Reid insisted.

  "I can't believe all this stuff you have in here," Kayla said, slowly meandering from the entryway into the main studio area (which was in the same room, just on the other side). I reached out for Reid, making a wistful expression as they walked by. "Where are you goooing?" I asked, flexing my hands for him.

  Kayla felt him tugging toward me, and we stepped toward each other so she could hand him off.

  "I know all this stuff didn't come from Jake…" she said, looking around.

  "Yes, it did," I said. "I asked him to let me send it back. He just really wanted me to have it—to the point where I couldn’t send it back without hurting his feelings."

  "How long have you had this stuff?" Kayla asked, still looking shocked. "It's crazy seeing everything so fixed-up and professional-looking in here. The last time I was here, it was empty and still needing a coat of paint. How is it so finished? It feels like I'm in a totally different room. Are you sure this is your place?"

  "You like it?" I asked, seeing her walk around with a look of wonder.

  She turned and stared at me for asking such a question. "It's amazing! Did he seriously buy all of this?"

  "Well, you know what stuff I had," I said. I touched a nearby strobe that was perched on a light stand. "This light, and that one over there," I pointed to another small light in the far corner. "These lights are from him, though. The backdrops, too."

  "And this?" she asked, pointing to the sophisticated metal structure that was made to hang and organize my backdrops.

  "That too," I said.

  I wouldn't give Jake a list of things I needed, nor would I let him give me cash. He had given me a few days to change my mind about it, but when I ended up being stubborn, he called a photography supply store and had them send me all this stuff.

  He didn't know enough about photography to choose the items himself, so he had a salesperson help. I didn't know what budget he gave him or what he told them to do, but I basically got one of everything, and all top-of-the-line.

  "Have you just been nonstop working in here, or what?" Kayla asked.


  "And he bought all this?"

  "Yes. He says it's with the money from the bracelet, but he gave that to the Hope Center."

  "Did you ever see it?" she asked.

  I shook my head. "The bracelet? No. Jake took care of it all. It was worth close to seven-thousand. Mr. Keeling was going to return it for the full amount. Jake told him the money was going straight to the Hope Center, and Mr. Keeling ended up making the check out for an even ten-thousand. I got to be the one to hand that check to the director, who cried her eyes out. It was amazing. Then, Jake bought all this stuff." I gestured around me. "And we've been working around the clock to get it all set up. It's been a crazy couple of weeks."

  "You don't say…" Kayla continued to look around at all the changes.

  It was plain to see how much work we had done. It seemed like the place had been established for years. It was rustic and beachy at the same time.

  "We've been at it nonstop," I said. "We just finished it yesterday. We were up here doing tweaks last night. That was my first client," I added, pointing at the door even though the family was long gone.

  "The people who just left?" Kayla asked.

  I nodded.

  "How'd it go?"

  "Smoother than I expected, given it's day one. I was nervous with the new equipment and everything, but it was good, considering. I already looked at some of the photos. I think I got some good shots."

  "You said we've been at it non-stop," she said.

  "We have." I said, nodding.

  "I know, but who's we?"

  I leveled her with a stare as if to say she knew better than to ask.

  "Jake?" she asked.


  That was obvious.

  "Are y'all getting serious?"

  "I don't know what you mean by serious…" I trailed off, but then continued. "But yes. Pretty much 'yes' to whatever you mean by that. Yes. We're serious."

  Her eyes widened. "You're not joking, are you?"

  I shook my head. "What would make you think I was joking?"

  "Because I've never heard you talk about a guy like that."

  "I know. It's the first time it's happened to me."

  "So, you're just in love? I go to Missouri for one week, and when I come back you're a totally different woman. It's crazy."

  I looked at Kayla, not quite sure where to begin.

  "He loves me," I said simply. I shook my head absentmindedly. "I don't know how it happened. I can't explain it. It's like a switch flipped with him. Seriously. (I paused) But if there's one thing I'm sure of, it's that he loves me. He's not faking it, and he's not just doing it for my sake or because he thinks he should. He really loves me. There's no mistaking it."

  Kayla stared into my eyes. "And you can just flip a switch (she snapped) just like that, and love him back?"

  I stared at her in disbelief. Surely she knew how much I… "Surely you know how much I love Jake… I don't even know how long I've bee
n loving him. Seems like I don't remember a time when I didn't love him."

  "I can't believe it. You told me when I was in Missouri that y'all were seeing each other, but I had no idea."

  "You were on vacation," I said. "You were busy."

  "I know, but it's like I come back, and three years has passed in your world."

  "It haaas," I said, in that same eerie voice I had used on Reid.

  My sister scrunched up her face at me before staring at me seriously again. "For real, though. It's insane that everything's so different. Not just in you, but in this room."

  She continued to look around, finding new things and finishing touches everywhere. I had worked really hard during the last two weeks, and I was so happy that she was able to appreciate everything I had done.

  "So, uh, P-R-E-S-T-O-N is out of the picture?" she asked, spelling the name in a casual, rhythmic way that made it sound like she was just carrying on a conversation with me.

  Reid didn't even hear her, he wiggled in my arms, wanting to get down so he could explore. I set him to his feet, looking at Kayla as I stood up.

  "He moved," I said, shaking my head a little.

  I knew I'd have to speak in code in front of my little nephew, so I looked right at Kayla so that I could communicate with her using facial expressions.

  "Jake knew some judge who issued a search warrant… P-R-E-S knew he was… he knew they were… you know, watching him, or whatever… so, he picked up and moved back to Georgia… Jake says he's on to the next girl."

  "You almost feel bad for whoever that is," Kayla said. "Almost hate that someone like him is on the loose."

  She was whispering, but Reid was busy looking at some of my props.

  I shrugged. "Jake said he thinks he's harmless. He's just obsessive. His record's clean, and he's still being monitored. I didn't ask for all the details, but Jake told me I didn't have anything to worry about, and I trust him."

  "What happened with the girl? The other woman?"

  I wrinkled my nose distastefully at her. "Why would you even bring that up?"

  "Because our pasts are something you have to consider in a marriage, Kristen."

  I was about to ask my sister why she would even bring up marriage plans, but at the rate Jake and I were going, I knew we would end up doing it sooner than later. I held my tongue, but Kayla seemed like she wasn't done talking anyway. She shook her head at me as if she was thinking something but couldn’t quite put it into words. Her expression softened.

  "I'm just happy to see you so happy, sister. I think you're both lucky to have each other."

  Just then, the door knocked.

  "Speaking of happiness," I said.

  "Oh, you ordered a platter of gourmet cookies?" Kayla asked.

  I stuck my tongue out at her as I walked to the door to answer it. She knew Jake was coming over. We were all meeting at my studio before going to the park. If Aiden got off work in time, he would meet us at the park.

  I opened the door, wearing a huge grin at the sight of Jake standing on the other side. He was wearing jeans with a sleek, short-sleeve, button-down shirt. It was tucked in, and he wore a leather belt and shoes. He had gone with Suzanne earlier in the day to pitch her swimsuit line. He was one of four live models she brought with her to wear the actual suits during the pitch. I had already talked to him since the meeting and knew it went well.

  Jake was standing at the door, smiling at me, which meant his dimples were showing. I shook my head, still finding it hard to believe he looked at me like that. I could smell him from where I was standing. His cologne had a natural masculine smell that always made me think of wood and the colors amber and dark blue.

  That smell, mixed with the sight of his ice blue eyes had me feeling all overwhelmed. I shook my head at him.

  "What?" he asked.

  "You," I said.

  He must have assumed by the way I was staring at him that my sister wasn't there yet because, he sprang in the door, scooping me into his arms and lifting my feet off the floor.

  "What about me?" he asked as I was in the process of yelping from surprise.

  "You're you," I said, giving him a squeeze as he let me down.

  "Oh, hey, Kayla. Hey, little man," Reid had heard the commotion and come running. Jake smiled at him and ruffled his hair after he set me onto my feet. "I didn't realize y'all were here."

  Kayla leaned forward to give Jake a hug once he was done greeting Reid. "We got here a few minutes ago," Kayla said. "I can't believe all the work you've done." She motioned around at the studio.

  Jake couldn't keep his hands off of me. He pulled me into his arms, situating me so I was in front of him and we were both facing Kayla. He leaned in and kissed my neck, and I shook my head, smiling at my sister.

  "You two should just get married," she said.

  "Okay," Jake mumbled against my neck, nodding, and causing me to giggle from the way it tickled. He kissed me again. "So, let's do it," he said.

  "Oh, just like that?" I asked, knowing he was playing around. "You want to stop by the justice of the peace on our way to the park?"

  "No, but I can at least give you the ring," he said. "We can pick a date later tonight."

  I laughed, knowing he was being silly.

  "What's funny?" he asked, leaning over to look at me from over my shoulder. "Why are you laughing?"

  "Because you're joking around," I said.

  Jake looked at me with a serious expression as he shook his head. "I'm really not," he said. "There's a ring in my pocket. I've been carrying it around for the last five days, trying to make myself not give it to you."

  "Why do you want to not give it to me?"

  "Because I thought you would want a grand gesture," he said. "I thought you'd want your family to be there. My family, Bill and Jana. Kayla and Aiden were out of town, and—"

  "She's back now," I said cutting him off. "Kayla's back now. She's right here."

  Jake's mouth slowly turned upward in a grin. "She is," he agreed.

  "So, family's here."

  "Family is here," he said with a nod. "Is there enough family here, right now at this moment, for you to feel like this is enough of a grand gesture, Miss Hall?"

  "What makes you think I need a grand gesture, anyway?"

  "Every woman will say they don't need one, but they do. My uncle Bill told me that a long time ago, and it stuck with me."

  "I seriously don't," I said. "I'm not just saying that. Do you honestly have a ring in your pocket?"

  He nodded, turning me around in his arms. "I do have a ring in my pocket," he said.

  I glanced at my sister who was holding Reid on her hip and studying us with great interest.

  Jake squeezed my waist to get me to look at him. Our eyes met.

  "I want it," I said breathlessly. "Is it for me?"

  His smile grew bigger. "Who else would it be for?"

  "Can I see it?" I asked.

  "If you're marrying me," he said. "If you take it out of my pocket, that's pretty much an agreement."

  I slipped my fingertips into his pocket without even thinking about it. But then I stopped, looking at him for approval. "Can I dig in here?"

  "Nothing's gonna bite you, if that's what you're asking."

  "Is it the right one?"

  "I think so. It's either that one or the other one."

  "You can't remember?"

  He shook his head, but otherwise didn't answer.

  Kayla and Reid stayed so quiet that I didn't even really remember they were there. I felt a zapping sensation in my fingertips as I slid between the layers of denim and cotton in search of a ring. There was nothing in his pocket. I felt the bottom seam.

  "It's empty," I said.

  "Try the other one."

  I did it, and I felt metal right away. "Keys," I said.

  "It must be in there, under the keys." Jake said, reaching into his pocket to help me.

  "I can't believe you can be unaware about a big, honkin' box i
n your pocket. It's not like your pants are baggy."

  "It's not a big, honkin' box," he said, coming up with the keys, and opening his hand to flash his palm at me.

  I glanced at his hand, my eyes searching the silver and gold metal for a ring.

  And there it was.

  A simple gold band with a round solitaire mounted on it. It was a serious diamond—big but not flashy. It sparkled in the light, and I reached into his hand, gingerly plucking it from the midst of the keys with my fingertips.

  "Is this seriously my ring?"

  He nodded. "I ordered it from Dan Keeling when I first brought him that bracelet. I've seriously been carrying it around for days… on the absolute verge of giving it to you. One time, I accidently put it in a tip jar, and I had to dig it out."

  "Now's a wonderful time to use it," I said. "Now's my favorite time you could do it."

  Jake gave me an amused grin and then looked around as if judging our surroundings. "Will you marry me, then, K.K.? Miss Hall? Kristen Hall? Will you wear this ring and be mine and only mine?"

  It was with shaking hands that I slipped the ring onto my finger. It went on easily. "Yes, to both of those questions," I said, my voice shaking like my hands.

  Jake leaned down and kissed me three times, taking his time and smiling between each one.

  "Yayyy!" Kayla said, looking at Reid and clapping the way moms did with their toddlers.


  Three months had passed since Jake gave me the ring. We planned a simple but beautiful fall wedding at Bill and Jana's home. There was a gorgeous stretch of shoreline between their house and the neighbor's. We said our vows down at the water before having a reception party with dinner and dancing at Bill and Jana's house.

  There were over a hundred people.

  Everyone we invited could make it—we even thought of a few people we had left out, and sent invitations after the fact. Those people came as well.


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