Beast Rising: The Order of the Wolf, Book 7

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Beast Rising: The Order of the Wolf, Book 7 Page 10

by Angela Addams

  And why the fuck he was arguing for the woman he couldn’t totally say, because deep down he wanted her gone too.

  “Definitely an asset to the pack when it comes to Darcy. But I don’t trust that woman, now more than ever.” Mayhem nodded toward the back staircase. “Let’s go talk to Greer. I need some clarification and confirmation before I make a decision on anything.”

  Summer and Dy were waiting at the door of the makeshift prison, deep in discussion.

  “What’s going on?” Mayhem asked.

  Summer snapped her eyes to him. “I heard her talking to someone earlier.” She shrugged, looking bewildered. “But when I went in there it was just her, eyes closed like she was asleep.”

  “Maybe she was talking in her sleep.” Mayhem shooed her away from the door and took the key out of Summer’s fingers. After Greer’s earlier escape, Dy had installed a new knob with a lock.

  “I don’t know. It didn’t sound like that kind of talking. It sounded purposeful and hushed.” Summer shook her head. “I am really tired though. Could have been me who was hallucinating.”

  “Let’s go get some rest, baby.” Dy curled his arm around Summer’s shoulders and nodded toward Mayhem. “You okay if we take five, May?”

  Mayhem grumbled his yes as he motioned them off, too busy unlocking the door to really answer. When he opened it, there was Greer, sitting with arms and legs bound to the chair, eyes wide and glaring at him.

  “My pack mate, Aubrey, has been talking with some of your women. One by the name of Ariana,” Mayhem said as he stood over Greer.

  Greer eyed him, probably contemplating her next move.

  “Ariana is on her way here.” Mayhem sighed, rubbed his hand over the back of his neck. “She told me that Saska is an Ancient. That she’s known as Saska the Traitor.”

  Raven tried to hide his reaction. Saska the Traitor. Traitor to whom? And did that really matter? They all knew there was something off about the woman.

  “I need to know who I’m dealing with here, Greer. I feel a sense of urgency and am asking you to tell us what you know.” Mayhem crouched down to eye level with Greer. “I’m just trying to protect my pack. I don’t want to be part of this war.”

  Greer snorted. “You, wolf, are part of it, if only because of your fur. Just because you haven’t come into your beast doesn’t mean shit. You’re in this whether you like it or not.”

  “I’m not picking sides. We’ve been neutral in all of this all along. Anything I’d ever learned was folklore, gossip, and I didn’t really care to know more. And then we started finding our Huntresses, first Raven here with Darcy, and then Jay and Aubrey. By the time I found Hannah, we knew about the Order and they about us. I didn’t even know that the beasts existed as they did until Talia—a fucked-up Huntress on a mission to destroy the Order, introduced me to the world. All we want to do is survive and all I want is to protect my pack.”

  “Talia?” Greer sucked in a deep breath, closed her eyes and frowned like she was concentrating hard. A minute passed. When she opened them again, she looked almost bewildered. “You weren’t lying.”

  Mayhem mirrored her expression.

  “About Ariana. She is on her way. I have confirmation now. You weren’t lying about your role in all of this. You haven’t been a key player, just caught up in the crossfire.”

  “How did you—” Raven crossed his arms.

  “I’m able to communicate with her.”

  “In your head?” Raven’s eyes were wide. That would explain what Summer had been hearing.

  “Telecommunicating, yes, in my head. She’s on her way and told me to cooperate. Which I will. For now.” Greer cocked her brow. “This conversation would go a lot better if you untied me.”

  “Your attempts on Saska’s life say differently.” Mayhem shook his head. “Not releasing you until I know what the fuck is going on.”

  Greer snorted again. “And yet the most dangerous person in this house is walking freely, probably infecting your most gullible with her bullshit.” She shrugged as best she could. “Suit yourself, big guy. It’s your funeral.”

  “Why is she called a traitor?” Mayhem demanded.

  “Initially because she traded her Hunter for her powers. More recently, though, because she used her sister to infiltrate our tribe with the intention of getting a prophecy from one of our Huntresses. She killed her own sister in order to open a portal.”

  “She told us that you killed her sister. That you drained her of her power and shackled her in some way.”

  “She’s a manipulator, that’s for certain,” Greer stated. “Nothing she says will contain the whole truth. I did shackle her sister—that’s what I do. I can siphon another Huntress’s powers and in that, bind them for a period of time.”

  “And you did that to Saska as well.”

  “Yes, I was attempting to subdue her so I could transport her to Amazon North for her trial. She murdered her sister, not me. She wants to create havoc by bringing her former alpha, Lazarus, back. She is dangerous, not only to your tribe but to the entire human race. This has been her goal ever since his death. When she lost him, her sister Thia told us that she went mad. Lazarus was slain by his bride, a fellow Huntress. It’s a long complicated story. What you need to know is that Saska served him for a long time and was totally devoted to him. She helped him locate and murder Huntresses for centuries. He was the king of beasts, evil incarnate and only concerned with cultivating more power, which meant turning humans into an army. She wants him back and she has the skills and knowledge to do it.”

  “How old are you?”

  “I’ve been a Huntress for around five hundred years but Saska, she’s an Ancient. She’s been around almost a thousand and she’s fucking powerful as all hell. Or at least she will be once her powers are back.”

  “She’s been training my mate, Darcy,” Raven offered, his heart racing. “She’s been trying to help us become better prepared for the impending war.”

  “She’s a ruthless killer and will end the life of a Huntress to fuel her powers. I’m sure she looks at your pack with such potential to corrupt. You’re so ignorant of the truth of your heritage it hurts. If she’s been training your mate, then your mate is in serious trouble. Any loyalty to Saska makes you an enemy to the Order, to the Amazons, and to me. There are two sides here, and you and your pack are flirting with the wrong one.”

  “I need to go find Darcy,” Raven said to Mayhem, seeking permission to leave, itching to just walk out and fuck the formality.

  Mayhem held his finger up as a call came through on his cell. He turned away, walking out of the room to speak quietly.

  Greer turned her gaze to Raven, scrutinizing. “Must be difficult for you.”

  “Why’s that?” He was watching Mayhem’s back, wanting to push past him and leave.

  “To be one of Lazarus’s brood and yet so powerless. Bet you’re itching for an alpha position, aren’t ya?”

  Raven snapped his eyes to her, frowning. “What do you know of it?”

  “I know that you have Lazarus’s mark. I know what his brethren are like. You’ve got his bite, which means you have to potential for great strength and power. You’ve come into your beast. I saw you. I bet you know exactly what I’m talking about.”

  “I’m fighting it,” Raven growled.

  “Good luck with that.”

  “I’ve just got confirmation that Greer is telling the truth.” Mayhem came back into the room. “Aubrey and Jay are twenty minutes away and they’re not alone.”

  “What the fuck? She’s bringing the Order here? Is she insane?” Raven could hardly contain his agitation. “And you’re okay with this?”

  Mayhem was already moving to untie Greer. “I know what side we’re on.” He glanced over his shoulder. “You need to go find Darcy, but do it in a way that keeps Saska in the dark.”

  “You leave Saska to me.” Greer sneered. “I’m going to need my sword.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Saska the Traitor.

  Darcy didn’t like the sound of that. She didn’t like what came after that either and hadn’t stuck around to listen to more.

  She hadn’t meant to eavesdrop, but when Greer started talking to Mayhem and Raven, with Darcy just outside the door, she couldn’t bring herself to make herself known. She’d left before the conversation was over, intent on getting the truth from Saska. Greer was a liar, had to be.

  In any case, she’d know when she asked Saska point blank. She’d see it in her eyes.

  Saska met her at the door of her bedroom, her expression wild. “My powers are back. I need to leave.”

  Darcy shook her head. “What? You can’t go!” She felt a panic rise. She needed Saska. Her training had just started, the power she’d been experimenting with, she couldn’t stop now.

  “I have to go.” Saska wrapped her arms around Darcy. “It’s not safe for me here. Mayhem will never accept me. I feel a shift, danger is coming. I need to get out of here.” She pulled away.

  “But…” Darcy felt tears well and she angrily wiped them away. “I’m not ready for you to leave.”

  “Come with me!” Her eyes were wild again. “There is so much more I have to teach you. You can be my apprentice. My sister.”

  Darcy’s thoughts were all muddled. “What about Raven? He would never agree to this.”

  Disappointment flashed in Saska’s eyes. “Yes, mustn’t leave your mate.”

  “Maybe I can convince him to come…” Darcy felt Saska’s disappointment like a disobedient child, even if she knew what Saska was saying was crazy. Darcy couldn’t leave the pack, and Raven would never agree to come, but she felt a sudden desperation. She didn’t want to lose Saska either. For the first time in her life, she felt like she was on the right path, that she had a purpose, and it was all thanks to Saska.

  “I’m leaving,” Saska said as she closed her eyes and began to chant. When she opened them again, she shifted her fingers in the air and created a portal.

  Darcy gasped. It was Mayhem’s office. Framed by a portal. If they stepped through, they’d be there in two seconds flat.

  “Where is the safe?”

  Darcy’s gaze flickered to the back wall, totally unintentionally and without control.

  No. What was happening?

  Saska chuckled, then flicked her fingers again, and opened another portal to the safe. The sword was there. “Thank you, sweet Darcy.” She stepped through the portal and into the office, then moved to the back wall. She reached into the second portal, snatching the sword and holding it to her chest like a child with a beloved toy. “Finally.” Saska started toward Darcy again. “Last chance, Darc. You in or out?”

  The door to the office opened, Mayhem and Greer walked in. Saska glanced at them, smiled, then ran for the first portal, toward Darcy.

  “Fuck!” Mayhem bellowed, his eyes darting to the portal, landing on Darcy. “She’s got the sword. Stop her!”

  Saska was chanting as she jumped into the opening, nearly taking Darcy out as she came through. “Close that veil, Darcy!” she screamed as she opened a second one right beside them.

  Darcy panicked and froze, her hands raised but unable to take action, her loyalty torn. Saska had a grip on Darcy’s arm.

  “Darcy!” Raven was coming at her like a freight train barreling down the hallway from the other side.

  Saska turned and closed the portal to the office, shutting Mayhem and Greer out. The new one was open, and she clenched Darcy’s arm harder. “I’m going to make the choice for you.”

  She tugged Darcy into the portal, a suction making it impossible for Darcy to get back out.

  “Darcy!” Raven’s panicked voice thundered from behind.

  “Raven!” She reached out to him and grabbed hold, and he tumbled in after her.

  * * * * *

  “Well, that’s a fine thing.” Saska held the sword up. “Would you look at that? What are the odds?”

  Darcy gave her head a hard shake, her mind fuzzy and unfocused. “What?” She shifted quickly to see Raven unconscious next to her. “Raven!” She scrambled to his side. He was breathing, his heart was calm, his expression serene. Just out, not dead.

  “This couldn’t have ended better if I’d planned it.” Saska moved toward them, the sword leading the way. “I’ve got you and Raven at my side. There’s nothing we can’t do.”

  Darcy frowned as she looked up. “Where are we?” She glanced around. They were in the forest but it wasn’t as densely packed as the one outside the mansion. The moon was high, not full but giving light enough to see that they weren’t in a civilian area. It was too calm. Too eerie.

  “We’re on our way to Lazarus’s territory, and I’m so happy that you and Raven decided to join me.” Saska turned away, lifting the sword higher.

  “We didn’t…” Darcy started to argue but got caught up in what Saska was doing. The sword was glowing brighter and brighter, a dancing blue current pulsing along the blade.

  “There are Huntresses in the area.” Saska motioned with the sword. “That way, and close. We should go check it out.”

  Darcy glanced down at Raven. “I can’t leave him here.” She gave him a shake but he was deadweight, moving like a lump of jelly but not waking.

  Saska shrugged. “I’ll get him up.” She moved toward him, the sword still pulsing. “No way he’ll sleep through this.”

  She raised the sword.

  “What are you doing?” Darcy jumped to her feet.

  Instead of hitting Raven though, Saska turned the blade on Darcy, cutting a path from her wrist to her elbow. The searing pain ripped through her arm and she cried out. The sound of her pain brought Raven from his sleep in a heartbeat. He was on his feet, crouched, looking confused, teeth bared, breathing heavily as he surveyed the scene.

  Darcy brought her arm to her chest, cradling it. “Why did you do that?” she cried, her thoughts landing on something even more horrific. “Didn’t you say that sword severs mated bonds?”

  “It can, yes.” She angled the sword around. “If I slice you with this side and if I so desire to end your bond with Raven.” Saska shrugged again. “I need you, but I need Raven more. Perhaps severing the bond is just what should happen.” She raised the sword again, aiming directly for Darcy’s head. “Now, Raven, what are you going to do?”

  Raven roared, the tone changing as he transformed from man to beast, with no wolf in between. He rose on hind legs, the roar turning into a thundering sound that shook Darcy to the core.

  Saska laughed as she lowered her weapon, allowing Raven to tower over her, fangs dripping, eyes blazing. “There you are. Glorious.”

  Raven raised his gnarled arm, claws splayed, growling as he did. “Bow, Huntress.”

  Saska lowered her head and dropped to her knees. “Master, I serve you. Mark me as yours.”

  Darcy’s eyes popped open wide. “What the hell?” She moved as if to put her hand on Raven’s arm. “What’s going on?”

  Raven turned on her, his eyes yellow, glowing in the dark of the night, blasting her with cold indifference. “Bow, Huntress.”

  Darcy flinched, suddenly terrified. “I’m not bow—”

  Raven roared in her face, spit and hot breath washing over her. “Bow!” He slammed his claws into her shoulder and forced her down. Then he leaned in and sniffed her neck. “Mine.”

  He rose satisfied, it seemed, and then turned to Saska and did the same.

  “Raven, what are you doing?” Darcy screamed.

  He growled then slammed his fangs deep into Saska’s neck. She cried out in pain, pleasure, Darcy wasn’t sure. What she did know was that things had just gotten beyond fucked up.

  Raven came a
way from Saska with blood dripping down his muzzle and eyes flaring. “Mine.”

  Darcy’s heart felt like it was shattering. What did that mean? Had Raven just cheated on her? In front of her? Was he claiming another mate? Tears welled and she raised her hand to wipe them away, wincing as her wound pulled, a stinging blast making her whimper. She cradled it against her stomach once again.

  Saska rose then turned to Darcy and offered a hand up. “Don’t look so forlorn, sister.”

  “What’s happening?”

  “Perfect timing? The right circumstances?” Saska let her hand drop to her side. “I’d been trying to win Raven over for the past few days, implanting suggestions, hoping one would stick. I wasn’t expecting it to have a residual effect. He needed to come into his beast.”

  “So you implanted a suggestion? How?” Darcy looked at Raven, hoping to see a glimmer of the man she loved. He wouldn’t look at her, instead sniffed the air like he was searching for something.

  “I told you that I’m known as Saska the All Powerful, didn’t I? The instinct was there all along—he just needed a boost. Now he’s in his proper form, a true representative of Lazarus and ready to lead a pack. I’m part of your pack now and soon we will retrieve our ultimate master.”

  Darcy shook her head. “What are you talking about?”

  Saska waved her hand, seeming to grow impatient. “When Lazarus returns, I want him to see that his pack is as strong as ever, preserved while he was gone. He will take on Alpha and your Raven will be his Second. An honor.”

  Darcy pushed herself up with her good arm, coming into a crouch first and then rising slowly. Her head swam a little. “Lazarus is dead.”

  “Yes, but I’m going to bring him back and you’re going to help me.” Saska raised the sword again and pointed to her left. “There are Huntresses nearby.”


  “So we’re going to go introduce ourselves.”

  Darcy didn’t like the sound of that. “Can we just slow down for a minute? I don’t want to introduce myself to anyone right now. My arm is killing me. Why did you strike me? Why did you threaten to destroy our bond?” She had no weapons on her, nothing but her magic and to use it against Saska was unthinkable, impossible. Saska outmatched her on every level.


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