Secret Sass

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Secret Sass Page 14

by K. Lyn

  "You have to run," Dr. Manheim said.

  Leon let out a massive roar and his eyes gazed at them with a blood pounding hunger. Red eyes. So the Devil has red eyes and is ten feet tall. Sir William growled, stared down at Victoria's head, and realized he would rather have Victoria dead at his feet than be dead himself. He didn't want to meet this fate after all.

  With a grunt, Sir William tossed Victoria at the strange beast as she fell and rolled with a loud wail. She trembled at the beast's feet and then gazed at him with green eyes filled with intense fear. Sir William let out a cry, whirled around, and sprinted into the forest.

  Victoria stared into Leon's massive red eyes with her heart pounding in fear as she thought, This is the monstrous wolf I saw wandering around Leon's estate. It was Leon. It was Leon the whole time. Suddenly, everything made sense to her. Leon did not want to be with her because he was this – a monster.

  Fear filled her as she trembled on the ground. She searched Leon's eyes for any sign of the man who had made love to her in his bedroom, and saw only rage. Was this how she would die? Perhaps she had been destined to meet the grave at the fangs of a wolf after all.

  But as Leon stared down at her, unmoving, she realized that he could have killed her already. He could have ripped her apart limb from limb, and Dr. Manheim, who lingered a foot away quaking, as well. Maybe Leon was still in there. Maybe the man who had rescued her in the forest was still there. She had to find out.

  "Leon, can you hear me?" Victoria whispered as she slowly staggered to her feet. "Leon, do you recognize me? Do you know me?"

  The wolf did not change positions. Instead, he continued to stare at her with eyes of blood. She took a tentative step toward him, palm extended. To her right, she heard Dr. Manheim give a frightened groan.

  When Victoria's palm was a few inches from the wolf's snout, he let out a deep growl and then took a snap at her fingers. His massive fangs did not meet skin, however. She realized he had to have missed on purpose and for only one reason – she was getting to him. Maybe some part of him heard her words after all.

  With a shaking hand, Victoria persevered and took another step forward. "Leon, it's all right. Everything's all right."

  Dr. Manheim whispered, "Don't, Victoria. It's the moon. The full moon makes him lose control. He won't recognize you."

  But Victoria pressed her hand against his hot muzzle and felt his breath leave his mouth in thick, heavy puffs. She began to stroke the top of Leon's muzzle, feeling the coarse black fur beneath her fingers. So big. He's so big. But as she continued to touch Leon's fur, she realized it was truly him. This was the man she loved. Maybe he was a monster, but it was only physical. Inside, he was still the man who had rescued her from a wolf bite, even if he didn't have to.

  All that had happened between them caused tears to fill her eyes. She shuddered as she gazed at him. Leon had come for her. Despite everything, he was here with her. He saved her from Sir William.

  "I love you, Leon," she said, leaning her head against his fur and smelling earth and sweat upon his coat. "I don't care if this is what you are. You came for me, saved me, and I love you."

  Leon let out a moan and then he sat down, threw back his head, and howled into the sky. The howl was loud and ear-splitting, and Victoria was forced to release her grip on him to cover her ears. Leon regarded her with his blazing red eyes again for a moment, cocked his head, and then pushed past her, causing her to fall on her butt in the dirt with a cry. He headed into the forest and disappeared from her sight.

  With a cry of shock, Dr. Manheim scurried over to her side and seized her arm. His hands shook and were covered in a layer of sweat. "Are you all right, Victoria? He could have eaten you."

  She nodded. "I'm all right. But where is he going and what’s going on?"

  Her answer was the sound of loud, ear-splitting screams, Sir William's screams.

  "Cover your ears and run." Dr. Manheim grabbed her hand. "I'll explain everything once we get to safety."

  Sir William ran forward, panting, with sweat dripping down his forehead. Behind him, he heard the sound of movement and tried to dart to the right through the thicket. His leg still bled from where he had fallen into a pothole and had sliced through his flesh. The smell of blood filled the air from the wound and his voice was still hoarse from his scream. As Sir William ran, he began to hear the horrible sound of loud panting behind him as well as crashing noises.

  I've got to get away. I have too much going for me to die. As Sir William raced forward, the sound of panting grew louder and louder, heavier and heavier. He heard a groan of wood as the creature moved to his right.

  "Get away from me," Sir William said. "It's not my time."

  The answering sound was a dark, deep growl. Sir William turned to the right and saw the flicker of a lantern in the distance. Harlow. It was his only chance. He sped up his pace and then found himself staring into two eyes which at that moment shone brighter than any lanterns.

  They were blood red.

  He saw a white pair of fangs, heard a crunch and a white flash, and then he was gone.

  Chapter Ten

  When morning came, Victoria stared into the woods at the outskirts of Harlow with her mouth gaping. A wolf? A real wolf? It was hard to digest, harder than even the dandelion soup she had been forced to eat when she was starving. Dr. Manheim stood at her side, grasping her arm.

  "Where do you think Leon is?" Victoria whispered.

  "I didn't hear anything about deaths in Harlow," Dr. Manheim said, "though I am certain your friend, Sir William, didn't live through the night to tell the tale of their meeting."

  "Let's go look for Leon." Victoria headed for the path which led to Leon's estate with her fists balled in determination. "You said he doesn't remember anything the morning after a full moon, correct? He's probably confused."

  Dr. Manheim didn't move. Frowning, Victoria turned around and stared at him.

  "After last night, you are willing to go after him?" Dr. Manheim stared at her. "Most women would run away. You discovered that monsters exist, and this is how you react?"

  "I am not most women." Victoria frowned. "And yes, a part of me still doesn't believe this is happening."

  Shuddering, she ran her hand through her hair as she thought of the red-eyed beast she had seen last night. Exhaustion caused her head to grow fuzzy as she bit her bottom lip. But there was one thing which was clear about last night.

  Regardless of the fact that Leon was a ten-foot tall cursed beast, he had still come to rescue her. He had still saved her.

  And she still loved him.

  Leon awoke with a groan in the forest next to his estate, and his head pounded and burned as if somebody had lit it on fire. When he gazed up at the sky, he discovered that it was blue. There was the stale taste of blood in his mouth and his bones clacked and ached. What happened to me? He sat up, put his hand to his forehead, and then recalled what he remembered last.

  He had stood with Sir William. At sunset.

  "Victoria," he cried, leaping to his feet in horror.

  Gripping his head, he tried to remember what he had done the night before. Had he harmed her? She had been right before him when he had transformed in his rage. That meant she must have been…Must have been…

  He couldn't even finish the thought. With a howl of despair, he cupped his head in his hands and tried to fight away the unbearable pain in his heart. He had not only lost the woman he loved, but he had killed her. First his brother, the boy he thought he loved most, and now the woman he had longed to make his wife.

  I cannot stand this anymore. I cannot hurt the people I love. Shaking, Leon gazed up at his estate and saw the highest tower. He could climb up there and jump. Even a werewolf wouldn't be able to survive that drop. With a howl of despair, Leon ran toward the tower, his heart pounding and his mouth dry.

  Victoria ran to Leon's estate and gazed at the man who stood on the roof in horror. It took her a moment to realize the man was Leo
n because he was so far away. He’s going to jump. I’ll bet even a werewolf can't take a jump that high and survive.

  With a wail of despair, Victoria ran toward the tower, waving her arms madly. She could only pray that he saw her. If he jumped – if he died – she didn't think she could bear it. All she wanted was him in her arms again. She wished none of this had ever happened.

  "Leon," Victoria screamed. "Leon, stop. Don't do it."

  Leon finally peered downward and locked eyes with her. She skidded to a stop in front of the brick wall and gazed at his face, however distant. Even from that far away, she could see his mouth drop open and his eyes widen in shock. Tears filled her eyes and trickled down her cheek as she waved at him.

  "Leon, don't jump." She waved at him again. "I don't care if you're a werewolf. All I want is for the two of us to be together."

  "Victoria," Leon yelled, his eyes still wide in shock.

  "Come down, Leon." Sniffling, she wiped away the hot tears which had spilled upon her cheeks. "Come back to me, Leon. Please."

  "Oh, Victoria."

  In a moment, Leon whipped around and left her sight. The last Victoria saw of him was his two naked butt cheeks. Victoria, gripping her pounding heart, stared at the door of the estate. As she waited, Dr. Manheim gripped her arm, making her jump. She had nearly forgotten he had come with her.

  "It is done now," Dr. Manheim said. "You don't need me anymore. You have each other."

  "Don't go," she said.

  "I think you'll be plenty busy without me." Dr. Manheim smiled at her. "He finally found the woman who will love him no matter what he is, just like I suspected."

  Just as Victoria opened her mouth to stop Dr. Manheim as he pivoted and headed back down the mountain, she heard the door to the estate open and she whipped around. Leon stepped through the doors still naked from his feet to his head. For a moment, she envisioned him as a werewolf with his red eyes and abrasive black fur. Was that really him? And was Sir William really dead?

  But as she stood there, those questions were pushed from her mind. Leon was in front of her, a wide grin on his face as tears poured down his cheeks. He held open his arms to her, and she rushed into them, gripping his back. His embrace felt so good she could have melted into his arms and stayed there forever. She smelled the same scent on him as she had on the werewolf. It was the rough smell of sweat, but she didn't mind. She didn't mind at all.

  "How did you survive?" Leon asked.

  "Easy." She smiled against his skin. "I believed you were still you, and you were. But don't you remember anything?"

  Leon shook his head and grunted. "No. Nothing. I woke up this morning and had the taste of blood in my mouth. I was so certain it was you who I…who I…"

  She shook her head. "No, Leon, you killed…I think you killed Sir William. Nobody in Harlow reported seeing a body as of last night, but I think you did."

  Silence fell between them, and she took the time to squeeze Leon harder. As she held him, she wondered whether it was cold of her to not care that Sir William had died. In fact, she felt relieved that she would never have to see his face again.

  "Victoria," Leon whispered, "how can you still care for me in such a way when you saw what I am? A fearsome beast. I killed my brother, Victoria. I killed my brother."

  The words shocked her, but as she gazed into Leon's face, she saw such sadness there that it wiped away any worries she might have had about her own safety. All she felt was pity – pity for Leon. Pity for what he had gone through. With a groan, she grasped Leon in her arms, tight, and she held on as she sighed against his shoulder.

  "I'm so sorry that happened to you, Leon," she said, "but I’m certain it’s not your fault. I am here now. I’m going to help you deal with this. Even if you shove me out the door every day, I won't go anywhere. After last night, I realized why you were so hell-bent on keeping me away. But werewolf or not, I care for you."

  "Oh, Victoria, what if I hurt you?" he asked, shaking his head.

  She thought of last night, of how she had stared into his red eyes and patted his coarse fur. Last night, he had not hurt her. Why would he after last night?

  "You won't," she said.

  "But I could."

  "You won't."

  Leon stepped away and gazed into her face with deep, probing eyes.

  "I won't," he finally said. "I love you too much."

  Leon bent his head, pressed his lips against her own, and kissed her deeply. As she was pressed against his naked body, her palm wide against his chest, her heart pounded and her blood rushed. Yes, this was exactly where she needed to be. This was exactly where every soul needed to be, with the person she loved.

  Whether they were a werewolf or not.

  When Leon stepped back, pulling his silk smooth tongue out of her mouth, he gazed at her with an intense expression on her face.

  "And Sir William…" His voice was tight. "Aren't you upset that I…"

  "He was going to kill me. You saved me." She shook her head. "No, I…"

  She paused as her mother's face flashed in her mind. Sir William had said that he had gotten to her mother. What had he done with her? She felt her face grow cold and she pressed her hand to her mouth. What if he had killed her?

  "What's the matter?" Leon's face was pale, too.

  "My mother," Victoria said. "He took the letter from my mother. I have to get back home right away."

  "I'll get the carriage." Leon's lips were tight. "I'm coming with you. We'll go as fast as we can."

  Leon couldn't believe that a heart could endure so much over such a short period of time. First his heart had been ripped from his chest when he had thought Victoria was taken, and then he had changed, woken up, and thought he had killed her. The joy he had felt at finding her again was swiftly replaced by an aching stomach as he forced his horses along the rocky road, going a pace that was not safe for the wagon or the animals. Even with their current speed, it would take them days before they reached Victoria's home. When they got there, what would they find? He stole a glance at Victoria and realized that whatever it was, he would be there for her, just like she was for him.

  As the wagon bounced along, he couldn't believe he had not devoured Victoria in his darkened state. There wasn't even a flicker of a memory of last night in his aching mind. All he knew now was that he had the woman he loved at his side, and she didn't care that he was a werewolf. Unfortunately, she was as pale as snow, her lips were pursed, and her eyes were red-rimmed from her tears.

  "It will be all right." Leon reached over and grabbed her hand with his free one. "Everything is going to be fine, Victoria. I love you."

  "I love you too," Victoria whispered, and Leon’s heart soared regardless of his anxiety. "If only I knew what that monster had done to my mother. What if she is dead? What if I never see her again and this is my fault? I was with Sir William in order to feed her, but what if I got her and her fiancé a death sentence instead?"

  More tears slipped from her eyelashes and trickled down her pale cheeks.

  "It will be all right," Leon repeated.

  He continued to hold her hand as the wagon bounced up and down at a rapid, jarring pace.

  Victoria felt close to vomiting as the wagon bounced up and down. Her head ached from her sleepless night, and she knew that she would have to endure another, even if she and Leon stopped to give the horses rest. There was no way that she could sleep with guilt riding on her shoulders the way it was. At least she had Leon with her.

  As she held his hand, she felt his strength fill her. Occasionally, she imagined what had happened last night, the darkness of his werewolf form, and she felt the lingering sensation of disbelief. She knew that soon enough, though, she would come to believe in what he was and it still wouldn't matter.

  While Leon soothed her hand, her thoughts slipped back to her mother and the beautiful dress she had sewn herself for the wedding. Finally, her mother had found herself a new soul mate, but for what? To die? No, Victoria co
uld only hope her mother was still alive.

  When Leon and Victoria reached the city where Dawson lived, she saw the same small cottages and the dark forest surrounding it, and felt her heart leap in her chest. Please be all right. Please be all right. Her head pounded, her sides ached, her leg felt like it was on fire, and her jaw hurt from clenching all night long. None of that mattered, though, as long as she got back to her mother and discovered that she was alive.

  "It's down this path and to the right," Victoria directed, pointing toward an opening between two trees where a dirt road led.

  "All right." Leon directed the horses toward the path and forced them down it.

  Both of the horses were covered in a layer of frothy sweat and their bits were bloody, even though Leon and Victoria had given time to rest each night. The horses pulled them all the way to the end of the road in the hulking forest.

  A minute later, they arrived at Dawson's household. It was a small house, though far larger than hers had ever been, and made from brick. A silver horse was tied to the porch by its bridle. Leon directed their horses near the silver horse, pulled on the reins, and then said "Whoa!" and Victoria leapt out of the carriage before it had stopped.

  "Mother, mother," Victoria shouted, thundering up the stairs of the porch. "Mother, tell me you're all right."

  Victoria opened the front door to the house, burst inside, and caught the smell of sweat, blood, and urine. When she ran down the hall, she saw a table which had been upturned, and two long pieces of rope lay on the floor next to the table. There were blood stains on the wood.

  Something terrible had happened here. She pressed her hand to her lips in horror. Mother. Oh God, Mother.

  Forcing herself forward, even though she might find something terrible, Victoria entered the kitchen where a giant wood stove was. Tears filled her eyes as she spotted the puddle of blood upon the floor. Had Sir William buried her mother already, before she got the chance to say goodbye? How terrible. She started to sob.

  Behind her, she heard the sound of footsteps, and she whirled around. She met Leon's solid chest and buried her head against his hard muscles. Leon wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her tight, breathing into her hair. Victoria released a shaky, sad sigh.


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