Cosmic Genten

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Cosmic Genten Page 8

by Grady P. Brown

  “I know you all have your concerns about your kin, but they are nevertheless my cadets and will soon be Bushi of the Consulate. They were trained for situations like this. Besides, if your strike team goes into the dreadnaught, the possibility exists that they will encounter the powerful Ronin I sensed onboard. The presence of three Bushi will increase the chances of the mission’s success. If you go without us, you will all be killed and the mission will fail,” Owen pointed out.

  Both Kyle and Spatha hesitated for a moment before swallowing their pride.

  Sensing Kyle and Spatha’s acceptance, Owen continued. “Based on this mysterious Ronin’s power level, it is unlikely we will be able to beat him. All we can do is stall him long enough for the strike team to do their job.”

  “The Crabbes pirate guild and the Bartons smuggling contingent have agreed to fight with us. They will provide us with nine additional cruisers for our fleet. Unfortunately, they are falling behind on their preparations, so they may be late for the space battle,” Spatha said.

  “Can we trust them?” Kyle asked.

  “What choice do we have? We need all the help we can get if we are going to win this invasion,” Spatha pointed out.

  Everyone in the room became quiet. Devan, however, gave Spatha a venomous glance. Suddenly, a siren blared outside the building, causing all four men to jump in surprise. Their shock faded instantly when they realized what the siren meant. Looking out their window, they saw multiple shapes appear in the morning sky. The sight of the distant fleet filled the group with all-consuming dread.

  “It has begun,” Kyle whispered as his worst fears took shape.


  On the Emden’s command bridge, Manus and Vao watched as their fleet formed a blockade outside Spica Prime. Down below, Londinium’s force field glittered like a large bubble on the planet’s surface. Compared to the size of the Shogunate armada, Londinium’s surface seemed fragile and delicate.

  “How soon will the blockade complete its formation? Are the long-range communications and navigational computers still down?” Manus asked.

  “Yes, Vice Shogun. No one can get in or out without your authorization. No one knows what is happening. We are good to go. What are your orders? Do we bombard it with the cannon?” Vao asked.

  “No. The cannon is too powerful. At best, it will weaken the force field. At worst, it will destroy the city, along with whatever infrastructure this planet has. We can’t control this entire system without this planet’s infrastructure. Deploy all our ground forces. Have them chip away at the shield and overwhelm the city.”

  “As you command, Vice Shogun.”


  Kyle sat in the captain’s chair of the Hulbert as he and his crew awaited their orders. Above them was the sealed door of Devan’s underground hangar. The atmosphere in the bridge was intense. Everyone knew the moment they’d prepared for and dreaded had finally arrived. There was no turning back.

  Suddenly, the communicator chimed to life. Kyle pressed a button on the control panel, and a holographic image of Devan appeared.

  “Status report,” Kyle said.

  “Well, our ability to communicate outside of the system is disabled, but our local communications are still active. We received reports that the Shogunate is deploying its ground forces. They are landing ten miles from Londinium,” Devan said.

  “How many?”

  “Forty thousand Feldorbots backed by ten thousand Dingo-class spider tanks. That is a bigger force than we were expecting, but I have a couple surprises for them.”

  “What kind of surprises?”

  “Remember that area in my bunker that was quarantined?”


  “Brace yourselves when the time comes.”


  “Once my surprise happens, deploy the fleet. You will know when.”

  Kyle turned off the hologram and sank into his chair in thought. His crew looked confused.

  “What kind of surprise is he referring to, Captain?” Commander Greast asked.

  Shaking his head, Kyle replied, “I don’t know, but I have a few ideas. None of them are good … for our enemies.”


  Chaos consumed the streets of Londinium as the city’s population evacuated to Devan’s bunker. Bralu was being transported to the hangar on a police gunship, along with Amber, Jarek, Owen, GB-89, Mooku, and Kelba. A sense of unease washed over the group as they watched the mob move underground.

  “It looks like this planet is getting ready to die,” Bralu commented, fidgeting.

  “It won’t, because we won’t let that happen,” Amber countered, holding up a clenched fist.

  “Are we heading to the Benfold Star? I haven’t seen that beauty in over two years!” Jarek said, putting on a leather flight helmet.

  “I can’t believe Kyle went behind my back and commandeered Grandma’s ship without our family’s permission,” Bralu pouted bitterly.

  “I think your brother was being pragmatic. The Benfold Star is the fastest ship in the fleet, which makes it the most qualified for this mission,” Kelba said, counting the tools in her bag.

  “I know. I still don’t like the idea. We better not damage it during the battle,” Bralu crossed his arms.

  “You think you can fly it as Kyle claims?” Kelba asked Jarek, eyeing his flight helmet.

  “I have done it during flight simulations, but I think I can manage flying the real thing,” Jarek boasted, cracking his knuckles.

  “Based on your experience, I calculate a ninety-three percent chance of failure. Flying a simulator is nothing compared to flying a real craft,” GB-89 said, sitting as still as a statue.

  Jarek scoffed. “Thanks for your encouragement, tin man.”

  “Personally, I don’t care if you can get the Benfold Star in the air. If I can shoot something or blow something up, I will be a happy man,” Mooku said, inspecting his rifle.

  “You mustn’t enjoy fighting so much, Corporal. The success of our mission is what matters. If we can’t defeat the Shogunate here, the Consulate will starve and die,” Owen chided, sitting cross-legged.

  Looking at Owen, Amber shifted her weight in her seat. “Are you sure Bralu and I are ready to undertake this mission, Sensei?”

  “That doesn’t seem to matter right now. I trained you two the best I could. The rest is up to you. Look on the bright side. If you survive, you will both be promoted to the rank of Marshal,” Owen assured, staring blankly across the room.

  Bralu and Amber exchanged glances and smiled.

  “Let us soldier forward into the brutal unknown,” Owen declared, gripping his Kiru’s hilt.


  An hour later, Devan positioned the city’s ground forces along the high wall that surrounded the settlement. All of Londinium was evacuated and secure in the bunker below. With no citizens present, the area was eerily quiet as the soldiers waited for their enemy to appear.

  Devan wore a pressurized suit of armor and was armed with minigun-like laser cannons. He had to reinforce his mismatched cybernetic legs to keep himself from falling over. Strapped to his back was the crude spear that he normally used as a cane.

  Beyond Londinium’s force field was a vast savannah with snow-capped mountains in the distance. Between the mountains and the savannah, a massive dust cloud was forming as though something large was moving. The defenders knew this was a clear sign that their foes were approaching. A slight vibration rumbled under their feet as though a great giant stomped on the planet’s surface.

  Taking out a pair of binoculars, Devan looked through them. Through the lens, Devan could see the Shogunate army more clearly. The humanoid Feldorbots marched in synchronized formation while the spider tanks scuttled alongside their comrades like big metallic crabs. On their armored backs, the spider tanks sported double-barrel laser cannons, waiting to be unleashed. Above the massive force, troop carriers lifted from the ground and returned to the Shogunate fleet.

nbsp; One soldier, Private Cage, approached Devan and asked, “How many do you think?”

  “I would say about fifty thousand or more. They outnumber our ground forces ten to one.”

  “What do we do against those odds?” Cage asked.

  “The force field will protect us. We won’t have to engage them unless the shield comes down. However, once they get a taste of our first surprise, the jet racers and gunships will do their job.”

  “So what happens now?”

  “We wait for the surprise to take place.”

  “What is the surprise?”

  “If I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise anymore. All I can say is it will be spectacular. You won’t want to miss it.”

  For several tense moments, the defenders watched over the wall as the robot army continued its advance. Minutes felt like hours. The vibration in the ground grew more powerful, and the dust cloud enveloping the machines grew larger. A drop of sweat dripped down Devan’s cheek as he waited for his moment.

  “Come on. Just a little closer,” Devan whispered as he took out a small device from his belt.

  When the Feldorbots and spider tanks were three miles from the city walls, Devan pressed a button on the device in his hand. Suddenly, a series of colossal explosions erupted from the ground underneath the robot army. The explosions were so loud that the defenders’ ears were ringing violently. A small earthquake shook the ground so strongly that all the defenders were thrown a foot into the air.


  The underground hangar shook violently as the explosions above wiped out the Shogunate army. Small rocks and bursts of soil showered the resting armada. Nearly musical vibrations rang through the metal railing that held the bunker together.

  Inside the command bridge of the Hulbert, Kyle gripped the armrests of his chair. His cybernetic right hand nearly crushed its respective armrest. Around Kyle, his crew also held on to something in case the hangar caved in.

  Eventually, the earthquake faded, and the bunker maintained its integrity. Everyone on the command bridge released their grip from their stations and looked at Kyle for direction.

  “Well, Devan said we would know the signal to launch. This is it. Deploy the fleet!” Kyle ordered.

  “Yes, sir!” the crew shouted in unison before returning to their posts.


  Inside the Benfold Star, Bralu and company sat in their seats as they awaited their orders. The atmosphere inside the ship was tense after they endured the earthquake. Everyone was in their respective stations inside the freighter. The interior of the Benfold Star was spacious and comfortable, yet also had signs of wear and tear.

  On either side of the Benfold Star’s interior were seats that controlled the turrets on the top and bottom of the ship. Those chairs were operated by two gunners from Devan’s militia. Kelba was in the engine room, ready to fix the engine at a moment’s notice. Bralu, Amber, Owen, Mooku, GB-89, and a dozen other soldiers from Devan’s militia sat on either side of the ship’s center. At the front, Jarek sat in the pilot’s seat while one of Kyle’s pilots served as his copilot.

  Despite their organized arrangement, the group was nervous from the explosions that echoed through the bunker.

  “What was that?” Bralu asked.

  “Probably one of Devan’s nasty surprises he kept tucked away in the restricted sections of his bunker,” Amber said.

  “I am surprised the compound held together. I calculated a sixteen percent chance of it caving in,” GB-89 said.

  “At least it faded away. What happens now?” Mooku asked.

  “Now we wait for our orders to launch. If my clairvoyance is right, those orders should be arriving right about … now!” Owen said.

  Kyle’s voice came over the loudspeakers that connected the whole fleet, saying, “Attention all defense vessels, this is Captain Kyle Pramar. Some of you are nervous about the earthquake that just happened, but I would like to tell you that it is our signal to launch. All vessels, prepare for takeoff!”

  Then Jarek’s voice came over the Benfold Star’s speakers, announcing, “You heard the man! Buckle your seatbelts, ladies and gentlemen!”

  Above the fleet, the hangar’s underground doors rumbled open to reveal Spica Prime’s morning sky. Once the doors were fully open, the Hulbert was the first to launch before all the smaller crafts followed. When it was the Benfold Star’s turn to launch, the three engines roared to life and the freighter lumbered out of the hangar.

  As they emerged from the hangar, the Benfold Star’s passengers saw Londinium and the aftermath of the explosions on the other side of the city’s force field. Smaller vessels in the Spica Defense Fleet flew past the Benfold Star as they followed the Hulbert out of the atmosphere.

  With a sigh, Bralu murmured, “There’s no turning back now.”


  On the Emden’s command bridge, Manus and Vao watched as the battle of Spica Prime unfolded below them. They could see a large fireball outside of Londinium’s force field, which puzzled the technicians.

  Frustrated, Manus demanded, “What is happening down there?”

  One technician reported, “Apparently the natives have set up defenses we have not encountered in this system. We have lost contact with our robot army. The smoke from those explosions is creating all kinds of interference.”

  “That was all our available ground forces! How could this have happened now when we are so close to taking control of this system?” Vao snarled.

  Another technician exclaimed, “Sir! We have multiple signals heading this way. It looks like a fleet!”

  Baffled, Manus shouted, “Impossible! We destroyed the only fleet the Consulate could muster to defend this sector! There shouldn’t be any enemy vessels left in this quadrant!”

  “We should fire the cannon and wipe them out!” Vao suggested.

  “No! If we miss, we will risk destroying Londinium, along with the planet’s infrastructure! Deploy all fighters to intercept now!” Manus ordered.


  Kyle watched from the command bridge of the Hulbert as the Shogunate fleet swiftly came into view. The sight of the dreadnaught and its massive cannon brought back traumatic memories as his armada drew closer. Then swarms of fighters emerged from the larger ships and flew toward the Spica Defense Fleet.

  Commander Greast reported, “Captain, enemy fighter incoming!”

  “Send our own fighters! Clear a path for our bombers! All larger vessels, get as close to the frigates as possible! Keep them from using that fleet-killing cannon at all costs!” Kyle ordered.

  Through the window, Kyle could see the defense fleet’s fighter engage with enemy squadrons. While the Shogunate’s fighters resembled trilobites, the defense fighters were shaped like arrowheads. The bombers looked like unsharpened pencils with triangular wings and a single engine at the rear. Lined along the bombers’ bellies were over two dozen sphere-shaped explosives. At the bombers’ front was a single laser turret.

  A series of explosions filled the vacuum of space as the fighters destroyed one another. Then the Spica Defense Fleet’s freighters and cruisers came into view as they entered the fray. These vessels came in all shapes and sizes, with one or two rivaling the Hulbert in size. Overall the Spica Defense Fleet was a rag-tag armada of various ships, instead of a standard-issue navy.

  The Hulbert shook violently as enemy fighters bombarded its shields. As the Spica Defense Fleet fought nose-to-nose with the Shogunate armada, Kyle searched for the Benfold Star in the chaos.

  “It’s up to you now, Bralu,” Kyle murmured.


  Back on Spica Prime’s surface, the atmosphere was both cheerful and nervous. After the explosions faded, Devan and the other soldiers peeked over the wall’s edge and saw the savannah outside the city transformed into a sea of flames and smoke. The mangled remains of thousands of robots littered the field. Londinium’s defenders cheered in triumph at the sight of the demolished Shogunate force.

nbsp; Private Cage ran to Devan and asked, “Was that your surprise? It was awesome! We got the bastards!”

  “Thermal charges that surround Londinium in a three-mile radius. While my militia and I were building our bunker, we managed to create a massive minefield to protect the city of a ground assault,” Devan explained.

  “You guys created a new definition for the word ‘overkill’!” Cage laughed.

  “Let me see if we truly got them all,” Devan said as he took out his binoculars.

  Switching the binoculars to its electromagnetic setting, Devan looked through them and shuddered at what he saw. The sight of functioning Feldorbots and spider tanks filled him with both desperation and determination.

  “I got good news and bad news. The good news is we definitely hurt them real bad with that nasty surprise. The bad news is that we only managed to destroy a third of their army and damage another third. By my count there are still twenty thousand more robots to kill!” Devan cursed.

  “What do we do now, sir?” Cage pleaded.

  “Deploy the jet racers and police gunships! Activate the wall’s turrets for cover fire! Give them hell!” Devan ordered.

  The city’s defenders quickly went to work to begin the next stage of their battle strategy. The wall’s gates opened as the modified jet racers flew through with the weaponized gunships hovering above them. As the defenders’ squadrons glided towards their targets, the wall’s cannons unleashed a barrage of laser blasts that threw the robots off balance as they attempted to regain formation.

  After several volleys, the cannons ceased fire as the jet racers and gunships came within range. Then racers and gunships opened fire on their disoriented targets. All five of the racers’ turrets unleashed five beams of energy that seared through multiple robots before they could react. The gunships each had gunner seats on either side, as well as a regular turret at their front and they rained laser blasts on the disorganized Shogunate army. The Feldorbots and spider tanks frantically fired at their swarming enemies, but only managed to shoot down three crafts in the first wave.


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