Liquid Assets (Liquid Regret #3)

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Liquid Assets (Liquid Regret #3) Page 9

by MJ Carnal

  I grab her legs and pull them up to my shoulders. I need to be deeper. I don’t think I will ever be close enough to her. I need to bury every inch inside her. I instantly feel her desire crank up and I’m on a mission to make her come so hard that she can’t see straight.

  “Max, I’m so close. Oh my God. I can’t.” She pants and slams her eyes shut.

  “You can and you will. I want you dripping off me.” I squeeze her clit between my fingers and she explodes. It’s everywhere and it’s fucking beautiful.

  “Fuck. I need to come.” I can’t take it anymore. I hold her shoulders and pound into her. She meets me stroke for stroke, moaning, clawing at my arms, chanting my name from those beautiful lips. My orgasm races to the surface and I roar as I come harder than I ever have in my life.

  I fall on top of her, completely exhausted. The room smells of sex and I take a deep breath. I’ve never been more satisfied in all my life. We’re soaked. We’re spent. She shivers underneath me and I open my eyes.

  Her eyes are glassy and her smile is content. I run my fingers over her lips. “I can’t wait to have these wrapped around me.”

  “What makes you think this wasn’t just a onetime thing?” She teases and I laugh.

  “The fact that I’m going to need a new couch tells me there’s no way you’ll say no.”

  “Cocky much?” She laughs.

  I circle my hips. “Very much.”

  She rolls her eyes and I laugh. She’s my forever. She just doesn’t know it yet.

  I wake before the sun and throw on my jogging shoes. I need to get some cardio back into my life. Last night’s sexual Olympics reminded me how much being on the road takes out of me. Since I don’t plan on ever taking a night off from worshipping Rachel’s body, it’s time to get my ass moving.

  My play list is outdated but it pushes me the final mile. I hear my heartbeat in my ears and try to even out my breathing. The sun is making its first appearance in the sky and I can feel the heat of the morning soaking into my muscles.

  As I approach my house, it’s a circus. Reporters are everywhere. News vans cover the road. I turn to take the path down to the beach and up the back stairs when Rachel catches my attention. She’s standing on the porch with someone who is hugging her and yelling. I can’t hear anything but I know it’s time to break up the party.

  “Hey!” I yell and the cameras all turn on me. They start to rush toward me. Invading my personal property is one thing but cornering Rachel on the porch is completely different. I’m furious.

  As I get closer, I notice it’s Chance on the porch with Rachel and my anxiety eases. I push my way through the wall of leeches trying to suck every bit of my private life from me. They rapid fire questions at me but I won’t answer anything until I know Rachel is safe.

  “I’m so sorry. I came out onto the porch and the door locked behind me.” Rachel’s voice is shaky.

  “I stopped to drop something off. The minute she came out, they were everywhere, man.” Chance keeps Rachel tucked into his chest until I can get the front door unlocked. Once it’s open, he pushes her inside and pulls the door closed.

  I square my shoulders, my brother by my side, and face the firing squad. I notice Katrina right away and want to laugh. This bitch is relentless.

  “What do you think of the news about your father?”

  “Do you think he will retaliate?”

  “Do you think your past was bad enough to ruin his future?”

  Chance leans into me and whispers. “Where is your security?”

  “I gave him a week off. I didn’t plan on leaving the house. I’ll get a replacement. He deserves to be with his family.” I send a text to Joshua as the questions continue.

  When I can’t take anymore, I raise my hand and they quiet. “I want to make it known that you’re trespassing and the police have been called. I haven’t seen the news, nor do I care to know what you’re talking about.”

  “Your dad was dropped from the Democratic ticket this morning. Do you have any comment?” Fucking Katrina.

  Chance laughs and I’m taken aback. “Karma is the universe’s way of giving you a big fuck you, isn’t it? Well, fuck you Senator Maxwell. And fuck your whore of a wife while you’re at it. May a million crabs fall from the sky and take up residence in your old, saggy meat curtains.”

  “Oh my God.” I belly laugh. I can’t help myself. Just days ago Chance was upset I hadn’t told him anything. Today he stands next to me, united in his hatred, ready to risk his reputation to smear that of my father’s.

  Katrina stands silent. It’s a first and I want to high five Chance. “I can’t print that. Come on, guys. Give me something I can print.”

  I laugh even harder. “Sweetheart, you go ahead and tell the world that justice is late but it’s finally served and all is right in the world today.”

  Chance and I are still laughing when we step into the foyer. Rachel is smiling at us and shaking her head. I take a deep breath and realize it doesn’t hurt to do it. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt safe and right now, I feel safer and more loved than I ever have.

  “I’ll leave out the back but Damien asked me to deliver this. Keep this under lock and key. With all the paparazzi, they’ve decided to get married Friday night. All the info is on here. The press still thinks it’s next week so no worries. Just don’t get ready here in case that bitch is still out there.” Chance jogs toward the back door. “I swear I know her. Maybe I’ve slept with her before. Is it wrong I find her hot enough to go back for seconds?”

  “She’d cut off your dick and serve it to you for breakfast.”

  “And just like that, the attraction’s gone.” He laughs as he leaves the house and I hug Rachel close. It’s time to get a security detail out there full time.

  I look at the invitation in my hand. Hard to believe that one of us is going to be married. I feel like we grew up together and thinking about how fast life is changing these days makes my head spin.

  “Any plans for Friday?” When she shakes her head no, I smile. “Want a hot date?”

  “With who?” She laughs and takes off running up the stairs. She’ll pay for that.

  Chapter 21

  I feel like this tuxedo is choking me. I sit behind my drums in front of 80,000 people but the thought of standing in front of a few hundred in a church has me sweating and fighting the urge to pace.

  “Stop fidgeting.” Mia smiles at me and I’m instantly at ease.

  I hold my arms out and she steps in for a hug. Her red hair is piled in curls on the top of her head and her dress fits perfectly. She looks like an angel. It feels like yesterday that we were running around town trying to convince the press the two of us were together. We bonded in those weeks. I’d sneak her in to see Damien but when we were in public, I played the loving boyfriend. I know that’s how my family eventually found me but I wouldn’t trade those days for anything. She became like a little sister and I couldn’t be more proud of her today.

  “I guess this is the end of our relationship. I enjoyed being your boy toy but I draw the line at you having a husband.” I smile when she giggles. “I thought we’d last forever. You’re breaking my heart, red.”

  She hits my arm. “I know it’ll be hard but I need you to try to move on. Try to forget about us and let me live my life.”

  I see her dad in the doorway and he gives me a smile. I hug her one more time.

  “You ready for this, kiddo?”

  Her eyes sparkle when she looks at her dad. I can’t imagine what that would feel like. I see mine and I feel rage. Not these two. There’s so much love that I feel it surround me when he looks at his daughter. His eyes fill with tears when he takes her in his arms. She sniffles and tells him she loves him. I vow that when I have kids, I will be the kind of father that Mia’s dad is. I want my daughter to look at me this way. I never want my children to question my love for them.

  I follow the two of them out of the room and wait at the doors to the s
anctuary. I wink at Laney and Mia’s sister, Lily. I’m honored to stand in front with them, supporting Mia as she takes the biggest step in her life. I know my band brothers are at the front of the church waiting to welcome her into our family.

  The music changes and the doors open. With Laney on one arm and Lily on the other, we step into the church full of family and friends. My eyes scan the crowd to find Rachel. I know the minute I see her, my nerves will disappear and my world will be right again.

  “She’s in the second row, Romeo. You can relax now.” Laney whispers to me and I smile down at her as we make our way to the front of the church.

  I make eye contact with Damien. He nods at me. He’s a lucky son of a bitch. Mia will make him very happy and I know he’ll do the same. I look over at Harley and my heart swells with pride. He’s been home from rehab and sober the whole time. I’ve witnessed his strength in overcoming addiction and in letting go of Della, accepting she’s gone and that life will never be the same. Yet he smiles at Laney, his second chance at happiness, and I know he’s ok. Chance is scanning the crowd for his next conquest. He’ll deny it if I ask him but I know what he’s doing. He’s Chance, after all. My brothers. My true family. This is where I belong and the people I was meant to find.

  When we get to the front of the church, I turn my attention to Mia and her father. She makes a beautiful bride. She overcame so much to be with Damien and her courage has been tested over and over again. Every time we go out on the road, she knows that women will throw themselves at Damien. But she stays home, strong in her faith in him, and counts down the days until he is back in Los Angeles. They talk every night and she never questions where he is or what he’s been doing. I see the same qualities in Laney. And now in Rachel. She never questioned the women in the tabloids and she’s never asked me about life on the road.

  My eyes meet hers and I take a deep breath. I will never be able to explain the way she makes me feel. It’s like a part of me was always missing and when she’s near me, I’m complete. She doesn’t have to be right by my side. Even if she’s just in the room, I can breathe deeply. It transcends love. There’s no word for this. I just know that if she ever left me, I’d never be whole again.

  It’s been almost a year since Della died. My heart squeezes in my chest. Her loss will be felt forever. It was almost immediately after that they brought Rachel in. I remember we were all at my house after being rushed home when we got the news. Joshua came in with some label execs and the next thing I knew, we were all having mandated grief sessions with Rachel. I was the first one she talked to since Harley had refused her help. I sat across from her and felt like I was going to die. I didn’t know how I’d live a day without Della. I had no idea what love was then. I thought Della was the one who got away. Now I know that she was the idea of someone to love, not the actual one I was supposed to love.

  I smile when I think about that first night. I had no idea I was looking into the eyes of the woman I would fall in love with. I remember how pretty I thought she was. I even remember thinking she smelled good. Despite all my grief, I saw the woman across from me. I just had no idea how much she’d impact my life.

  I look back at Damien as he begins he vows. His eyes fill with tears as he takes Mia’s hands. “I Damien Reynolds take you, Mia Lee to be my wife…”

  His words blur as I look back at Rachel. I can see us here, doing this, saying these words. Hell, if she came up here, I’d say them right now. I haven’t even told her I love her but I’d marry her today. There’s no question in my mind who I want to be my forever. It will be a tough road and I will have to protect her from my toxic family and the ghosts of my past, but I will gladly do it if she’ll have me.

  She smiles at me and tilts her head. It’s the look she gives me when she knows I’m lost in thought. She’s always telling me to open up and get out of my own head. I rarely listen to her, afraid that sharing my demons will make her run. But in this moment, I feel something so strong that it needs to be voiced.

  “I love you.” I mouth the words but she knows exactly what I said.

  “I love you, too.” She puts her hand over her heart and I’m the luckiest man on the planet.

  In the middle of a wedding, for my best friends, I’m lost in thoughts of Rachel and what our forever looks like. I’ve missed the whole ceremony daydreaming of the day it’s my turn.

  I need to be the man who deserves this incredible woman. I need to see my father, on neutral ground, and let go of some of my hatred. I can’t move forward with my life if I’m still shackled to the mansion on the hill in Newport Beach.

  Chapter 22

  The music blares through the ballroom and I can’t help but tap my foot. I’m amazed they pulled this off without a media circus. I was sure the date change would be leaked to the press. I’m impressed by how flawlessly the whole wedding went. It was the perfect day for the perfect couple.

  I sip at my wine and just take it all in. Mia and Damien are on the dance floor, smiling surrounded by so many friends. Chance is surrounded by women. No surprise there. He’s gorgeous and his charm is as impressive as he is. I’m always entertained when he’s in the room. Whether it’s flirting with me or watching him hold his own with his harem of women, he’s always on his game.

  I look for Max and laugh when I see him. He’s dancing with the flower girl. He’s a giant next to the little princess and she seems as taken by him as I am. His smile lights up the whole dance floor. My heart beats a little faster when he looks my way. He told me he loved me. Well, he mouthed it to me but it still counts. I can’t wait to hear the words from his beautiful mouth. I’ve dreamed of that longer than I care to admit.

  “Turned into one hell of a night.” Harley’s voice draws me from my daydream. He lifts his bottle of water and waits for me to toast with him. “To only good things from now on.”

  I feel a pang of guilt as I take a sip of my wine but he doesn’t seem phased. “You’ve all been through a lot. You certainly deserve some good.”

  “As do you, Doc.” He sips at his water and watches Laney on the dance floor. “I’m a lucky man and part of that is because of you.”

  He brings tears to my eyes. There was never an assignment that was more rewarding than helping these men through their grief. I know there won’t ever be again. I was blessed with something that I had only dreamed of while I was in school. I wanted to make a difference in just one life and I touched all of them. They just don’t understand that they saved me right back.

  “How are you holding up? It must be tough to be in a situation like this.” I wave my hand at the bar and turn back to Harley.

  “It’s not easy but I have too much to lose with just one sip. It will be a year next week. A year since my last drink.” He pulls me into him. “Can you believe that?”

  “I’m proud of you. You’ve come a long way, Harley. You’re an inspiration for so many people.”

  “Thanks for saving me that day in your office when you told me I’d always be an addict and I had to choose to fight it. I needed to hear that reality. And then again that day at the cemetery. I made you come out in the rain and freezing cold to save me. You were there every step of the way and I’ll never be able to thank you enough.”

  “You saved me too. You took me on quite the journey but I can’t imagine being anywhere else. You gave me family and friends in the midst of such a sad time for all of you. You trusted me and let me in. I can’t imagine my life without you guys.” I feel the tears hit my cheeks. I mean every word. I can hardly remember the woman I was a year ago. I only know I was sad and lonely.

  “You told me once that I would want to move on one day. You said that Della wasn’t here to give me permission but I’d know in my heart that she was happy for me. You were right. She would have been thirty-two next week. We probably would be starting a family and things would be so different.” He takes a long drink of water. “This isn’t how I imagined life would be but I’m happy again. I know Dell is looking do
wn at me and she’s proud of how far I’ve come.”

  I hug him. I can’t help it. The amount of heartbreak he’s faced would have destroyed a weaker man. Harley stuck with us and defeated his demons.

  “Sorry if I’m interrupting.” Max smiles at us. “I was hoping I could steal you away for a dance.”

  Harley shakes his hand and kisses me on the cheek. “Be good to him, Doc.”

  I let Max lead me out onto the dance floor. The music is slow and when he wraps his long arms around me, it feels like heaven. I lean my head against his chest and sway my body against his. I slow my breathing to match his.

  “We are in quite the predicament, Ms. Preston.” He dips me and I laugh.

  “What would that be, Mr. Maxwell?” I hesitate when I use his real last name. I don’t know how he’ll respond. His eyes dart away for just a second but then he’s back.

  “It seems I’ve fallen in love with you and seeing as how this is the wedding of my ex-girlfriend, I find the timing of my revelation quite inappropriate.” He twirls me and my heart leaps in my chest.

  “Considering your ex-girlfriend was only a girlfriend in the eyes of the media, I do believe you get a pass on your inappropriate timing.” I stop dancing and look him in the eye. “I found the timing quite perfect. You made me swoon a little.”

  He chuckles. “Swoon. Wow. My job here is done.”

  “Far from it.” I stand on my tip toes and he meets me for a kiss. “For the record, I’ve fallen in love with you too, Max. I’ve been there for a long time.”

  “Oh really?” He cocks one eye brow at me. “How long are we talking here? Love at first sight long? I have that effect on women, you know.”

  “Slow down there, slick. I didn’t say that.” He pokes out his lip to pout and I hug him. “I was pretty sweet on you by Christmas.”

  “Damn, Doc. You should have said something. I wanted you as my Christmas present. I think I was pretty clear on that with those texts in my living room. You didn’t seem all that interested.”


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