The Enforcer (NHL Scorpions)

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The Enforcer (NHL Scorpions) Page 7

by Nikki Worrell

  “Think about this Lacey. I’m never coming back. This is your last chance. I’m serious. You’ll never see me again. Come on, you can be with a classically trained pianist or a hockey goon. Not a hard choice when you compare the two, is it Babe?” Steven stood there with a smug smile on his face. He actually thought she was going to change her mind. He was delusional. Having heard enough of his rambling, Lacey pushed him out the door and slammed it shut. “Your loss. Enjoy your Neanderthal.”

  Lacey spun around to confront Jody. When Zoe saw the look in Lacey’s eyes, she excused herself and took off to her room giving them privacy. “All right buddy … out with it. What was that about? You like me begging better than screaming? That was out of line. Whether or not we’re sleeping together yet is none of anyone’s business.” Jody stood there smiling while Lacey ranted at him. “And wipe that grin off your face.” She crossed her arms, which pushed her breasts up. Damn, she’s hot when she’s pissed off. He couldn’t help but zero in on something Lacey said.

  “Yet? You said ‘not sleeping together yet.’ I like the way you think Lace.” He was almost able to continue with a straight face. “But try to give me some time. I’m not just an easy lay, you know.” With a cocky grin on his face, Jody started walking out. He wanted to make sure Steven had left. “See you Wednesday.” At the last second, he decided that he might as well go for broke. Still smiling, he quickly walked back to a speechless Lacey and gave her another toe curling kiss. Then he winked at her, turned around and left feeling better than he had in a long time. Life was fun again.

  Jody never did catch up to Steven, but he drove around Zoe’s neighborhood just to make sure he wasn’t parked somewhere waiting for Jody to leave. It really did seem like Steven finally accepted that Lacey was done with him, so Jody wasn’t overly concerned. Mostly, he seemed more like an egotistical ass than a real threat. Trying to get Lacey to go to Europe with him was a last ditch effort.

  Since it was still somewhat early, Jody decided to head over to Vlad’s. A bunch of the guys were there watching an old Stanley Cup Finals game. Vlad had a huge penthouse apartment overlooking the ocean. Aside from the two bedrooms, the apartment was one big 3,000 square foot open space. With a sixty-inch flat screen HDTV, a well stocked bar and a loaded beer fridge, it was one of the best places to watch sports. The guys who didn’t feel like watching TV made use of the pool table or dart board. Vlad’s place was a true bachelor pad.

  Jody knocked on the door but no one came. He could hear them yelling inside so he tried the knob. Letting himself in, he looked around and took in the scene from the black leather to the chrome accents that where present throughout the place. Jody walked across the warm red granite floors into the kitchen. The kitchen was as modern as the rest of the place with dark wood cabinets, black granite counter tops and stainless steel appliances. Jody helped himself to a Molson from the beer fridge.

  Yelling over the din, Jody called out, “Hey guys. You know the Blackhawks win this, right?” Amid many groans, Jody found himself ducking popcorn and chips. Vlad, being Vlad, immediately got up to sweep them up. Pushing Vlad back toward the couch, Jody said, “Hey, relax man, I’ll get it.” Vlad was a bit of a neat freak. He even made the guys use coasters on the coffee table … that had a granite top. The condensation that pooled at the bottom of a glass or beer bottle drove Vlad batty. Goalies were definitely a different breed.

  “Nah, I’ll get it, Chief. Sit down. I need to get the wings out of the oven anyway.” Another reason that Vlad was the perfect host – he cooked. And the man could cook like a pro. He’d make a great wife.

  Jody wasn’t much into the replay of the game so he followed Vlad into the kitchen and leaned against the counter. “Want a hand?”

  Chuckling, Vlad said, “What? You don’t want to watch the Philly boys lose again?” Most of the other teams tended to not like the Flyers much, but Jody, being an enforcer, liked the way they played the game. The Flyers had a ton of talent, but they also had that rough edge that he always played with. He was happy to be in San Diego, but he’d love to play for them someday. “Nope, I really don’t.”

  Vlad set to work chopping up celery and getting out bowls for blue cheese dressing, while he let the wings cool a bit. “So what’s up with you and Lacey? Did you see her today?” Jody told him about the Steven situation, but left out the part about almost getting in her pants on the deck. Best friend or not, he’d keep that to himself.

  “She agreed to go to the team skating party with me. And the best part? She can’t skate, so I’m going to be teaching her, starting Wednesday.” Just thinking about getting his hands on her again made him smile.

  Jody stayed long enough to beat Vlad in a game of pool and then went home. He sat on his deck, nursing one last Molson while deciding if he should check up on Lace. He wanted to but he didn’t want her to get sick of him too soon. She wasn’t the type that wanted to be smothered. In the end, he had to. Sleep would never come if he didn’t know she was okay.

  Jody: Hey Lace, you around?

  Lacey: Hi Jody. I’m here, sitting on the deck, listening to the ocean.

  Jody: So am I. I just wanted to check in on you. Are you feeling okay after your confrontation with Steven?

  Lacey: Yeah, I am. I hope that’s the last I see or hear from him. I’m sorry you got involved.

  Jody: I’m not. He needs to know that you’re not alone out here.

  Lacey: I guess. I’m just used to taking care of myself, and I don’t plan on changing that Jody.

  Jody: I hear you loud and clear. I’m still going to worry about you though. :)

  Lacey: Haha. I guess I can’t stop you from doing that.

  Jody: No, you can’t. I’ll let you get some sleep. I’m glad you’re feeling okay and I’m glad I was there today.

  Lacey: Thanks Jody. Goodnight.

  Jody: One more thing …

  Lacey: Yes?

  Jody: I want you to know that I’ll be thinking about you and me on the deck tonight. You are what men’s dreams are made of Lace.

  Lacey: Wow, um, thank you. You weren’t so bad yourself. Those lips of yours …

  Jody: Glad you like them. You may use them at any time. Oh wait, I do have one more thing.

  Lacey: Yes?

  Jody: What’re you wearing? ;)

  That question seemed to be the way Jody always ended conversations with her, and it made her laugh. She’d play along.

  Lacey: Well, I just got out of the shower so I’m still a little wet. I didn’t want to put on any clothes on, but I do have my robe tied loosely around me. It’s gaping a bit though.

  Jody: So, once again, no panties. Great, perfect, that’s all the visual I need. Nite Lace, I gotta go. :)

  Lacey: Nite Jody.

  She seriously loved Jody’s texts. They made her smile but also made her a little hot at the same time.

  After formulating plans on how to seduce Lacey without turning into Mr. Cave Man again, and thinking about how close he had come to getting her naked, he decided to call it a night. But before he could sleep, he’d have to relieve himself of his Lacey inspired hard-on or get a cold shower. Thinking about Lacey won out.

  The next morning, Lacey woke up with a smile on her face. Steven was gone forever (she hoped), and Jody was still interested. She wasn’t sure which she was happier about. Okay, she’d have to go with Jody. He was so playful and carefree, but he also had a rough streak that she found alluring. She liked her men a little rough around the edges. No suit and tie guy for her. He was undoubtedly an alpha male.

  Throwing back the covers, Lacey got up and did a little happy dance. That was the last night she’d spend sleeping on the floor. Her furniture was due to arrive around noon. No more nights spent tossing and turning. How thankful her back would be. Not living out of a suitcase would be an added bonus too.

  Lacey was shocked to see the clock read almost nine. She never slept that late. What a treat; must have been all the drama from the night before. When she hit
the sheets last night, she went out like a light. She woke up briefly thinking she was dreaming about Jody, but when she tried to recall it, she couldn’t. Bummer.

  After showering and using her Coconut Lime soap, she dressed in some old cut off jean shorts and a white tank top. Lacey went downstairs to grab some breakfast. As soon as she walked into the kitchen, she could smell the roses that Zoe had thrown in the trash can. That would not do. Lacey shoved her feet into a pair of flip flops and made her way outside to take the trash out. As soon as she opened the door, she felt the sun on her face. As a breeze blew by bringing the tangy scent of the ocean with it, she opened her arms wide and thought about how lucky she was to live in such a place.

  “Why are you standing there holding a trash bag with the door open?” Zoe had just come out of her office to grab a cup of coffee. She sniffed a couple of times and said, “Oh, the roses. Good idea. We surely don’t need any reminders of that nut case.”

  “It’s a gorgeous day. Do you have a lot of work to do?” Zoe smiled, taking a sip of her coffee and said, “Nope.”

  “You want to go shopping with me after my furniture is delivered? My Maine clothes aren’t going to cut it here. I can’t imagine I’m going to need my thermal underwear or half the sweaters that I have. I should have donated them before I left.” Lacey also thought she might get some new clothes for her ice skating lessons. A girl can never have too many clothes, right? Maybe she’d buy a nice pair of low riding, snug jeans and a form fitting top? I wonder what Jody’s favorite color is?

  “Hello! Snap out of it Lacey.” Zoe knew exactly what (or more accurately, who) Lacey was thinking about. She got a sappy look on her face whenever she thought of/talked about/groped Jody LaGrange. “Absolutely, let’s go shopping. I need some new shoes anyway.”

  The moving van was, of course, late. They didn’t show up until 2:30 and Lacey had to admit, she was more than a bit displeased. There was just no such thing as good customer service anymore. Reining in her temper, she went out to the truck to give them instructions of where to put everything.

  As soon as she pointed to the stairs and told them that it was up two flights, they informed her that they only dropped it off at the door. “What? How can that be? I’m supposed to carry it up? There is no way I can do that. What kind of company are you?”

  “We’re the kind of company that drives a truck from point A to point B. It’s in your contract agreement.” Seeing Lacey’s crestfallen face, they guy said, “Look lady. I’m sorry, but I can’t take it up there. My back’s been acting up, and it’s hard enough for us just to get it off the truck. Beds and dressers are not light furniture. Isn’t there someone you can call to help you?”

  Zoe heard them talking and came out. “What’s up Lacey?” Lacey told her about the problem. “Well, just put it by the door and we’ll figure it out.” She figured they could just take it in piece by piece. The bed was mostly apart anyway. It was the massive headboard that would be the main issue.

  As Lacey and Zoe stood and let the guys put her furniture by the door, Lacey’s phone beeped with a new text.

  Jody: Hey Lace. Just got done practicing with some of the guys. Any interest in some pizza or something?

  Lacey: No can do. Zoe and I are trying to move my furniture in.

  Jody: Shouldn’t you let the movers do that?

  Lacey: Apparently they only drop it at the door. We’ll be fine … I think.

  Jody: I know you hate it when I go all “Neanderthal,” but how about you don’t touch it, and Vlad and I come carry it up for you?

  Lacey: This one time, I won’t argue, because I honestly don’t know if we could get my headboard up there.

  Jody: We’ll be over in about 30 minutes. Just out of curiosity … did you already take some of the furniture up all those stairs?

  Lacey: No, why?

  Jody: Just wondering if you’re all sweaty … maybe you stripped down to a skimpy tank top to beat the heat?

  Lacey: Guess you’ll find out when you get here :)

  Jody: Be there in 10 minutes.

  Lacey: I thought you said 30.

  Jody: That was before I thought about you wearing a skimpy tank top and short shorts.

  Lacey: I didn’t say anything about short shorts.

  Jody: No? Huh…

  With her phone back in her pocket, Lacey turned to Zoe to give her the good news. “We’re saved! Jody and Vlad are coming over to carry my furniture up for us.” Zoe gave her a peculiar look and said, “Vlad’s coming, too?” Lacey tilted her head to the side and frowned at Zoe. “Yeah, why? Is there a problem with Vlad?” Zoe sighed and told her that there was some tension between them. Of the sexual nature and maybe more. Sometimes those ‘no dating clients’ rules seriously sucked. The devil in Zoe said that rules were made to be broken, but her rational part knew better. “I don’t want to talk about it, okay? I know I can’t go there.”

  Well, well, well … Zoe’s actually falling for someone? Zoe was the consummate playgirl. That’s not saying she was easy or had loose morals or anything; she just liked to play the field a bit. She wasn’t (or so she said) the ‘settling down’ type. This could be interesting, indeed, but probably not in a good way. Rules were rules.

  The guys brought an extra treat with them when they came over: beer and pizza. The two main food groups. Lacey thought that maybe she needed to start playing hockey if they could eat beer and pizza so often and still look that good. She knew they burned a ton of calories, but come on! No fair … if she ate that many carbs on a regular basis, she’d be as big as a house. Men sucked …

  With those thoughts going around her head, she took the pizza boxes (four of them for four people … really?) and sniffed them all the way up the stairs and out to the deck. “Must eat first.” The rest of them agreed. Carrying the beer, Jody followed closely behind, enjoying the view and Lacey’s scent. Why did her scent get to him so much? Today she smelled like coconuts but with some kind of citrusy twist. Whatever it was, he liked it.

  Zoe grabbed plates and napkins from the kitchen and joined the others out on the deck. Lacey was just pulling out her first piece with onions and peppers when she sighed in delight. “Besides chips and dip, I don’t think there is anything on the planet better than pizza.” Jody leaned over and handed her his ice cold beer. “Take a swig of this with it. Heaven …” As he leaned in, he again caught the sweet tang of coconut and citrus.

  Lacey could feel her face flush at the thought that Jody’s lips had been on that bottle. God she was pathetic. Now she was jealous of a beer bottle. Making a show of licking her bottom lip, she met Jody’s eyes and took a long pull on the bottle. Jody immediately felt his groin tighten. He was amazed that with one simple movement, Lace could make him feel like a virginal teen again. He wanted her so badly that he was tempted to grab her right off her chair and drag her to her bedroom. Who cared if there was no bed in there yet? There were walls, a floor, hell … there was a door he could press her up against.

  Seeing the way Lacey and Jody were undressing each other with their eyes was making Zoe crazy. She looked everywhere but in Vlad’s direction, because she knew if she looked at him, she’d be doing the same thing. She needed something to do. Noticing that all but about half of one pizza was gone, she started gathering up the boxes. She walked into the kitchen with Vlad following her, his arms full of plates and bottles.

  “Getting pretty intense out there, isn’t it?” Vlad said standing directly behind Zoe. And way too close. “Chief’s nervous as hell that he’s going to scare Lacey off. They’ve known each other for less than a week, but he swears she’s the one.” Zoe just nodded and kept herself busy by searching in cabinet drawers for tinfoil to wrap the pizza in. Where the hell was the foil? She could not remember for the life of her. Vlad’s presence was addling her brain.

  Vlad grabbed Zoe’s arm. “Hey, is something wrong? I thought we were all for Lacey and Chief getting together.” Zoe looked down at Vlad’s hand on her arm. She liked feeli
ng the warmth from his hand. Vlad noticed the heat in her eyes. “There is no we, Vlad.” But as she said that, she looked at his lips and licked her own. “Aw hell Zoe, you know we can’t.”

  “Yes, I do know. I just wish we didn’t have this … thing between us, you know?” Maybe she should just kiss him. Maybe this attraction was just a freak thing that they could get out of their system. How many times could it take? Once … okay, more than once. Twice? It had been a while … okay, not that long. “You know what? We probably only think there’s a thing between us. It’s probably just because we know we can’t. When you’re told you can’t have something, you want it even more. The forbidden fruit syndrome.”

  Vlad thought about that and knew it wasn’t true. They’d be incredible together. “Fuck that.” He grabbed her and kissed her hard.

  Zoe tried to push him away, but her hands didn’t obey her mind. She did place her hands on his chest, but instead of pushing him away, she pulled him in closer. After a minute or so, they both pulled back. Breathing hard, Vlad sarcastically said, “Yup, you were right, I felt nothing. How ‘bout you?”

  Zoe rolled her eyes at him. “Ditto. Seriously, though, Vlad – I can’t do this. I could lose my job. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay, Zoe. I understand. Let’s not let it get weird. I don’t want to lose your friendship, okay? I promise I won’t do that again.” They finished cleaning up the dinner mess and went back out onto the deck. “Come on Chief, stop ogling your girl, and get off your lazy ass. Let’s get this furniture moved in.”


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