Jessie watched from the doorway, marveling at the change in Samuel. Since Grace’s birth, he’d become more sure of himself, more outgoing than she’d ever imagined. Given the opportunity, he made a pest of himself, showing off his daughter to fellow fishermen. Trips into town became a chance to pass around the latest baby photos. He was the most obnoxiously proud father she had ever met.
And she loved him for it.
And Grace…well Grace was truly a fisherman’s daughter. She was born with sea legs, feeling more at ease on the boat than she did in her own crib at home. Even at her young age, she swam like a fish. So tempted by the lure of the water, Jessie had to keep a careful watch to make sure Grace didn’t indulge herself in an unexpected dip in the ocean.
“She’s going to make a good big sister,” Samuel said, drawing Jessie out of her musings.
Jessie smiled. “How can you be sure?”
“Because she has her mother’s nurturing nature,” he said, with a grin. “And because no one should have to grow up alone.”
The words ended on a bittersweet note.
“She’ll never be alone, Samuel. We will always be there for her. You do know that, don’t you?”
“I know,” he whispered, pressing his lips to the top of his daughter’s head. “It’s just…sometimes it’s hard for me to believe that one man can be so happy. Sometimes I feel as though I don’t deserve all of this. I’m afraid something might happen. That you and Grace…it’ll be taken away from me.”
“Nothing will happen,” Jessie said, impatient for the first time. “You’ve paid your dues, Samuel. We both have. We deserve every bit of happiness we can find. And I don’t ever want to hear you to say anything else.”
Samuel grimaced, holding his hands up in mock surrender. “Don’t worry, Jessie. I wouldn’t dare cross you.”
She raised her chin, tilting her head to one side. “I’ll remember you said that.”
Starting the engine, he slowly steered the boat from shore. Once on the open sea he gave the motor its head. The boat skimmed across the ocean. Wind and a fine spray of water buffeted their faces.
And Jessie felt a contentment that she’d never imagined possible. Gone were the dreams that had haunted her most of her adult life.
Here on Prudence Island, with Samuel, she had finally found her peace.
Loving him, she had finally found her second chance at happiness.
ISBN: 978-1-4592-4110-7
Copyright © 2000 by Susan Runde
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